Lies point us to the truth

DNA Solves
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If the case is PDI or JDI then I reckon Burke will eventually let us know, otherwise he will live his life under a shadow of suspicion.

I reckon the only reason Burke gave the Dr. Phil interview in the first place was @ his father’s urging (to help clear Burke’s name). I think this back fired as Burke is socially awkward (per Dr. Phil). Considering Burke’s awkwardness I do not see him stepping forward, period.

I don’t think she ever went to bed that night.[/QUOTE
JonBenet's hair was dressed for bed, her pajama bottoms are missing, her pink barbie nightgown was left bloodstained in the wine-cellar.
If the case is PDI or JDI then I reckon Burke will eventually let us know, otherwise he will live his life under a shadow of suspicion.

I reckon the only reason Burke gave the Dr. Phil interview in the first place was @ his father’s urging (to help clear Burke’s name). I think this back fired as Burke is socially awkward (per Dr. Phil). Considering Burke’s awkwardness I do not see him stepping forward, period.

I don’t think she ever went to bed that night.
JonBenet's hair was dressed for bed, her pajama bottoms are missing, her pink barbie nightgown was left bloodstained in the wine-cellar.
According to record, Jonbenet was in a deep sleep when she arrived home. As a mother, I would not fuss at this point by putting another ponytail in my daughters hair. It is redundant. Also, we must consider that Det. Arndt noticed green flecks in her hair that matched those on the spiral staircase, during autopsy.
Yes, her pajama bottoms are missing, but considering the mess of clothing in that house there is no telling where they are. Perhaps the pink top was put under her pillowcase when she supposedly went to bed Christmas night. We don’t know otherwise. As for the blood stained pink Barbie gown found in the wine cellar, it is my opinion that she had this on when she was struck. That purple duffel bag could have been used to transport items from Jonbenet’s bedroom to the basement, i. e. Burke’s pajama bottoms, all those ponytail holders laying all over her bedroom floor, her gap shirt.

The basement is a staged crime-scene the primary crime-scene is upstairs and it could be either Burke or JonBenet's bedroom, I go for the latter given all the forensic evidence left behind.

We don’t know for a fact that the basement crime scene was all staged. We do know her life was ended here. Let’s jump back for a moment to the nightgown. Why would PR bring up the fact that she didn’t notice blood on the tie backs of Jonbenet’s bed. I am sure she was misleading here; not forthcoming.

If the case was simply an accidental death then dialling 911 would be enough, but this never happened, what did was a staged crime-scene which tells us the sexual element was recognized suggesting the case is either JDI or BDI?
I concede to the fact that the sexual element was recognized. Let’s not overlook the fact that some mother’s also abuse their children, grandchildren etc. It was Nedra whom slept in Jonbenet’s bedroom while Patsy was going through treatment. Grooming for pageants started with her. I wonder if that grooming was taken a bit further. Jonbenet exhibited out of the ordinary sexualized actions for a 6 year old little girl. It was also Nedra that stated that all children are a little abused. And I’ve said this before but will say it again to drive home a point ... Why on earth would Patsy’s sister ever have a need to instruct Burke to scream at people coming to his closed bedroom door to “Go away, get out?” I can’t see where this is ever appropriate. In so saying, I strongly believe the sexual abuse stemmed by Patsy’s side of the family; not John’s.

Also some day soon BPD will release information on the itemized underwear removed from JonBenet's bathroom drawer.

i.e. is a Wednesday pair of size-6 Bloomingdale's missing?

There might never be a court case but we will know Who Did It eventually.
Please convince me why you believe all of this will come to pass.
Could she have worn the Barbie nightgown to bed? Nightgowns can be rather cold, so perhaps she also wore the long underwear as something to cover her legs for warmth?
Could she have worn the Barbie nightgown to bed? Nightgowns can be rather cold, so perhaps she also wore the long underwear as something to cover her legs for warmth?

It was said to be warm in Jonbenet’s bedroom. Burke stated he slept in there on cold nights because his room was in the older part of the house and it was cold. Jonbenet’s blanket was only a cotton thermal on her bed. Also I believe the content fiber of the nightgown was polyester; which is warmer then cotton.
Could she have worn the Barbie nightgown to bed? Nightgowns can be rather cold, so perhaps she also wore the long underwear as something to cover her legs for warmth?

JonBenet likely wore the same pajama top and bottoms that she wore on Christmas Eve.

As Patsy says she could not find JonBenet's pink pajama bottoms when she was putting JonBenet to bed, where did they go?

This account I reckon is fabricated to cover for the person, that guy again, who dressed JonBenet in Burke's long johns.

One of the parents must have realized how anomalous Burke's long johns looked on JonBenet that they intended to replace them with the pink barbie nightgown.

Alternatively I'm over analyzing it, and the pink barbie nightgown was simply dumped into the wine-cellar for the same reason JonBenet was, so sad.

Prime suspect here is John Ramsey who possibly moved JonBenet into the wine-cellar along with other forensic items?

It was said to be warm in Jonbenet’s bedroom. Burke stated he slept in there on cold nights because his room was in the older part of the house and it was cold. Jonbenet’s blanket was only a cotton thermal on her bed. Also I believe the content fiber of the nightgown was polyester; which is warmer then cotton.

Rain on my Parade,
Burke stated he slept in there on cold nights because his room was in the older part of the house and it was cold.
Really, you taken a thermometer reading in that room?

Can you think of some other reason Burke might want to be hanging out in JonBenet's bedroom?

Patsy said JonBenet regularly slept in Burke's bedroom, so the cold never seemed to bother her?

Of course the Ramsey's had to cover all the bases, so Burke's room was cold.

When did you last hear about a multi-millionaire who could not heat his childs bedroom?

I reckon the only reason Burke gave the Dr. Phil interview in the first place was @ his father’s urging (to help clear Burke’s name). I think this back fired as Burke is socially awkward (per Dr. Phil). Considering Burke’s awkwardness I do not see him stepping forward, period.

According to record, Jonbenet was in a deep sleep when she arrived home. As a mother, I would not fuss at this point by putting another ponytail in my daughters hair. It is redundant. Also, we must consider that Det. Arndt noticed green flecks in her hair that matched those on the spiral staircase, during autopsy.
Yes, her pajama bottoms are missing, but considering the mess of clothing in that house there is no telling where they are. Perhaps the pink top was put under her pillowcase when she supposedly went to bed Christmas night. We don’t know otherwise. As for the blood stained pink Barbie gown found in the wine cellar, it is my opinion that she had this on when she was struck. That purple duffel bag could have been used to transport items from Jonbenet’s bedroom to the basement, i. e. Burke’s pajama bottoms, all those ponytail holders laying all over her bedroom floor, her gap shirt.

We don’t know for a fact that the basement crime scene was all staged. We do know her life was ended here. Let’s jump back for a moment to the nightgown. Why would PR bring up the fact that she didn’t notice blood on the tie backs of Jonbenet’s bed. I am sure she was misleading here; not forthcoming.

I concede to the fact that the sexual element was recognized. Let’s not overlook the fact that some mother’s also abuse their children, grandchildren etc. It was Nedra whom slept in Jonbenet’s bedroom while Patsy was going through treatment. Grooming for pageants started with her. I wonder if that grooming was taken a bit further. Jonbenet exhibited out of the ordinary sexualized actions for a 6 year old little girl. It was also Nedra that stated that all children are a little abused. And I’ve said this before but will say it again to drive home a point ... Why on earth would Patsy’s sister ever have a need to instruct Burke to scream at people coming to his closed bedroom door to “Go away, get out?” I can’t see where this is ever appropriate. In so saying, I strongly believe the sexual abuse stemmed by Patsy’s side of the family; not John’s.

Please convince me why you believe all of this will come to pass.

Rain on my Parade,

They did the Dr. Phil interview to promote Burke's media profile and get his defense in ahead of the CBS documentary.

Burke is currently unmarried and unless he can demonstrate he took no part in JonBenet's death who is going to marry him?

So if he is innocent, some kind of media interview to clear the air, tell the truth etc, will likely benefit him, but only once John has left us, since he runs the show.

Perhaps the pink top was put under her pillowcase when she supposedly went to bed Christmas night.
1998 BPD Interview Patsy Excerpt
1 TOM HANEY: What is it?
2 PATSY RAMSEY: It is her Barbie nightgown.
3 TOM HANEY: Is that hers or her Barbie
4 doll's? When would she have worn that last, do you
5 know?
6 PATSY RAMSEY: Well, she didn't wear it that
7 night because she had her -- she had the [long underwear
8 pants and her little white shirt. And the night before
9 on Christmas Eve night she wore the pink little
10 (inaudible) that was under her pillow. You saw that.
11 And before that I don't remember. But neither of those
12 two nights she wore that.

1997 BPD Interview Patsy Excerpt, Patsy offers a reason for Ramnesia
ST: Do you recall on December 24th into the morning of December 25th, whether or not JonBenet slept in her bed or over in Burkes room?
PR: I, I just don’t remember exactly, but it seems like she was in her bed, but I don’t remember exactly.
ST: How about on the, uh, night of the 25th when you and John put her to bed, would it have been unlikely for her to have then moved to another location in the house to have slept, your bed or Burke’s room?
PR: Yeah, it would have been unlikely.
ST: Okay.
PR: The reason I can’t remember whether they, where she slept on the 24th were, not cause it seemed like they were conspiring about what time they were going to get up in the morning and I can’t remember whether they, it seems like there, that she did, they did talk about her sleeping in his room, but I can’t remember whether that really happened or not, but I remember they were conspiring about what time to get up and . . .
Yeah, it happened JonBenet slept in Burke's room, code for ...

As for the blood stained pink Barbie gown found in the wine cellar, it is my opinion that she had this on when she was struck.
Maybe, could be it was intended to replace Burke's long johns, which are not only a red flag, but inject Burke into JonBenet's death, this neglects Burke's touch dna on the nightgown.

We don’t know for a fact that the basement crime scene was all staged.
Sure, but its pretty close to being fact. Nearly everything related to the basement crime-scene was staged right down to Jonbenet's size-12 underwear.

We do know her life was ended here.
Not known as fact, this is supposition.

Let’s jump back for a moment to the nightgown. Why would PR bring up the fact that she didn’t notice blood on the tie backs of Jonbenet’s bed. I am sure she was misleading here; not forthcoming.
Patsy did this all the time, this was just an attempt to deflect from JonBenet's bloodstain on the pillow, and the questions about nosebleeds.

Jonbenet exhibited out of the ordinary sexualized actions for a 6 year old little girl.
I reckon this is what the public picked up on when they viewed the pageant movies on TV News over the New Year, etc.

Release of non-critical forensic items and photographs by BPD keeps the case in the news and some detectives gainfully employed undertaking media interviews, its all part of the homicide media cycle.

Once John leaves us, particular people will give media interviews and collectively their snippets of information will allow us to solve the case.

I regard PDI as an outlier with JDI and BDI on the table.

Rain on my Parade,

Really, you taken a thermometer reading in that room?

Can you think of some other reason Burke might want to be hanging out in JonBenet's bedroom?

Patsy said JonBenet regularly slept in Burke's bedroom, so the cold never seemed to bother her?

Of course the Ramsey's had to cover all the bases, so Burke's room was cold.

When did you last hear about a multi-millionaire who could not heat his childs bedroom?


It wasn’t a matter of money to keep the house warm. Jonbenet’s bedroom was in the newer addition of the home. Burke’s bedroom was in the original part of the house and it was drafty and colder.

Schuler asked Burke where people slept in the home and he
admitted sometimes sneaking into his sister’s room at night.

SCHULER: This bedroom?

BURKE: I would sometimes sleep on - I forget which bed. But I would sometimes sleep in
there ‘cause mine got cold.

SCHULER: ‘Cause your room got cold. So whose bed was this?

BURKE: Um, JonBenét.

SCHULER: Okay, so when it gets real cold in the winter, would you sleep over here?

BURKE: Yeah. I would sleep in there ‘cause my room’s kind of an older part of the house,
‘cause that’s the way it is.

SCHULER: Yeah, some of the older parts are like that, without the insulation in them.
Okay, how often would you sleep over here sometimes?

BURKE: Usually like really cold nights.
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Rain on my Parade,

They did the Dr. Phil interview to promote Burke's media profile and get his defense in ahead of the CBS documentary.

Burke is currently unmarried and unless he can demonstrate he took no part in JonBenet's death who is going to marry him?

So if he is innocent, some kind of media interview to clear the air, tell the truth etc, will likely benefit him, but only once John has left us, since he runs the show.

According to BR he did the interview because it was coming up to the 20th anniversary of JB death. Then again, we are talking about the Ramsey’s and their stories.

BR isn’t married but I would believe it’s because he has social anxiety not because some women is unwilling to marry him. Even the likes of Ted Bundy got married (while on death row).

BR undoubtedly knows what happened that fateful night. Gambling isn’t my cup of tea but I would almost place one that he will not willingly give an interview (come clean version).

As for the blood stained pink Barbie gown found in the wine cellar, it is my opinion that she had this on when she was struck.

Patsy did this all the time, this was just an attempt to deflect from JonBenet's bloodstain on the pillow, and the questions about nosebleeds.

Nosebleeds aren’t going to be found on the tie back curtains of JB bed unless she used them as a tissue. The blood that was found on the nightgown was found on the middle and right hand side of the gown. Perhaps her nose bled when she was whacked over the head. As for the touch DNA found on said item, both Patsy and Burke’s were found on the top of bottom of it. Why would that be?

Sure, but its pretty close to being fact. Nearly everything related to the basement crime-scene was staged right down to Jonbenet's size-12 underwear.

If JB life wasn’t ended here then why the urine stain on the carpet outside the wine cellar?
Not known as fact, this is supposition.
Would you care to explain your reasoning?

Jonbenet exhibited out of the ordinary sexualized actions for a 6 year old little girl.
I reckon this is what the public picked up on when they viewed the pageant movies on TV News over the New Year, etc.
I suppose this is why when my father came to visit me right after JB was murdered I was talking to him about it. He had no idea who she was. I showed him a picture and he said she looked like a young Marilyn Monroe. And quite possibly why BR stated on Dr. Phil that she was prancing.

I still don’t know who did what that night.

UKGuy said:
Also some day soon BPD will release information on the itemized underwear removed from JonBenet's bathroom drawer.

i.e. is a Wednesday pair of size-6 Bloomingdale's missing?

There might never be a court case but we will know Who Did It eventually.

Once John leaves us, particular people will give media interviews and collectively their snippets of information will allow us to solve the case.

I regard PDI as an outlier with JDI and BDI on the table

who are “those people”, old friends of the R’s perhaps?

Please convince me why you believe all of this will come to pass.
JonBenet likely wore the same pajama top and bottoms that she wore on Christmas Eve.

As Patsy says she could not find JonBenet's pink pajama bottoms when she was putting JonBenet to bed, where did they go?

This account I reckon is fabricated to cover for the person, that guy again, who dressed JonBenet in Burke's long johns.

One of the parents must have realized how anomalous Burke's long johns looked on JonBenet that they intended to replace them with the pink barbie nightgown.

Alternatively I'm over analyzing it, and the pink barbie nightgown was simply dumped into the wine-cellar for the same reason JonBenet was, so sad.

Prime suspect here is John Ramsey who possibly moved JonBenet into the wine-cellar along with other forensic items?


So, if this is the given where does this place Patsy in the scheme of things? After all her dna as well as Burke’s were found on the top/bottom, inside/outside of the nightgown.
Not John’s if he was doing the dumping per say.
So, if this is the given where does this place Patsy in the scheme of things? After all her dna as well as Burke’s were found on the top/bottom, inside/outside of the nightgown.
Not John’s if he was doing the dumping per say.

Rain on my Parade,
Well I can be totally wrong of course and possibly the case is really PDI?

The absence of John's touch-dna does not mean he did not place the nightgown in the wine-cellar?

Could just mean he was careful, and he was.

The same relations between artifacts apply in the Breakfast Bar, e.g. Patsy and Burke's fingerprints.

This might suggest that JonBenet wore the pink barbie night gown in the Breakfast Bar, i.e. confluence of evidence.

So Patsy's touch-dna transfers when she dresses JonBenet's hair and Burke's when he is interacting with JonBenet in either his bedroom or her own?

So you could be right, JonBenet was wearing the nightgown when struck?

So why remove the pink pajama bottoms but not the nightgown?

Rain on my Parade,
Well I can be totally wrong of course and possibly the case is really PDI?

The absence of John's touch-dna does not mean he did not place the nightgown in the wine-cellar?

Could just mean he was careful, and he was.

The same relations between artifacts apply in the Breakfast Bar, e.g. Patsy and Burke's fingerprints.

This might suggest that JonBenet wore the pink barbie night gown in the Breakfast Bar, i.e. confluence of evidence.

So Patsy's touch-dna transfers when she dresses JonBenet's hair and Burke's when he is interacting with JonBenet in either his bedroom or her own?

So you could be right, JonBenet was wearing the nightgown when struck?

So why remove the pink pajama bottoms but not the nightgown?


Who in the world knows where the pink pajama bottoms ended up. Cloths in that house apparently landed on the floor where they were taken off. Washing machine, dryer, under her bed. Perhaps, “the person” took the pajama pants out of the house that night with the rest of the size 12 bloomies.
Who in the world knows where the pink pajama bottoms ended up. Cloths in that house apparently landed on the floor where they were taken off. Washing machine, dryer, under her bed. Perhaps, “the person” took the pajama pants out of the house that night with the rest of the size 12 bloomies.

Rain on my Parade,
Yes I think the pink pajama bottoms went the same way as the size-12's and JonBenet's worn size-6 underwear.

Patsy has no explanation for the pink pajama bottoms not being on JonBenet's bed along with her pink pajama top, just that the absence is why she dressed JonBenet in Burke's long johns.

If you think about it there was a lot of clothing which played some kind of role, e.g. soiled black pants in bathroom, fecally stained pajama bottoms left on JonBenet's bedroom floor, pink pajama bottoms, pink barbie nightgown, white gap top, etc.

I just would like to know why everyone has such a hard time believing that John and John alone could have done this? It’s the simplest explanation by far. His lies are the number one smoking gun. I guess I am just frustrated that we all go down all these rabbit holes to explain something that can very easily be explained by John and John alone doing it. Thoughts?
If you are going on 'lies'... Patsy sure gave him a run for the money.

How so? She did seem to say things that went along with his stories but he seems to be the first version story teller..
Well said but the lies will never portray the truth. The truth in this case has been so distorted that it's impossible to define what is fact and what is fiction. However the truth has always been there it's just that people are so used to reading the lies that their realty has been distorted.
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I just would like to know why everyone has such a hard time believing that John and John alone could have done this? It’s the simplest explanation by far. His lies are the number one smoking gun. I guess I am just frustrated that we all go down all these rabbit holes to explain something that can very easily be explained by John and John alone doing it. Thoughts?

Hey there, well I reckon John could have done it. I can offer a motive and he had the opportunity, also his subsequent behaviour has been suspect.

Yet any JDI theory I've read generally fails to account for all the evidence, holes exist.

Same applies with Patsy, where she can be linked directly to the wine-cellar crime-scene.

The theory that explains the most evidence consistently is one involving Burke, yet given his age at the time, he was not responsible for the majority of postmortem staging, which brings in the parents?

So when you say:
something that can very easily be explained by John and John alone doing it. Thoughts?
It should be obvious that John was not acting alone, and that all three Ramseys colluded to present a convincing postmortem version of events.

An example of this is where the parents retract their statement that Burke was sound asleep in his bed during the 911 call, once it was alleged his voice could be heard on the 911 recording, i.e. a child voicing: "What did you find?"

To make progress I think Burke Ramsey has to be eliminated since he is the least likely suspect, which might be difficult as Colorado Statute already mandates that no public record of his involvement or connection with JonBenet's death can be made public, this applies to his personal testimony as well as any indictments issued.

Can you match your idea with John alone doing it to the available evidence, i.e. can you flesh out a convincing theory?

One aspect of any JDI I like to highlight is that the homicide statistics across countries suggest that the killer nearly always finds the victim!

I just would like to know why everyone has such a hard time believing that John and John alone could have done this? It’s the simplest explanation by far. His lies are the number one smoking gun. I guess I am just frustrated that we all go down all these rabbit holes to explain something that can very easily be explained by John and John alone doing it. Thoughts?

I would also like to know your theory that UKGuy asked:
Can you match your idea with John alone doing it to the available evidence, i.e. can you flesh out a convincing theory?

Do you think Patsy was perhaps so terrified of John that she would cover for him and go so far as to get all caught up in the ligature?

We really do want to hear your versions of JDI! Please, give us your two cents.
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