Let's Rewind: What Makes Sense Now that Didn't Make Sense Before Remains Discovery?

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Hope its less *misleading* now.

Lol it wasnt misleading to start with....
But in keeping with the "try to keep it fair" that the admin and mods are talking of I felt that it was unfair to skew it.. I know that the reporter got it wrong because they forgot a comma but the highlighted part made it seem thats what the A's actually said

No matter what , I believe that they love their daughter heart and soul.

Parents forgive all sorts of things including murder. The A's might be blaming themselves ie "where did we go wrong with Casey"
If in fact Casey did do this.
I'm just playing devils advocate here, as there is a lot that doesn't add up for me.

As for everyone that says they would fling their offspring to the wind , well I reckon no one can ever say that. We might *Believe* that we would , but when it comes down to it , our offspring is our flesh , our blood, we made them, and whilst a grandchild is also flesh and blood the bond is different.

I don't have grandchildren, but I just believe that its stronger with ones own child , that mother instinct to protect their offspring...

Frankly I know for the comments above I will be yelled at, sneered at etc but TBPH This case has really got to me....all the way here in Australia...and I have shed many a tear...For Caylee...I don't understand from the photos of Casey and Caylee how she could murder her own child, purposely

I do wonder if , it wasnt a horrific accident, something that went tragically wrong, and to cover it up she went looking on line for all those things to try to pin it on a fictitious person OR a Not fictitious person but someone else (when the body was found)

She did those searches so that she could say it was HER or HIM - she wasn't infact searching on google for herself but merely to get knowledge about the things that she could mask the crime with as if it happened that way..when in fact it was a horrid accident

Im just not comfortable believing that Casey did this in cold blood.
JaneinOz, I feel much the same. No one really knows what they would do. I am a parent, and will be a grandma in 9 months. I know that I would forgive my daughter if anything horrid happened in her life. Not sure if I would go to such great lengths to cover up, hope I never have to know. But I would know it was an accident. I would be scared my precious daughter would go to jail, even though I have always believed in telling the truth and owning up to what you have done, I may just cover up. I couldn't stand to loose two at one time. On a side note, my parents would never cover up, would never talk to me again if it were me, lol!
I have a question its off topic but kinda similar...andrea yates got out right well was found NG due to Insanitty...Iam curious about the other woman i think her name was Susan Smith the one where she watched as she let the car roll in to the water and the kids were all straped in there seatbelts..i think i have that all right ...was she found Insane also or no.im just curious because we may see the same kinda defence in this case..
Yes, I agree....it all happened close to home!!
Why do you think LE was so sure it WASN'T Caylee when LE had his discovery at Blanchard Park? Neither were the parents. In retrospect, of course....

huh? I don't understand what you mean.
Yes all because someone who typed up that press conference left out a comma ! LOL

Lol it wasnt misleading to start with....
But in keeping with the "try to keep it fair" that the admin and mods are talking of I felt that it was unfair to skew it.. I know that the reporter got it wrong because they forgot a comma but the highlighted part made it seem thats what the A's actually said

No matter what , I believe that they love their daughter heart and soul.

Parents forgive all sorts of things including murder. The A's might be blaming themselves ie "where did we go wrong with Casey"
If in fact Casey did do this.
I'm just playing devils advocate here, as there is a lot that doesn't add up for me.

As for everyone that says they would fling their offspring to the wind , well I reckon no one can ever say that. We might *Believe* that we would , but when it comes down to it , our offspring is our flesh , our blood, we made them, and whilst a grandchild is also flesh and blood the bond is different.

I don't have grandchildren, but I just believe that its stronger with ones own child , that mother instinct to protect their offspring...

Frankly I know for the comments above I will be yelled at, sneered at etc but TBPH This case has really got to me....all the way here in Australia...and I have shed many a tear...For Caylee...I don't understand from the photos of Casey and Caylee how she could murder her own child, purposely

I do wonder if , it wasnt a horrific accident, something that went tragically wrong, and to cover it up she went looking on line for all those things to try to pin it on a fictitious person OR a Not fictitious person but someone else (when the body was found)

She did those searches so that she could say it was HER or HIM - she wasn't infact searching on google for herself but merely to get knowledge about the things that she could mask the crime with as if it happened that way..when in fact it was a horrid accident

Im just not comfortable believing that Casey did this in cold blood.

Ah, I don't blame Cindy & George for what they're doing either. It's quite a normal reaction for an abnormal situation.

Everyone is so quick to judge them and pick apart their actions .. but no amount of money would make me want to be in their shoes! I'm sure most posters will agree with me..

I know when a close friend died, I did things that were out of the ordinary, in a way inappropriate. I try not to blame people going through different situations. None of us are perfect, and traumatic situations don't reveal who we really are - they just reveal the stress, pain, and confusion that is going on.

The people that attack when you have a different opinion are just either very simple minded or very emotionally involved in the case. (there are many of the latter)
egoslayer, I have to agree. In hindsight, the A family has merely been in the 1st stages of grieving for their 2 girls. Denial and bargaining.
Days and days of converting cell phone pings and google maps and google earth, trying to pin down more of an exact address of where KC could have been near her house and not believing that she was at the house all the time just because the pings hit there.
The pings inside the three towers for the house are the same for the location of the remains that were found.

Now I'm curious about what she WAS doing near the Orlando Airport. As many have pointed out, the cell phone pings show her staying very close to home but that area was pretty much off her beaten path.
I have a question its off topic but kinda similar...andrea yates got out right well was found NG due to Insanitty...Iam curious about the other woman i think her name was Susan Smith the one where she watched as she let the car roll in to the water and the kids were all straped in there seatbelts..i think i have that all right ...was she found Insane also or no.im just curious because we may see the same kinda defence in this case..

Andrea Yates was severly mentally ill with allegedly multiple psychoses. Susan Smith might have had BPD, but that doesn't count as insanity. She is currently in jail.
except that she researched chloroform 4 months before the 'fit.'
except that she researched neck breaking 4 months before the 'fit.'
except that she researched death & inhalation 4 months before the 'fit.'
except that she researched missing kid scenarios 4 months before the 'fit.'
except that she duct taped her baby's head so tightly the tape is still in place when all other flesh dropped away. duct tape is permanent. rarely does one use duct tape on something with the intention of later removing it. no one would duct tape around a child's head and hair with the intention of later removing it. and tightly duct taping around another person's head? imo to so tightly duct tape a child's mouth/head is fully with an intention to end that person's life. its not like she just happened to have both duct tape and chloroform just laying around, within quick reach, to grab them both and act out in a fit of some kind.

pattymarie i agree with you that she is emotionally immature. not insane at all, emotionally immature. and i also agree that she murdered caylee in large part out of jealousy and rage toward her mother and in part to regain her freedom. but imo she IS a cold calculated murderer and the last thing that caylee saw on this earth was her mother's sadistic grinch looking eyes as she murdered her.

I totally agree with you Dolly. KC not only planned this, she is pure evil.
except that she researched chloroform 4 months before the 'fit.'
except that she researched neck breaking 4 months before the 'fit.'
except that she researched death & inhalation 4 months before the 'fit.'
except that she researched missing kid scenarios 4 months before the 'fit.'

I am not convinced the searches had anything to do with Caylee. At the same time she also searched " homemade weapons" and "Self defense". Is it not possible that all these searches were about self defense? Why is everyone leaving this out of the search terms?
I am not convinced the searches had anything to do with Caylee. At the same time she also searched " homemade weapons" and "Self defense". Is it not possible that all these searches were about self defense? Why is everyone leaving this out of the search terms?

During the same timeframe, Casey also searched for the One Tree Hill episode in which the psychotic nanny abducts the protagonist's young child...
Yes well we have ALL googled things :eek: from this case, as I was looking at the sites (curiosity got the better of me) that was going on about her and *advertiser censored* etc I was thinking OMG this is all being recorded !
And then we have all looked up chloroform now etc etc

Big brother is WATCHING YOU :eek:

I agree we have all googled things in connection with this & other cases. Things we would generally not have a curiousity about BUT no one in our family or group of friends have ended up dead. I might look up something about poison but if my hubby or someone else I know doesnt die of poisioning it doesn't mean much. I think the computer forensics will hold a lot of weight in being key to the case. :behindbar
I am not convinced the searches had anything to do with Caylee. At the same time she also searched " homemade weapons" and "Self defense". Is it not possible that all these searches were about self defense? Why is everyone leaving this out of the search terms?

It's selective - that's important too. I google alot of wierd curiosities. If I ever get kidnapped/accused of anything I really hope they don't put this stuff into evidence. You cannot prove intent when someone googles nor can you prove that it was a specific person (unless they are the only ones with access) Even if she DID search these things, I don't think most of them are related. I don't think "neck breaking" is related. "Chloroform" maybe. It's just too iffy, imo.
I believe that LE has more than ample evidence to send Casey away for a long time, even hand down the death sentence. I really can't fathom that anything that the Anthony's have to say would be worth immunity at this point. Certainly they weren't worried about it before the body was found, which sends up a red flag.

I can empathize with them in that their granddaughter is dead and daughter is in jail. However, that doesn't excuse them from hindering an investigation with their willful acts of commission or omission. I understand that it's easy to sit in judgement when it's not your own family, but I honestly can't think of any circumstance where I would be willing to lie for a murderer, even if it was my own flesh and blood.

Cindy is likely to be the most worried between her and GA, simply because if she fails to report any sort of child abuse, or if she has failed to report certain actions in this murder investigation (which can now be proven with forensic evidence), she can be stripped of her RN licensure. At the very least, the Board of Nursing for FL is probably watching this situation closely. I'm quite certain she knows this, which is why this is self-preservation time for her as well. Immunity would, I'm guessing, get her off the hook as well as keep the door open for any book or movie deals in the future. I truly hope the state doesn't consider this a serious option.

I think it is very likely Cindy will loose her RN license. She suspected KC of not being a good mom hence the counseling about gaining custody. It is also REQUIRED if you know or suspect abuse or stealing from the elderly you must report it. She didnt & that alone could make them pull it. IMO, she is not stable enough or have the decision making skills to be a nurse.
Didn't Casey say something to Cindy in one of the visitations or phone calls,
THink about all the places I've mentioned in the last month. Don't have time to find a link.

Yes she did. I also think in her visit with Lee when she said mom would know, she was telling them where to find Caylee.
Yes, I don't remember exactly how Lee said it, but that they would never reveal who the father is to protect the father. That was a big one for me.

I agree.....I have believed from the begining that the major key to this case is the father of the child......hmmmmmm
And once again why the need for a supena for Lee's DNA????? Why would you not volunteer that for your own sisters defense????? Seems to explain alot of about this family's dynamics.
1.tone helped kc break into the shed and get the gas cans ( before the newest doc dump, I knew she had stolen the gas, but why take the cans ?) because her car was out of gas on chickasaw and she had to take the cans to the car to put in the gas. This changed my whole theory, because this made me realize that kc was after the gas from ga's shed for her car.
2. that kc had borrowed tone's jeep on 6/17 to go the a's house.
3. that both la and ga knew that ca took the cash from kc's wallet the night of 7/15 and 7/16, that kc had stolen from amy, and that ca and amy had discussed it on the way to tone's.
4. that after every interview with the fbi and le, ga,ca and la, said they would either bring in evidence willingly or call with info, not one of them ever did this and le had to get warrants to obtain items in question.
For me, I always wanted to believe it was an accidental death.

But the duct tape? It screams of premeditation. Gives me chills.

If it went on before death? Just think about that for a moment. You wouldn't put duct tape on a dog to shut it up.

And if it went on after death, why? It would have to be for a cover-up.

Bring on the DP.
The comment that she made in jail to her parents that has bothered me more than "she is close to home" is "she will be just as she was"... I can't recall if she used the word "found" or not, regardless... I think she slipped when she made that comment. It says to me that the last image she had of her daughter was not as she or anyone else would remember her as she was when she was alive.
I am just to tired....cause I never went to bed last night...but I was wondering if anyone had looked up missing persons/children/duct tape....to see if there was any cases out there that talked about the use of duct tape...
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