Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming

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Lien 4/26/2006 Document # 20060272122 Book Page: B: 8608 P: 4 OC court dockets. This is from water/sewar Department. $ amount was very tiny it may have been interest that never got paid on a late bill. I don't know all of the details and I cannot check to see if this was ever paid. The sewer bill is based on the water usage but I don't know if its one bill. I get two bills even though it is calculated the same way. The account # was in the docket but you have to have an a pin to check anything. I tried. LOL
I did not see anything about a notice to stop service but that might not show up except under the departments paperwork ....may answer the question why no meter if service was cut. The meter may have been removed but there is no way to tell when.

Are you using this link? You can find public record docs here about the house, original deed, the lien, the notice of foreclosure, other judgements, and they have .pdf's you can download. :)

Just click on "proceed to seach" and then type in his or her name. :)

cocoamom; Question: who is considered the "owner" of a home in foreclosure? Please post answer if anyone knows!!![/QUOTE said:
The bank or whoever holds the mortgage.
OK, LP's number used to be on his website - IDK, Google it?

Question: who is considered the "owner" of a home in foreclosure? Please post answer if anyone knows!!!

Info: I used to work at Florida Power in Orlando - meter is pulled when non-payment happens. Info then sent to Health Dept. as it is illegal to live in a home without power due to health concerns - at least that was the rule in the late 1980's. No meter = No occupancy.

Does anyone know if any media or LE went there today? I would think with this thread and all the info out there that SOMEONE would have gone!

The bank or mortgage company.
Oh yeah another question: Is that under the table thing a potty seat by any chance? There would be no water either -

Do you mean the blue boxed item? I haven't been able to figure it out. From a distance it appears to look like a claw bathtub pic on the left side of the box....on the right side, it may be a toilet picture??? However, and this is funny...when I blew it up...the pic on the left almost looked like a puppy with a pink bow on it's head. Strange. That box is driving me nutso ! LOL
About the Soda machines, P soda is in Marketing Association with Vivendi Universal to do the Haunted Halloween Nights. I wonder if the local Soda Co would have access to info about where the machines came from or who leased them.

According to linkedin . com; N. Gonzalez previously worked at Vivendi Universal. Here's what I found...can't provide link because the link to the actual page has full name. You can go to the linked in website and do a search for the name and you can see the info. I'm not a member so I could only see the following:

• Orlando, Florida Area
• Design N***** G*******
Senior Artist at Krunchie Inc
View full profile | Contact NG

Currently: Senior Artist at Krunchie Inc

Past: Senior Artist Department Head at Vivendi Universal; Art Director at DaVinci Studios/Southern Tools

(Hope this was ok to post)
according to linkedin . Com; n. Gonzalez previously worked at vivendi universal. Here's what i found...can't provide link because the link to the actual page has full name. You can go to the linked in website and do a search for the name and you can see the info. I'm not a member so i could only see the following:

• orlando, florida area
• design n***** g*******
senior artist at krunchie inc
view full profile | contact ng

currently: Senior artist at krunchie inc

past: Senior artist department head at vivendi universal; art director at davinci studios/southern tools

(hope this was ok to post)

OK, LP's number used to be on his website - IDK, Google it?

Question: who is considered the "owner" of a home in foreclosure? Please post answer if anyone knows!!!

The lender who wrote the loan becomes the owner by default. AKA The Bank.

Didn't LP close this site?
The bank or whoever holds the mortgage.


It is still in process so I am not sure. Someone with a legal background in property rights would be better able to answer.
My best guess... until that final notice is dated and time stamped and shown attached to the deed the bank/mortgage company does not have full possession yet.

That may not have anything to do with getting a search warrant though. There are abandoned properties all over the country. There has to be a mechanism in place that LE can use. As far as a judge for any type of warrants goes I think it would depend on the seriousness of need to search. The warrant is a notice and that notice has to be have an address for someone on it so I don't know how that would work when that someone might be in question. I am sure that this comes up all the time.

Sorry I can’t be of any more help.
According to linkedin . com; N. Gonzalez previously worked at Vivendi Universal. Here's what I found...can't provide link because the link to the actual page has full name. You can go to the linked in website and do a search for the name and you can see the info. I'm not a member so I could only see the following:

• Orlando, Florida Area
• Design N***** G*******
Senior Artist at Krunchie Inc
View full profile | Contact NG

Currently: Senior Artist at Krunchie Inc

Past: Senior Artist Department Head at Vivendi Universal; Art Director at DaVinci Studios/Southern Tools

(Hope this was ok to post)

An interesting article about Vivendi Universal:

It is still in process so I am not sure. Someone with a legal background in property rights would be better able to answer.
My best guess... until that final notice is dated and time stamped and shown attached to the deed the bank/mortgage company does not have full possession yet.

That may not have anything to do with getting a search warrant though. There are abandoned properties all over the country. There has to be a mechanism in place that LE can use. As far as a judge for any type of warrants goes I think it would depend on the seriousness of need to search. The warrant is a notice and that notice has to be have an address for someone on it so I don't know how that would work when that someone might be in question. I am sure that this comes up all the time.

Sorry I can’t be of any more help.

However, this would mean a good bet the people lived in that house when Caylee "went missing". So that kind of throws out that Casey used that house, etc.
JH also said that he believed DC went back at least twice after the 15th and 16th searches, too. So can LE really trust what they find at that house? Or will they be able to tell if it is planted evidence?

I'm not going to be the least bit surprised if they find clothing that would fit Caylee and toys at this house. Remember Casey saying that Zannie had all kinds of clothes and toys, everything she could need for Caylee at her place? I bet this supposed clothing and toys might be found at this house to make it look like this is where Zannie held Caylee.
Okay just call me dumb... apparently I am the only one that cannot see the pictures on Photobucket!!
It is asking me for a password and when I put mine in it tells me incorrect password.


No, you are not the only one. I get the same message when I try and look at either the pics or the video.
Are you putting in the password for that photobucket? It is "nancydrew"
I'm not going to be the least bit surprised if they find clothing that would fit Caylee and toys at this house. Remember Casey saying that Zannie had all kinds of clothes and toys, everything she could need for Caylee at her place? I bet this supposed clothing and toys might be found at this house to make it look like this is where Zannie held Caylee.

What if Casey was sedating Caylee to go party and whatever. That could be where she was putting her. Not the trunk. Not the storage place of Amy's. Not the sawgrass apts.
Thank you for posting that video. I see where the curb is low and not only low but almost not there right before you get to site.

KC wouldn't have had to hop the curb with her car to get over next to the woods. She could have just pulled right in.
I've put the photos into a new PB account that has nothing to do with my personal photos. Yeah for common sense!

I also watermarked the photos...not sure what that really accomplishes, but it made me feel better.

The videos are currently not on this site. Not sure what to do about those yet.

Lastly, the account is password protected. Again, not sure what that accomplishes since I have to give out the password for you all to see the photos. But, false security is better than none I guess.


password: nancydrew


Good JOB All!!!!!! Great pictures Michelle! Did anyone else notice the "Gas Can" behind the Wal-Mart bag in the 4th picture from the end? Had to smile when I saw it.
However, this would mean a good bet the people lived in that house when Caylee "went missing". So that kind of throws out that Casey used that house, etc.

The date I posted was the notice to attach the deed. That mean it is almost final but not yet. Something can keep the foreclouser from happening intill that date and time stamp is placed on the paperwork. The house could have been empty for months and they could have left even before they started to get certified letters in the mail.

Case Number: 2007-CA-0015989-O
Filing Date: 11/21/2007

Lots of other stuff inbetween these date.

11/21/2008 NOTICE OF HEARING * 12/08/2008 09:00 A.M.

Just wanted to clear up any confusion about time with the foreclouser.
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