long weekend break: discuss the latest here #101

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I am re-watching Juan now on HLN. I am still trying to process this BOMBSHELL concerning
the original test results.

If I am getting this right, Samuels tried to pull a fast one on us.

I am seeing this for the first time on NG, I am absolutely floored. Is this man not guilty of perjury? He is a disgrace to his profession. Not one thing he has done with regard to this case should be acccepted as valid. This business concerning the test(s) sound to me to be falsification of documents! As and RN, I know that it is highly likely, if not absolutely, that an RN would lose his/her license for this type of action! He needs to be reported to the licensing board.
I have an appointment with my shrink on Monday. Please, please, prevent me from bringing this case up and wasting time on her ranting about what an unethical <MOD SNIP> is!
Even if you took the title off the test, based on the frequency of the words "trauma", "assault", "threat" and so on, it doesnt take a 5th grader to detect the pattern of the scope of the test and realize what it's geared for and answer accordingly. From there, all you have to do to fake it out is to just make sure the answers are always consistent, even if they are consistently faked answers, as long as the fake answers agree then it fools any validity tests.

Ive been administered the test by my counselor and could easily tell there were "buckets" of categories that each question fell under. Anyone who recognizes these patterns can quickly assess what is being measured.

Basically the categories fall into assault, being loyal to someone who mistreats you, recurring obsession of past traumatic events and so on. Since there are only 6 major categories of behaviors being assessed, the theme of each question quickly can be associated to something previously asked and you just remain consistent in your previous answers.

Juan needs to count up the number of times the derivative of the words "trauma" and "abuse" show up in the test more than any other words and point out that a person of Jodi's intellect can easily ascertain what she's being scaled on. Simple as apple pie. Simple as buying 3 gas cans.

To continue that thought, especially when she initiates the attack while he is cornered in the shower.


That means that she would have to step into the shower to stab him, and that would not be effective. She would take a swipe and get his arm and he would disarm and overpower her in two seconds.

The only logical scenario is:
BOOM! click, click.
Like all websleuthers, I've grown weary of the interminable "objection, approach" dance in this trial. Earlier today, (don't ask me why) I was reading some of the testimony from the Charles Manson trial. I ran across this refreshing dialog between the Judge, Manson's attorney (Kanarek), and Atkins' Attorney (Shinn).

(Objection. Attorneys approach bench.)

JUDGE OLDER: Mr. Kanarek, you have directly violated my order not to interrupt repeatedly. You did it again. I find you in contempt of court and I sentence you to one night in the County Jail starting immediately after this court adjourns this afternoon until 7:00 A.M. tomorrow morning. The order will further provide that you are to be given free access to confer with your client Mr. Manson, during the time you are in custody. Proceed.

KANAREK: Your Honor, if I may, I will ask your Honor to read the record. I tried to object before.

JUDGE OLDER: I don't have to read the record, sir. I was present. You have repeatedly, in spite of my warnings to you, interrupted. You just did it again in a flagrant disregard of the order.

KANAREK: Your Honor, that is not so. I beg the court to realize, If you will read the record, she answers so fast that I ask that you...

JUDGE OLDER: You have been doing it continually, and you did it again after repeated warnings.

SHINN: Your Honor, may I be heard, your Honor?

JUDGE OLDER: On what subject?

SHINN: On this same subject. I was present.

JUDGE OLDER: You are not involved in this.

SHINN: On this same subject. I was present.

JUDGE OLDER: You are not involved in this.

SHINN: But I want to make my observations, you Honor.

JUDGE OLDER: I am not interested in your observations.

Just dreaming......
Funny how people can criticize martinez! Who is defending a man that was butchered! I call it passion for justice! I can't stand the defence! Trying to get a killer set free! Unbelievable ! :furious::furious::furious::furious::furious:

The ones I have such disdain for is the DT who is trying to get a guilty defendant off scott free.:furious:

The one I continue to admire more and more everyday is the man who passionately fights for justice. I love Juan Martinez' style. He has no use for liars nor should he. I am so glad he is doesn't let the liars slide.

And the jurors are secretly thinking IMO .........go get 'em Juan.

Talking about all that negative Travis stuff for 19 days on the stand was bad enough considering the "Law of Attraction"...imagine if she'd also written it in her diary! She might end up on death row or something.

This made me :floorlaugh:
I think (but haven't checked recently) that the AZ Supreme Court put a stop to the "young age" argument after the age of 30. Was Jodi over 30 at the time of the crime? Or just in her late 20s? I can't recall, and she looks at least 48 now....

She's turning 33, born on July 9, 1980. She's not that young to elicit sympathy from me,
and has already killed one ex bf.

It does seem to age a person.
The shower had to be running while Jodi stabbed Travis, dragged him back and while she put him in the shower...plus I think she went into the shower also, got the cup to throw water around. Dirty Baez forgot that when claiming Jodi shot Travis first, I think she did the chest wound first...."the dildo with a heartbeat". Because he wouldn't marry her or take her to Cancun or acknowledge her in his book. Jodi is a psycho stalker who deserves death no matter how many doctors she cons.
Yes. Yes. Yes. (And I don't mean that in a "when harry met sally" kinda way...)


The problem is you are thinking about it, rather than actually experiencing someone stabbing you with a knife.

We get this a lot, people who just can't believe a healthy male could be stabbed to death by a girl (a GIRL!) simply because she's holding a knife and he's not.

Rather than think about it, here's a useful experiment which will require the following equipment:

1. A 1" paint brush

2. Paint

3. A 12 year old girl.

Have the 12 year old girl daub the paint brush with red paint. Try to really annoy the 12 year old girl. Then instruct the 12 year old girl to use the paint brush as if it were a knife.

Try to take the paint brush away from her.

What will happen is you will start to get paint on your hands. If you try to grab the paint brush, it will slid through your hands. Obviously it won't cut your hand down to the (very useful) tendons by trying to grab it, but you can note the theoretical damage. Once you get paint on your hands you are now no longer allowed to use your hands. Trying to grab the 12 year old girl in a bear hug will result in you getting paint on your chest, stomach, face etc. At which point you might think it's a good idea to start running so as to figure out how to stop getting paint on you. At which point you will have paint all over your back.

Keep in mind that an actual knife is harder to grab, hurts more and actually does damage.

Oh, and this isn't a facetious experiment. Having done a lot of survival and primitive skills stuff with people who have thought wrong about a lot of stuff, using dummy knives is the best way to teach people that what they think they will do isn't what's actually going to happen and disarming people with knives is the sort of thing that you see in movies which, like blowing up gas tanks, is a lot harder to do in reality.

As a general rule of thumb you should plan on the person having the weapon (yes, even a GIRL!) such as gun, knife, baseball bat, etc winning the conflict whereas the person without a weapon (even manly men) tends to lose.

Wet, naked, ambushed guys who have been socialized since they were zygotes not to hit girls (or anyone, for that matter) have a distinct disadvantage.
Dr. Drew gonna give us the highlights.

I've got this-
Highlight- Juan


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I hope Juan checks with Amazon to see if the book the Doc ordered for his best gal was sent to prison and not to him.

After his shenanigans with the raw test scores, I wouldn't doubt it if he got all gussied up and came 'a courtin' with a little gift.

I'm not joking.
:waitasec: Hmmm, why does the title say LONG weekend break??
It's the usual, no court Friday, Sat or Sun..

ETA: Jurors due back Monday (Mar 25) 10am AZ (PST) per Judge Stephens
(11am MST, 12pm CST, 1pm EST)

Maybe they're trying to trick the good doctor into not showing up. Ssssshhh Ixnay onyay ialtray ondaymay. :floorlaugh:
I love it when JM asks him if he has problems with his memory.

My favorite part of the day was when after doc said "No more than you do..."

JM asked him if he has met with the prosecutor and done assessments and has knowledge of any memory problem.

Memory problems...GMAFB... JM is so detail oriented and organized. This "doc" is a sloppy mess. I can't believe that he only does trial work and he is this sloppy.

Also, I think it's strange that he says he tries to write down everything she says. I just don't get that. Is he incapable of knowing what is relevant and what isn't? Does he have executive function issues and feels the need to just write down everything in case he ends up needing it? Kind of like he does with his paperwork? "Eh, I don't really know what I'll need...might as well bring it all..." The thing about this is that Juan could come up to him and say "Do you have such and such notes from such and such event?" and Juan could be holding it in his hand. The "doc" wouldn't know because he's so unorganized so he would search and search and search for it which just makes him look more and more incompetent. I think that's why Juan does that.

For the record, I have ADHD and I have executive function issues along with that. There have been times where my son has handed me his schoolwork and I've been talking to my other son. A few minutes later I'll be asking my son for the school work he just handed me and since he also has ADHD and executive function issues, he will doubt himself and start looking through his stuff to try and find it even though he already gave it to me. It's pretty sad, we're a mess...and I hate to say I have anything in common with the "doc" because I don't trust him at all, but when you have executive function issues you have to have a good system to keep yourself organized. One would think that if you only do trial work, it might be in your best interest to get yourself a good system.
Here is what I do not understand...Why did anyone really think that a defense witness, even if he is a psychologist, is not going to be biased. Just the same if the prosecution had her evaluated, I would expect some bias also. It goes with the territory. I don't share the majority opinion that this witness is a complete dufus. SOme of what he said makes sense to me. I think it's possibly she truly does not remember the actual killing. I also don't think it matters. The evidence of premeditation is overwhelming. And I realize I am in the minority opion here, but I can not stand JM. I don't feel this is passion we are seeing..it's just over the top aggression. He has every right to go after wintnesses, challenge them ect. But he is insulting, demeaning and unprofessional. definelty suffers from a Napoleon complex!! If I were on the jury and if the evidence was not so overwelhming, he would have lost me weeks ago. I am surprised the judge has allowed such conduct.
I'd missed your post. Some of what he says does make sense and is true for people suffering with PTSD - and suffering is what they're really doing - it IS hell.

What he's done simply goes way beyond bias altogether though. He came up with a theory, gave her tests that disputed his theory, accepted her lies to support his theory without acknowledging that lying alone could be indicative of another disorder altogether, admitted he did diagnose a personality disorder without any follow up as to that what that disorder even is, conducted his tests in a wholly inappropriate manner so much so that he doesn't know if he himself answered questions on said test, and in my honest opinion blurred boundaries so much that he was either unaware of her deception and manipulation or he served to gain a greater good in his mind by incorporating it into an already faulty diagnosis.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and admit I've pretty voraciously studied forensic psychology because of my ex's diagnoses. I'm not a mental health professional myself but from everything I've learned and read it is quite standard for a psychologist to test a defendant repeatedly; many don't go into an evaluation, prior to any assessment, with a preconceived diagnosis; and the majority would conduct further assessment based on the initial findings.

So let me throw back this hypothetical...let's say Jodi is acquitted and the jury talks to the media. They tell reporters they were absolutely swayed by the defense expert's testimony. Is it fair, is it really justice, that an expert has the power to release an alleged murderer when they've committed so many 'sins' of their own profession? Because really that is what we're dealing with here. And that's not what makes him a dufus but rather downright dangerous.

(As for Juan...I'm gonna leave the Napoleon Complex theory alone - except to say when one is dealing with a disordered personality they do have to be dealt with much differently than someone willing to honestly answer questions presented to them. MOO)
I am seeing this for the first time on NG, I am absolutely floored. Is this man not guilty of perjury? He is a disgrace to his profession. Not one thing he has done with regard to this case should be acccepted as valid. This business concerning the test(s) sound to me to be falsification of documents! As and RN, I know that it is highly likely, if not absolutely, that an RN would lose his/her license for this type of action! He needs to be reported to the licensing board.

He sure is shady and nothing gets by Juan. Samuels had to be a fool if he thought he could get this by Juan.

So, I'm guessing that on Monday, RS will have, all of a sudden located, in his mobile office on wheels, the 3 hole (lol) punched scoring sheet.
I have been trying to imagine how exactly JA got Travis to pose for those shower pictures, knowing he was over her and didn't want to continue anything with her. How do you all think all that worked? They had sex for old time's sake (or maybe just because she showed up and he said what the heck) or for whatever reason, I get that. But how does she lure him to the shower and have him agree to pose for those pics. Knowing she was nutty at best, why would he allow photos to be taken of himself? I can't get there in my head...

Straightening out your head is easier than you think.. You must read between the lines (truths hidden within her lies) of what Jodi Arias actually spouts out of one of her 3 holes (pun intended)...
JA is the Only one who said Travis posed for those photo's..
All the men in my circle do not believe Travis was posing at all.. Except maybe the last few pics where he is in 'sitting' position on the shower floor; very strange when a bathtub is right next to the shower..
My kin thinks Travis was being held either at gun point or JA was flashing the knife threatening to kill Herself (not him) as a way to keep Travis inside that shower laying in wait.. the camera comes into play somewhere in this but my kin can't get crazy minded enough to figure that one out yet ;)
Thanks, very interesting experiment indeed. First I would like to clarify, the much larger and stronger victim versus the smaller weaker attacker without regard to gender. The only other question about your experiment would be, are you allowed to knock out or kill the girl with the paint brush or just take it away from her?

I think it would be hard to knock out your attacker if on her first thrust with the knife went six inches into your heart.
Not to mention the pain that goes along with it.
Sure it might be easy to knock out some women but if they stick you first by suprise or something the odds of you knocking them out are much smaller or possibly nil.
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