Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming

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The date I posted was the notice to attach the deed. That mean it is almost final but not yet. Something can keep the foreclouser from happening intill that date and time stamp is placed on the paperwork. The house could have been empty for months and they could have left even before they started to get certified letters in the mail.

Case Number: 2007-CA-0015989-O
Filing Date: 11/21/2007

Lots of other stuff inbetween these date.

11/21/2008 NOTICE OF HEARING * 12/08/2008 09:00 A.M.

Just wanted to clear up any confusion about time with the foreclouser.

My only thought is that most people who have foreclosures are not leaving their homes until they have to leave...the last minute. Why leave if they are not paying? Also, the rubbish bags would give me a clue that they may have still been occupying the house until recently, else wouldn't they be totally damaged if sitting for over a year? Course, unless used by transients. I also heard on the news that there is a special program in Florida (seriously) that a group was placing homeless people to live in unoccupied foreclosed homes. Some of these homeless were even able to get utilities hooked and all. I guess I am just having doubts...which is a good thing as it gets all thinking....that anyone other than the owners who fled to Puerto Rico lived there. The neighborhoods/homes are just too close to each other that I doubt Casey would risk being so close to home in a place to "hideout" or to leave Caylee unconscience with chloroform whille she went out partying. Fact is, in the investigation it was stated by some that Caylee sometimes came with Casey and would be sleeping. I don't doubt that Casey put her to sleep right where she could watch her....to avoid her "coming out of it" and her getting caught at doing what she was doing. Also, this may be the reason the house has not been investigated by the police? Maybe they contacted the owners and learned they just left the home recently, after Casey's incarceration. Just my thoughts.
Marellano, thanks for being so brave!

I noticed in your photo #37 that it looks like there was some kind of sign and phone number on the door on this side of the truck in the yard (cropped it out here so you could see what I mean). You didn't happen to get a full on picture of that did you?


Just thought it might show a vending company name (or some other name) that we could look into.
I got through about the first 13 pages and the last 10 pages. Is there still thought that KC could have been 'stashing' Caylee at this house while she partied? :eek: With no power since _____? Aren't the neighbors too close if Caylee woke up crying? Would this house ping the cell phone from the same towers as the A's house? :confused: Didn't the neighbor come running over when M and Kathy B showed up? Did the neighbor have anything to add?:crazy:

The house is full of trash but it doesn't necessarily look like old trash, the bike ''stashed'' back there isn't trash and it isn't old. Has someone been using this house for ''something'' even without power? It definitely looked as if DC was looking for a key in that pot! :waitasec:

I'm trying really hard to get through the whole thread, but by the time I was at page 10 the last page had moved from early 30 to 40 some!! And questions!! Oh my goodness! :bang:

You are all amazing... :clap:
I blew up the picture way past the point where it was too blurry for me to identify anything. ;) But probably some of the people over in the "crime scene photos" thread would have no trouble telling us what's under the chair inside the glass door!

I've been using a magnifying glass and still haven't been able to determine what that object is. It's blue plastic, and looks like it's divided into three sections...........that's all I can come up with.

I will say that there's a ton of "stuff" in that house. It looks like a plastic crate to the left of the table, filled with more stuff, and you can get a bit of perspective of more to the right side of the picture.
It's now 10:38 P.M. and I still can't get in to see the pics. Anyone else still having trouble?

Ok, I just tried the link again and it didn't work for me. Then I logged out of my own photobucket and tried again and it worked. Maybe that is the ticket??? :confused: IDK, I am a rookie photobucket user.
Here are cropped versions of the inside of the room at 300 dpi. The entire photo at 300 dpi is too large for PB to accept (they only allow up to 1 MB in the free version).

My plan was to take these images into Photoshop and see if I could clear them up at all, but I just haven't had time today. Everytime I sit down at the computer, someone needs something! I thought I would post them here and let ya'll fiddle with them for a while.

http://i479.photobucket.com/albums/rr158/hidden_staircase/Caylee Anthony/02068391.jpg

http://i479.photobucket.com/albums/rr158/hidden_staircase/Caylee Anthony/90bb151a.jpg

Box of something - Great Value brand from WalMart - perhaps a box of trash bags - typical great value labeling - colored border - the gold on the left seems to depict the general shape of the great value logo. I am thinking a box of trash bags - white. The box appears to me to be sitting upside down.

Thanks for the links - I clicked then used my ctrl key + mouse wheel to enlarge in the browser.
Here's the first one. I blew it up , lightened and adjusted the contrast as best I could:



1) Blue thing on the floor is like a stackable desk organizer...turned upside down. Item on left is either a greeting card, or a CD. Item on the right looks like a stack of memo pads.

2) Framed in by the legs of the table, but, behind it, is a stick-horse toy w/ oversized head....maybe a zebra...facing toward the floor w/ nose to the right and ears/mane to the left. It's left eye is visible.

3) Next to and on the floor-side of the horse/zebra's face is a doll. The doll's head is to the left and facing toward the camera. Its appears to be wearing a short dress or shorts with the legs extending to the right. Doll is similar in scale to 'mama', IMHO, for reference only.
Ok, I just tried the link again and it didn't work for me. Then I logged out of my own photobucket and tried again and it worked. Maybe that is the ticket??? :confused: IDK, I am a rookie photobucket user.

I couldn't get on either until I used the link in HotDog's post (#1092)--suddenly, bam!, I was on. Please try it.

I've put the photos into a new PB account that has nothing to do with my personal photos. Yeah for common sense!

I also watermarked the photos...not sure what that really accomplishes, but it made me feel better.

The videos are currently not on this site. Not sure what to do about those yet.

Lastly, the account is password protected. Again, not sure what that accomplishes since I have to give out the password for you all to see the photos. But, false security is better than none I guess.


password: nancydrew


You have a whole lot more nerve than I would. I can't imagine walking through all that with flip flops on. There had to be snakes there around all those high weeds, old rusty machines. It gives me the creeps to even look at these pics, let alone get this up close. It was very thoughtful and courageous to wander in there to take pics to show us. Thank you so much.

1) Blue thing on the floor is like a stackable desk organizer...turned upside down. Item on left is either a greeting card, or a CD. Item on the right looks like a stack of memo pads.

2) Framed in by the legs of the table, but, behind it, is a stick-horse toy w/ oversized head....maybe a zebra...facing toward the floor w/ nose to the right and ears/mane to the left. It's left eye is visible.

3) Next to and on the floor-side of the horse/zebra's face is a doll. The doll's head is to the left and facing toward the camera. Its appears to be wearing a short dress or shorts with the legs extending to the right. Doll is similar in scale to 'mama', IMHO, for reference only.

I want your drugs. :D
What if Casey was sedating Caylee to go party and whatever. That could be where she was putting her. Not the trunk. Not the storage place of Amy's. Not the sawgrass apts.

My very same thoughts! That might be where kc went until her parents left the house when she faked going to work..........wonder if neighbor's near the vacant house ever saw her or Caylee there..........was there a bed there? DNA? maybe kc killed CAYLEE there! Could be another crime scene......hope LE is checking that all out!
Ok, along with the un-abandoned look of the bike did anyone notice that that back porch/patio tiles seems to be pretty darn clean and free of debris for an abandoned house. And what is with that paper cup that is sitting on top of the cabinet with the small grill. How would that still be sitting there after all this time? Would not it have blown onto the ground from the wind.

The owners may have left this home but I am beginning to think that someone may be using the place. Even the sliding glass door looks clean for someplace that no one has lived.

I will have to look at some of the other pictures more closely. Give me a break from reading court documents. LOL

So much to do..


It does look a bit too clean in that one area - the patio area - for an abandoned house. And that cup...............I don't live in Florida but a friend that does said that tropical storm Fay was wind and heavy rain, about 30 inches, over a period of a day or so. That cup would have been long gone with the wind.

The bike looks way too new to have withstood the elements and not have any rust. I note the patio roof is covered, which would keep the bike out of rain and sun, but there's still humidity to contend with.
I think there was a "daisy chain" so to speak. KC was the originator, and from her the info went to someone else, who then told the PI where to look and what to look for...........a plastic trash bag, the three pavers, etc.

As I see it, there's only four logical people who KC could have passed that information to........CA; GA; LA; and JB. I believe it had to be one of these four people.
KB did say that the A's knew about the house in November. The implications are enormous!

Above bolded by me.
Don't forget about the pastor who had a long first visit with KC. IIRC it was about 4hrs long. I am trying to find the exact date of that visit. I found it odd that KC refused a visit from this pastor after Caylee's remains were found. I am only theorizing, but suppose KC confided to the paster and no one else, and she is blaming him for leaking info that lead to the finding of Caylee's remains, therefor she is refusing a visit from him out of anger towards him? I just can't figure out any other reason as to why all of a sudden she does not want a visit from this pastor...especially after her daughters remains were found?
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