Letters to Casey from Cindy and George

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Grandma Shirley is with you. "Casey hated Cindy, more than she loved Caylee".

That is the entire matter wrapped up in one simple, true statement.

"Revenge is a dish best served cold" (Khan, from The wrath of Khan)

And cold she is.
World, you said it so much more clearly than I with the list of cross examination questions that could be posed to George. The defense could never put KC on the stand. But all her defense has to do is convince one muddled juror that this poor mother could not possibly have killed her own daughter.
I have not read all this thread but have read the letters from family ( I think all of them.) When I read the very first letter from George, it didn't seem like a father-daughter letter. It appears 2 ways to me: 1 almost like a love letter 2. a teens letter looking for parent approval. I do think George is/was looking for Casey & Cindy's approval.
Other random observations: When Cindy talks about holding Caylee close, I think her ashes are in the bear we saw & Casey knows it, so the dig is an even bigger dig than it might appear. I am amazed at how much Cindy calls Caylee OUR baby and underlines it or says "taken from US" & underline "us."
Are there any letters from Lee or friends? I saw lots of letters from strangers & then just Cindy, George & one from Mallory, other than cards. The theme of all letters seem to be about CASEY's beauty, CASEY's account........beauty & money

I am getting ready to be off to Germany for the birth of our 4th grandson.....yeah, leaving Wed, hoping baby waits
I noticed that in writing this letter, GA did not refute the allegations. Me, I would have said something like, "Why would you say something like this? Why tell such lies? You know this never happened!". But he didn't. He merely asked why she was destroying family members. Strange. JMO but perhaps he was more angry that she "told".
That's exactly why I think there may well be truth to the molestation allegations, even prostitutes get raped...
Don't give 'em any ideas! About three hours after AZ lawyer posted a possible strategy recently, it wound up, miraculously in a defense motion. (Kidding.. I'm kidding)

You are brilliant..all the stuff you mention could create doubt in some jurors minds. If the defense has Mr. Anthony on the stand they can pound him with these question and let the jury infer what they will without necessarily saying pop did it. I need one of the lawyers to help us. They wont be asking about any molestation, but they may get by with asking
isnt it true the duct tape belonged to you sir and not your daughter;
isn't it true indeed it was still in your possession..if it will help your memory look at these news clips provided by local reporter, Ms. Belich, here you are sir, we see you using it hanging up posters;
isn't it true it is you who deals with the back of that trunk with your detailing of cars experience from your dad's dealership years;
isn't it true you were the last one seen with Caylee;
isn't it true that both the garbage bags and the laundry bag are the same or similar to the ones in your home;
isn't it true that it is your fingerprints on the pool ladder;
did you try to kill yourself after the incident;
isn't it true you were not at work during the time the searches for chloroform and neck breaking were done on your home computer;
in your years of police work you would have learned how to cover up a crime;
have you lied to the police or federal agents or in any depo, criminal or civil in this case,
we can show you the transcripts if not play tape of the contradictory testimony you gave, if that will refresh your memory
Sir were you lying then or are you lying now?
Isn't it true your daughter does not wish to see you ; when was the last time she took a visit with you; isn't it true that despite your begging she has not written you one letter in two years;
and they will let the jury take all that back to the jury room to consider.
I do believe George knows or should have already been counseled to expect this and worse. Casey will sit there, flat affect, preening her hair .....throughout.

Then they will do the same to Cindy and Lee too, who had access also. In closing arguments they will say there is no proof beyond a reasonable doubt that one of the other family members couldn't just have likely killed this baby, or the baby drown/ had some accident and they panicked and tried to stage a kidnapping and his the body in the woods, not one shred of physical evidence the state has shown you points to her more than any of them. For the love of God people, the baby's body was put there after Caylee was jailed. That leaves those three. Can't you just hear that out of Jose or Cheney?

Lee, it is inevitable, they will do it to you too.
Cindy, make that three helmets.

Okay, this scares the crap out of me. I am now terrified I will have to sit and watch this happen. Excellent way you twisted and presented this. It really worries me.
I'm still trying to digest that ICA did not even attempt to write one letter to her family. Even after all the love and support they've poured out to her. Not even a letter that simply says "thanks for all the love and support", "I miss you" or "I love you" - there has to be more to it - more to it than just the media getting a hold of the letters. Just has to be! I will never believe that she's not writing letters to her family only because she doesn't want the media to have them. That's a bunch of bunk! It takes two seconds to acknowledge someone's letter and say I love you!
From GA's letter of March 25:

March 25. 2010

Casey Marie,

Where do I begin???

Well, met with Jose & Cheney Mason on Wednesday, March 24th.

Jose in Cheney Mason’s office delivered me disturbing news & ask me 2 heartbreaking questions?

You know what 2 questions he asked, and I am num…..

Why, why also destroy Lee…

Why, why also destroy Mom…

Why, why also destroy me, your family…

Why, why also destroy Caylee Marie…

After all, I have tried, sacrificed, continued to love you, my Daughter, why???

Continually coming to court, continually wanting to see you, why???

Even GA at his lowest emotional ebb puts Caylee last in the list.

And I am not being dense, I know the general content, but I would really like to know what were the exact 2 questions put to George, and how they were phrased, and etc....

Why, why did GA use the word "also" in these questions? Who's left? Casey? I hate this letter because to me it is exactly what I would expect from a guilty person: "I know I hurt you, but it was because I loved you, and there's nothing we can do now about you being hurt, so why ALSO hurt everyone else by telling them?" But the As have such a strange and stilted way of using language that I can't be sure...

I interpret his letter differently. I don't believe the accusations of sexual abuse and I think George is astounded with the extent that Casey will go with her lies. I think what he is saying, through the shock, is that Casey has destroyed her life with all the lies, deceit, and stealing. Her life is basically obliterated because of her actions. When he uses the word "also" I interpret that to mean "After all you have done, why are you using lies to destroy Lee, Cindy, the family and me?" He takes it further in the realization that if she can do that to them and lie, then she is fully capable of lieing about what she did to Caylee and he asks at this point why she also destroyed Caylee. I think he is horrified at the evil that lurks within her.

Are there copies released of what she writes, for example if she wrote to anyone, does that get copied or mailed unopened, or after inspection but not memorialized?
I interpret his letter differently. I don't believe the accusations of sexual abuse and I think George is astounded with the extent that Casey will go with her lies. I think what he is saying, through the shock, is that Casey has destroyed her life with all the lies, deceit, and stealing. Her life is basically obliterated because of her actions. When he uses the word "also" I interpret that to mean "After all you have done, why are you using lies to destroy Lee, Cindy, the family and me?" He takes it further in the realization that if she can do that to them and lie, then she is fully capable of lieing about what she did to Caylee and he asks at this point why she also destroyed Caylee. I think he is horrified at the evil that lurks within her.

My personal take on this letter from George. He said Jose asked him 2 questions and she knows what those 2 questions are. He then ask why she had to destroy him, Lee, Cindy. Caylee. I think the 2 questions he was asked is 1. Did u or Lee ever sexually abuse Casey & Caylee 2. Were you aware Casey told her mother about the abuse she endured & Cindy turned a blind eye & now that she suspected or feared it would happen to Caylee she was planning on leaving.
page 15069

"Every day is a struggle for you and I can't even begin to compare my struggles to yours. At least I have most Caylee's things to hold close when I can't bear not to smell or touch her. Teddy & Baby are being loved."

The ultimate DIG!

I have not read all this thread but have read the letters from family ( I think all of them.) When I read the very first letter from George, it didn't seem like a father-daughter letter. It appears 2 ways to me: 1 almost like a love letter 2. a teens letter looking for parent approval. I do think George is/was looking for Casey & Cindy's approval.
Other random observations: When Cindy talks about holding Caylee close, I think her ashes are in the bear we saw & Casey knows it, so the dig is an even bigger dig than it might appear. I am amazed at how much Cindy calls Caylee OUR baby and underlines it or says "taken from US" & underline "us."
Are there any letters from Lee or friends? I saw lots of letters from strangers & then just Cindy, George & one from Mallory, other than cards. The theme of all letters seem to be about CASEY's beauty, CASEY's account........beauty & money

I am getting ready to be off to Germany for the birth of our 4th grandson.....yeah, leaving Wed, hoping baby waits


I mean really though. Stop for a minute to take that in folks.

Okay, WHO would dare say such a hurtful thing to someone they claimed to love and truly believed was innocent? This is a MOTHER telling her daughter this. Unbelievable. As bananarama said, "The ultimate DIG!"

God, this is one sick family dynamic. I only thought I had a few fruitcakes hanging out in my family tree. They make my bunch look like the Waltons.
not even a short note from kc saying,thx for keeping money in my
account,it really helps.luv,kc
I am thinking along this same track now... and my :twocents: is that CA is not allowing herself to be consciously aware of how extremely vicious she is being. It's hard to explain this but I really think that if asked "don't you think what you're doing/saying is hurtful to Casey," Cindy would indignantly claim that she is just doing what any good mother would do and doing it out of love and caring for her daughter. And she would believe herself.

Respectfully Quoted ynotdivein :)

Nutshell for me, thank you. That is and has been my bias in this case, I have always suspected what you describe as the dynamic between Cindy and Casey. It is my bias because I see my mother(and grandmother)as being this way. They IMHO, were cruel. And, if confronted(which didn't happen often)they either acted as though they did not know what you were talking about(or change the story to something new)-or say they were doing it out of "love."

But my mother did not allow us to misbehave or act out in any way. There were consequences for our actions. Casey got a narcissistic mother who also enabled her daughter's narcissism. My mother was trained to feel empathy for her mother, but not her children. My siblings and I were trained to have sympathy for everyone else but ourselves, and especially to have empathy for my mother. The empathy for everyone else was so we would be "good" people in other people's eyes, and for my mother that was how she could show what a good job she had done. Cindy liked to show a different kind of "perfection" to the world and so taught her children to wear that mask.

If I get some of Cindy's letters right, she is all like: "Casey you don't deserve to be in there, I am fighting for you and Caylee, we can get through this because we fight and you are being framed and LE isn't going to get away with this. When we do win, because you/we are so obviously the underdogs being picked on, our lives will be great because Caylee didn't die for no reason because AL can get you into her law school and JoJo has your drivers license ready for you, he kept it updated." (severely paraphrased, of course)

Websleuthers pointed out that Cindy and George are probably trying to keep things upbeat and I can see that(plus that it is hard to write people that are in jail, what do you say?)but there is that "something else" in there that is uniquely Cindy(and George). It is exactly what was pointed out by ynot and other sleuthers in similar posts, reading between the lines are the "digs."

My mother would complain of her mother getting in her "digs" in the guise of being a "loving mother", in fact it was the bane of her existence, even after my grandmother died my mother wonders why her mother said and did the cruel things she did...and my siblings and I have the same complaint of my mother and she truly thinks we are liars or she can't understand why we would think her love is anything other than that, love.

So, I ask myself "is Cindy/crazy or just mean?" Even having the mother I did, I still don't have the answer about my mother. None of this excuses Casey, being hurt like that made me want to never hurt others in that way. I do agree that Casey hurting Caylee was to hurt Cindy, and that each has been just as mean to the other, although Cindy had to have started it(she is the mother)I think it is Casey that was set on ending it. Sometimes I see Cindy as the more "cruel" because if she is as cold hearted as her actions, then she never loved Casey or Caylee and Casey getting rid of Caylee and in turn getting rid of herself(if given the DP or LWOP) doesn't hurt Cindy at all. Especially, if she receives her "narcissistic supply" from being the grieving grandmother in her convicted daughter's size four jeans.


I want you to know that I no longer agree with ^Jose keeping you from seeing us. I totally believe that was a mistake and from now on I am going to fight to see you.


I know its a lot easier for me to get through the day than it is for you. At least I have my freedom. My choice to turn things off or not. Just like today its a beautiful afternoon and I'm on the swing.....

Anyone else thinking Jose could just use the Anthony family dynamics during the penalty phase? I don't really think the Menendez defence is really necessary.
not even a short note from kc saying,thx for keeping money in my
account,it really helps.luv,kc
Yeah...not even a thanks for the commissary money so she can buy her cheese puffs and mascara.

I want you to know that I no longer agree with ^Jose keeping you from seeing us. I totally believe that was a mistake and from now on I am going to fight to see you.


I know its a lot easier for me to get through the day than it is for you. At least I have my freedom. My choice to turn things off or not. Just like today its a beautiful afternoon and I'm on the swing.....

Anyone else thinking Jose could just use the Anthony family dynamics during the penalty phase? I don't really think the Menendez defence is really necessary.


Good point, Mrs. G.

IF this was an intentional defense strategy, it is by far the best one they have come up with to date. For the first time in 2 years, I found myself thinking, "Okay, maybe I can see how and why she got SO screwed up that she finally just snapped." Not excusing her in the least, just trying to make sense as to how and why it escalated to the ultimate ending.

However, I am not quite ready to give the defense credit for such a magnificient strategy. So, I am not saying it was intentional. They may have just gotten lucky. Still, it might be the best thing ever for the defense during the penalty phase.
Why, why did GA use the word "also" in these questions? Who's left? Casey? I hate this letter because to me it is exactly what I would expect from a guilty person: "I know I hurt you, but it was because I loved you, and there's nothing we can do now about you being hurt, so why ALSO hurt everyone else by telling them?" But the As have such a strange and stilted way of using language that I can't be sure...

Quote Respect AZlawyer :)

I think this is what the "also" means. IMHO, George wants to ask Casey; "why do/did you want to destroy ME?" But, he can't ask that because he is afraid of the answer(s)he will get. Not necessarily the "incest/molestation" accusation having to be true(I don't know that it is or isn't)but George has done enough "negative" stuff that Casey could throw back in his face.

My father is much like George. He had the role of my mother's "fourth child" her words, not mine. He could not stand up for us because he was too busy covering up for himself and protecting himself. George calls Casey, beautiful and gives her compliments to butter her up and get his way: my guess is this is how George operates with all women(people) and it works sometimes but not all the time. When my dad wanted something from me, "don't tell mommy" he would find ways to flatter me(with my dad it was usually a twenty or promise of a ice cream) and then ask for what it was he wanted.

It's a kind of emotional molestation, imho and it may be dynamics such as this between Casey and her father that causes/caused her to claim George had sexually molested her. At one point as a young adult I was attempting to leave my parents house by staying with a friend but my parents wanted me home. I began to tell my father(over the phone)of the cruel things my mother did and said when he wasn't around and his response to me was, "the next thing you know you'll be accusing me of sexually molesting you." I was as shocked when he said it and I still think about it because I don't know why he said such a thing unless he felt he had used manipulation to get what he wanted from me, which is how I had felt. I think George runs with mega guilt when it comes to confronting Casey between his behavior and not doing anything about Cindy and the way she treated Casey. Of course there were plenty of times when it was Casey and Cindy against George, imo. When my mom was uber mad at my dad she started mocking my dad in front of us and invited us to join in..."look how drunk your dad is kids, look how stupid he is...etc." Of course she would flip flop eventually when she was mad at us and join forces with him. The "changing loyalties" is another dynamic I see at work in the Anthony home, it makes enemies under one roof out of what is supposed to be the ultimate loving safe place to be. It is some of this dynamic which causes Casey to be and feel quite safe incarcerated. IMO. Jail is kind of like home, yet also "safer" than home...although this is not the true reality but to Casey it is better than being with her parents.


"I've actually been reading quite a lot lately. I find it very relaxing and it helps me stay off the T.V."

Remember when Jesse and Reverand Grund said that the entire time that Casey
and Jesse were engaged, she said so very often how mean and evil and crazy her mom was. She was so desperate to get away from her, she was pressuring Jesse to get them an apartment, but Reverand Grund told him he would not perform the wedding ceremony if they moved in together so Jesse agreed to wait. I'll try to find the tape.

These descriptions of mom and daughter being best friends were laughed at by Jesse and his father, they said nothing could be further from the truth. Indeed Cindy told Jesse something to the effect of what do you want to marry her for..she didn't even graduate high school, she cannot even afford to provide for Caylee, I do everything for Caylee. He said she was always belittling Casey.


Good point, Mrs. G.

IF this was an intentional defense strategy, it is by far the best one they have come up with to date. For the first time in 2 years, I found myself thinking, "Okay, maybe I can see how and why she got SO screwed up that she finally just snapped." Not excusing her in the least, just trying to make sense as to how and why it escalated to the ultimate ending.

However, I am not quite ready to give the defense credit for such a magnificient strategy. So, I am not saying it was intentional. They may have just gotten lucky. Still, it might be the best thing ever for the defense during the penalty phase.

I think that the reason its actually having an effect is because its the truth. Also I can feel sympathy for Casey AND think she murdered her daughter, and even think she deserves the maximum penalty ... the two aren't mutually exclusive are they?
I think that the reason its actually having an effect is because its the truth. Also I can feel sympathy for Casey AND think she murdered her daughter, and even think she deserves the maximum penalty...the two aren't mutually exclusive are they?


I certainly hope not because I feel the exact same.

eta: I can't really call it 'sympathy' for myself...I just have a clearer understanding of how she became who she is. Hope that makes sense...

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