Let's leave George & Cindy to grieve in peace & focus on Casey

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Do we really and truly know that Cindy was obstructing evidence? Do we really know what the reason was that Cindy washed those pants or are we just guessing/assuming we know. Funny, the reason I'm saying this is I could see my mom doing something like that and it wouldn't be because she was distroying evidence. It would be because she really needed to wash the smelly pants not thinking that the pants played any part in the smell of that car. :waitasec: hope that made sense.. lol..

She admittedly and purposely gave investigators the incorrect hairbrush when they were looking for Caylee's hairs.

She tried to drag innocent young adults into this case by accusing Amy and Jesse of being involved in Caylee's disappearance.

For these actions she deserves criminal charges as well as a civil suit.
I am going to be like that attorney on JVM last night, directed at Wendy Murphy, (guest).... anyone who does NOT have compassion for them in this time of grief, I question whether they have a beating heart at all.
None of us know what we would do in this same situation... it's so easy to sit in judgement of someone else, and think it could never happen to US.... but it can.
My thoughts and prayers for George, and hope that he can somehow get through this horrible nightmare he has been thrown into. And my prayers for Cindy and Lee that they will have the peace and understanding to deal with his pain.

I just couldn't snip a word of your post - they were all too important. It is very easy for us (me, too) to judge, because most of us are sitting home with our families intact, our lives going on. These folks have been tossed into the mouth of hell.

I loved it when Wendy Murphy said that. It almost made me cry. I don't even know who she is.
She admittedly and purposely gave investigators the incorrect hairbrush when they were looking for Caylee's hairs.

She tried to drag innocent young adults into this case by accusing Amy and Jesse of being involved in Caylee's disappearance.

For these actions she deserves criminal charges as well as a civil suit.
I need to say this, and it is difficult to put into words, but I think their denial and refusal to even contemplate, to open the door to the possibility that Casey could be responsible for the death of their granddaughter, has made the fall greater and deeper.

ITA add to that, they have just started accepting the death of their precious Caylee this last month.

Most people felt very sure from the beginning that Caylee was in heaven. The A's have just started accepting this. On top of this, they have to assimilate that very likely KC (by her own hand and by herself) is responsible for the murder of Caylee. I can't imagine a more horrifying situation to be in as a parent and grandparent, except maybe to experience such a loss and never recover the remains or any answers. Although with the evidence against KC that LE found with the remains, the A's might not be in agreement with this just yet.

I certainly don't fault them for how they feel. Their situation is heartbreaking and impossible. They have lost their granddaughter, most likely they will lose their only daughter to prison, if not the DP.
She admittedly and purposely gave investigators the incorrect hairbrush when they were looking for Caylee's hairs.

She tried to drag innocent young adults into this case by accusing Amy and Jesse of being involved in Caylee's disappearance.

For these actions she deserves criminal charges as well as a civil suit.

Giving anyone anything wasn't going to bring Caylee back. :( I truly feel they deserve some privacy and some time to try to find a little peace.
Giving anyone anything wasn't going to bring Caylee back. :( I truly feel they deserve some privacy and some time to try to find a little peace.

Are you saying that people should be allowed to obstruct police in their investigation into the murder of a child, and you rationalise that because they are already dead it is okay to mislead police investigating that baby's murder? Why do you think adult relatives of murdered baby's should be allowed to mislead police? Don't you think children deserve special protection?
Are you saying that people should be allowed to obstruct police in their investigation into the murder of a child, and you rationalise that because they are already dead it is okay to mislead police investigating that baby's murder? Why do you think adult relatives of murdered baby's should be allowed to mislead police? Don't you think children deserve special protection?
I don't think the argument is whether they should be allowed to obstruct or not, because of course the answer is no. I think the question is did they? and if so to what degree?
I am not sure about any of this until I see all of it laid out in context.
I am not naive and am not saying that there hasn't been something improper done. But I need all the info in context, to make a determination as to the severity of their behavior. I also think they are entitled to a reasonable amount of privacy at this point. jmho of course
I don't know whats been done on this board to not give them peace. I know I haven't contacted them in any, way, shape or form. And I doubt any others have either. The protesters disrupted their peace, this message board has not. With that said, I feel they are an intregal part of the case, and are fair game. IMO they have not done alot to help find Caylee's killer, on the contrary they have attempted to thwart LE's efforts, fooled the public, and coddled their daughter. My heart is with Caylee with hopes the police will arrest and prosecute anyone and everyone who got in their way.
Caylee is the only victim.
She admittedly and purposely gave investigators the incorrect hairbrush when they were looking for Caylee's hairs.

She tried to drag innocent young adults into this case by accusing Amy and Jesse of being involved in Caylee's disappearance.

For these actions she deserves criminal charges as well as a civil suit.

I don't know why Cindy chose Amy and Jesse to accuse, what made them likely suspects over everyone else, to her. Especially since it was Amy and Jesse who went to the house and out to their "office". Amy and Jesse who went handing out fliers and volunteering for Caylee.

Had Cindy told LE and no one else her suspicions and then let them go when LE assured her they were not involved, her accusations wouldn't have been a problem. It was the way she dropped Jesse's name to reporters, the way his name came up repeatedly in interviews, even tho she had been told more than once he could not have been involved.

It's possible the whole incident with the hair brush is being blown out of proportion. A couple years ago I had a little one Caylee's age staying at my house. She had her belongings in the front "kids" bath, then there was the stuff I used with her back in the MST bath. Had I needed to turn her brush over to LE, I would have handed over the one from the kids BR, even tho she wasn't the only one who used that brush. The one in the MST that I know she used everyday also got cleaned after using and very likely had no hairs in it. Of course I would have given LE their choice, which Cindy does allude to when she said LE was aware there was another brush. LE had hair samples from KC to differentiate between KC and Caylee's hair, so I've never understood what the big brouhaha was about the brush.

As a person with a heart I agree 100 percent. As the owner of Websleuths this is impossible I am afraid.

We walk a very fine line here. We want to help victims and their families yet, when family members are key players in the case, and therefore open to discussion, we have to walk the above mentioned fine line.

Because of George and Cindy's direct involvement, such as asking for immunity, we can't ask people not to discuss them.

However, we can ask that people post respectfully even if their opinion is not a favorable one.

I would like to say that all of the moderators have been working non-stop to delete posts that violate TOS and monitor this situation today. Making sure Websleuths lives up to its reputation as a good decent and reliable forum.

Thanks for all your hard work tricia, and I do understand what you are saying, but its not sleuthing if we dont get our facts right.
Cindy and george have never asked for immunity, BC stated this in a video yesterday. It is his role as an atty to protect his clients to the best of his ability,and he put the whole immunity thing out there. He states that the SAO has never made mention of any forthcoming charges, the immunity issue is about being thorough and covering all bases.
Paraphrasing here, but the final line was something like "immunity isnt in their vocabulary, but is in mine".
Having said that, I do believe that we can look into their actions and behaviours without crossing any moral lines, or using double standards.
For example, much has been said about the anthonys selling the caylee is missing Tee's- that it is bloodmoney, and they are out to profit from their grandaughters murder.
But really how is selling websleuths Tees any different? Websleuths is about solving cases of missing or murdered people, and profiting from that is no different imo.
I dont have an issue with with the WB merchandise....I plan to order one actually, but I also dont believe that the anthonys or WB's is making bloodmoney off of victims of crime. Wb needs cashflow to maintain the the boards growth, and the A's need to live. Who is going to employ these people now? (quite possibly the final straw for george feeling like a failure, and not being able to support his family).

I think that we should show the same respect for all key players that we do to other members of the forum. We can speculate and sleuth without attacking
I don't think the argument is whether they should be allowed to obstruct or not, because of course the answer is no. I think the question is did they? and if so to what degree?
I am not sure about any of this until I see all of it laid out in context.
I am not naive and am not saying that there hasn't been something improper done. But I need all the info in context, to make a determination as to the severity of their behavior. I also think they are entitled to a reasonable amount of privacy at this point. jmho of course

I actually think a lot of the posters here are saying that if the As have obstructed, they don't care, and don't want them prosecuted. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's how I interpret some of the posts??

I also think they are entitled to privacy. In fact, it seems to me the media has given them privacy since Caylee was identified...I never see them leaving their house, getting into cars etc, webcam is gone etc. But for some reason BC is routinely holding press conferences on their front lawn, bringing GVS around, on Geraldo etc. I really wish they'd just retreat quite frankly. I think it would help with the grieving process if they tried to cut the press out of their lives a bit.
respectfully snipped....

Cindy and george have never asked for immunity, BC stated this in a video yesterday. It is his role as an atty to protect his clients to the best of his ability,and he put the whole immunity thing out there. He states that the SAO has never made mention of any forthcoming charges, the immunity issue is about being thorough and covering all bases.
Paraphrasing here, but the final line was something like "immunity isnt in their vocabulary, but is in mine".

Semantics...BC asked for it on their behalf...as a matter of law, given he represents them, it's the same thing.

I know for a fact it is not routine to ask for immunity for grandparents of murdered children, nor would any lawyer bother doing it unless they knew their client was at risk of being charged with a criminal offence. Do you know of any other case where the grandparents, or any relative of any child crime victim has refused to co-operate unless granted immunity?
Thanks to a Very Loving Grandmother & Mother,
That taught me from the time I was a Small Child..........
"Judge Not lest ye be JUDGED ! ! !" and even
bigger than that... " Don't Judge another ...till you have walked a mile
in their SHOES " and even one more.....
" NEVER SAY NEVER ! ! !" cause it seems that the tables
could possibly turn. God Forbid !

I doubt if ever one single time in GA & CA life... that they ever, never,
ever imagined that one of their children would commit a CRIME...
much less ONE of this magnitude ! ! ! OR THIS PAINFUL ! ! !

*I pray for them !
* I pray for the people trying to solve the case !
* I pray it never, ever happens to me /or my family !
I am Thankful that one day SOON there will indeed be

God Bless !

*** I thank the Moderator's for ALL their Excellent/Hard WORK ! ! :clap::clap:!:clap:

I said it on another thread: It is all about Caylee and Justice for Caylee. Let's go from there...

My feelings exactly. I don't know, though, if Caylee will receive the justice she deserves and has a right to. So my focus is on her story being told, the story of what happened to this precious baby during her life, at the time of her death, and since her death.

Here is this extraordinarily enchanting baby, defenseless and innocent. She has noone in her family fighting for her, noone in her family being her voice.

Everyone else surrounding the murder of Caylee is an adult, fully able to make choices and to protect themselves. Caylee didn't and doesn't have that.

While I feel deeply for George, especially at this time, I am, and will continue to be focused on Caylee. I have to. Neither my heart nor my conscience will allow me to do otherwise.

This case is not about Cindy or George or Casey. This case is about Caylee Marie Anthony, a two year old baby who was murdered. Let's all keep that in the forefront of our thoughts.
bold is mine
What, specifically do you believe George/ Cindy have knowingly done that is illegal?

I'm not sure that they did; that's why I had the "If" :)

They could have done lots of things...they could have done nothing. Until everyone testifies in court and all of the evidence is presented, I am listening to all sides and trying to determine what is the truth. While I feel that they have not exactly been forthcoming with LE and maybe telling "mistruths", and some of the things that they have done may not have been illegal, they have not always been in the best insterest of finding Caylee. Not giving LE the receipts, saying there was a smell like "a dead body", and having excuses for KC not being truthful about the "nanny" and her job at Universal, are all things that seem to be covering for KC instead of finding the truth about the last few years of Caylee's life.
Do we really and truly know that Cindy was obstructing evidence? Do we really know what the reason was that Cindy washed those pants or are we just guessing/assuming we know. Funny, the reason I'm saying this is I could see my mom doing something like that and it wouldn't be because she was distroying evidence. It would be because she really needed to wash the smelly pants not thinking that the pants played any part in the smell of that car. :waitasec: hope that made sense.. lol..

Cindy and George are "acting out" only because of one person and that one person happens to be their daughter. Their own flesh and blood put them in the position they are in now. Are they acting they way we think they should act? NO, they are not, but they are acting the way they know how to act giving the circumstances they were put in. None of this would have happened hadn't it been for one person.

I view this as a football game. It's easy to sit back and yell at the tv when a play gets screwed up. We think we can make that play much better than the football players because we can see things that the players didn't see. However, I bet once we are on that field, the game is harder than we think. gosh, hope that made sense.... lol, sorry, hubby is rushing me off the computer so we can go out and do something :crazy:

Washing the pants has been a huge sticking point for a lot of people in favor of prosecuting Cindy for OJ. In one of the LE interviews with Cindy, this very example comes up. Cindy washed the pants before she knew Caylee was missing, LE states anything done prior to knowing Caylee was missing, cannot be considered OJ.

Had Cindy not gone through all the junk KC left in the car, she wouldn't have found Amy's phone number, thereby discovering KC had been on her own with no Caylee for 31 days. What would have happened if Cindy didn't find here that night? We'll never know but remember she asked Cindy to give her one more day!!

Had KC gone by her parents house when no one was home and discovered the car had been returned with a very bad odor, there is no telling what she would have done. But I think it's very possible she would have split for CA. She could have hung there with her parents not knowing where to find her, continuing with the same lies she had been getting away with for 31 days.

Had KC left town, telling her parents she had Caylee with her, the first time the MR saw something in August would have gone completely unnoticed because no baby would have been reported missing. He would have had no reason to return to the area in December. Caylee may have been lost forever.

I know this sounds strange, it did to me when I first realized it too, but this whole tragedy seems to be unfolding on it's own time line. Each major discovery seems to drop into place almost unaided. It has done no good to try too hard to force anything, it has not happened before it's due time.

Amy just happened to return from vacation the same day G & C picked up the car where her phone number was found.

KC picked Amy up from the airport, Amy dropped KC off at TonE's. Did any of KC's other friends know where TonE lived? or that KC was staying with him?

Amy directed Cindy to TonE's house. Later TonE realizes that KC left her phone at his house, TonE calls Amy and tells her he found her checkbook in KC's belongings, Amy discovers KC took all her money while she was in PR.

Right up to the MR seeing something that made him suspicious in August, then being put on that route again, literally a handful of days after the water recedes enough for him to walk right up and find Caylee's remains. Even though that area has been repeatedly searched by other people, including professionals.
I am going to give Cindy and George a break as long as LE, and Tim M. are giving them a break. I feel like as long as LE is not knocking their doors down, then there is no reason for me to do it either.
If they have done wrong in any way, I feel that LE will charge them. If and when that time comes, I may change my mind. Until then, I pray that they both get the help they need, I pray that they follow in Tim's footsteps and pay forward to this society. I pray that they are able to accept what most of us feel will happen with their daughter and use that to help other single mothers out there.
I am going to give Cindy and George a break as long as LE, and Tim M. are giving them a break. I feel like as long as LE is not knocking their doors down, then there is no reason for me to do it either.
If they have done wrong in any way, I feel that LE will charge them. If and when that time comes, I may change my mind. Until then, I pray that they both get the help they need, I pray that they follow in Tim's footsteps and pay forward to this society. I pray that they are able to accept what most of us feel will happen with their daughter and use that to help other single mothers out there.

OH Well said!
Semantics...BC asked for it on their behalf...as a matter of law, given he represents them, it's the same thing.

I know for a fact it is not routine to ask for immunity for grandparents of murdered children, nor would any lawyer bother doing it unless they knew their client was at risk of being charged with a criminal offence. Do you know of any other case where the grandparents, or any relative of any child crime victim has refused to co-operate unless granted immunity?
None that I can think of. Nope. Can't think of a single case where grandparents of a murdered child asked for immunity. :waitasec:

Come to think of it...I can't think of any grandparents of a murdered child hiring a defense attorney either.

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