long weekend break: discuss the latest here #101

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Caption ideas?

- Stop squirming Willmot!
- Nice neck!
"Wilma, please shift your head just a little so I can see my finger. I need to make it look exactly like I did when I lifted it on the stand in prior testimony."
Okay, I feel silly. I'm not sure what thread to post this on either but what is the story with the rental car? Was there a gun and other knives found in it after she rented it or is that just a rumor?

She had two rental cars. One she took on her road trip from Yreka to Mesa, and back home. She had possession of the second one at the time of her arrest. Knives and other personal possessions were found inside. Sometime later, her mother allegedly asked LE about a 9mm gun which JA had. Subsequent search of the rental car discovered a 9mm gun in the engine compartment.

When she was arrested in July, there was evidence she was planning to flee. Two knives were found hidden in a book in her luggage, and a gun was later found taped to the car engine of a car she had just rented. Not the car she rented to go on her murder trip.
OMG, what was she planning I wonder. Mimi?
While JA insists she broke up with TA on June 29 of the previous year (2007) due to "trust issues," imo it's more likely TA told her exactly what he wrote in his blog, that the prospect of turning 30 made him reevaluate his life and resolve to date only those he considered marriage material.

So she knew for 11 months she would have no future with him except as an occasional sex partner. While she remained obsessed with him, I think she had accepted the fact he was never going to marry her.

Thus, I'm wondering whether the person who theorized she moved back to Yreka not just for financial reasons but was thinking about murdering him even then isn't onto something. Did she really devise the whole plot so quickly after the 5/26 text messages, or were thoughts bubbling in the back of her mind for months?

- Sneaking into AZ without anyone knowing, with no proof she was ever there: Cell phone turned off, no gas receipts
- Renting a car in a city 90 miles away rather than her own city
- Asking for a car of nondescript color, removing the front license plate (as AZ doesn't use them), turning the back plate upside down to reduce the possibility of the number being noted, either by TA's neighbors or traffic cams
- Dying her hair brown to change her appearance after renting a car
- Setting up a visit to elsewhere as an excuse for a trip

If she'd remained in Mesa, she knew she'd be the #1 suspect. Anyway, one of the first questions I'd ask her is when she first thought of killing Travis.

She keeps talking about moving back to Yreka as a matter of choice. I don't think it was. Her gig at PPL wasn't bringing in much money, TA hadn't allowed her to move in with him, they were no longer a couple and she still hadn't managed to latch onto another source of supply. He did nothing to help her stay; in fact, he most likely encouraged her to leave. Despite all this, after she'd packed her bags and uhaul truck, she still managed to weazle her way back into his home for another three nights before she definitively "hit the road" to go home. By the time she left, I do think she was seething. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the road trip home was when she started to plan his demise.

She had two rental cars. One she took on her road trip from Yreka to Mesa, and back home. She had possession of the second one at the time of her arrest. Knives and other personal possessions were found inside. Sometime later, her mother allegedly asked LE about a 9mm gun which JA had. Subsequent search of the rental car discovered a 9mm gun in the engine compartment.

I have tried to watch as much as the trial as possible. Has any of this been brought up by Juan?
speaking of "hacking" Travis' computer, Jodi usually doesn't say anything unless it is a lie or a tidbit to flaunt in someone's face or excuse.

She made comments several times about Travis' computer having a virus and the little bugs eating the screen or something like that. I've had blue screen before or my anti-virus pop up and tell me I've got a virus....never little bugs "eating" the screen, so to speak. Jodi commented it looked cute. Did she mess his computer up on purpose?

Excerpt from Det. Flores interrogation:

"um, he had a virus on his computer so ... you click the start menu on Windows XP (She starts talking real fast here )music and none of those would come up... so he had some kind of virus he was dealing with... screen saver was a bunch of little bugs eating up the screen and it was just weird. And he said that was from the virus, too. I thought it was cute screen savers.He said, yeah that's my stupid virus. So for some reason that was frustrating for both of us couldn't look at the pictures ... a lot of our church history trips which are on my other external drive which haven't been able to access since after Christmas. It just quit. I don't have the money to spend to get all that stuff back."
"Wilma, please shift your head just a little so I can see my finger. I need to make it look exactly like I did when I lifted it on the stand in prior testimony."

The whole scene was gross and fake. Her hand wasn't resting relaxed like the pic with her sister and JW looked like a marionette puppet - even her silly little laugh/smile was simply awful.

You guys probably already discussed this - if so, my apologies.

Finally, today, VP had an actual full-scale dummy that was the same height/weight as Travis (within a few pounds/inches), with anatomically accurate articulated joints (pretty much).

They had a producer (?) who was in her mid-late 20's, 5'5"-5'6" 115-120 lbs drag the dummy from the bedroom (where the bloodstains were) to the shower - and put it in the shower.

Annoyingly, the stopped her several times to discuss whatever - and the floor of their mock-up crime scene was not nearly as slippery as a floor covered in blood and water... but this woman easily dragged the dummy and got him in the shower (with some effort, but nothing extreme).

It was the only useful 'reenactment' I've seen yet from these guys...

For those still skeptical that JA could not have done this - they really put that to bed in this demonstration, imv.


She was no waif at the time either. After what she had done and knowing she had to get out before anyone comes home, I have no clue how anyone would think she COULDN'T manage it.
Seems we need a new thread. This thread will close within 15 minutes.

Please continue the discussion here:

[ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=202879"]long weekend break: discuss the latest here #102 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I felt in need of a little comic relief so decided to watch Wilmott's cross of the ME earlier...sigh, what a mess that was for her. She forgot an important lawyer rule: never ask a question you don't already know the answer to.
May 18: Travis' last blog entry expressing his determination to find a worthy wife and avoid any golddiggers with an inner axe murderess lurking inside.

I thought his blog entry was "How To Marry A Gold Digger" - which he used as something of a double entendre - in that he wanted to marry someone who would reveal or bring out the "gold" in him...

That JA 'copied' this (too!) in her gold-panning story would not surprise me. Sickening.

(and I could be wrong, too. There's always that) :)
Anyone think there is anything to the theory one of Dr. Drews fellow guest docs speculated about on his show:

Jodi shot travis first
Gun jammed
causing her to then be forced to blugeon him

Even if she first attacked him with the knife in the shower, still seems super ballsy and risky, considering he could have overpowered her.

I think that she held him at gunpoint when taking the photos but had the knife with her. She drops the camera, holds the gun in one hand, the knife in the other. If she only had the knife, I think he could have lunged at her, even if he had to stand up first. With him still held at gunpoint, he could only hope to talk her out of it.

That is guesswork on my part. I only started following the case a few weeks back, so maybe my conjecture does not fit withe all of the evidence. If so, I welcome a correction.
If this was answered before, please excuse me. Will the jury be informed that Jodi was invited first to Cancun? Also, why didn't Juan bring it up initially?
LOL....kind of water over the bridge to hide the fee history at this point. $838,000+ is all we need to know. But yeah, the DT filed a Motion for Protective Order...Judge Roberts will rule on it. I'm quite sure that she'll deny it...so they don't run the fees up even higher.
Nurmi has already asked for this order early in the trial, and it was granted. I'm not clear on why it would need to be "reinstated?"
Their original order actually made sense to me. By looking at the expenses of the DT, the state would be able track their movements of where and when they spent their money - in essence, leaving a trail of bread crumbs for the state.
Juan doesn't need their crumbs, though - he seems to know what they are going to say before they even say it.

Nurmi also sealed the records of Arias' jail vists and phone records made while she was incarcerated. (Same logic as above)
While JA insists she broke up with TA on June 29 of the previous year (2007) due to "trust issues," imo it's more likely TA told her exactly what he wrote in his blog, that the prospect of turning 30 made him reevaluate his life and resolve to date only those he considered marriage material.

So she knew for 11 months she would have no future with him except as an occasional sex partner. While she remained obsessed with him, I think she had accepted the fact he was never going to marry her.

Thus, I'm wondering whether the person who theorized she moved back to Yreka not just for financial reasons but was thinking about murdering him even then isn't onto something. Did she really devise the whole plot so quickly after the 5/26 text messages, or were thoughts bubbling in the back of her mind for months?

- Sneaking into AZ without anyone knowing, with no proof she was ever there: Cell phone turned off, no gas receipts
- Renting a car in a city 90 miles away rather than her own city
- Asking for a car of nondescript color, removing the front license plate (as AZ doesn't use them), turning the back plate upside down to reduce the possibility of the number being noted, either by TA's neighbors or traffic cams
- Dying her hair brown to change her appearance after renting a car
- Setting up a visit to elsewhere as an excuse for a trip

If she'd remained in Mesa, she knew she'd be the #1 suspect. Anyway, one of the first questions I'd ask her is when she first thought of killing Travis.

I have posted this before, but my personal opinion is that moving back to Yreka was part of her murder plan. So when the shiz went down, she could just say she hadn't lived in Mesa for over a month and was traveling at the time. It was an alibi planned far in advance.Might have worked if it weren't for those pesky pictures.
If this was answered before, please excuse me. Will the jury be informed that Jodi was invited first to Cancun? Also, why didn't Juan bring it up initially?

Do you have a link for that?

Just broke on Jane VM Show - reporters have uncovered that Arias was originally booked to go on the Cancun trip with Travis.

In April, Travis changed the ticket to Mimi Hall's name.

If true, this is pretty big news, and could point to motive???


Now makes me think that sex tape was made so Mimi could hear it....Jodi probably threatened Travis with that tape and exposing him to Mimi.......then came the email from Travis.....Jodi lost the battle.....then came the burglary.....

Mimi said that Travis told her he had a stalker.....maybe that sex tape prompted him to tell her that......just in case JA got to Mimi trying to expose him.

Just thinking out loud.
The whole scene was gross and fake. Her hand wasn't resting relaxed like the pic with her sister and JW looked like a marionette puppet - even her silly little laugh/smile was simply awful.


Exactly! If she had her hand like in the pic with her sis, the bend would be more noticeable. So she tensed up all her fingers a little more to make Mr. Ring uniform, like in the pic. Wonder if that had any impact on the jury.
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