long weekend break: discuss the latest here #101

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Its really bothering me that when Samuels refers to JA's Ninja story, he keeps saying it was a defense mechanism - an alternate reality created because she was in denial. whaa?? Its as if he's not even aware that she has admitted the Ninja story was nothing more than a way deflect suspicion from her once she realized they had evidence she was there.

I really hope this gets addressed, I'd like to see him either admit he's wrong about it being an alternate reality, and/or admit she's completely put it over on him.

The Defense.. and their hired expert think that if they continue couching reality according to their *alternate* reality... eventually they can rewrite the truth. I loved it when Linda Drane Burdick (Casey Anthony trial) stated "Those aren't imaginary friends, those are LIES". Psychology, grief experts, DV 'experts' have a knack for this type of BS. IMO, it's not just JA who is LYING.

OMG Steph! You're good with PS, girl~
It was PTSD that she had to meet 3 criteria of a specific section and she met (according to his intentional misinterpretation) only 2.

Yes, he could have fudged her answers to make Jodi's test say whatever he wanted it to say. He asked Jodi the questions and then he wrote down her answer (allegedly her answer). The patient is supposed to record their own answer. I think he fudged her responses towards anxiety and, of course, PTSD.

Surprise, surprise.

Your insight is fascinating, as always!
Hy husband had his aorta ripped 2/3rd of the way through in a motorcycle accident, but somehow he got up walked around for 2-3 minutes before the ambulance came. He should have died, but he did not, that was 28 years ago on March 3rd..

Fatal wounds still take time before the "fatal" part happens, I think I hear 2-3 minutes and we know by the photos it was only 62 seconds..

Wow glad to hear he made it. While your husband survived the accident he may have been killed instantly if he was hit again, after the initial accident while walking around and standing. Travis not only was continuously being stabbed but was also shot, and had his throat slit. I have heard cases where peoples aorta was ripped and bled out in 30 sec. Just depends.
He wasn't crawling at the sink though, if he was stabbed in the chest first and had an almost fatal wound, then how did he get the strength to crawl all the way down the hall?

Adrenaline. Mid brain response: Fight, flight or freeze
I'm just interested in whether JM is going to ask her about Snow White being an abuse victim or not.

Given that she's made the claim (probably to be humorous - I don't know I haven't seen a clip), he might not. But I SO want him to...

Given JM's style, I don't think he'd care if she said it 'in jest' or not (not really a topic to jest about, but someone posted yesterday that she was somewhat funny/entertaining after viewing a clip).

JM: YES or NO, Ma'am - DID you not say that this DISNEY cartoon character could be an ABUSE VICTIM?

ALV: "Well, obviously, that wasn't meant..."

JM: Judge - objection, non-responsive.

HHJSS: Sustained. Answer the question, Ms. LaViolette: yes or no.

ALV: Yes, but the context -

JM: Ma'am, did I ASK you about the CONTEXT of this comment, YES or NO?

ALV: Well I... no.

JM: And is it your PRACTICE, Ma'am, to study cartoon or fairytale characters for signs of abuse?"

ALV: Of course not (slight giggle).

JM: So you find all this FUNNY, Ma'am?! There is nothing FUNNY about this, Ma'am! Do you or -

KN: OBJECTION!!! this -

HHJSS: Approach. (frown)

(tick, tick, tick)

HHJSS: Sustained.

JM: But you DID do that, DIDN'T you, Ma'am. You DID claim that Snow White suffered from domestic violence or abuse, Yes or no?

ALV: I did.

JM: So then you ARE familiar with fairy tales or stories - whether created for entertainment purposes or created by a defendant in order to avoid incarceration or punishment?

ALV: I don't see the simi -

JM: YES or NO, Ma'am.

KN: Objection (whine), your honor, (whine) may we approach?

HHJSS: Approach (sigh).

(tick, tick, tick)

HHJSS: Sustained. Rephrase.

JM: Ma'am, are you aware that people make up STORIES - or LIE?

ALV: Yes, of course.

JM: And are you AWARE, Ma'am, that people will LIE, or more specifically, CREATE STORIES about being abused?

ALV: Typically that only happens within contentious custody or financial div-

JM: Yes or NO, Ma'am!

ALV: Yes, but...
Officially carried away. Sorry. Just when it was going to get good it was already too long. :blushing:

You are hysterical, and it could have gone on much longer IMO. LoLoLoLoL...we have some really funny peeps on this forum, and I love you all :D
Completely agree with this theory. She had two weapons with her for a purpose, and it wasn't in case the gun misfired, which I don't believe happened. The gun shot was inflicted after she had him already moments from death.


I think she figured she had to bring a knife because a knife is <silent>. How could she know that the housemates would be gone when she decided to strike? She had to have a silent weapon. She somehow must have found that his roomies were gone before she started her murdering rampage. I feel sure that she checked on them before she did what she did.

Seems to me, the gun would have been her preferred go-to weapon -- or at least I would have been afraid that he would/could have overpowered me with a knife, but not a gun if I shot him in a vulnerable place from the start. I sometimes think she shot him first; then I think she shot him last just to make sure he was good & dead -- a kind of period at the end of the sentence. I waver on when she used the gunshot. The M.E. thought that it came last, and that's good enuff for me. But no matter, really; she got it done.

And yes, the use of two weapons does make it look like there were two killers.... And that is another item for the premeditation argument.

And there was no rope in the bedroom or bathroom -- not that day.

She was sly and cunning -- but not quite enuff.

Surprise, surprise.

Your insight is fascinating, as always!
Dr. Samuels is not in the business of putting himself out of business. He was was selected to interview Jodi because he has a long documented history of "pulling rabbits out of hats" regarding defendants' psych histories. In many cases, local professionals are called to be the expert witnesses. The defense had to search all 50 states to find someone that would "believe" Jodi's lies and "believe" she was abused by Travis.
Just watching today's testimony now. Regarding the fact that Dr. Samuels did not re-test Jodi after her made up story:

He was starting to get a little testy after the 2nd or 3rd jury question about why he didn't re-test her :giggle: I can't believe he kept saying that he wasn't required to test her a second time, AND he wasn't required to test her a first time, either! Like that makes what he did okay?

He would come off as much more credible if he had re-tested her. I don't care if the one answer being changed would not have altered the outcome of the test. It's not about numbers at that point, imo. A lightbulb should have gone off in his head where he said to himself "she lied, so this test is invalid. Let's do it again and see what happens."

You would be looking for other answers that change as well. If she answered questions a second time differently (other than the original answer that changed) you may get a different opinion or view of the individual taking the test.

Basically it's not "just numbers" but also a logical observation tool, seeing how the answers differ when the story is changed, so that you can determine if he/she is lying.

Sorry for this long rambling post. It's just that IMVHO, would you not want to cover all of your bases by re-administering the test. Dr. Samuels ASSUMES that her answers and score would have been the same, but maybe they would not have been. I think that is a dangerous assumption to make. He is making the answers fit the situation, badly. It is very transparent and the jury knows it.

If you were so confident the answers would have been the same, what's the harm in doing a re-test?
Can we compare Martinez to something other than a pit bull, they get enough bad raps. I realize pit bulls are known to be vicious and aggressive, and that's what people want here, but they are also loving pets. Can we choose something like a wolverine or killer shark?

hahaha I think that is a nick name given to him and not by WSer's. Maybe co-workers? idk
I used the term in light of his ability to hang on and be aggressive in his protection of the victim. This isn't a bad thing. I find it an admirable quality but sorry if you were offended. I don't at all think of him as a shark which I think of as a cold, dead eyed killer but if you do, that's OK!

Can we compare Martinez to something other than a pit bull, they get enough bad raps. I realize pit bulls are known to be vicious and aggressive, and that's what people want here, but they are also loving pets. Can we choose something like a wolverine or killer shark?
Can we compare Martinez to something other than a pit bull, they get enough bad raps. I realize pit bulls are known to be vicious and aggressive, and that's what people want here, but they are also loving pets. Can we choose something like a wolverine or killer shark?

I use that analogy with nothing but love and respect. Juan is PROTECTING all of us. He is not being out of control, he is just effectively guarding the hearth and home. I have a German Shepherd so I understand your concerns. :wolf2::wolf2:
He wasn't crawling at the sink though, if he was stabbed in the chest first and had an almost fatal wound, then how did he get the strength to crawl all the way down the hall?

Maybe it's because from the time the stabbing first began to the last photo of TA (with JA's foot and pants) there was less than two minutes. The ME said he wouldn't have been immediately incapacitated from the stab wound to the chest.
Originally Posted by Sulamith
Why would anyone in JA's life be testifying on her behalf? I don't know that her family witnessed anything regarding her relationship to TA. What would they be a witness to? I have not heard any of TA's friends or family testify on his behalf either. I don't think JA's family or TA's family really knew what was going on in their lives. Might be that the testifying will be saved for the victim's impact statements??

Well it was her mother supposedly that Jodi reached out to for help escaping her 'abusive' relationship.

Because, ya know, abuse victims always call a family member detailing the nature of the abuse and asking for their help, in front of the abuser.
(My snarkiness isn't directed at you, Sulasmith...just the absurdity of her claims.)


When my ex-husband abused me..I called my adoptive mother. She really did not like me. I had no where else to turn. Yes, I did ask her for help. It was my last resort. Did not work out for me. Looks like it also did not work out for poor Jodi either LOL!
I used the term in light of his ability to hang on and be aggressive in his protection of the victim. This isn't a bad thing. I find it an admirable quality but sorry if you were offended. I don't at all think of him as a shark which I think of as a cold, dead eyed killer but if you do, that's OK!

THANK YOU. I feel the same way. I have a very aggressive sounding German Shepherd, if you knock on our door. And I don't mind that she shows her teeth and barks at the front window. But once I invite you in she is a sweetheart, unless you are up to no good.
Hy husband had his aorta ripped 2/3rd of the way through in a motorcycle accident, but somehow he got up walked around for 2-3 minutes before the ambulance came. He should have died, but he did not, that was 28 years ago on March 3rd..

Fatal wounds still take time before the "fatal" part happens, I think I hear 2-3 minutes and we know by the photos it was only 62 seconds..

Excellent post...I think more people should take more stock into what the experts reported in this case and am hoping that the jury is listening. I know that this is a great place to speculate and try to figure JA actions out that day (which we never will because she lies so much) but as far as gun or knife first I still go with the knife. :moo:
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