Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming

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And for all we know, KC may have never set foot on that property in her life.

But something took the PI's there.

Anyone know when the foreclosure will be final? Once the foreclosure is final the bank can give the permission for LE to enter.
I agree. The evidence they found with Caylee's remains took them right back to the A fam house which with the trunk evidence has a direct connection to Casey. If the G house has no known connection...why add one?

The defense would want to add this house because of the lies Casey came up with as it would seemingly "fit" with her stories. The G name, the PR connection, the proximity, and Kio. The OCSO and the FBI know already there is no connection to that property other than in Casey's head to Caylee. They are not going to buy into or feed the defense's theory. This house was their "red herring".

Do you mean it just so happened? Like in reverse? Please, I'm serious, explain to me all the coinky dinkys. It is confusing. That is why it's important to dissect and understand what may have or may not have been.
And for all we know, KC may have never set foot on that property in her life.
I agree. I believe she may know the story of the people who lived there...but she never was at the house. She only used the people to piece together her kidnapping tales.
To search that home LE has to either have a) permission from the owner and the owner is not available or b) have a search warrant. To get a search warrant they have to have probable cause....<snipped>

Very true. They can also demonstrate probable cause through a tip from the public that the house might be involved in the case. For example: A group of internet sleuths see's the mystery house in a mysterious video of a search for the remains of Caylee. One intrepid sleuther goes to the house and confirms it's the same house in the video, the other long distance sleuther emails the media and LE of the house's location and concerns about the house being linked to the case.

Many a search warrant have been issued on much less.
Do you mean it just so happened? Like in reverse? Please, I'm serious, explain to me all the coinky dinkys. It is confusing. That is why it's important to dissect and understand what may have or may not have been.
Sorry, I don't know what you mean. :confused:
Good find, that was the connection we looked for earlier!! KC told LE ZFG mom lived out there too I believe.

Have you read the thread on the Oviado House? A lot of speculation went on early in the game about this house that Amy used to live in with some of KC's other friends.

But how weird is it that KC plots the nanny's drive home!! She's there, now here, now back there. Talk about rambling on about nothing! No wonder so many of her boyfriends said they really weren't paying attention to what she said!!

AR had it bad for KC, she sure did string him along, all the times she said she'd meet up with him, then left him waiting for hours. And to boot he lied about how well he "knew" her and lost his job because of it!! :loser:

KC told LE that ZG (not her mother) lived near Dean and Crayford (Andover Lakes) for awhile with her roomies Raquel F. and Jennifer R.
But something took the PI's there.

Maybe the PIs took the name ZFG as seriously as some Websleuthers do (the name isn't just made-up, but instead means something). They look up the nearby property owner listings (just like WSers) and zero in on "Zs" "Fs" and "Gs". They can't exactly go onto the private properties of the pair at Hopespring/Suburban, so they check the woods behind. They can go onto the property of the abandoned house - because it is abandoned.

Maybe the psychic told them to go to those places... not because she is actually psychic, but because she thought that ZFG was special code as well.
Maybe the PIs took the name ZFG as seriously as some Websleuthers do (the name isn't just made-up, but instead means something).

I wondered that too ... We know that she went to school with a Zenaida ... and that she had used Zanny for a while in her stories -- with no last name. Maybe she chose Gonzales as the last name since she associated it with the people that lived in that house whom she knew to be derelict in their responsibilities, ie, letting their house run down, stay vacant and likely forclosed. She probably heard her mom complain about the abandoned "Gonzales house," as Cindy might have been worried about it decreasing their property value and marring their pretty little subdivision. So surely someone like that ... gasp... a Gonzales ... would make a good villan in her story!

I wonder about the Fernandez part.
I am amazed that so many people would think that KC would have called 911 if it were indeed an accident!!!! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Think about it.........even if it were an accident IMO I do not see KC ever attempting to call 911. (thus the flurry of calls to mom and dad to get her out of this one)
After all, that would completely confirm to her mother that she was indeed an unfit mother and while not attending to her child properly her child had an accident causing her death!!!!!!
Remember............IT"S ALL ABOUT IMAGE WITH THIS FAMILY!!!!!!!

It makes perfect sense with this families dynamics that KC would go above and beyond to hide the fact an accident occurred while her child was in her care.....especially one that may have caused the child's death.
Accident or murder KC truly does knows she would be held accountable for her child's death in some way, shape or form.
So she did what she has always done.......try to lie her way out of it.
Unfortunately for her LE actually followed up on her claims....something no one else seems to have done to her before!!!!!

You have a point, but doesn't KC look even more unfit for handing her child over to a kidnapper and not calling 911? Who would have anything but pity for a mother who has a trusted "nanny" who suddenly goes off the deep end 2 years down the line and steals her precious child? Where was the shame on KC in this scenario, had she called 911 on day 1?

CA sure had no trouble dialing 911 when she learned Caylee was missing, she did it 3 times in 1 night. No one was worried about how they looked that night.

Then, when the protesters got carried away in front of the A home, KC didn't hesitate to call 911, for help. Much to JB's dismay.

Nothing I have seen makes me think KC is more worried about appearances than her own happiness. So yes, I believe KC may have called 911 for an accident.

Was the "Zani story" about appearances? Does anyone think "I left my baby with a nanny 31 days ago and didn't call 911 because I was doing my own investigation" make KC look like mom of the year material? Added to surveillance photo's that show KC out writing checks that she stole from her current bff buying beer and bra's, and promo pictures of KC dancing at Fusian after her baby was kidnapped. I would conclude that she appears to be an unfit mother, a selfish beotch and a baby killer. So I guess it all boils down to the appearance she was going for.
KC told LE that ZG (not her mother) lived near Dean and Crayford (Andover Lakes) for awhile with her roomies Raquel F. and Jennifer R.

Oh thanks, my bad. really should have doubled checked that one. Too many names, too many places my mind is turning to mush...

fixed the post TY
IMO the PI was there because Casey told Baey something..the defense is trying to plant a seed of doubt in the jurors mind I think LE needs to at least talk to neighbors about what they might know about the house and people who lived there...I don't want to see Casey found not guilty because one juror believes the defense BS...I want a slam dunk by PA... Casey needs to put away for life for what she did to Caylee
mmb, I agree with you. I feel strongly, I don't know why, that someone else knows the true story of what happened. The questions I've been asking are not for the purpose of finding another killer but to find out the circumstances that led to Caylee's death.

I'm sorry, I was referring to Keeping it Simple Silly.

Unless there is another person in KC's circle of friends and acquaintances who is as morally bankrupt and totally devoid of all human emotion as she is, no one else was in on KC's secret. How could she ever trust someone never to tell anyone? I don't think she could.

Why would anyone not involved in the murder want to keep such a secret? What could anyone else ever have to gain by keeping this secret? Way back when, there was a reward that was worth over $200,000.00 for the return of Caylee. If someone knew where to find that little body, whatever KC had to offer could not possibly be worth even half the reward that was posted for her return. I think that right there is proof enough, that KC told no one. Add to that, someone else walking around Orlando with access to C & G on the news, someone who would possibly see C or G around town, have to face their pain knowing their little Gbaby was wrapped in a plastic bag, right down the end of their street. I have a hard time believing another person is that cruel.
Sorry, I don't know what you mean. :confused:

Ha, after I read my post, three hours later, I don't know what I meant either:crazy:!
I mean, there are many coincidences surrounding the ZG name, nanny or babysitter relation, etc. Do you think that they (the defence for instance with the help of KC) are trying to piece together a convincing story in a backwards sort of way. Oh, look, here's - H*ll, I don't know what I'm trying to say. I still say someone else knows what happened.
I'm sorry, I was referring to Keeping it Simple Silly.

Unless there is another person in KC's circle of friends and acquaintances who is as morally bankrupt and totally devoid of all human emotion as she is, no one else was in on KC's secret. How could she ever trust someone never to tell anyone? I don't think she could.

Why would anyone not involved in the murder want to keep such a secret? What could anyone else ever have to gain by keeping this secret? Way back when, there was a reward that was worth over $200,000.00 for the return of Caylee. If someone knew where to find that little body, whatever KC had to offer could not possibly be worth even half the reward that was posted for her return. I think that right there is proof enough, that KC told no one. Add to that, someone else walking around Orlando with access to C & G on the news, someone who would possibly see C or G around town, have to face their pain knowing their little Gbaby was wrapped in a plastic bag, right down the end of their street. I have a hard time believing another person is that cruel.

True, true and true. There you go thinking again! It's possible some fringe criminal type guy, young and stupid, could of helped her, gotten in over his head and was wadding knee deep in the muck and didn't know what to do. Then got scared, etc. It is possible. Probable, I don't know.
True, true and true. There you go thinking again! It's possible some fringe criminal type guy, young and stupid, could of helped her, gotten in over his head and was wadding knee deep in the muck and didn't know what to do. Then got scared, etc. It is possible. Probable, I don't know.

LOL Now that's not something I get accused of everyday!!

You know if we've learned anything from this crazy case, anything is possible!
I know everyone is busy reading the doc's today and hope this post doesn't get lost along the way. I am hoping that one of the great sluethers can crop the picture of the paver that has a red rose. I am curious to see if maybe it was a heart. Perdy please...Thanks in advance.
I know everyone is busy reading the doc's today and hope this post doesn't get lost along the way. I am hoping that one of the great sluethers can crop the picture of the paver that has a red rose. I am curious to see if maybe it was a heart. Perdy please...Thanks in advance.



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