Lies point us to the truth

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Jonbenet’s passing is coming up to the 25th year of this case being unsolved.

What we do know is that there is no evidence of an intruder. Therefore, we can conclude that this case is/has been covered up by the perp. In other words, the Ramsey’s themselves were involved. We know this not only because there is no intruder evidence, but the Ramsey’s fabrication of the story line changes on a constant throughout the years. Simple things i.e. BR getting a bike for Christmas in 1996. JB being zonked out to the point she didn’t awake when her mother added yet another pony tail to her head. Oh sure! We could go on and on. What really bothers me here is that the Ramsey’s money and affiliations have kept any of them from prosecution or at the very least the truth of what happened that night to JB.
So, I sit and ask myself whom in the house that tragic night had a motive to brutalize JB and then murder her? It adds up to be the most likely culprit was BDI. Why else would his father yell at him that morning “We’re not talking to you.” Keep him hidden in his room (pretending to be asleep) and then whisked away soon after the police arrived? Was he simply being told to keep his mouth shut about what he had seen? Again, who had motive to harm JB and for what reason?
Jonbenet’s passing is coming up to the 25th year of this case being unsolved.

What we do know is that there is no evidence of an intruder. Therefore, we can conclude that this case is/has been covered up by the perp. In other words, the Ramsey’s themselves were involved. We know this not only because there is no intruder evidence, but the Ramsey’s fabrication of the story line changes on a constant throughout the years. Simple things i.e. BR getting a bike for Christmas in 1996. JB being zonked out to the point she didn’t awake when her mother added yet another pony tail to her head. Oh sure! We could go on and on. What really bothers me here is that the Ramsey’s money and affiliations have kept any of them from prosecution or at the very least the truth of what happened that night to JB.
So, I sit and ask myself whom in the house that tragic night had a motive to brutalize JB and then murder her? It adds up to be the most likely culprit was BDI. Why else would his father yell at him that morning “We’re not talking to you.” Keep him hidden in his room (pretending to be asleep) and then whisked away soon after the police arrived? Was he simply being told to keep his mouth shut about what he had seen? Again, who had motive to harm JB and for what reason?

Rain on my Parade,
Yes, the anniversary of a tragedy looms large.

There is zero forensic evidence linking to anyone outside of the Ramsey house.

Where you might expect to find foreign forensic evidence there is only that of the Ramsey's themselves.

Why else would his father yell at him that morning “We’re not talking to you.” Keep him hidden in his room (pretending to be asleep) and then whisked away soon after the police arrived?
ITA. BR was removed to avoid any questioning, but it never worked did it.

Fleet White was the only other person to check out Burke, Fleet made Burke's bed and prepared him for a quick exit, so he knows if Burke was involved, not then but now, and as BR is protected by Colorado Child Statutes, Fleet is likely resigned to silence. Unless JR leaves the planet first?

Dateline NBC "Who Killed JonBenet"
"The Grand Jury started hearing evidence in the fall of 1998. They heard testimony from Boulder Police and Lou Smit. Burke Ramsey also testified. According to police documents, he listened to the 911 call. And although he would not admit that he was in the kitchen when his mother made the 911 call, he told the jurors that it sounded like his voice on the tape."
The parents later admitted BR was wide awake during the 911 call.

This means all three remaining Ramseys colluded in the postmortem staging of JonBenet's homicide.

Again, who had motive to harm JB and for what reason?
The motive forms part of the abuse pattern.

Ventus Publishing Foreign Faction Who Really Kidnapped JonBenet by James Kolar, Excerpt
Dr. Meyer conducted an external examination of JonBenét’s genitalia. He had observed spots of blood in the crotch of the underwear she had been wearing when her clothing had been removed, and this alerted him to the possibility that there was a cause for this evidence to be present.

He observed that there was fresh trauma located at the 7:00 o’clock position at the hymeneal opening. The area was inflamed and had been bleeding, and it appeared to Dr. Meyer that a foreign object had been inserted into JonBenét’s genitalia at or near the time of her death.

The site of the damaged tissue was excised and prepared for a pathology slide. Later examination would reveal the presence of ‘cellulose material’ in the membrane of the hymeneal opening that was consistent with the wood of the paintbrush used as a handle in the cord of the garrote.

Dr. Meyer also observed signs of chronic inflammation around the vaginal orifice and believed that these injuries had been inflicted in the days or weeks before the acute injury that was responsible for causing the bleeding at the time of her death. This irritation appeared consistent with prior sexual contact.
The consensus on the above evidence suggested that someone close to JonBenét had been responsible for abusing her in the weeks or months preceding her murder.

Given what we know about the circumstances here, e.g. assumed WC staging, etc.

Does the above assault with the paintbrush represent an acute assault or postmortem ritual behavour?

If it is staging why bother wiping JonBenet down, as per the size-12's, and dress her in the long johns, if the object is to stage her death as something other?

ITA. BR was removed to avoid any questioning, but it never worked did it.

Fleet White was the only other person to check out Burke, Fleet made Burke's bed and prepared him for a quick exit, so he knows if Burke was involved, not then but now, and as BR is protected by Colorado Child Statutes, Fleet is likely resigned to silence. Unless JR leaves the planet first?

The detectives were on BR before JB body had been found. Yet, we still have the cover up. How do things change if JR passes for BR? Why is FW silenced now but not then? Curious about statutes.

The parents later admitted BR was wide awake during the 911 call.

This means all three remaining Ramseys colluded in the postmortem staging of JonBenet's homicide.

Yes, yes it does!

The motive forms part of the abuse pattern.

Considering this I will conclude thus as motive:
If it is PDI then it would be considered a form of corporal punishment.
If JDI then it would be considered his own sick nature.
If BDI then it could be considered his way of exerting his nature and jealousy upon JB. We know they played doctor. That lends to something here.

I am almost positive JB was ready to tell on however was committing the SA. Does it not seem coincidental that PR friends were planning on an intervention on the way she was bringing up JB; right after the holidays? One would wonder why? People usually mind their own business; especially more so in Boulder.

Does the above assault with the paintbrush represent an acute assault or postmortem ritual behavour?

Probably both would be my guess.

If it is staging why bother wiping JonBenet down, as per the size-12's, and dress her in the long johns, if the object is to stage her death as something other?

Indeed. There seems to be a question about how those droplets got onto the size 12’s since she had been wiped down. It is possible that when she was picked up and held at arms distance as though a doll up the basement stairs; she could have leaked fluid from the vaginal vault.
UK Guy,
I know you are BDI. I am PDI but I was just reacting to the carrying down to the basement idea, not the whole case for BDI.
I still think JBR may have been lured to the basement, going willingly on her own, with the bait being her promised "secret visit" from Santa. This may explain also why there were presents down there, and even possibly why they were partially opened. Perhaps JBR was assaulted for the first time as she attempted to open presents. All of these ideas tend to make me believe PDI, and with predetermination. I say the motive was either self-preservation against the impending "mega JBR" intervention by her friends, or in sacrificial repayment she believed (and her Bible influenced her to believe) that she owed to God for his cancer-remitting "miracle."
I know, I know, no one here agrees with me on that. But the date of Christmas, the purple Christmas decor, the talk of JBR's twin doll looking like it was in a coffin, the Biblical passages about binding up the sacrifice...combined with PR's dramatic me, strongly imply a premeditated effort. I wouldn't even be so sure that the RN and the practice RN were even written that day. I would expect them to have been written, and rewritten, in advance. Just MOO (my very unpopular opinion) and my personal thoughts.
You make some compelling statements. Not sure I buy all of them, but I’d like to hear your “sales pitch.” Forgive me if you’ve been through it all before, but would you mind fleshing your ideas out a little more? I find the advance RN particularly interesting.
The detectives were on BR before JB body had been found. Yet, we still have the cover up. How do things change if JR passes for BR? Why is FW silenced now but not then? Curious about statutes.

Yes, yes it does!

Considering this I will conclude thus as motive:
If it is PDI then it would be considered a form of corporal punishment.
If JDI then it would be considered his own sick nature.
If BDI then it could be considered his way of exerting his nature and jealousy upon JB. We know they played doctor. That lends to something here.

I am almost positive JB was ready to tell on however was committing the SA. Does it not seem coincidental that PR friends were planning on an intervention on the way she was bringing up JB; right after the holidays? One would wonder why? People usually mind their own business; especially more so in Boulder.

Probably both would be my guess.

Indeed. There seems to be a question about how those droplets got onto the size 12’s since she had been wiped down. It is possible that when she was picked up and held at arms distance as though a doll up the basement stairs; she could have leaked fluid from the vaginal vault.

Rain on my Parade,
Why is FW silenced now but not then? Curious about statutes.
Because as I said, he has worked out that the case is BDI, not JDI as he first thought.

He was there, I know what evidence he saw, so he knows whether BR can be linked directly to JonBenet's death, i.e. not asleep in his bed!

FW knows enough to confirm whether the case is BDI, independently of BPD.

Due to the WC staging most folks are confused regarding the forensic evidence, FW is not.

Yet, FW is under the jurisdiction of the Colorado Child Safety statutes, so he recognizes why the situation was a stand-off, resulting in a cold case.

If FW says anything about the case, e.g. I think its BDI, because ... etc., then JR would litigate him in open court, dragging his family into a turf war, and he does not want that.

If JR passes on first, the door is open for FW to speak in public, more so if the case is BDI, as BR will not want the publicity from suing him?

If BDI then it could be considered his way of exerting his nature and jealousy upon JB. We know they played doctor. That lends to something here.
Yes, this is it, more or less. Like all abuser's BR enjoyed exerting control. I reckon JonBenet was fighting back, she did not want to be compliant. Similar to Patsy and the Gap Top issue.

JonBenet's personality was developing, something BR and Patsy wished to ignore, she wanted more autonomy in her close friendship with BR and similarly wrt Patsy and what to wear, etc.

This aspect, is something not covered in most books, but I reckon plays a major role in what took place Christmas night.

Probably both would be my guess.
I was trying to contrast the acute assault with postmortem behaviour. In terms of timing was the SA perpetrated before or after she went into a coma?

IMO: it cannot represent staging as there was the wipe down as per Meyer along with hiding it by leaving JonBenet dressed in long johns?

BTW, if it is staging it fits a PDI nicely. A little factoid for PDI advocates.

I am almost positive JB was ready to tell on however was committing the SA. Does it not seem coincidental that PR friends were planning on an intervention on the way she was bringing up JB; right after the holidays? One would wonder why? People usually mind their own business; especially more so in Boulder.
Yes, you could be right here. Within the R circle of friends, BR & JonBenet playing doctor, including with other children, i.e. via sleepovers, was common knowledge.

So this might have been an issue to raise along with that of JonBenet attending pageants, etc. Moneyed Boulder families looked down upon pageant events, their cultural pursuits were more highbrow, something Patsy was desparate to mimic, hence all her art classes and antique purchases.
If JR passes on first, the door is open for FW to speak in public, more so if the case is BDI, as BR will not want the publicity from suing him?

Something tells me JR has this base covered for BR when he does pass. But I do get what you are saying. It would be more then humiliating for BR (especially after his Dr. Phil) interview should he be confronted by FW. I recall BR comments immediately following JB death that he knew what happened and expected everyone to know. I’m sure he did not realize at the time the consequences of his actions or words.

Yes, this is it, more or less. Like all abuser's BR enjoyed exerting control. I reckon JonBenet was fighting back, she did not want to be compliant. Similar to Patsy and the Gap Top issue.

JonBenet's personality was developing, something BR and Patsy wished to ignore, she wanted more autonomy in her close friendship with BR and similarly wrt Patsy and what to wear, etc.

This aspect, is something not covered in most books, but I reckon plays a major role in what took place Christmas night.

I would agree with you here. I feel JB was tired of the abuse BR handed down on her. Why wouldn’t she be bothered by feces smeared on her walls, bed, perhaps box of chocolates? I would also not be surprised if BR didn’t start to include DS in the SA encounters. Or her mother controlling her every move dang near.

Personally, I see the case as BDI. Yet, there is also the case of PDI. She had motive. Part of her could have loved the limelight of the Miss West Virginia but she could have also secretly disdained it. Case in point: who doesn’t like to be loved and sought after? Facing her own mortality and realizing what she meant to those around her during this time could have been a real eye opener. I don’t think she had much of a choice about JB entering the pageants as this was NP doing when PR was facing stage 4 ovarian cancer and its reality. I have witnessed the hate and jealousy myself that comes from a mother like this. JB was trying to be herself and seemed to be knocked down by her mother at every turn. My question here is why would JR cover for PR? The only scenario I can come up with is she placed blame on BR for that fateful night. Perhaps this is one reason BR knife was found at the crime scene downstairs and not in the diaper cabinet upstairs with the door open and diapers hanging out of it. I don’t believe BR knew the knife was there, nor do I believe he retrieved it. Why would he need the diapers? Yet, there is the step stool under JB Christmas tree in her bedroom.

I was trying to contrast the acute assault with postmortem behaviour. In terms of timing was the SA perpetrated before or after she went into a coma?

IMO: it cannot represent staging as there was the wipe down as per Meyer along with hiding it by leaving JonBenet dressed in long johns?

BTW, if it is staging it fits a PDI nicely. A little factoid for PDI advocates.

I wonder if the case is BDI then perhaps the parents walked into a scene with the broken paintbrush in position per the SA and knew it had to be covered up. Therefore she was wiped down. Since we all gather that JR was the one that wiped her since his fiber evidence clarifies this. She could have already been dressed by BR in his long Johns and the size 12’s. And, as you pointed out is could have also been staging per PDI.

Yes, you could be right here. Within the R circle of friends, BR & JonBenet playing doctor, including with other children, i.e. via sleepovers, was common knowledge.

So this might have been an issue to raise along with that of JonBenet attending pageants, etc. Moneyed Boulder families looked down upon pageant events, their cultural pursuits were more highbrow, something Patsy was desparate to mimic, hence all her art classes and antique purchases.

I don’t think the “sexy witch outfit” as paraphrased by PR nor the pageants themselves are excepted by those outside the kiddie pageants themselves. When I showed my own father a picture of JB his comment was, “she looks like a young Marilyn Monroe.” The things that go on behind closed doors.
Something tells me JR has this base covered for BR when he does pass. But I do get what you are saying. It would be more then humiliating for BR (especially after his Dr. Phil) interview should he be confronted by FW. I recall BR comments immediately following JB death that he knew what happened and expected everyone to know. I’m sure he did not realize at the time the consequences of his actions or words.

I would agree with you here. I feel JB was tired of the abuse BR handed down on her. Why wouldn’t she be bothered by feces smeared on her walls, bed, perhaps box of chocolates? I would also not be surprised if BR didn’t start to include DS in the SA encounters. Or her mother controlling her every move dang near.

Personally, I see the case as BDI. Yet, there is also the case of PDI. She had motive. Part of her could have loved the limelight of the Miss West Virginia but she could have also secretly disdained it. Case in point: who doesn’t like to be loved and sought after? Facing her own mortality and realizing what she meant to those around her during this time could have been a real eye opener. I don’t think she had much of a choice about JB entering the pageants as this was NP doing when PR was facing stage 4 ovarian cancer and its reality. I have witnessed the hate and jealousy myself that comes from a mother like this. JB was trying to be herself and seemed to be knocked down by her mother at every turn. My question here is why would JR cover for PR? The only scenario I can come up with is she placed blame on BR for that fateful night. Perhaps this is one reason BR knife was found at the crime scene downstairs and not in the diaper cabinet upstairs with the door open and diapers hanging out of it. I don’t believe BR knew the knife was there, nor do I believe he retrieved it. Why would he need the diapers? Yet, there is the step stool under JB Christmas tree in her bedroom.

I wonder if the case is BDI then perhaps the parents walked into a scene with the broken paintbrush in position per the SA and knew it had to be covered up. Therefore she was wiped down. Since we all gather that JR was the one that wiped her since his fiber evidence clarifies this. She could have already been dressed by BR in his long Johns and the size 12’s. And, as you pointed out is could have also been staging per PDI.

I don’t think the “sexy witch outfit” as paraphrased by PR nor the pageants themselves are excepted by those outside the kiddie pageants themselves. When I showed my own father a picture of JB his comment was, “she looks like a young Marilyn Monroe.” The things that go on behind closed doors.

Rain on my Parade,
Something tells me JR has this base covered for BR when he does pass. But I do get what you are saying. It would be more then humiliating for BR (especially after his Dr. Phil) interview should he be confronted by FW. I recall BR comments immediately following JB death that he knew what happened and expected everyone to know. I’m sure he did not realize at the time the consequences of his actions or words.
Other than appoint some attorney to oversee his estate, there is not much he can do.

The roadblock for FW has always been JR. FW's family was dragged through the mud for speaking out. So he will not want a repeat.

Yes, BR was too young to fully appreciate what he was saying. His taped medical interview was a give away.

I would agree with you here. I feel JB was tired of the abuse BR handed down on her. Why wouldn’t she be bothered by feces smeared on her walls, bed, perhaps box of chocolates? I would also not be surprised if BR didn’t start to include DS in the SA encounters. Or her mother controlling her every move dang near.
Yes, I reckon BR had become too controlling. Kolar implies some fetish was driving BR on?

Personally, I see the case as BDI. Yet, there is also the case of PDI. She had motive. Part of her could have loved the limelight of the Miss West Virginia but she could have also secretly disdained it. Case in point: who doesn’t like to be loved and sought after? Facing her own mortality and realizing what she meant to those around her during this time could have been a real eye opener. I don’t think she had much of a choice about JB entering the pageants as this was NP doing when PR was facing stage 4 ovarian cancer and its reality. I have witnessed the hate and jealousy myself that comes from a mother like this. JB was trying to be herself and seemed to be knocked down by her mother at every turn. My question here is why would JR cover for PR? The only scenario I can come up with is she placed blame on BR for that fateful night. Perhaps this is one reason BR knife was found at the crime scene downstairs and not in the diaper cabinet upstairs with the door open and diapers hanging out of it. I don’t believe BR knew the knife was there, nor do I believe he retrieved it. Why would he need the diapers? Yet, there is the step stool under JB Christmas tree in her bedroom.
Yes, 100% the Paughs telling JonBenet what to do. Think on it, they even roped in BR on occasions?

Yes, there is a case to be made for PDI and PR staging it away using BR's long johns, etc.

The thing is where do the size-12's fit in. PR had no answer for the investigators other than she gave them to JonBenet?

If you are PR staging yourself out of a homicide you need an explanation for the size-12's.

To date nobody promoting a PDI has explained the size-12's.

The bottom line is they do not need to be there, JonBenet had drawer full of brand new size-6 Bloomingdales, and Patsy claims she was in this drawer earlier allegedly removing the long johns?

I wonder if the case is BDI then perhaps the parents walked into a scene with the broken paintbrush in position per the SA and knew it had to be covered up. Therefore she was wiped down. Since we all gather that JR was the one that wiped her since his fiber evidence clarifies this. She could have already been dressed by BR in his long Johns and the size 12’s. And, as you pointed out is could have also been staging per PDI.
Yes, all theories are on the table here. Including PDI with Patsy using BR's long johns and the size-12's to deflect attention?

The use of the paintbrush is difficult to reconcile with JonBenet being assaulted upstairs.

The paintbrush fits a basement assault or staging scenario better.

I don’t think the “sexy witch outfit” as paraphrased by PR nor the pageants themselves are excepted by those outside the kiddie pageants themselves. When I showed my own father a picture of JB his comment was, “she looks like a young Marilyn Monroe.” The things that go on behind closed doors.
BBM: Speaks of your father's generation. Don Paugh thought Shirley Temple was cute. BTW DP's rush back home is still unresolved, with JonBenet displaying signs of Chronic Abuse all males who had access to her are under the umbrella of suspicion.

The things that go on behind closed doors.
Sure, this is why they never rushed JonBenet over to the nearest medical facility. The cost would not have been an issue to the Ramsey's.

Meaning the case might be BDI, but if JonBenet lived to talk she might have told us some other person was molesting her?

There are various roles to fulfill - abuser, killer, & stager. More than one person might assume one of these roles. The simplest way should be to have only one person play each. This is possible, but not likely? The final assault betrays knowledge of previous attacks. If the SA were known among the family, the question arises as to why nothing was done about it. A parent would be more apt to protect a guilty child than an abusive spouse. This works in favor of BDI. Although JR is most probable on paper.

It's telling that in the middle of an abduction of one of their children, the Rs would send another out of their sight. PR's maternal instincts seem to have evaporated when most crucial. The RN states that the Rs are being monitored, and any violations of the FF's terms will result in JB's beheading. The FF would know then that BPD arrived at the residence. "She dies". Aware that JB's killers are lurking about, and also that their violation is a death sentence for JB, the parents decide to relinquish LE protection for their son, and dismiss BR to a neighbor's home.

The RN is influenced by movies. Perhaps the staging also has echoes of films? This would be very difficult to interpret visually; but, images could have been half-remembered by the stager(s).
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You make some compelling statements. Not sure I buy all of them, but I’d like to hear your “sales pitch.” Forgive me if you’ve been through it all before, but would you mind fleshing your ideas out a little more? I find the advance RN particularly interesting.

UK Guy,
I will attempt to elaborate, but keep in mind I have only the same known facts from which to hypothesize as anyone else, and I am basing my theories on a rather instinctive feeling rather than on concrete knowledge.

I feel, in general, that this case is PDI and that BR was framed as a safe patsy. Perhaps PR thought she could fool JR into believing BDI, but in any case I don't think he believed that. I think she set up BR's knife and long johns in an attempt to pull off this deception, or perhaps also in an effort to nudge the police into the belief that BDI. This would strengthen my theory of premeditation in that it would suggest that PR researched, or otherwise discovered beforehand, that a 9 year old would escape public judgment and punishment. She already knew her son had exhibited bizarre and possibly violent behaviors that were known to their circle of friends (the golf club incident, etc.) This framing effort may have extended to include the baseball bat found outside, the disappearance of BR's bike, etc.

As for the size 12's, I continue to maintain that it is PR who is most likely to have included these on purpose in the scene, for 2 reasons. First, PR was a drama queen, for whom appearances carried far too much significance, and she needed JBR to be found in a pair (any pair) of underwear that reflected the correct day of the week, both for superficial vanity and to stamp the date of death as Christmas Day. Second, this would LOOK like something no mother like PR would ever do, which, along with BR's long johns, would help deflect guilt in the eyes of the police.

Now for the premeditation idea. This one is my gut talking, and hard to express in a convincing way, but I will try to at least offer some contextual support here.

The facts are that many practice notes were proven to exist. The facts are that PR specifically vocalized several after-the-fact observations: that the my twinn doll looked like JBR in a coffin, that the purple with which PR decorated was known to be associated with Easter (death and resurrection), not Christmas (read: REbirth through violent sacrifice, not an initial birth of pure innocence), etc. These two things scream out at me as a projection by PR of things she had observed BEFORE the murder being spun by PR as HINDSIGHT to sound more stagy and dramatic and profound. I mean, why else would she make a huge point of mentioning how she should have seen this coming, unless she in fact did see it coming??

It's my take that PR had this idea in her head for a while, and I'm guessing she was seeing "signs from God" everywhere she looked, which mounted up in her mind, eventually creating for her both the ultimate rationalization for her planned actions (God wants me to do this, I owe him) and a pass, in her mind, on any consciousness of sin or guilt (this is the divine plan, and JBR's true purpose on this earth is to be a sacrifice for the soul of the world). Witness PR's expressed statements after the murder about how God meant big things for JBR (I am paraphrasing, but I think it was along the lines of JBR having a bigger, and less earthly, purpose, by virtue of having become an angel.)

An earlier poster mentioned that the jewelry gifts given to JBR were all part of her adornments in the coffin. The bracelet was engraved with the very date she died, or the date we are strongly led to believe she died. Yes, this could be an unfortunate coincidence, but it seems to me that PR may have "visualized JBR in a coffin" in many more ways than one.

Why would any Christian, fervent and devout, steeped in the traditions of advent and lent, choose the colors surrounding Christ's death as those to celebrate his birth? I cannot believe this was due to oversight or a love of the color purple. The reason, IMOO, was because the Lenten PURPLE represented life AFTER DEATH, and this was an imperative and urgent salve that PR desperately needed surrounding her when planning to send her child to heaven. In addition, the resurrection was only made possible through a violent murder, a willing self-sacrifice, which was also KNOWN to Christ beforehand. Purple reminded PR, IMO, that she was about to perform a grand sacrifice at the urging of the God who had saved her, personally, from certain death, a sacrifice that she convinced herself would somehow have great benefit for people everywhere. The sacrifice was important because it represented a grandiose act of selflessness, and IMO PR chose purple for all of the above reasons, consciously or unconsciously.

The RN...I just went and re-read the entire note AS IF it had been written in advance. I encourage you to do the same. It seems to me that PR could have been penning and practicing this note as part of a "wait and see" campaign against JR, who quite clearly is the object of vitriol in the rn. Could she have planned to stage a fake, but realistic, kidnapping drama as a way to punish JR for SA, for a wayward eye to other women, or as a wake up call that his living child needed his attention and that he was too hung up on Beth? I'm not guessing these scenarios are likely, but they are possible. PR may have planned to have someone "kidnap" JBR (secret visit from Santa?) and then leave the rn to get what she wanted from JR, whatever that was. Then, seeing signs of sacrifice everywhere, she decided on a plan B in which she could still use the rn as a prop and a decoy?

I tend to think PDI, and the RN was part of her initial, premeditated, planning. But it could be anything else. I firmly believe PR was besieged by many mental issues or illnesses, and I believe most of them stemmed from her own childhood. The drama, the "posing" as a person long past rising above her humble WV roots, the pathological attachment to appearances and surfaces, all while still falling short of the esteem of those she needed to belong to, screams "impostor syndrome" to me. It is MOO that PR knew, deep down, that she could not pretend or will herself into high society legitimately, and that she wasn't really fooling anyone. This would include the miss jean brodie performances, the beauty pageants, the disdain of her peers and the looming "intervention," the wandering eye of her husband, the possible SA that she either perpetrated or enabled but in any case had to constantly hide, the pressures from her own mother, the fact that JR seemed to prefer his dead daughter with another woman over his living daughter with her, the fact that she gave show tours of her homes but couldn't keep feces off the walls and out of the toilets....the list goes on forever. IMO PR was a shell of a person, trying to function after her real self had long ago been lost. The cancer, to her, may have been the last straw, as it temporarily stole her looks and her public stage, and the remission...imagine how godsent that must have seemed to PR...a sign that she was still of use to someone...that she still had a purpose, and a secret power. It is not too farfetched, IMO, under all these mind tugs from different directions, that PR might have seized on that sense of agency and meaning, and committed a crime in the name of God's divine mercy and God's greater plan, knowing that BR could be both blamed and forgiven for it without consequence. All MOO, of course, but this is where I'm coming from.

On a much simpler note, it also occurs to me that the "certain blonde " PR referred to in a conversation may have been either a woman JR seemed to fancy, or JBR, or both. The case may be all about jealousy of her daughter, with or without a connection to JR involved. The RN sure does imply serious bitterness toward JR though...could this also fit my above theory that PR (as a self-imagined unsuccessful impostor) resented JR, his business, his money/bonus, and his success because, like everything else around her, were actually the real deal, and only mirrored her own perceived failures back at her?

I know this was long, and I apologize. Please remember I'm only going by gut feelings based on behavioral and historical patterns I perceive.

And ALL OF THE ABOVE IS MOO, of course.
UK Guy,
I will attempt to elaborate, but keep in mind I have only the same known facts from which to hypothesize as anyone else, and I am basing my theories on a rather instinctive feeling rather than on concrete knowledge.

Snipped for brevity

I know this was long, and I apologize. Please remember I'm only going by gut feelings based on behavioral and historical patterns I perceive.

And ALL OF THE ABOVE IS MOO, of course.

Your details were in response to my request, not UK Guy — Hi, UK Guy, nice to see you’re still engaged here! — and I thank you.

I find your ideas compelling and quite possibly closer to the truth than we may ever get by simply continuing to pore over the same static evidence year after year.

The business of PR possibly trying to deflect blame onto BR flies in the face of the more universally accepted idea amongst the BDI contingent that all the staging was intended by PR, JR, or both to do just the opposite. That’s something I suppose could be true, and I’ve bought into it off and on as an early BDI believer, but honestly, your suggestion has a louder ring of truth to it. When I write, I often use the trick of reversal to gain insights — like wondering how my attitude toward something might change if an assumption I’ve made were the exact opposite of the truth. That works in your scenario on so many levels it is really astonishing. Just one nit to pick, though: Imposter syndrome isn’t a mental illness. It’s pretty common, especially in people who are the first generation in their family to pursue higher education or become financially successful. I’ve experienced this myself and have talked it over with a wonderful counselor I used to consult. If Patsy had this issue, which would make sense, it was part of something far more destructive; you’ve made that case and I agree with you there.

Where I think your theory shines is in the early, and much-practiced, RN. We’re so busy pondering how it must have been written in haste, perhaps by all three surviving Ramsey’s contributing their parts, in the early morning hours before the kid blew off the Ramsey household that we miss its true craziness. Your take on the preparation actually makes a lot more sense, even if the note remains the work of a lunatic.

There was a LOT of craziness in that house. For one thing (which no one seems to talk about), I find it odd that a grown, successful man like JR would find himself locked out of his house in the middle of the night and decide to strip down in freezing winter weather to slip into a tiny basement window that he’d broken for that purpose. Why wouldn’t he just call his wife? Was he sneaking in, drunk, after a tryst he couldn’t explain? Where were his keys if he’d driven home? Most people keep car and house keys together. Had he been dumped off by someone who’d taken them away when it was clear he was too drunk to drive? A woman, perhaps, afraid to be caught with him in that condition? So many questions no one ever asks. And I believe JR claimed he’d done that more than once, like it was regular enough to suggest binge drinking was a feature of his social life that he tried to keep hidden. <shrug> I dunno. Just a thought.

I’ve gathered, and it seems you agree, that PR was more than a little harsh or impatient in her disciplining of JBR and that this could be interpreted in hindsight as SA. And of course discipline might have taken the form of outright SA; she is supposed to have suffered same in her own childhood, after all. Wasn’t this partly what prompted the friends’ planned intervention we’ve heard about? I honestly don’t see SA being something JBR’s prepubescent brother would do, although he might have gotten some ideas from somewhere (or someone) that he explored. Kids do that, after all. That little boy was obviously troubled, though. Judging from the infamous Dr. Phil interview, it seems to have followed him into adulthood.

Did the household craziness include JR “bothering” his daughter? He is said to have disapproved of his wife’s sexualization of JBR, at least around the time of the Vegas showgirl performance. Could SA have been an angry (possibly drunken) response to that, as a way of punishing PR? I don’t know. Oh, to see that pediatrician’s notes. He claimed, after the murder, that he’d never noted symptoms of SA, only chronic urinary tract irritations or infections, for which he reasonably recommended discontinuing giving JBR bubble baths. I don’t believe he was above being persuaded to keep silent about whatever else he perhaps saw or suspected. The fact that his notes are no longer available is suggestive. What happened to them?

Oh my, I could go on and on. You’ve triggered some creative thinking in me, and I hope other “old timers” here who believe they’ve turned over every leaf.

Let us hope that someday, someone now living who knows the truth will reveal it. I think that’s our only hope for justice in this case, and it’s a slim one indeed.

Thank you for your patient explanation of your thoughts in this matter. It’s much appreciated.
UK Guy,
I will attempt to elaborate, but keep in mind I have only the same known facts from which to hypothesize as anyone else, and I am basing my theories on a rather instinctive feeling rather than on concrete knowledge.

I feel, in general, that this case is PDI and that BR was framed as a safe patsy. Perhaps PR thought she could fool JR into believing BDI, but in any case I don't think he believed that. I think she set up BR's knife and long johns in an attempt to pull off this deception, or perhaps also in an effort to nudge the police into the belief that BDI. This would strengthen my theory of premeditation in that it would suggest that PR researched, or otherwise discovered beforehand, that a 9 year old would escape public judgment and punishment. She already knew her son had exhibited bizarre and possibly violent behaviors that were known to their circle of friends (the golf club incident, etc.) This framing effort may have extended to include the baseball bat found outside, the disappearance of BR's bike, etc.

As for the size 12's, I continue to maintain that it is PR who is most likely to have included these on purpose in the scene, for 2 reasons. First, PR was a drama queen, for whom appearances carried far too much significance, and she needed JBR to be found in a pair (any pair) of underwear that reflected the correct day of the week, both for superficial vanity and to stamp the date of death as Christmas Day. Second, this would LOOK like something no mother like PR would ever do, which, along with BR's long johns, would help deflect guilt in the eyes of the police.

Now for the premeditation idea. This one is my gut talking, and hard to express in a convincing way, but I will try to at least offer some contextual support here.

The facts are that many practice notes were proven to exist. The facts are that PR specifically vocalized several after-the-fact observations: that the my twinn doll looked like JBR in a coffin, that the purple with which PR decorated was known to be associated with Easter (death and resurrection), not Christmas (read: REbirth through violent sacrifice, not an initial birth of pure innocence), etc. These two things scream out at me as a projection by PR of things she had observed BEFORE the murder being spun by PR as HINDSIGHT to sound more stagy and dramatic and profound. I mean, why else would she make a huge point of mentioning how she should have seen this coming, unless she in fact did see it coming??

It's my take that PR had this idea in her head for a while, and I'm guessing she was seeing "signs from God" everywhere she looked, which mounted up in her mind, eventually creating for her both the ultimate rationalization for her planned actions (God wants me to do this, I owe him) and a pass, in her mind, on any consciousness of sin or guilt (this is the divine plan, and JBR's true purpose on this earth is to be a sacrifice for the soul of the world). Witness PR's expressed statements after the murder about how God meant big things for JBR (I am paraphrasing, but I think it was along the lines of JBR having a bigger, and less earthly, purpose, by virtue of having become an angel.)

An earlier poster mentioned that the jewelry gifts given to JBR were all part of her adornments in the coffin. The bracelet was engraved with the very date she died, or the date we are strongly led to believe she died. Yes, this could be an unfortunate coincidence, but it seems to me that PR may have "visualized JBR in a coffin" in many more ways than one.

Why would any Christian, fervent and devout, steeped in the traditions of advent and lent, choose the colors surrounding Christ's death as those to celebrate his birth? I cannot believe this was due to oversight or a love of the color purple. The reason, IMOO, was because the Lenten PURPLE represented life AFTER DEATH, and this was an imperative and urgent salve that PR desperately needed surrounding her when planning to send her child to heaven. In addition, the resurrection was only made possible through a violent murder, a willing self-sacrifice, which was also KNOWN to Christ beforehand. Purple reminded PR, IMO, that she was about to perform a grand sacrifice at the urging of the God who had saved her, personally, from certain death, a sacrifice that she convinced herself would somehow have great benefit for people everywhere. The sacrifice was important because it represented a grandiose act of selflessness, and IMO PR chose purple for all of the above reasons, consciously or unconsciously.

The RN...I just went and re-read the entire note AS IF it had been written in advance. I encourage you to do the same. It seems to me that PR could have been penning and practicing this note as part of a "wait and see" campaign against JR, who quite clearly is the object of vitriol in the rn. Could she have planned to stage a fake, but realistic, kidnapping drama as a way to punish JR for SA, for a wayward eye to other women, or as a wake up call that his living child needed his attention and that he was too hung up on Beth? I'm not guessing these scenarios are likely, but they are possible. PR may have planned to have someone "kidnap" JBR (secret visit from Santa?) and then leave the rn to get what she wanted from JR, whatever that was. Then, seeing signs of sacrifice everywhere, she decided on a plan B in which she could still use the rn as a prop and a decoy?

I tend to think PDI, and the RN was part of her initial, premeditated, planning. But it could be anything else. I firmly believe PR was besieged by many mental issues or illnesses, and I believe most of them stemmed from her own childhood. The drama, the "posing" as a person long past rising above her humble WV roots, the pathological attachment to appearances and surfaces, all while still falling short of the esteem of those she needed to belong to, screams "impostor syndrome" to me. It is MOO that PR knew, deep down, that she could not pretend or will herself into high society legitimately, and that she wasn't really fooling anyone. This would include the miss jean brodie performances, the beauty pageants, the disdain of her peers and the looming "intervention," the wandering eye of her husband, the possible SA that she either perpetrated or enabled but in any case had to constantly hide, the pressures from her own mother, the fact that JR seemed to prefer his dead daughter with another woman over his living daughter with her, the fact that she gave show tours of her homes but couldn't keep feces off the walls and out of the toilets....the list goes on forever. IMO PR was a shell of a person, trying to function after her real self had long ago been lost. The cancer, to her, may have been the last straw, as it temporarily stole her looks and her public stage, and the remission...imagine how godsent that must have seemed to PR...a sign that she was still of use to someone...that she still had a purpose, and a secret power. It is not too farfetched, IMO, under all these mind tugs from different directions, that PR might have seized on that sense of agency and meaning, and committed a crime in the name of God's divine mercy and God's greater plan, knowing that BR could be both blamed and forgiven for it without consequence. All MOO, of course, but this is where I'm coming from.

On a much simpler note, it also occurs to me that the "certain blonde *****" PR referred to in a conversation may have been either a woman JR seemed to fancy, or JBR, or both. The case may be all about jealousy of her daughter, with or without a connection to JR involved. The RN sure does imply serious bitterness toward JR though...could this also fit my above theory that PR (as a self-imagined unsuccessful impostor) resented JR, his business, his money/bonus, and his success because, like everything else around her, were actually the real deal, and only mirrored her own perceived failures back at her?

I know this was long, and I apologize. Please remember I'm only going by gut feelings based on behavioral and historical patterns I perceive.

And ALL OF THE ABOVE IS MOO, of course.

I was BDI recently, but some theories I've looked at have shifted me to PDI and similar ideas to yours.
One thing I have always dismissed is the idea that it was a premeditated crime simply because an accident after a busy Christmas day is just more logical. But something about the RN always bothered me. All the bits from various movies, why would anyone be able to recall all of it unless these specific scenes caught their attention? Did someone have a fantasy about the sort of attention that would come from having a kidnapping in the family? Then I remembered, Patsy called an audience over that morning. Once I let myself consider premeditation, a lot of things just made more sense.
I don't know that she was necessarily setting Burke up as a patsy, but maybe she was staging a scene where anything was possible (if so, she was obviously successful). Made me think of something Agatha Christie would have written (or maybe she did?)
In this scenario, I think she's pretty much daring John to figure it all out. But I think he instantly recognizes the RN as something she has written, but he doesn't want to accuse her, and can't figure what she is up to. But she knows the jig is already up. He tells her to call 911 to call her bluff, and she calls. To assume he will fix this and keep her out of trouble, she would have to be holding something really bad over his head. I think she may have left a few clues to that matter around as a warning.
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Premeditation ought not be dismissed out of hand. The duct tape and cord were bought in advance. The 911 call on the 23rd may have been a rehearsal. The RN could have been written at any time. The point is well taken that those lines from movies made an impression on its author for some reason. Who else but Patsy knew where the size 12s were?
I was BDI recently, but some theories I've looked at have shifted me to PDI and similar ideas to yours.
One thing I have always dismissed is the idea that it was a premeditated crime simply because an accident after a busy Christmas day is just more logical. But something about the RN always bothered me. All the bits from various movies, why would anyone be able to recall all of it unless these specific scenes caught their attention? Did someone have a fantasy about the sort of attention that would come from having a kidnapping in the family? Then I remembered, Patsy called an audience over that morning. Once I let myself consider premeditation, a lot of things just made more sense.
I don't know that she was necessarily setting Burke up as a patsy, but maybe she was staging a scene where anything was possible (if so, she was obviously successful). Made me think of something Agatha Christie would have written (or maybe she did?)
In this scenario, I think she's pretty much daring John to figure it all out. But I think he instantly recognizes the RN as something she has written, but he doesn't want to accuse her, and can't figure what she is up to. But she knows the jig is already up. He tells her to call 911 to call her bluff, and she calls. To assume he will fix this and keep her out of trouble, she would have to be holding something really bad over his head. I think she may have left a few clues to that matter around as a warning.

The PDI scenario you outline has already been put forward. The flaw in it is that JR would have had to possess telepathic powers, to understand what needed to be said in Patsy's defense as he fielded questions from investigators before JonBenet was discovered.

Anyway, since it can be shown all three remaining Ramsey's colluded postmortem to stage JonBenet's death, it's highly unlikely that the case involves a single individual family member.

Your details were in response to my request, not UK Guy — Hi, UK Guy, nice to see you’re still engaged here! — and I thank you.

I find your ideas compelling and quite possibly closer to the truth than we may ever get by simply continuing to pore over the same static evidence year after year.

The business of PR possibly trying to deflect blame onto BR flies in the face of the more universally accepted idea amongst the BDI contingent that all the staging was intended by PR, JR, or both to do just the opposite. That’s something I suppose could be true, and I’ve bought into it off and on as an early BDI believer, but honestly, your suggestion has a louder ring of truth to it. When I write, I often use the trick of reversal to gain insights — like wondering how my attitude toward something might change if an assumption I’ve made were the exact opposite of the truth. That works in your scenario on so many levels it is really astonishing. Just one nit to pick, though: Imposter syndrome isn’t a mental illness. It’s pretty common, especially in people who are the first generation in their family to pursue higher education or become financially successful. I’ve experienced this myself and have talked it over with a wonderful counselor I used to consult. If Patsy had this issue, which would make sense, it was part of something far more destructive; you’ve made that case and I agree with you there.

Where I think your theory shines is in the early, and much-practiced, RN. We’re so busy pondering how it must have been written in haste, perhaps by all three surviving Ramsey’s contributing their parts, in the early morning hours before the kid blew off the Ramsey household that we miss its true craziness. Your take on the preparation actually makes a lot more sense, even if the note remains the work of a lunatic.

There was a LOT of craziness in that house. For one thing (which no one seems to talk about), I find it odd that a grown, successful man like JR would find himself locked out of his house in the middle of the night and decide to strip down in freezing winter weather to slip into a tiny basement window that he’d broken for that purpose. Why wouldn’t he just call his wife? Was he sneaking in, drunk, after a tryst he couldn’t explain? Where were his keys if he’d driven home? Most people keep car and house keys together. Had he been dumped off by someone who’d taken them away when it was clear he was too drunk to drive? A woman, perhaps, afraid to be caught with him in that condition? So many questions no one ever asks. And I believe JR claimed he’d done that more than once, like it was regular enough to suggest binge drinking was a feature of his social life that he tried to keep hidden. <shrug> I dunno. Just a thought.

I’ve gathered, and it seems you agree, that PR was more than a little harsh or impatient in her disciplining of JBR and that this could be interpreted in hindsight as SA. And of course discipline might have taken the form of outright SA; she is supposed to have suffered same in her own childhood, after all. Wasn’t this partly what prompted the friends’ planned intervention we’ve heard about? I honestly don’t see SA being something JBR’s prepubescent brother would do, although he might have gotten some ideas from somewhere (or someone) that he explored. Kids do that, after all. That little boy was obviously troubled, though. Judging from the infamous Dr. Phil interview, it seems to have followed him into adulthood.

Did the household craziness include JR “bothering” his daughter? He is said to have disapproved of his wife’s sexualization of JBR, at least around the time of the Vegas showgirl performance. Could SA have been an angry (possibly drunken) response to that, as a way of punishing PR? I don’t know. Oh, to see that pediatrician’s notes. He claimed, after the murder, that he’d never noted symptoms of SA, only chronic urinary tract irritations or infections, for which he reasonably recommended discontinuing giving JBR bubble baths. I don’t believe he was above being persuaded to keep silent about whatever else he perhaps saw or suspected. The fact that his notes are no longer available is suggestive. What happened to them?

Oh my, I could go on and on. You’ve triggered some creative thinking in me, and I hope other “old timers” here who believe they’ve turned over every leaf.

Let us hope that someday, someone now living who knows the truth will reveal it. I think that’s our only hope for justice in this case, and it’s a slim one indeed.

Thank you for your patient explanation of your thoughts in this matter. It’s much appreciated.
Your details were in response to my request, not UK Guy — Hi, UK Guy, nice to see you’re still engaged here! — and I thank you.

I find your ideas compelling and quite possibly closer to the truth than we may ever get by simply continuing to pore over the same static evidence year after year.

The business of PR possibly trying to deflect blame onto BR flies in the face of the more universally accepted idea amongst the BDI contingent that all the staging was intended by PR, JR, or both to do just the opposite. That’s something I suppose could be true, and I’ve bought into it off and on as an early BDI believer, but honestly, your suggestion has a louder ring of truth to it. When I write, I often use the trick of reversal to gain insights — like wondering how my attitude toward something might change if an assumption I’ve made were the exact opposite of the truth. That works in your scenario on so many levels it is really astonishing. Just one nit to pick, though: Imposter syndrome isn’t a mental illness. It’s pretty common, especially in people who are the first generation in their family to pursue higher education or become financially successful. I’ve experienced this myself and have talked it over with a wonderful counselor I used to consult. If Patsy had this issue, which would make sense, it was part of something far more destructive; you’ve made that case and I agree with you there.

Where I think your theory shines is in the early, and much-practiced, RN. We’re so busy pondering how it must have been written in haste, perhaps by all three surviving Ramsey’s contributing their parts, in the early morning hours before the kid blew off the Ramsey household that we miss its true craziness. Your take on the preparation actually makes a lot more sense, even if the note remains the work of a lunatic.

There was a LOT of craziness in that house. For one thing (which no one seems to talk about), I find it odd that a grown, successful man like JR would find himself locked out of his house in the middle of the night and decide to strip down in freezing winter weather to slip into a tiny basement window that he’d broken for that purpose. Why wouldn’t he just call his wife? Was he sneaking in, drunk, after a tryst he couldn’t explain? Where were his keys if he’d driven home? Most people keep car and house keys together. Had he been dumped off by someone who’d taken them away when it was clear he was too drunk to drive? A woman, perhaps, afraid to be caught with him in that condition? So many questions no one ever asks. And I believe JR claimed he’d done that more than once, like it was regular enough to suggest binge drinking was a feature of his social life that he tried to keep hidden. <shrug> I dunno. Just a thought.

I’ve gathered, and it seems you agree, that PR was more than a little harsh or impatient in her disciplining of JBR and that this could be interpreted in hindsight as SA. And of course discipline might have taken the form of outright SA; she is supposed to have suffered same in her own childhood, after all. Wasn’t this partly what prompted the friends’ planned intervention we’ve heard about? I honestly don’t see SA being something JBR’s prepubescent brother would do, although he might have gotten some ideas from somewhere (or someone) that he explored. Kids do that, after all. That little boy was obviously troubled, though. Judging from the infamous Dr. Phil interview, it seems to have followed him into adulthood.

Did the household craziness include JR “bothering” his daughter? He is said to have disapproved of his wife’s sexualization of JBR, at least around the time of the Vegas showgirl performance. Could SA have been an angry (possibly drunken) response to that, as a way of punishing PR? I don’t know. Oh, to see that pediatrician’s notes. He claimed, after the murder, that he’d never noted symptoms of SA, only chronic urinary tract irritations or infections, for which he reasonably recommended discontinuing giving JBR bubble baths. I don’t believe he was above being persuaded to keep silent about whatever else he perhaps saw or suspected. The fact that his notes are no longer available is suggestive. What happened to them?

Oh my, I could go on and on. You’ve triggered some creative thinking in me, and I hope other “old timers” here who believe they’ve turned over every leaf.

Let us hope that someday, someone now living who knows the truth will reveal it. I think that’s our only hope for justice in this case, and it’s a slim one indeed.

Thank you for your patient explanation of your thoughts in this matter. It’s much appreciated.

My sincere apologies for misdirecting my reply!!
Also for mischaracterizing Impostor syndrome...I did not mean to include this as a mental illness. As the oldest of 5, who was an only for my first 8 years, I too know this syndrome far too well. I do agree that PR was operating within something far more destructive than any single syndrome OR mental illness.

I want to thank you for considering my thoughts carefully, and for seeing some worthiness in them. Every time I post in here, I fear I will be written off as the overthinker that I am. But I stand firm in my impressions, such as they are, and appreciate your feedback and gentle massage of my ideas.

I do feel it is useful to ditch our assumptions, and imagine scenarios where the opposite is true. It helps to freshen and validate whatever we learn in that process.

I also think the bindings are central to my theories. Why does one suppose JBR was found with her arms in the air, tied loosely with cord? Could it be that there had been some attempt at a re-enactment of a crucifixion tableau/scene??? It does seem that PR would always opt for a visual stage and all of its requisite audience attention, in any endeavor, based on what we know of her. Perhaps this, too, might have also been important to PR's ability to justify her own actions in her mind. This could be the reason for ALL the may be that it looks staged because it WAS a stage, a scene complete with backdrop, props, and a whole diorama of biblical connotations. It may be that one or both of the other family members, upon finding this horrifying scene, did their best to dismantle the worst of it, only to run out of time.
Didn't know which thread to put this on but this seemed to be the active one.

Did anyone hear on NBC news this morning that LE will or may use the newer genetic DNA technology to examine DNA found in this case in hopes of finding the killer of Jon Benet? This is the same testing which solved the Golden State Killer case. I would have thought they had already tried this as it has been so useful in other cases.

I was unable to find a useable link for this news but did a search and found another link to this article which apparently came out Monday (two days ago).

Boulder police examine DNA evidence in Jonbenet Ramsey case |
My sincere apologies for misdirecting my reply!!
Also for mischaracterizing Impostor syndrome...I did not mean to include this as a mental illness. As the oldest of 5, who was an only for my first 8 years, I too know this syndrome far too well. I do agree that PR was operating within something far more destructive than any single syndrome OR mental illness.

I want to thank you for considering my thoughts carefully, and for seeing some worthiness in them.

No need for apologies! :) Thanks so much for your reply, and for adding some thoughts about the peculiar raised-arms/loose-cord business. Was she thinking that looked angelic (arms as wings)? It’s difficult to think like a madwoman, but that what we need to do in this case. After roughly 25 years of following this case, and having instantly assumed it was the work of a jealous/fed-up brother, I’ve come down firmly on the side of PDI. I think JR placed himself in damage control mode from the beginning; remember his cool affect as noted by Linda Arndt when she first arrived in the scene? He could have been aware of JBR’s fate at that time or soon after. I’ve always thought his +/- 1:00 pm discovery was a sham.

Thanks again for your post. It’s provoked some interesting fresh dialog here :)
The PDI scenario you outline has already been put forward. The flaw in it is that JR would have had to possess telepathic powers, to understand what needed to be said in Patsy's defense as he fielded questions from investigators before JonBenet was discovered.

Anyway, since it can be shown all three remaining Ramsey's colluded postmortem to stage JonBenet's death, it's highly unlikely that the case involves a single individual family member.


JR wouldn’t have needed telepathic powers if he had already discovered what happened to JBR, or had even colluded in it.

You raise an interesting point about a joint role for all Ramsey family members in the house that night. One question that raises for me is to what extent each family member knew if their role and how consciously they acted it out.
Snipped for focus
One thing I have always dismissed is the idea that it was a premeditated crime simply because an accident after a busy Christmas day is just more logical.

Great comment, thanks! I don’t know that premeditation necessarily conflicts with the accident theory. It could well be that a carefully (if crazily) concocted “kidnapping” plan was underway when an accident threw it out of whack and the action changed to covering up a fatal assault, with a pre-written RN dragged out in a frantic effort to keep the original idea rolling. Binary choices get us into trouble in a case as complicated as this.
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