LIST Case Questions and Answers For Members #6

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Has anybody found out yet, what happened to Amy's wrecked car?
From my understanding of the Sunshine Law, as soon as they are released to any other agency, they become public record and are supposed to be released to anyone requesting them immediately and in a timely manner.

That would mean the docs are available NOW and they media is probably going over them for their big "bombshell" teasers and redacting them and will post them when they feel like it.

Sunshine Law specifically says that the media DOES NOT have preference over anyone else asking for documents - all requests are equal! So if I was there now, they better hand em over now or I would be calling the Attorney General!

They (all the govt offices in FL) just seem completely ignorant of this law - it can be ridiculous how they try to manipulate it...
Do we know if Casey's fingerprints were on the shovel she borrowed
from the neighbor? Or was she wearing gloves?

Will BC counsel GA to use his apparent mental issues to avoid Morgan's deposition scheduled for later this month ? Will GA's entirely voluntary involvement in the investigation of HC's disappearance negate the argument that he is not well enough to testify ?

I saw Zenaida's attorney, Morgan, on Jane Velez Mitchell yesterday and he said he would be willing to postpone George's depo, but actually George seemed very strong and well at Caylee's memorial, speaking and singing. (and then we saw how strong George was at Haleigh Cummings' search site)

Morgan said he really wants to depose Cindy and Lee.
Morgan said that the Anthony's attorneys would have to file a motion for a protective order to keep the media out of the depos - that it is not up to Morgan about the media being there.
Do we know if Casey's fingerprints were on the shovel she borrowed from the neighbor? Or was she wearing gloves?

No usuable fingerprints were found on the shovel by the FBI. It doesn't mean she wore gloves when she handled it.


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hello, I'm sorry If this has been answered, I just have seen many conflicting statements. I was wondering if LE would definitely know who Caylee's father is, based on the fact that they have her DNA? I just wouldn't see how this is possible, considering when children get paternity tests the potential father's blood is needed along with the child's. I have no doubt LE would have wanted to find this out early in the investigation because in missing children cases, they have to investigate the parents. The lying/avoidance of the issue raises even more suspicion. Sorry, getting off topic, my question is would LE for sure know who the father is and how??

they know if through the course of this case, they have obtained a sample DNA from her father, or obtained a hit in the database they keep on DNA.

From the last doc dump:

check out page 44

......and Art 1 (petri dish with hairs from Lee), 2 Item # H – 60068 (2 buccal swabs from Lee) requested per Special Agent Nick Savage, FBI Orlando Resident Agency, on behalf of FBI Lab for further DNA analysis.

Note: Please compare DNA profile of Lee Anthony against DNA profile of Caylee Anthony.
I did not follow the details of the nemorial.

Is it confirmed that Caylee's remains were cremated?

Were the ashes "scattered" or are they retained? (In an urn?)

Will there be any further ceremony to bury the ashes etc?

When Baez read the statement from Casey - Casey said "I know they cremated her" ..... it was later confirmed by the Anthony's attorney.

Also, Caylee's Death Cert says that "Cynthia M. Anthony" was the "Informant", and the place of disposition was the "ORLANDO CREMATORY", the method of disposition was "CREMATION", it says the "Cremation was medical examiner approval granted", and signed by the Medical Examiner Dr. G., on DECEMBER 22, 2008.

Think of allllll the LIES told by the Anthony's attorney about Caylee's remains not being released .... blah blah blah .....

CINDY KNEW she was going to have Caylee CREMATED before DECEMBER 22, 2008.

IMO - the delay on the public memorial may have been waiting for the cremation jewelry on special order (?) .... or due to the rumored fights between Cindy and Casey over making money off the memorial and photos/videos of Caylee.

I'd like to know more about 'Caylee's Song'..Who's the singer & did he write the words to a song I've heard before it became about Caylee? It sounds so familiar to me..TIA!

This song was sung by "Jon Whynock" (on the program from the memorial).
I do not know if he wrote it?
I don't know how to bring a quote over from another thread, but in the previous thread Gummishoe asked, "With all the health issues with GA could he be pulled from the witness list? Also does anyone think this recent event was a ploy to keep him from testifying? I just do not trust this family and it would not surprise me if they all had a hand in this latest episode."

Last night, on NG, a lawyer said something to the effect that if GA was receiving treatment and under psychiatric care and if he could bring a letter from his doctor stating as much, it could get him out of having to give his deposition. So, evidently, being under psychiatric care does effect participation in some legal proceedings. I, too, wonder if this could get him out of having to take the stand at the murder trial.

Depending on the circumstances, a witness can be excused from testifying, however, GA already testified to the Grand Jury. If, for some reason, GA is unable to testify at trial his Grand Jury testimony CAN be admitted so GA would gain nothing by not testifying at trial. At least at trial the defense would be able to cross examine.
From my understanding of the Sunshine Law, as soon as they are released to any other agency, they become public record and are supposed to be released to anyone requesting them immediately and in a timely manner.

That would mean the docs are available NOW and they media is probably going over them for their big "bombshell" teasers and redacting them and will post them when they feel like it.

Sunshine Law specifically says that the media DOES NOT have preference over anyone else asking for documents - all requests are equal! So if I was there now, they better hand em over now or I would be calling the Attorney General!

They (all the govt offices in FL) just seem completely ignorant of this law - it can be ridiculous how they try to manipulate it...

No offense intended but the government offices in Florida are well aware of the law. Most people do not understand that the State is not obligated to "publish" the documents....they need only to make them "available" to the public.

Under F. S. 119.071(2)(c)1 these docs don't even need to be released to the public until the case is "closed."

If someone wants copies of docs in Florida they can request them (and pay for them, usually $1.00 a page) and they can receive them when they are released. Also, a person can view the docs at the courthouse if desired....the SAME DAY THEY ARE RELEASED. And a person can make a phone call to request copies, pay for them and they will be sent out to you.

If that is not done, then the person will have to wait on the media to decide when to make them available to the their readers.
Is there a thread talking about KC taking the stand...if she will have too and what it will do to the defense...

Just looking at the Diane Downs case...that was one of her downfalls...she loved to talk and talk about her and how no one would listen to her...(sound familiar?)
Is there a thread talking about KC taking the stand...if she will have too and what it will do to the defense...

Just looking at the Diane Downs case...that was one of her downfalls...she loved to talk and talk about her and how no one would listen to her...(sound familiar?)
Casey cannot be forced to take the stand. Many defense attorneys advise against it. Either way it's a lose/lose situtation. If you don't testify, your silence makes you look guilty, or you can get up there and lie and hope the jury believes you, but if they see through your lies, you're still going to prison!
Is there a thread talking about KC taking the stand...if she will have too and what it will do to the defense...

Just looking at the Diane Downs case...that was one of her downfalls...she loved to talk and talk about her and how no one would listen to her...(sound familiar?)

I don't see a thread, but KC doesn't HAVE to take the stand - she has the constitutional right under the 5th amendment to remain silent, which extends to the trial. But even if she doesn't take the stand, her previous statements to LE can be admitted and aren't considered hearsay- she has the option of taking the stand to refute them and tell her "real" story. If she does testify, then the prosecution can cross examine her on anything she brings up- and she has to answer it.

Basically, she can't claim the 5th, then get on the stand and make up a story, and then claim the 5th when the prosecution questions her on what she just said. (Not sure if my explanation is clear or just made things worse...sorry!)
I don't see a thread, but KC doesn't HAVE to take the stand - she has the constitutional right under the 5th amendment to remain silent, which extends to the trial. But even if she doesn't take the stand, her previous statements to LE can be admitted and aren't considered hearsay- she has the option of taking the stand to refute them and tell her "real" story. If she does testify, then the prosecution can cross examine her on anything she brings up- and she has to answer it.

Basically, she can't claim the 5th, then get on the stand and make up a story, and then claim the 5th when the prosecution questions her on what she just said. (Not sure if my explanation is clear or just made things worse...sorry!)
Yes, it does, if she takes the stand in her own defense, she has to be available for cross-examination by the prosecution, even if she is a hostile witness...
No offense intended but the government offices in Florida are well aware of the law. Most people do not understand that the State is not obligated to "publish" the documents....they need only to make them "available" to the public.

Under F. S. 119.071(2)(c)1 these docs don't even need to be released to the public until the case is "closed."

If someone wants copies of docs in Florida they can request them (and pay for them, usually $1.00 a page) and they can receive them when they are released. Also, a person can view the docs at the courthouse if desired....the SAME DAY THEY ARE RELEASED. And a person can make a phone call to request copies, pay for them and they will be sent out to you.

If that is not done, then the person will have to wait on the media to decide when to make them available to the their readers.

Thanks for clearing that up- I know the federal law is discretionary, where court documents do not have to be released until the trial (if ever). During the Joseph Duncan case, documents were only released during the trial - and the more graphic evidence was sealed and even the court was closed during testimony so the details wouldn't get out.

I'm surprised the FL SA doesn't decline to release the information to the public, since its clearly prejudicial and gives potential jurors plenty of time to talk about and dissect the evidence - which they wouldn't have if they were shown for the first time during the trial. JMO
Sooo if the defense decides to put her on the stand to "change" the nanny story or to try and "explain" herself...she will be a sitting duck for the prosecution. And if she doesn't take the stand anything she HAS said will be used against her...

Explanations are great thanks!!

Sounds like a catch 22 situation.
Depending on the circumstances, a witness can be excused from testifying, however, GA already testified to the Grand Jury. If, for some reason, GA is unable to testify at trial his Grand Jury testimony CAN be admitted so GA would gain nothing by not testifying at trial. At least at trial the defense would be able to cross examine.

This is interesting. According to my criminal law books, grand jury testimony may not be substituted for live testimony of a trial witness (if they are available) because the defense did not get a chance to cross-examine. Not arguing, just remember discussing this in class. Can you possibly shed some light on this for me?
Can someone please advise me on how to Mirror a myspace page before it is put to private?
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