Let's Rewind: What Makes Sense Now that Didn't Make Sense Before Remains Discovery?

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This song that KC would sing over and over again when she was out on bail....
YouTube - Sevendust Feat. Chris Daughtry - "The Past"
Just chillin to the bone!!! I still cry at the part of the song that says....
"I'll pray that it doesnt scream my name"
now that I know about the duct tape....:(

That is chilling. ugh.

That could also be interpreted that if little Caylee's body is found, as it was, "I pray the evidence does scream MY name as the murderer."
This song that KC would sing over and over again when she was out on bail....
YouTube - Sevendust Feat. Chris Daughtry - "The Past"
Just chillin to the bone!!! I still cry at the part of the song that says....
"I'll pray that it doesnt scream my name"
now that I know about the duct tape....:(

That has a ring of truth to it. That could be some proof that she applied the duct tape before death. :furious::furious::furious:
I think the one thing that really makes sense to me is that there were so many searches with well-meaning people trying to find Caylee, but she was actually in the one place no one could search until now.

It wasn't for lack of searching that Caylee wasn't found. It was just that sometimes even stupid, lazy criminals like Casey get lucky when they pick a place to hide a body.
I am curious as to whether Klee had life insurance? And if so, who was the beneficiary?

The reason why I ask this is because in a text message that KC sent to Amy, KC mentioned something about insurance papers being forwarded to new address where she would be rooming with Amy. As a young mom I have life insurance on my kids and I have moved several times and not once did I think to have insurance papers forwarded to my new address. Did she need the insurance papers just in case something happened to her daughter?

OMG! OMG! OMG! I remember the insurance conversation with Amy. KC was too irresponsible to think of getting health insurance for either herself or KLee. She couldn't get car insurance because you have to own the car. Maybe you can get drivers insurance. I don't know. But, she would probably have been insured under her parents' policy. She wouldn't need homeowner's insurance or renter's insurance. That leaves only life insurance. She probably wouldn't get life insurance on herself because her parents were supporting KLee. I doubt she could afford to get insurance on her parents because it would be expensive to start with people in their 50s. Her mother just had a 50th birthday and GA is 7 years older. But, life insurance on a child is cheap. Remember the $15,000 she said she had? KC told her friends, in about May or early June that she had $15,000. Well, a $15,000 policy on KLee would have been cheap. It would have taken a few months to set it up and she started her internet search on how to make chloroform on March 17, 2008. So, she was taking extreme risks with KLee using it for knock-out so she could bring KLee to parties and KLee, being unconscious, would "sleep" through anything. Just knock her out in the car before she brought her in. But, then she needed more time and used more. Maybe she made up a make-shift bed for KLee in the trunk -- sheet from her bed, KLee's blanket from her bed and the pillow that matched with the white ruffle that we saw sticking out of the box that LE just took in evidence.

KC talked to Amy about renting a house and maybe had the insurance mailed to the new residence ... or to an apartment she knew had been vacant since February ... because it was at Sawgrass near where two of her friends were living (was one of those Amy?) She goes to Sawgrass to pick up her mail being delivered to the empty apartment and goes to the desk to get it. There she sees ZFG's name registered to see a vacant apartment. She saw the car and could describe that. But, she dared not identify her as the Zanny Nanny.

Just speculation, but it is starting to fit. If so, she either didn't care that she was being so reckless with KLee or figured someday soon it would kill her and she would collect insurance. She couldn't tell where the body was because of the duct tape. Oh, she also had to stay around until the kidnapping story stuck and she had the time to file an insurance claim and collect the $15,000 insurance benefit because ... she was the sole parent. CA's threats to get custody or terminate KC's parental rights threatened all of this fueling the fight.

Oh, but I just thought of something. KC lied about being a college student and turned 22 years old in March. That would have sparked the need to get her own health insurance and/or car insurance. But, why have it sent to another address when they hadn't actually rented the place? No. Maybe her parents gave her some money to start health insurance, but she bought life insurance instead?
It makes sense to me that she was discovered so close to home...but I never would have guessed this before. I think it fits in with the dynamic of the family that we have only come to know as this case wore on.

I now think she was a "teenage" 22 yr. old who acted out in a fit of jealousy and rage. She was reckless and primal rather than a cold calculated murderer. I think it was just that simple. I don't see any other cast of characters anymore.

Fot of rage and jealousy does not include internet searches for making chloroform, missing children and neck-breaking MONTHS before she disappeared. No, this was not an act of passion, this was a cold, calculated and mercilessly executed plan...although not a very smart one.

What makes sense to me now is the shovel. Since we heard the body was double bagged, I'm thinking she just used the shovel to lift the old bag which may have been ripping, into a newer bag, because she didn't want to touch it with her hands. She probably dipped the shovel in the pool afterwards thinking pool chemicals would get rid of any residue on the shovel. That's why it was clean when returned to the neighbor. I think she was too lazy to have dug anything. (I've seen a theory it was used to pry up the playhouse too, which is also possible.)

I agree that we over thought a lot of things done and gave KC too much credit. She must have just dumped the body there after GA made her nervous when getting his gas cans back.

When did we hear the body was double bagged? Where did you see that/hear that one? I must have missed it...Link? pretty please...:blowkiss:
What makes sense:
"She's close"
"I know .. one day .. we'll all be toghether" (in the afterlife?)
"They haven't even found the clothes yet"

Egoslayer I wanted to say that your snip of the press conference is a little unfair
They are not saying Casey will consume our lives with conflict, they are saying
AND THE PROSECUTION of our daughter Casey will consume our lives with conflict...
I now think she was a "teenage" 22 yr. old who acted out in a fit of jealousy and rage. She was reckless and primal rather than a cold calculated murderer.

except that she researched chloroform 4 months before the 'fit.'
except that she researched neck breaking 4 months before the 'fit.'
except that she researched death & inhalation 4 months before the 'fit.'
except that she researched missing kid scenarios 4 months before the 'fit.'
except that she duct taped her baby's head so tightly the tape is still in place when all other flesh dropped away. duct tape is permanent. rarely does one use duct tape on something with the intention of later removing it. no one would duct tape around a child's head and hair with the intention of later removing it. and tightly duct taping around another person's head? imo to so tightly duct tape a child's mouth/head is fully with an intention to end that person's life. its not like she just happened to have both duct tape and chloroform just laying around, within quick reach, to grab them both and act out in a fit of some kind.

pattymarie i agree with you that she is emotionally immature. not insane at all, emotionally immature. and i also agree that she murdered caylee in large part out of jealousy and rage toward her mother and in part to regain her freedom. but imo she IS a cold calculated murderer and the last thing that caylee saw on this earth was her mother's sadistic grinch looking eyes as she murdered her.
Egoslayer I wanted to say that your snip of the press conference is a little unfair
They are not saying Casey will consume our lives with conflict, they are saying
AND THE PROSECUTION of our daughter Casey will consume our lives with conflict...

Yes, that's why I left the entire sentence in there. It's sort of an ironic grammar play on words.
except that she researched chloroform 4 months before the 'fit.'
except that she researched neck breaking 4 months before the 'fit.'
except that she researched death & inhalation 4 months before the 'fit.'
except that she researched missing kid scenarios 4 months before the 'fit.'
except that she duct taped her baby's head so tightly the tape is still in place when all other flesh dropped away. duct tape is permanent. rarely does one use duct tape on something with the intention of later removing it. no one would duct tape around a child's head and hair with the intention of later removing it. and tightly duct taping around another person's head? imo to so tightly duct tape a child's mouth/head is fully with an intention to end that person's life. its not like she just happened to have both duct tape and chloroform just laying around, within quick reach, to grab them both and act out in a fit of some kind.

pattymarie i agree with you that she is emotionally immature. not insane at all, emotionally immature. and i also agree that she murdered caylee in large part out of jealousy and rage toward her mother and in part to regain her freedom. but imo she IS a cold calculated murderer and the last thing that caylee saw on this earth was her mother's sadistic grinch looking eyes as she murdered her.

I don't put alot of weight on those google searches. I've googled alot of things I really don't care for. Just out of curiousity or if I was wondering something. ("What is BDSM?") This doesn't mean that I engage in or am interested in BDSM .. get my drift.
I don't put alot of weight on those google searches. I've googled alot of things I really don't care for. Just out of curiousity or if I was wondering something. ("What is BDSM?") This doesn't mean that I engage in or am interested in BDSM .. get my drift.

I have even googled those things....BUT....my child didnt go missing and end up dead in a garbage bag either....after I told one lie after another....think about it.....they go together to see her guilt....:)
I have even googled those things....BUT....my child didnt go missing and end up dead in a garbage bag either....after I told one lie after another....think about it.....they go together to see her guilt....:)

Yes well we have ALL googled things :eek: from this case, as I was looking at the sites (curiosity got the better of me) that was going on about her and *advertiser censored* etc I was thinking OMG this is all being recorded !
And then we have all looked up chloroform now etc etc

Big brother is WATCHING YOU :eek:
I believe that LE has more than ample evidence to send Casey away for a long time, even hand down the death sentence. I really can't fathom that anything that the Anthony's have to say would be worth immunity at this point. Certainly they weren't worried about it before the body was found, which sends up a red flag.

I can empathize with them in that their granddaughter is dead and daughter is in jail. However, that doesn't excuse them from hindering an investigation with their willful acts of commission or omission. I understand that it's easy to sit in judgement when it's not your own family, but I honestly can't think of any circumstance where I would be willing to lie for a murderer, even if it was my own flesh and blood.

Cindy is likely to be the most worried between her and GA, simply because if she fails to report any sort of child abuse, or if she has failed to report certain actions in this murder investigation (which can now be proven with forensic evidence), she can be stripped of her RN licensure. At the very least, the Board of Nursing for FL is probably watching this situation closely. I'm quite certain she knows this, which is why this is self-preservation time for her as well. Immunity would, I'm guessing, get her off the hook as well as keep the door open for any book or movie deals in the future. I truly hope the state doesn't consider this a serious option.
I agree after seeing where Caylee was dumped :(

it seems that, that was the reason why Casey kept going back home. The gas cans though are still going to fit into this though, I think in a different way other than running out of gas. I really think she tried to burn stuff, clothes or the rag.
Didn't Casey say something to Cindy in one of the visitations or phone calls,
THink about all the places I've mentioned in the last month. Don't have time to find a link.
Didn't Casey say something to Cindy in one of the visitations or phone calls,
THink about all the places I've mentioned in the last month. Don't have time to find a link.
The lyrics to the sevendust song make more sense now, knowing that KC had night sweats and nightmares at TonE's. My guess is that something was definitely screaming her name as she slept. Even if your heart is cold, your mind would surely protest on some level.
Actually all of the jail conversations now make complete sense. All of the A family debunking everything (in hope) makes sense. It would take all day to list everything, but it all fell into place. I will get specifics later, when I have had coffee. One is "bottom left", sigh.
Actually all of the jail conversations now make complete sense. All of the A family debunking everything (in hope) makes sense. It would take all day to list everything, but it all fell into place. I will get specifics later, when I have had coffee. One is "bottom left", sigh.

I was thinking the same way....even in a backwards sort of way....I'm stll drinking my coffee....but agree that things do make sense----interested to see the list you compile
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