long weekend break: discuss the latest here #101

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Respectfully BBM.
Nope, you aren't the only one. I believe she loved every stab, and would have given him more if her arm hadn't gotten tired, or she felt she'd had more time, or whatever reason she chose to stop at 29.

There are some of us...okay, it might just be me that believes Jodi is a sadistic psychopath.

As such I personally believe the knife was always her primary weapon. Knife wounds are extremely painful, there is some perverse psychology in stabbing a lover you deem has wronged you in the heart, and like many psychopaths before her, they are attracted to the power and dominance weapons symbolize - all weapons. (Recently read an account of a psychopath with a samurai sword collection. That's gotta be safe. ;))

I think she brought the gun as backup in case Travis was able to get the knife from her - or something else went awry. I also believe she thought it would be so simple as a single stab wound and when he didn't die immediately - and had the gall to actually try to defend himself - it set loose a narcissistic rage which afforded her the opportunity to brutally and heinously overkill her victim.
Why would anyone in JA's life be testifying on her behalf? I don't know that her family witnessed anything regarding her relationship to TA. What would they be a witness to? I have not heard any of TA's friends or family testify on his behalf either. I don't think JA's family or TA's family really knew what was going on in their lives. Might be that the testifying will be saved for the victim's impact statements??

Well, they could have character witnesses come in and testify how much she'd change from before she met Travis. Maybe someone who she'd confided in about the abuse or the relationship. That she has NO ONE is telling. Very telling.
Can we compare Martinez to something other than a pit bull, they get enough bad raps. I realize pit bulls are known to be vicious and aggressive, and that's what people want here, but they are also loving pets. Can we choose something like a wolverine or killer shark?

But he's not a predator - he's diligent and his aggressiveness has integrity.

I call him brilliant and a dogged, tireless soldier of justice for the law and more importantly for the victim and his family.
and, as far as we know, hadn't killed before so I assume she would have at least two means to accomplish the kill. I tend to agree with the ME about the stabbing first but who really knows. I do tend to think she wanted him to suffer and know what she was doing which would go along more with stabbing as people could easily die immediately from being shot in the head and that wouldn't seem to give her enough satisfaction. I just can't imagine how it went down. Too horrible and poor Travis. I can't imagine the shock and horror. I can imagine him not understanding what was happening which may have also prevented his fighting back more. How do you process this person who supposedly loves you and has been after you suddenly turns on you violently. I just think he had no clue whatsoever about what was really happening until it was way too late.

I think she figured she had to bring a knife because a knife is <silent>. How could she know that the housemates would be gone when she decided to strike? She had to have a silent weapon. She somehow must have found that his roomies were gone before she started her murdering rampage. I feel sure that she checked on them before she did what she did.

Seems to me, the gun would have been her preferred go-to weapon -- or at least I would have been afraid that he would/could have overpowered me with a knife, but not a gun if I shot him in a vulnerable place from the start. I sometimes think she shot him first; then I think she shot him last just to make sure he was good & dead -- a kind of period at the end of the sentence. I waver on when she used the gunshot. The M.E. thought that it came last, and that's good enuff for me. But no matter, really; she got it done.

And yes, the use of two weapons does make it look like there were two killers.... And that is another item for the premeditation argument.

And there was no rope in the bedroom or bathroom -- not that day.

She was sly and cunning -- but not quite enuff.

I missed the show on HLN with a live reenactment of the crime scene, which I think the jury should have went to but he was up high at the sink. Which if he was stabbed in the chest, I don't think he would have been able to keep walking.

But he did keep moving. He left a trail of blood showing he was trying to flee,
to get down that hall to get help with Jodi right behind him stabbing and then slitting his throat.
I'm really nervous about the ALV testimony ....she can be very persuasive-especially to people looking for an "easy solution".
I may need some hand holding while she is on the stand....so may a few of our other WSers here. Its gonna be rough. :grouphug:

I'm just interested in whether JM is going to ask her about Snow White being an abuse victim or not.

Given that she's made the claim (probably to be humorous - I don't know I haven't seen a clip), he might not. But I SO want him to...

Given JM's style, I don't think he'd care if she said it 'in jest' or not (not really a topic to jest about, but someone posted yesterday that she was somewhat funny/entertaining after viewing a clip).

JM: YES or NO, Ma'am - DID you not say that this DISNEY cartoon character could be an ABUSE VICTIM?

ALV: "Well, obviously, that wasn't meant..."

JM: Judge - objection, non-responsive.

HHJSS: Sustained. Answer the question, Ms. LaViolette: yes or no.

ALV: Yes, but the context -

JM: Ma'am, did I ASK you about the CONTEXT of this comment, YES or NO?

ALV: Well I... no.

JM: And is it your PRACTICE, Ma'am, to study cartoon or fairytale characters for signs of abuse?"

ALV: Of course not (slight giggle).

JM: So you find all this FUNNY, Ma'am?! There is nothing FUNNY about this, Ma'am! Do you or -

KN: OBJECTION!!! this -

HHJSS: Approach. (frown)

(tick, tick, tick)

HHJSS: Sustained.

JM: But you DID do that, DIDN'T you, Ma'am. You DID claim that Snow White suffered from domestic violence or abuse, Yes or no?

ALV: I did.

JM: So then you ARE familiar with fairy tales or stories - whether created for entertainment purposes or created by a defendant in order to avoid incarceration or punishment?

ALV: I don't see the simi -

JM: YES or NO, Ma'am.

KN: Objection (whine), your honor, (whine) may we approach?

HHJSS: Approach (sigh).

(tick, tick, tick)

HHJSS: Sustained. Rephrase.

JM: Ma'am, are you aware that people make up STORIES - or LIE?

ALV: Yes, of course.

JM: And are you AWARE, Ma'am, that people will LIE, or more specifically, CREATE STORIES about being abused?

ALV: Typically that only happens within contentious custody or financial div-

JM: Yes or NO, Ma'am!

ALV: Yes, but...
Officially carried away. Sorry. Just when it was going to get good it was already too long. :blushing:
Originally Posted by Sulamith
Why would anyone in JA's life be testifying on her behalf? I don't know that her family witnessed anything regarding her relationship to TA. What would they be a witness to? I have not heard any of TA's friends or family testify on his behalf either. I don't think JA's family or TA's family really knew what was going on in their lives. Might be that the testifying will be saved for the victim's impact statements??

When my ex-husband abused me..I called my adoptive mother. She really did not like me. I had no where else to turn. Yes, I did ask her for help. It was my last resort. Did not work out for me. Looks like it also did not work out for poor Jodi either LOL!
It's not rare to reach out for help eventually but it is extremely atypical to do so in front of an abuser to someone unable of stopping the abuser - like law enforcement (and often not even then). It's something I've never heard of until Jodi's testimony and I've probably heard, or read, accounts from hundreds of victims and survivors alike over the past six years.

It's the same reason why almost any domestic violence website you go to has a quick escape feature.

That said...every victim's experiences will be different. Jodi's, however, are entirely across the board, um, unusual. :biggrin: She defies a lot of 'knowns' and expectations.
He wasn't crawling at the sink though, if he was stabbed in the chest first and had an almost fatal wound, then how did he get the strength to crawl all the way down the hall?
His final strength came from his will to live.
why didnt they call the guy that was in the bar/restaurant where there was music, she frequented and she borrowed money from him to make the trip?

He said on an interview she was emphatic, she needed money to get to Travis before he went on this trip.

she then had the money to pay him back, she had 200 in a check he didn't cash, she even called back after the crime to see if they could find that.

Is it because whatever Jodi told him is hearsay ?

Oh this is new to me! What's bugging me now is the email sent to Lisa (crazy train derailed) why was that not evidence? Also, In Flores' report he notes that there is a record of the tire repairs. Is JM gonna wait until the penalty phase for that?
Regarding the last line of questioning by Juan today (different scores, one being 17 and the other test scoring 15..yet he only gave her the test once).

1st day of cross exam: Doc could only find the yellow legal paper sheets where her answers were just jotted down (Exhibit 534)

Doc said he could not find the actual scoring sheet but would bring it to court tomorrow

2nd day of cross exam: Doc provided scoring sheet (white papers) which became Exhibit 535. Score of # of symptoms for PTSD = 15

Today: Juan pulls out Exhibit 550 which is also scoring sheets (white papers) which has of score = 17. Juan makes note that this one has the dots filled in. Juan says at no time did the Doc provide this scoring sheet. Doc says he has copies in his "mobile file" so he must have provided it...

Juan then takes the Doc's copy he just produced (of Exhibit 550) and makes it an exhibit (I don't know Exhibit #).

Then it gets real confusing to me. I believe Exhibit 550 had 3 hole punch but Doc's copy didn't (or other way around). Anyway, Doc quickly says he made copies before he punched the holes. Then they go to sidebar and quit for the day.

IMO, Juan thinks Doc has "cheated" and was in the process of trying to prove it.
I think her plan was to shoot him in the head while in the shower, then slit his throat as blood atonement and let all the evidence wash away. So, gunshot first, but then the gun jams as 25 autos are known to do, and he gets up and goes to the sink, where the stabbing begins. A 25 auto round is so small it rarely penetrates the skull, even at close range. She brought both the gun and the knife with her. The same knife she used to slash his tires.
I am really late to this, cannot keep up.

But watching the talking heads tonight, they had juries from the past, and one thing they all said was they couldn't watch the defendants family crying.

Well we don't have this here.

Giggling, laughing. Has she shed one tear, not that I saw.

Why is her mother acting like this is some funny movie.

This is your daughter who is facing the death penalty, how much
do you hate her.

The antics that mother and her sister are beyond me.
Detective Flores: I think the reality of the moment is hitting you?

Jodi: No...No...I'm crying because of all the things I am going to be potentially missing out on

I'm really nervous about the ALV testimony ....she can be very persuasive-especially to people looking for an "easy solution".
I may need some hand holding while she is on the stand....so may a few of our other WSers here. Its gonna be rough. :grouphug:
Martinez will do a 360 with the symptoms this expert spews. He will show that TRAVIS was the abused, not Jodi.
so I know what you mean. A protective dog is a good thing in this world. I feel so bad that Travis's couldn't help him. I don't know much about his personality (the dogs!) but most dogs will try and protect their owner.

I do see Juan as a protector, not that he's a dog but he is not one to fool around and he takes his job seriously just like most dogs do and not enough people do-see defense team. But Juan never takes his eye off the victim and getting him justice.

THANK YOU. I feel the same way. I have a very aggressive sounding German Shepherd, if you knock on our door. And I don't mind that she shows her teeth and barks at the front window. But once I invite you in she is a sweetheart, unless you are up to no good.
Best line of the day by the good Dr. "A diagnosis of PTSD is not a get out of jail free card". I thought JW was going to pee her pants over that one. The looks on her and JA's faces were epic. Like it's been said many times tonight...he earns that $250 an hour. Hope the DT feels they're getting their money's worth. :great:
Can we compare Martinez to something other than a pit bull, they get enough bad raps. I realize pit bulls are known to be vicious and aggressive, and that's what people want here, but they are also loving pets. Can we choose something like a wolverine or killer shark?

Trying to think of something else. Tiger?? Nothing in my mind fits except Pit Bull. I am sure JM is also a loving person. Just look at how he is fighting for justice for Travis. Thats love and not $$$$ signs like some other attorneys and witnesses
That isn't even the worst of that crying segment from the interrogation, this is what she said right after that.

Pure evil caught on tape right there, sitting in the courtroom getting pleasure at seeing herself talk about Travis' family and friends suffering!

Wow @ the micro-expression!!!! She is a most twisted sister...

The pic (above) definitely answers my next question, re: what follows her fake "clean-up crying" episode.

In this very part of the interrogation, she KEPT asking about TA's family -- whether they already knew she was being arrested for his murder. I couldn't figure out WHY she kept asking this... Wouldn't most people want to know if their own family knew and could be called to come help them??

So, per the micro-expression in court, she was asking what they knew because she WANTED them to know she'd done this. I guess his family dissed her, just like he had. So this is how she got them back, by wanting to make sure they knew SHE was the killer. Super sick.
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