Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming

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I really wish Kathi B. would follow up on the story about this house and what the PI's might have been doing there. I know this case has so many twists and turns and peripheral stories, but it's like the media has A.D.D. They report on a side story that seems like it's "big news", but then they move on and never follow up. I wish a news reporter/media would find out and report the significance of why the PI's were digging and slashing bags at this house. I have a feeling that the Websleuthers here are going to - again - find out any significance that this house has to this case.
Some of us on this thread think she used this house to watch Hopespring to see when dad was gone so she could go back to the house. Hopespring is visible from the back yard of this house.

Has anyone checked the ping maps to or cell records to see if she called GA every day just after he would have left the house to see if he was gone or if she called the house to see if everyone was gone? She would have had to do this on every day she pinged back there. If she didn't call, she must have been somewhere that she could see right?

OK, going to investigate it some on the sticky threads - :waitasec:
Originally Posted by deerpack2003
I think it should be noted that if anything was found at these other homes, that LE and the State would not use it. Now that they have Caylee to bring up these other homes would be just what the Defense wants. They would be used to raise more doubt about Casey commiting the act, and it would also prove more difficult for the Prosecution to place her at these places.

Sometimes at trials the exact truth is not needed. The State needs to keep their timeline of events simple and to the point. Raising all these different places will make the story way more complex, and would tend to confuse the jury. Think of it like the expression KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).
I agree. The evidence they found with Caylee's remains took them right back to the A fam house which with the trunk evidence has a direct connection to Casey. If the G house has no known connection...why add one?

The defense would want to add this house because of the lies Casey came up with as it would seemingly "fit" with her stories. The G name, the PR connection, the proximity, and Kio. The OCSO and the FBI know already there is no connection to that property other than in Casey's head to Caylee. They are not going to buy into or feed the defense's theory. This house was their "red herring".
I got more info on the house. You all saw my last post about the contents of the inside of the house and the writing on the truck in the backyard, right? I know stuff is getting lost in here.

Anyway, there is a note on the front door that says something like: "I didn't get any eviction notice. I need until Wednesday to empty the house." It is signed C.G. and has a phone number (I won't post it here). There is no date on the note.

So the house was being rented???? I wonder when they left? I wonder why they were evicted (failure to pay rent?)?

I guess I missed that when I was gone for a few days, M. Can you point me to the post? Thanks!! (I have tons of catching up to do still!)

Was there a first name or just initials on the note?
I guess I missed that when I was gone for a few days, M. Can you point me to the post? Thanks!! (I have tons of catching up to do still!)

Was there a first name or just initials on the note?

I hope I'm linking this correctly. If not, it is post #1189 in this thread.


No name...just initials. And the "G" of the C.G. is hard to make out, but it appears to be a G. The note is handwritten and doesn't appear to have been put up there recently.

I got more info on the house. You all saw my last post about the contents of the inside of the house and the writing on the truck in the backyard, right? I know stuff is getting lost in here.

Anyway, there is a note on the front door that says something like: "I didn't get any eviction notice. I need until Wednesday to empty the house." It is signed C.G. and has a phone number (I won't post it here). There is no date on the note.

So the house was being rented???? I wonder when they left? I wonder why they were evicted (failure to pay rent?)?


It sounds like the house was being rented out and they were being evicted for not paying rent. I wonder if it was the renters that moved back to PR or the house owner HG.

I'm also wondering who owns the beverage machines. They could probably be traced back to the regional distributor of P products. Most vending companies lease their machines from the distributors.
Hey there!

This may have already been mentioned, I haven't seen a post on it yet...

From the cell activity:

Casey: says:

AR So....?no
KC(7:08pm) So, I'm trying?
AR I know babe, but its 7
KC If 9 hits, and still nothing, then i'll throw in the towel. Babe, i'll drive over and see you for 20mins, 2 mins, whatever
AR (7:09pm) Too bad I cant stay there. You live closer to the substation than I do
KC Seriously. I a couple more weeks, when I get my house, you can stay over as much as you want
AR Dean and colonial
KC I'm looking at the house tomorrow...dean and curry ford. Right down the street from the station
AR Thats zone 24. Where is the nanny at. Wtf
KC (7:10pm) Picking up her dog in Oviedo. I forgot she dropped her off on Sat with her old roommates
AR So how long does that take
KC Beats the hell out of me. I talked to her anout 20mins

Imagine KC chatting away about a person who apparently in real life does not exist I thought it interesting she mentions Oviedo (a suburb of Orlando) and also above dean and curry ford which is slightly south of 37 South Dean Road!

Good find, that was the connection we looked for earlier!! KC told LE ZFG lived out there too I believe.

Have you read the thread on the Oviado House? A lot of speculation went on early in the game about this house that Amy used to live in with some of KC's other friends.

But how weird is it that KC plots the nanny's drive home!! She's there, now here, now back there. Talk about rambling on about nothing! No wonder so many of her boyfriends said they really weren't paying attention to what she said!!

AR had it bad for KC, she sure did string him along, all the times she said she'd meet up with him, then left him waiting for hours. And to boot he lied about how well he "knew" her and lost his job because of it!! :loser:
It sounds like the house was being rented out and they were being evicted for not paying rent. I wonder if it was the renters that moved back to PR or the house owner HG.

I'm also wondering who owns the beverage machines. They could probably be traced back to the regional distributor of P products. Most vending companies lease their machines from the distributors.

Or the bank didn't know there were renters, thought it was owner occupied and the owner never notified the renters about the foreclosure...

What a shock that would be!
Is there a listing of all phone numbers associated with this case? I'd like to see if the phone number from the note matches any known numbers. I'm having no luck with reverse searches online...
Yes you're probably right. I just assumed he meant KC went back and found Caylee dead with evidence someone else had been there, after she had been drugged and stashed by KC, which would be why she didn't call 911.

I have thought from the beginning KC did this at her parents house, she did it by herself and it was not an accident. If it was any possible accident she would have called 911. Of course that would have made sense and nothing she did makes any sense to me!

I am amazed that so many people would think that KC would have called 911 if it were indeed an accident!!!! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Think about it.........even if it were an accident IMO I do not see KC ever attempting to call 911. (thus the flurry of calls to mom and dad to get her out of this one)
After all, that would completely confirm to her mother that she was indeed an unfit mother and while not attending to her child properly her child had an accident causing her death!!!!!!
Remember............IT"S ALL ABOUT IMAGE WITH THIS FAMILY!!!!!!!
It makes perfect sense with this families dynamics that KC would go above and beyond to hide the fact an accident occurred while her child was in her care.....especially one that may have caused the child's death.
Accident or murder KC truly does knows she would be held accountable for her child's death in some way, shape or form.
So she did what she has always done.......try to lie her way out of it.
Unfortunately for her LE actually followed up on her claims....something noone else seems to have done to her before!!!!!
Or the bank didn't know there were renters, thought it was owner occupied and the owner never notified the renters about the foreclosure...

What a shock that would be!

That could be true as well. I was thinking more along the lines, they were renting the house for income (to make the mortgage payment), renters ran a business out of the house (vending machine thing), renters stopped paying rent, were evicted, left all of their stuff behind and moved back to PR. Owner of the house can't make the mortgage payment on it now, house has been vacant about a year, house is now heading into foreclosure and the bank is in the process of reclaiming the house. If this were done a while ago (as in the bank foreclosed and evicted the renters) they would have had possession of the property long ago and would have at least cleaned out the junk.
Now I think that the detectives were looking for anyone named Gonzalez having a house in the neighborhood. This one picqued their interest because a) it was a Gonzalez house b) The residents supposedly took off to Puerto Rico, abandoning in haste. Thus, we have the ever-elusive nanny, possibly with Caylee in tow.
I am amazed that so many people would think that KC would have called 911 if it were indeed an accident!!!! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Think about it.........even if it were an accident IMO I do not see KC ever attempting to call 911. (thus the flurry of calls to mom and dad to get her out of this one)
After all, that would completely confirm to her mother that she was indeed an unfit mother and while not attending to her child properly her child had an accident causing her death!!!!!!
Remember............IT"S ALL ABOUT IMAGE WITH THIS FAMILY!!!!!!!
It makes perfect sense with this families dynamics that KC would go above and beyond to hide the fact an accident occurred while her child was in her care.....especially one that may have caused the child's death.
Accident or murder KC truly does knows she would be held accountable for her child's death in some way, shape or form.
So she did what she has always done.......try to lie her way out of it.
Unfortunately for her LE actually followed up on her claims....something noone else seems to have done to her before!!!!!

I completely agree. If there was the slightest chance she could be blamed for whatever happened, she would have covered it up and lied to avoid taking even the tiniest amount of responsibility.
That could be true as well. I was thinking more along the lines, they were renting the house for income (to make the mortgage payment), renters ran a business out of the house (vending machine thing), renters stopped paying rent, were evicted, left all of their stuff behind and moved back to PR. Owner of the house can't make the mortgage payment on it now, house has been vacant about a year, house is now heading into foreclosure and the bank is in the process of reclaiming the house. If this were done a while ago (as in the bank foreclosed and evicted the renters) they would have had possession of the property long ago and would have at least cleaned out the junk.

What we discovered when my son bought the house he has, the bank has no interest in the property except to have someone paying for it. The houses my son looked at were all "as is", unlike when you purchase from a person who may give you a carpet allowance or what not. It is odd all those machines are back there thou, cos they must belong to someone who probably doesn't know where they are.

I thought possibly the house had renters who didn't know the house was in foreclosure, because M saying the note stated "I didn't get an eviction notice, I need a few days to move". I believe eviction notices are served, so no one can say "I didn't know".

I need to reread M's last post...
Has anyone checked to see if there were any calls from that house to 911 over the years? Maybe they missed gasoline cans here and there, too. LOL
This has been my mantra since the start. These are not criminally minded people, (the family). They woke up one day in a nightmare caused by their daughter and have done everything in their power to make the nightmare stop right up until they got the final word from LE declaring no doubt, they had found Caylee. No matter how bad they looked, no matter what anyone said.

Are you saying you believe LE would suppress evidence that Caylee had been left alone in some abandoned house. Wasn't this a big question of LE since the beginning? What was KC doing with Caylee when no one knows where she was? I would hate to think LE would say no doubt KC killed Caylee, if they know there is a chance KC did something really, really stupid with Caylee that ultimately led to someone else killing her. This is what the A's have been claiming since the beginning and this would suck if it were true.

mmb, I agree with you. I feel strongly, I don't know why, that someone else knows the true story of what happened. The questions I've been asking are not for the purpose of finding another killer but to find out the circumstances that led to Caylee's death.
I agree. The evidence they found with Caylee's remains took them right back to the A fam house which with the trunk evidence has a direct connection to Casey. If the G house has no known connection...why add one?

The defense would want to add this house because of the lies Casey came up with as it would seemingly "fit" with her stories. The G name, the PR connection, the proximity, and Kio. The OCSO and the FBI know already there is no connection to that property other than in Casey's head to Caylee. They are not going to buy into or feed the defense's theory. This house was their "red herring".

To search that home LE has to either have a) permission from the owner and the owner is not available or b) have a search warrant. To get a search warrant they have to have probable cause which would link the home to KC and/or information that a crime occurred there or that there was evidence there. And with what we know at least, there isn't a link to KC. There is a link to the PI, but not to KC. Since they evidently didn't ask for a search warrant, I am guessing that the PI's told LE they didn't find anything there.

So they may have went to the home, maybe looked around the home but they couldn't enter. And if defense brings it up, they will have to tie it to KC. Remember KC never told LE that the "nanny" lived there and she never mentioned that she left Caylee there.
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