long weekend break: discuss the latest here #101

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I have a question for our mental health professionals out there. When JM was arguing the difference in the PDS test scores between what was provided through discovery, and what the good Dr. pulled out of his hat (azz) for the trial, the good doctor said that a couple of points didn't make a difference in the result. Is this the same test that he fudged certain sections on? The one where she had to meet "3 of section C", or "2 of section B" or whatever and he conveniently "found" those typographical errors he missed before lol? If he fudged the numbers in that way wouldn't that make a huge difference in the results?

I think I know where JM is going with this cross. The good Dr. will be slinking away to find a new address, and perhaps contemplate a new career move. :giggle:
This is hysterical! AND he is just BEYOND if he thinks that a person would not know exactly what they are supposed to answer!

Funny, Steph! I must go to that link and take it too.

I found part of the test Jodi took-wow.

(Patient's answers in red, with her comments)

This PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) test will help determine if you have
the symptoms of PTSD and whether you should seek a diagnosis or treatment for
PTSD from a qualified doctor or mental health professional.

1) Have you experienced or been exposed to a traumatic event?
Yes (I planned it.)

2) During the traumatic event, did you experience or witness serious injury
or death, or the threat of injury or death?
Yes (I actually photographed it because I am a professional.)

3) During the traumatic event did you feel
intense fear, helplessness, and/or horror?
No (To be honest, is it ok to say I was turned on?)

4) Do you regularly experience intrusive thoughts or images about the traumatic event?
Yes (That's the best part about it.)

5) Do you sometimes feel like you are re-living the event or that it is happening
all over again?
No (I wish!! Knew I shoulda done a video.)

6) Do you have recurrent nightmares or distressing dreams about the traumatic event?
No (Dreams, yes, but they're sexy.)

7) Do you feel intense distress when something reminds you of the traumatic
event, whether it's something you think about or something in you see?
No (I wish I could feel something...)

8) Do you try to avoid thoughts, feelings, or conversations that remind you of
the traumatic event?
No (I try and remember every moment of my grand plan.)

9) Are you unable to remember something important about the traumatic event?
Yes (I wish I could remember where I put that dam knife so I could get it ready for
that a__hole Martinez.)


10) Since the trauma took place, do you feel less interested in activities or hobbies
that you once enjoyed?
No (Not really, I am enjoying being a lesbo. All my new
friends are so stupid tho')

11) Since the trauma took place, do you feel distant from other people or have
difficulty trusting them?
Yes (Everyone I trusted has betrayed me. I can't
wait to get my hands on MM.)


12) Since the trauma took place, do you have difficulty experiencing or showing emotions?
No (What emotions?)

13) Do you feel that your future will not be "normal" -- that you won't have a career,
marriage, children, or a normal life span?
Yes (Thanks to that m___er f____er Travis. We woulda
had kids with big lips and Angelina would be soo jealous.)


14) Have you felt irritable or have you had outbursts of anger?
No (Not really. Only when you betray me, or if you're stupid.)

15) Have you had difficulty concentrating, since the trauma?
No (Concentrating on sex? Yes.)

16) Do you feel guilty because others died or were
hurt during the traumatic event but you survived it?
No (Guilty! As if. Why should I, it wasn't MY fault.)

17) Do you often feel jumpy or startle easily?
No (Do I look like I startle easily?)

18) Do you often feel hyper-vigilant, that is, are you constantly feeling and
acting ready for any kind of threat?
Yes (I am SUPER hiperliteral to. Everyone says I have a stelar vocabulary.)
Yes, Juan is a passionate man and I admire that about him.

One of the best statements I have heard during this trial was made by a defense attorney believe it or not when it was being discussed by some that Juan was too harsh on Jodi. He said 'No Prosecutor should ever go easy on a cold blooded murderer who is also a psychological liar.'

Now Samuels is willing to sell his soul to the devil for the almighty buck and he too should be treated with much disdain by Juan Martinez and he will be.

I think Samuels sold his soul to the devil, not for the almighty buck, but because he's got Hottie Biscotties for Arias. :sick:
unfortunately. The most recent salary info has him making $130,000. With his litigation skills he could be making an enormous amount of money in private practice representing white collar criminals. They would be lining up for a pit bull like him. But I doubt we'll ever see him do that unless perhaps he found someone he truly believed was innocent. He seems like a very committed man and unlikely to leave a position where he feels he is doing the right thing. Some prosecutors can't ever find it in themselves to go over to the other side no matter how large the salary differential.


also think about this:

Nurmi and Wilmott have billed $838,000 for JAs defense

JM makes a salary (let's just guess $200,000) and he is handling other cases too!
I agree. I think she played up the anal sex just to imply he was a pedophile. She is disgusting.

Due to the "Mormon no sex thing" and the whole "Clinton sex thing", Vaginal sex is intercourse but oral or anal isn't. I believe that's the whole reason Anal is even involved here. (i did a chitty job explaining that!)
It was about Jodi calling her sister "stupid" I didn't think it was a great way to start but at this point in time he could have asked that witch anything and it would have been A-Ok

I think it was perfect. It was the last thing she was expecting. She was all ready to answer if his first question was 'why did you stab him' [ I don't remember doing that] or " why did you fill up those gas cans?' { because I was driving alone in the scary desert.] She was primed and ready for all of his
probable big questions. And then BAM---she was caught off guard completely. And he pissed her off, which is what he wanted to do. So he surprised her and made her angry and it went on from there. LOL
She could have brought the knife with her, or planned to use one from his house.

It is still 1st degree premeditated murder.

Relative to comments above:

Dear Vinnie and HLN cast:

-- I am so incredibly disappointed in you tonight. The relevant question is NOT whether Jodi brought the knife to the house or got the knife from Travis' house! NO!! The relevant and crucial question is whether Jodi brought the knife into the bathroom or whether it was already in the bathroom from cutting the rope? If Jodi got the knife from Travis' kitchen and brought it into the bathroom with her when he was showering, you still have premeditation just as much as you would have that element of mens rea if she had brought the gun to Travis' home from her own home in California. You guys truly disappointed me. How could you not get that right when most of you are lawyers? You just helped her case by teaching and focusing the public on the wrong things! You need a good competent lawyer as a consultant.
One important point Juan made today was about sympathy. My first degree required 15 hours of pysch and additional hours of clinicals. Mental health professionals are taught from early classes you never are to feel sympathy for a client, only empathy is allowed. A professional distance is required for effective interaction. With potential sociopaths/psychopathic disorders you are taught constant vigilance in your interactions with them. Both use sympathy to attach themselves to others.

Ah, you look like a good one to ask. Knowing what a big fat lier Jodi is, wouldn't you test her for malingering ? or isn't there a test for that ? TIA
No one who was meaningful in her life is up there testifying on her behalf. No brother, no sister, no mother, no father, no childhood friend, no best female or male friend. No one. And definitely, No Juan.


Why would anyone in JA's life be testifying on her behalf? I don't know that her family witnessed anything regarding her relationship to TA. What would they be a witness to? I have not heard any of TA's friends or family testify on his behalf either. I don't think JA's family or TA's family really knew what was going on in their lives. Might be that the testifying will be saved for the victim's impact statements??
HLN After Dark... Honestly, it's just so bad, its embarrassing.
Due to the "Mormon no sex thing" and the whole "Clinton sex thing", Vaginal sex is intercourse but oral or anal isn't. I believe that's the whole reason Anal is even involved here. (i did a chitty job explaining that!)

No, I gotcha. And I agree that is probably why TA chose to do it. But I think she played it up because it might make someone think he was a pedophile. That and the Spidey Undies.
Hy husband had his aorta ripped 2/3rd of the way through in a motorcycle accident, but somehow he got up walked around for 2-3 minutes before the ambulance came. He should have died, but he did not, that was 28 years ago on March 3rd..

Fatal wounds still take time before the "fatal" part happens, I think I hear 2-3 minutes and we know by the photos it was only 62 seconds..

He wasn't crawling at the sink though, if he was stabbed in the chest first and had an almost fatal wound, then how did he get the strength to crawl all the way down the hall?
Blood spatter tells us he didn't walk anywhere. Travis was on all fours crawling through the hall, trying to get away from the psychopath slashing the life out of him.

He'd only gotten to the doorway of his bedroom - just a few feet - when she slashed his throat.


Excellent point! Of course, you're right and I hadn't thought of that before. I missed most of PT forensics case and am catching up as I can on YT. I knew he only made it to bedroom door but hadn't envisioned him only on all 4s down the hall. Makes total sense :( Infuriating!

This is an amazing place for information, compassion and humour. I just wish I could hit the pause button sometimes because no matter what time of the day you dip in or leave, you miss valuable insight and it's impossible to always keep up.

You all ROCK !! :rocker:
You raise some good points. I assume that the disordered personality is Jodi and not the Doc.? But I think this is where JM was foolish. He is NEVER going to illicit the truth from JA. A sociopath and I beleive she is one, is never, never going to have that moment where she breaks down and tells what happened. ANd he looked out of control to me when he had so much "passion". I feel it would have been less grating and more effective had he been less passionate and more methodical. He came off to me almost juvenile in his approach.IMO

I support The prosecutor fully but I do find his tone harsh (unnecessarily) at times and I think he has clearly overdone the "Do you have problems with you're memory?" line.

No stone throwing, but pillows are just fine.
HLN After Dark... Honestly, it's just so bad, its embarrassing.

I wish they would just talk about the trial and what went on each day. I would love for someone to explore what Juan is saying about those exhibits and the discrepancy between the 3-holed paper and the others.

But it doesn't really matter if she brought the knife or not. Nobody will be able to prove that one way or the other. So that was just a stupid premise for the show, imo.
I want to put an end to the whole debate as to whether and why Jodi would bring a knife and a gun with her -- Here is why along with supporting evidence: Jodi planned all along to kill Travis with a knife and a gun in order to make it look like TWO people killed him because a two-person attack would almost certainly eliminate single jealous lovers such as Jodi as suspects. The fact that Jodi wanted it to look like two people killed Travis also explains why Jodi shot Travis after she already had slit his throat and he was surely dead or dying. The proof that this was her intent all along lies in her own words - when she called Detective Flores before she was arrested, at the end of the call she made sure she asked whether he thought it was more than one person who attacked Travis. She made a big point of asking him if it was more than one killer. She claims that was the rumor at the time, and she just wanted to ask Flores if that was true. But I bet you cannot find one person who told her that rumor. In fact, the cops thought all along that it was Jodi. So, once again, she brought the knife and the gun to make it look like a brutal attack beyond something that she would or could have done alone. Once they thought it was two suspects, she figured she would be out of the line of suspicion.

BBM Grt call Zeno. You are 100% right on.
A. LaViolence is probably a quack too.

I'm just interested in whether JM is going to ask her about Snow White being an abuse victim or not.

Given that she's made the claim (probably to be humorous - I don't know I haven't seen a clip), he might not. But I SO want him to...

Given JM's style, I don't think he'd care if she said it 'in jest' or not (not really a topic to jest about, but someone posted yesterday that she was somewhat funny/entertaining after viewing a clip).

JM: YES or NO, Ma'am - DID you not say that this DISNEY cartoon character could be an ABUSE VICTIM?

ALV: "Well, obviously, that wasn't meant..."

JM: Judge - objection, non-responsive.

HHJSS: Sustained. Answer the question, Ms. LaViolette: yes or no.

ALV: Yes, but the context -

JM: Ma'am, did I ASK you about the CONTEXT of this comment, YES or NO?

ALV: Well I... no.

JM: And is it your PRACTICE, Ma'am, to study cartoon or fairytale characters for signs of abuse?"

ALV: Of course not (slight giggle).

JM: So you find all this FUNNY, Ma'am?! There is nothing FUNNY about this, Ma'am! Do you or -

KN: OBJECTION!!! this -

HHJSS: Approach. (frown)

(tick, tick, tick)

HHJSS: Sustained.

JM: But you DID do that, DIDN'T you, Ma'am. You DID claim that Snow White suffered from domestic violence or abuse, Yes or no?

ALV: I did.

JM: So then you ARE familiar with fairy tales or stories - whether created for entertainment purposes or created by a defendant in order to avoid incarceration or punishment?

ALV: I don't see the simi -

JM: YES or NO, Ma'am.

KN: Objection (whine), your honor, (whine) may we approach?

HHJSS: Approach (sigh).

(tick, tick, tick)

HHJSS: Sustained. Rephrase.

JM: Ma'am, are you aware that people make up STORIES - or LIE?

ALV: Yes, of course.

JM: And are you AWARE, Ma'am, that people will LIE, or more specifically, CREATE STORIES about being abused?

ALV: Typically that only happens within contentious custody or financial div-

JM: Yes or NO, Ma'am!

ALV: Yes, but...
Officially carried away. Sorry. Just when it was going to get good it was already too long. :blushing:
That was really priceless because he shocked everyone, including her! "My sister isn't dumb!" He succeeded in ticking her off right off the bat...and then it just went from there. I remember being in shock because I had never seen a lawyer do that.

I remember turning to my daughter and saying she should just give it up right there, I knew Juan was going to give it to her. He would have had me admitting to everything! I dont have nerves of steal, she does but he sure can piss her off!
Why would anyone in JA's life be testifying on her behalf? I don't know that her family witnessed anything regarding her relationship to TA. What would they be a witness to? I have not heard any of TA's friends or family testify on his behalf either. I don't think JA's family or TA's family really knew what was going on in their lives. Might be that the testifying will be saved for the victim's impact statements??
Well it was her mother supposedly that Jodi reached out to for help escaping her 'abusive' relationship.

Because, ya know, abuse victims always call a family member detailing the nature of the abuse and asking for their help, in front of the abuser.
(My snarkiness isn't directed at you, Sulasmith...just the absurdity of her claims.)

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