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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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There sure seems to be a lot of sitting in front of houses at night here. And it was chilly by that time, wasn't it?

Indamiddle, our local, said the low was about 55-60 and it was gorgeous out that night. It would've been a little chilly but a nice cool fall evening, I would think.
Since LE took a particular shirt, maybe it matched a more detailed description (given by mom) than we have heard. Otherwise, why not take all of her shirts, or several? Did they take a number of shirts and shorts?

I was speculating that LE took items which the dog(s) may have alerted to. For example, if the baby was wearing those clothes and had been on the comforter while deceased, the dog could have hit on those articles as well as the place by the bed.

If someone in fact had been walking with a deceased baby in a diaper as has been reported, it could have been they removed the baby's clothes to prevent her identification, since Lisa had been probably been seen in those clothes before. I personally really question whether the eye-witness reports about a man with a baby are connected to this case.

Then again, there were supposedly burnt clothes in the dumpster, which is hard to explain if Lisa's clothes were removed at her home. It's all so confusing...

We really don't know too many facts in this case.

And to answer someone's earlier Q, DB apparently dropped out of school in (or just after) 11th grade. But that was 2nd hand info (pretty sure it was from Judge Jeanine) and I don't know what her source is.
I was looking at that case the other day when the "friends from DB's past" started blabbing. This woman was found out really quickly though. One would think, that if DB killed Lisa, she wouldn't have picked a case where the woman was caught so quickly. I'm sure LE is aware of the case though and is looking into it. MOO :twocents:

I haven't read any info on that the article it said she confessed a few days later. So did her confession lead them to the body in the attic or had they already found it and then she confessed?
I imagine about now, we are looking at one or two people who want to keep their children....which may be the reason jeremy is going along with the charade. Oh, man, this is like deja vu all over again.
I haven't read any info on that the article it said she confessed a few days later. So did her confession lead them to the body in the attic or had they already found it and then she confessed?

I believe they found the body in the attic... because of the smell. :( If I remember correctly the neighbors had been complaining about the smell.
Indamiddle, our local, said the low was about 55-60 and it was gorgeous out that night. It would've been a little chilly but a nice cool fall evening, I would think.

Well, I'm not one to sit on cement for four hours at that temp, but hey!
I suspect she didn't want to go in the house and she wanted an alibi so she sat there with a neighbor chatting away. She may have been procrastinating.
Harmony's father was in DB's husbands unit?

Oooooh... didn't know that little tidbit of information. This seems to make the similarities far less coincidental, if you ask me.

There was another article on the matter (from an actual newspaper) and it said that KCPD was already well aware of the Ft. Bragg case and were keeping it in mind, if I remember correctly (read it early this morning).
I haven't read any info on that the article it said she confessed a few days later. So did her confession lead them to the body in the attic or had they already found it and then she confessed?

The body was found first.
I believe they found the body in the attic... because of the smell. :( If I remember correctly the neighbors had been complaining about the smell.

Yep, the house was stinking.
Harmony's father was in DB's husbands unit?

Oooooh... didn't know that little tidbit of information. This seems to make the similarities far less coincidental, if you ask me.

Well, they may have been in the same Division, but nearly everyone at Fort Bragg is in the 82nd Airborne Division. A Division is something like 10,000 soldiers.
I am very curious as to the motive of the mother or parents in creating a kidnapping instead of admitting this was an accident. I mean, gosh we have said it before but you call 911 for an accident. What kind of delusions must you have to think you will get away with a faux kidnapping? Is DB such a storyteller (liar) that she thinks she can get away with it and risk living with the truth and misery of her actions into old age? Come on DB bring Lisa home and give her a proper resting spot. jmo
I suspect she didn't want to go in the house and she wanted an alibi so she sat there with a neighbor chatting away. She may have been procrastinating.

...except in the People article she stated that the neighbor was over at 5:30 because she cooked dinner for the neighbor. If she didn't put Lisa to bed until 6:40pm, the neighbor had to have seen Lisa before she put her in her crib. That is very easy for LE to verify with the neighbor so why would she lie about it to People?
...except in the People article she stated that the neighbor was over at 5:30 because she cooked dinner for the neighbor. If she didn't put Lisa to bed until 6:40pm, the neighbor had to have seen Lisa before she put her in her crib. That is very easy for LE to verify with the neighbor so why would she lie about it to People?

...unless People is misreporting... :banghead:
The Judge tonight on her show walked to that dumpster, took her 5 minutes. It is close to the school too correct? I thought I saw a playground. Anyone thinking sand, don't school playground sand have to be pretty deep?
...except in the People article she stated that the neighbor was over at 5:30 because she cooked dinner for the neighbor. If she didn't put Lisa to bed until 6:40pm, the neighbor had to have seen Lisa before she put her in her crib. That is very easy for LE to verify with the neighbor so why would she lie about it to People?

I think there were some questions earlier about this and whether or not it was the same neighbor...?
Based in the video where Lisa's dad makes the weird comment about cheating I'm wondering if DB cheated on him and he found out.. Threatened to kick her out and take the baby so, she did all this for his attention... It's a twisted thought but Susan smith killed her kids for a guy...
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