Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming

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SNIPPED: "... Was he [T. Lazarro] sure that this bag was from his house because that would make no sense to me as to why his trash from his home would be in her trunk. Why not throw that bag away with the rest of his trash? Why take it with her. Do you know what was found in the trash bag? I'm curious now as to what was actually found in the bag from her trunk. Maybe he uses these generic brand trash bags as well and THOUGHT that was the same bag from his apartment. I just don't know. Could you point me in the right direction to finding out about the trash bag found in the trunk?

I think the general consensus prior to Caylee's remains being found in the wooded area was that Casey might have taken out Tony L.'s apartment's trash bag one evening and, instead of putting his apartment's trash bag in the dumpster at his complex, she swapped it for a bag (potentially containing Caylee's remains) that was in her trunk, thereby leaving the bag of his apartment's trash in her trunk so as not to draw suspicion to why she was putting more than one bag intot he dumpster in case Tony or someone else had noticed while she was oding it. Tony L.'s depo reflects that a receipt from his apartment was found in Casey's vehicle (I can't remember the location re: inside passneger area or in the trunk.) (Not saying that I agree with this analysis or thought process, but that was what some WSers were speculating.)
Sniped for space...and bolded by me.

I have a dear friend who now lives in Florida. She was a neighbor for years when I was young and was the person who you went to when you needed a mother and could not count on your own. Later after her own children had grown she went to work for Family Services as one of those who went into homes that had been reported to the state for possible abuse or neglect. She had 5 of her own and enough nieces and nephews to fill a small town. Children loved her and adults trusted her. I spoke to her a couple of days ago, she is also following this case via TV only and said her son brought his laptop over and she saw some of the videos in full for the first time.
Her comment to me was "That video of Caylee with her grandpa at the nursing home. Something had changed in that child’s life. Her spark is gone. Her eyes have a haunted look to them. The other videos of her did not look like that. Something was very wrong before she died."
I asked her about the nursing home factor because that is what I thought some of that scared look was from. She said no way. Children may be somewhat timid or fearful when they first get there but usually within a few minuets, as long as the adults they are with do not act different, they settle in and take it all in stride. Hospitals, with machines that make noise and people with gloves and masks would be a different story.

She also mentioned to me that it looks like Caylee's hair is thin around the temples; from either her pulling on it herself, which is a sign of stress or it breaking off from it being in pigtails and then being put to sleep with them still in. Usually you would brush out her hair before bed because it is not good for the hair to be wrapped in bands for long periods of time.

I just though I would share what she thought. It matches your comment.

Thank you for sharing that, I can't watch the video of Caylee reading her book or singing with ggpa, as it breaks my heart to think about what she went through in those weeks. Every time I see a positive comment about that video, I wince.

On a personal note, my ex husband called my house, the Kool-Aide House. It was always full of kids. I've lost count of how many kids (now grown ups) call me mom. In California, I was a volunteer councilor for people with child abuse convictions who as a means of getting their kids back had to let us into their homes and have weekly sessions to keep the courts updated on their status.

Most adults don't understand the concept of a true love and affinity for children who aren't their own. I don't understand how anyone with children of their own doesn't feel that same warm spot for all children. I'm glad you had someone in your life that you knew would always be there for you...
Hi there.. good question! I don't recall that KC had told LE anything about Dean Street... does anyone have proof?

I found this article dated July 17th from FOX news. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,384963,00.html

In the middle of the page says:

'She went to clubs that the baby sitter frequented and identified her as Zenaida Gonzalez, police said. But when police went to the apartment Anthony said belonged to the alleged baby sitter, they learned it had been vacant for almost five months, the newspaper reported.'

1. Was it in fact an apartment KC was referring to? Or.. the house on Brackenwood? Uhmm..

2. Did LE in fact see a vacant apartment apparently rented by ZG at some point?

I totally agree with you all, this house is CREEPY!! and you all ROCK!


Going by memory, which I understand is worth nada/zilch, I believe she told LE this on the initial tour of places ZG went/would go. I'll look later and try to find the direct quote. :)
I think the general consensus prior to Caylee's remains being found in the wooded area was that Casey might have taken out Tony L.'s apartment's trash bag one evening and, instead of putting his apartment's trash bag in the dumpster at his complex, she swapped it for a bag (potentially containing Caylee's remains) that was in her trunk, thereby leaving the bag of his apartment's trash in her trunk so as not to draw suspicion to why she was putting more than one bag intot he dumpster in case Tony or someone else had noticed while she was oding it. Tony L.'s depo reflects that a receipt from his apartment was found in Casey's vehicle (I can't remember the location re: inside passneger area or in the trunk.) (Not saying that I agree with this analysis or thought process, but that was what some WSers were speculating.)

I believe the receipt was in the trash bag and the the trash bag was in the trunk. Per LE interview.
I agree. I was shocked that K.B. didn't report that so and so from so and so happen to run into me and guided me to the mysterious house in the D.C. video. I found that to be wrong. It goes to show you, they report what they want and always use sources close to the investigation, and then say "We" discovered. Heck, they didn't discover anything Mar.. did from websleuths and other's in this forum. I was following the location of this house as well since the release of the P.I.'s video and not once did I hear on the news that they were searching for a mystery house.

Are we all in this for our own glory or to help get to the truth. As hard as it is, check egos at the door. Award ceremony can take place later. What happened to Caylee?

If you want to, you can throw stones at me now.
That was at the Oviado house and the pictures are in the thread.:)

Hi there missmybaby :wave: I was responding to another poster's comments, raeann's, here:
which I'd interpreted as her (along with a lot of other posters on this thread) wondering whether or not Casey was at THIS house using her laptop if she was spending her time there. I wasn't talking about what Casey was doing at the Oveido house, (nor did I think that was the house poster raeann was talking about but hey, I could've been wrong.) :)
Hi there.. good question! I don't recall that KC had told LE anything about Dean Street... does anyone have proof?

I found this article dated July 17th from FOX news. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,384963,00.html

In the middle of the page says:

'She went to clubs that the baby sitter frequented and identified her as Zenaida Gonzalez, police said. But when police went to the apartment Anthony said belonged to the alleged baby sitter, they learned it had been vacant for almost five months, the newspaper reported.'

1. Was it in fact an apartment KC was referring to? Or.. the house on Brackenwood? Uhmm..

2. Did LE in fact see a vacant apartment apparently rented by ZG at some point?

I totally agree with you all, this house is CREEPY!! and you all ROCK!


What the newspaper reported was taken directly from LE statement; ie the first interviews with KC. The vacant apt was in fact apt 210 at SawGrass, she said ZG met her in the stair well. Apt 210 had been vacant since 2/29/2008 per SawGrass mngmnt. LE has been there, has the paper work to back up the status of the apt. and saw the apt to be empty for themselves. Inspite of KC saying there was furniture and children's items in the apt.

ETA ZG never lived in apt 210, but she did fill out a guest card at SawGrass on 6/17. ZG looked at a vacant apt there with the manager (not if I understand correctly #210). Her guest card also named 2 other people who would be living with her if she rented from them, IIRC the 2 names happen to match the names KC gave LE as ZG's roommates, in reality they were 2 of ZG's 6 kids.

Please don't misunderstand, even though KC gave LE the name (ZG) Zanny as Caylee's nanny, the ZG who has a lawsuit against KC bares no resemblance to the "ZG" KC described as her nanny and KC didn't recognize ZG in the picture LE showed her.
What the newspaper reported was taken directly from LE statement; ie the first interviews with KC. The vacant apt was in fact apt 210 at SawGrass, she said ZG met her in the stair well. Apt 210 had been vacant since 2/29/2008 per SawGrass mngmnt. LE has been there, has the paper work to back up the status of the apt. and saw the apt to be empty for themselves. Inspite of KC saying there was furniture and children's items in the apt.

Thank you for clarifying this, much appreciated... the word 'vacant' got to me!


On another note:

I noticed from Scared Monkeys.. http://.com/2008/11/05/texas-equuse...as-of-casey-anthony-cell-phone-ping-activity/

...this video, claiming KC's cell activity in the area Caylee was found at the 1:38 point/lower video. This dated June 17-19th. Interesting.

Was she revisiting?

Originally Posted by Marsha
Is it possible that the PI Casey did have a tip.......something that KC told someone.......that the baby was behind the Gonzales house.

Since the house on the corner of Hopespring and Suburban Drive is owned by a Gonzales person and the house on Brackenwood where he was digging is also owned by a Gonzalez person, could he have been checking out both places?????

In the video I saw it looked like he was digging around at the Brackenwood house and also when he was coming out of the woods it looked very like the crime scene area on Suburban.

Any thoughts??

There is no Gonzalez person on the corner of Hopespring Dr. A long time trusted SM poster has been in contact with ZFG's attorney John M. over this new "name" information and he went and visited with the people that live there. They have lived there eight years and their name is not Gonzalez. It was more than likely added by someone on the web to whitepages.com, whose site is crawled for listings for other similar sites.

I did some checking on the Orange County Website:

Gonzales persons did own the home at 4701 Hopespring Drive from 1999 until 5/08. Then it looks like the ownership was transferred to the spouse who has since changed her last name.



Hi there missmybaby :wave: I was responding to another poster's comments, raeann's, here:
which I'd interpreted as her (along with a lot of other posters on this thread) wondering whether or not Casey was at THIS house using her laptop if she was spending her time there. I wasn't talking about what Casey was doing at the Oveido house, (nor did I think that was the house poster raeann was talking about but hey, I could've been wrong.) :)

This is too funny, I was responding to a question about a picture taken at the Oviado House, poster asked if this house could be the house where there was a picture of KC and Lauren(?) standing by a table with food, at a party! :crazy:

(nothing about a laptop!! :confused:) But since I have your attention :seeya: back at you!

I have no idea how my response ended up on your post!! LOL :crosseyed:
On another note:

I noticed from Scared Monkeys.. http://.com/2008/11/05/texas-equuse...as-of-casey-anthony-cell-phone-ping-activity/

...this video, claiming KC's cell activity in the area Caylee was found at the 1:38 point/lower video. This dated June 17-19th. Interesting.

Was she revisiting?


I'm not the ping authority here and when they see your post they'll chime in, but I think the A's house and the dump site would ping the same.
I think the trash bag in the trunk of the car was her form of trying to mask the odor. This time frame if I'm not mistaken is also when she is discussing the odor in the car with Amy. An interesting note that the forensic team made was that when they set a sample test with a pizza, the odor and it's chemical composition did not match that of the trunk air samples and that the decaying pizza did not produce any maggots.

I thought with all the noise about rotten pizza from the A camp, that it was cool that the lab did this test, even though no pizza was found in the car!!

You'd be amazed how many pizza's were sacrificed last summer to put this rant to rest! Every site I read from at the time had at least 1 person who did this test at home!
Something that caught my attention the other day. They said that LE took the toilet into evidence? Hmm...Casey rummaged through the woods he stopped to take still pictures to document his search. He saw trash all over, an empty oil quart, a toilet. “He said he didn't see it and I said keep looking in the woods,” said Lucas.

But the trash like debris Matacia-Lucas wanted Dominic Casey looking for would be next to something specific. “I said try to look for a rock or a paver or something,” said Lucas.

Eventually the psychic tells Dominic Casey to look for three pavers in a row.

The pictures show Dominic Casey finding one paver and then another one and finally after several minutes of feverishly searching he finds three pavers in a row next to an old tire.

Dominic Casey searched the area November 15, went back Sunday the 16th and then again on Tuesday the 18th. He tells fox 35 he was probably within 150 to 200 feet from where little caylee was found.
I'm not the ping authority here and when they see your post they'll chime in, but I think the A's house and the dump site would ping the same.

Oh oh.. If I've made a boo boo by posting this PLEASE let me know, I can remove this. I didn't know... sorry.:bang:
Does anyone remember pictures of KC attending a party in a home where Amy was standing off to the right, Lauren (dark haired) and KC were all by a kitchen table? There was food on the table - a little hostessing had taken place (versus the no food lake vaj parties). Does anyone recall/remember? I'm wondering if the table here is the same as the table that was in that pic? I've searched and I cannot find the picture.

The picture you are describing was taken at the Oviado House and you'll find it in the Oviado thread.

I believe KC was a guest there and Amy was a resident. Lauren was the gf of one of the renters IIRC.
On another note:

I noticed from Scared Monkeys.. http://.com/2008/11/05/texas-equuse...as-of-casey-anthony-cell-phone-ping-activity/

...this video, claiming KC's cell activity in the area Caylee was found at the 1:38 point/lower video. This dated June 17-19th. Interesting.

Was she revisiting?



As far as pings go, the dumpsite as well as the Brackenwood Drive house, Lee’s house and the A's house would all be from the same cell towers. There is no way to determine exactly when she was at that site by the pings. We can tell when she was in that area that is covered by those towers but only within range of those towers.
That video that was done that you linked is helpful in showing her activity in how much she moved about but what you have to understand is that this video shows the towers that the phone pinged off of not where Casey was. Casey could have been anywhere in approximately a two mile radius from each tower when she pinged off of them.
So in that respect it can give you an incorrect impression.

You can go to the sticky thread and look under the various different ping threads, the first post is the ping map for the day, there is one for each day.. It is not a video but you can hit on the character for each time frame as well as points of interest such as various locations that she was know to go and see each tower in concert with the times during the entire 24-hour period of each day.

There were hundreds of hours of work that went into getting the information that these maps needed to made them and then untold hours of plotting that information on to google maps that you see. This was all done by our own WSer's..

I hope this helps to make what you watching a little more clear.
The picture you are describing was taken at the Oviado House and you'll find it in the Oviado thread.

I believe KC was a guest there and Amy was a resident. Lauren was the gf of one of the renters IIRC.

Thank you. The picture, post #40 Oviedo House Thread, clearly shows a different table.

The kitchen table at Lake Vaj. cannot be viewed due to wall-to-wall people, post #165 Lake Vaj., but the tiles on the kitchen floor look like they could be the same as the tiles in M's WS pictures.

I can't find a Dean Street reference. Maybe I will. Sorry.

I'm putting myself in time-out from posting. Bye.
According to "Mike" that's how the city shut him down, right? They pulled his meter, (he couldn't get power without) and told him to leave. This was in 2005 IIRC. Is this how the county deals with problem residents in OC? Nice.

I do not know if this has been talked about, but all you have to do is steal a meter from another empty house and you can plug it in that meter and wala you have electric power.Thats why I wondered if that house has abasement or an attic.Casey could have even put up something inside the house no from outside you would not see the lights on.They only pull out the meter and put little caps on it if you dont pay the electric bill. I really dont see Casey doing it but maybe Lee did or one of her many many many men friends.Just a theory.
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