long weekend break: discuss the latest here #103

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I like anything with fur. I feel a connection with them in a way that's reciprocal in some way. It's pretty amazing to me that even a wild field mouse can come to trust I won't hurt it.

Don't care much for things with scales, fins or feathers.

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Be careful that cute little furry mouse can have some kind of disease. They carry Lyme and Hanta Virus. They have worms,fleas and parasites. So if she uses the bathroom on your plates or cups you can get sick.
Angelwings, Katiedid, and JusticeJunkie

Or maybe TA thought ja was gone, got on his computer, shaved got in the shower and the monster reappears.

something else I don't understand, ja said she arrives at 4 am on the 4th, they go to bed, wake up and have sex, maybe I am old fashioned and I admit I am, but don't young people at least take a shower or clean up before sex???? especially anal sex!!! uggggg.

If you believe she arrived at 4 a.m. I'm not sold on that one. I do believe, Travis thought she was long gone before the shower pics.
Has anyone seen the girl on YouTube doing a NG impression. It was hysterical.

With the plastic hair and huge barrette? (I wasn't 100% sure it was a female lol). :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: It was funny. I love Nancy but that was hilarious.
If you believe she arrived at 4 a.m. I'm not sold on that one. I do believe, Travis thought she was long gone before the shower pics.

I don't believe she arrived at 4 am, just going off her testimony trying to make sense of that day.
Can the jury see that "say cheese" outtake? They've not seen it yet have they? Can that come in? (gonna also put this on the lawyer thread). That to me is THE most bizarre thing she's ever said on tape.

And speaks to that "adhesive personality" that Dr. Glass spoke of tonite. She smiled in her mug shot because that's what travis would have done??? WTH???
I don't believe she arrived at 4 am, just going off her testimony trying to make sense of that day.
Trying to make sense of her testibologny makes my head hurt.

JA and the truth are as far apart as her...

Oh, never mind. :facepalm:
Can the jury see that "say cheese" outtake? They've not seen it yet have they? Can that come in? (gonna also put this on the lawyer thread). That to me is THE most bizarre thing she's ever said on tape.

And speaks to that "adhesive personality" that Dr. Glass spoke of tonite. She smiled in her mug shot because that's what travis would have done??? WTH???

I think it will be played in Juan's closing! That, and her statement that if she did this to Travis, she deserves the death penalty. I can't wait!!!!
Allyne Smithe said:
Actually, he brought it up first. At 11:37 on the tape he said, "I'm really into exploring our little forest," and she asks (to get him on tape), "You're coming up here before Cancun?" He replies, "Yeah, that's, that's my plan."

They would have stayed at motels, just like they had during all their other vacations.

But you know, listening again to the sex tape made me realize that long conversation they had at 4:00 am on June 2 most likely involved phone sex. Because in the tape played in court, they kept getting each other off. Both climaxed twice in a relatively short period of time. He called her baby and sweetheart and asked her, "Aren't you glad we started *advertiser censored**ing?" and how they should have started earlier. "Oh Jodi, Oh Jodi, Oh Jodi." He talked how much he loved her braids and loved her sitting on his face. He called her Ultra Feminine and said he loved "how much detail your p***y had. Raved about her big nipples. He wanted to do a photo shoot with a quality camera, "like legitimate *advertiser censored*," wanted to do a 69 and a cream pie, wanted to capture a mid-action shot.

He says he wants to take some video too.

They talked about the time he set up a candlelight bath for them together and how it made her feel like a goddess. He calls her beautiful and hot and says he has never seen her look bad. Twice he says he called her "my girlfriend" when talking to other guys.

That was just 3 weeks before June 4. Tell me a guy who hasn't had any sex except by his own hand in 5 weeks isn't going to welcome a hot little sexpot into his home and his bed, especially when she can't stay very long. A little dalliance then she's on her way. Geez, I can't cope with all the denial here. Think I'll take a little break and dig out my copy of the Mayflower Madam to reread what she writes about most women not understanding why their husbands would seek sex sometimes for the sake of sex, no love or romance involved. :facepalm:
Aren't those two rosebuds fake? They didn't look like that before.?

Sorry, I don't understand your question. What rosebuds are fake? And how do we know what they looked like before?

For those who didn't understand what Travis meant when he said, "I'm really excited about our little, uh, forest," Jodi: "adventure" he was referring to one of the spectacular forests in and around Yreka. Klamath National Forest, headquartered in Yreka, is "a 1,737,774-acre national forest in the Klamath Mountains, located in Siskiyou County in northern California, but with a tiny extension into southern Jackson County in Oregon."

Crater Lake National Park in southern Oregon is about 2 hours from Yreka also has gorgeous forests.

Three of the entries from the book "1000 Places to Visit Before You Die" are in Oregon; Jodi said she and Travis planned to visit all three:

811. The Oregon Coast
812. Oregon Shakespeare Festival
814. Crater Lake National Park

Cancun, OTOH, is NOT listed as one of the 1000 places to visit before you die. http://thegillespies.info/thousand_places.htm


Second to the wonderful blue lake in the crater of the former Mount Mazama, the most attractive feature of the park is its heavy mantle of beautiful coniferous forests. Within the confines of the park there are represented more than a dozen cone-bearing species—pines, firs, hemlocks, and others—growing in pure bodies or mingled together, forming a confused, broken cover. The few broad-leaf trees that climb this high in the mountains are mostly small and shrubby, forming all underbrush in the open forests and thickets in the moist ground along the streams.

"Like No Place Else On Earth

Crater Lake has inspired people for thousands of years. No place else on earth combines a deep, pure lake, so blue in color; sheer surrounding cliffs, almost two thousand feet high; two picturesque islands; and a violent volcanic past. It is a place of immeasurable beauty, and an outstanding outdoor laboratory and classroom."

<mod snip>


ETA: After listening to the tape again, I changed TA's forest quote slightly, from exploring to excited about; it's very difficult to hear in spots.
Sorry, I don't understand your question. What rosebuds are fake? And how do we know what they looked like before?

For those who didn't understand what Travis meant when he said, "I'm really into exploring our little forest," he was referring to one of the spectacular forests in and around Yreka. Klamath National Forest, headquartered in Yreka, is "a 1,737,774-acre national forest in the Klamath Mountains, located in Siskiyou County in northern California, but with a tiny extension into southern Jackson County in Oregon."

Crater Lake National Park in southern Oregon is about 2 hours from Yreka also has gorgeous forests.

Three of the entries from the book "1000 Places to Visit Before You Die" are in Oregon; Jodi said she and Travis planned to visit all three:

811. The Oregon Coast
812. Oregon Shakespeare Festival
814. Crater Lake National Park

Cancun, OTOH, is NOT listed as one of the 1000 places to visit before you die. http://thegillespies.info/thousand_places.htm


Second to the wonderful blue lake in the crater of the former Mount Mazama, the most attractive feature of the park is its heavy mantle of beautiful coniferous forests. Within the confines of the park there are represented more than a dozen cone-bearing species&#8212;pines, firs, hemlocks, and others&#8212;growing in pure bodies or mingled together, forming a confused, broken cover. The few broad-leaf trees that climb this high in the mountains are mostly small and shrubby, forming all underbrush in the open forests and thickets in the moist ground along the streams.

"Like No Place Else On Earth

Crater Lake has inspired people for thousands of years. No place else on earth combines a deep, pure lake, so blue in color; sheer surrounding cliffs, almost two thousand feet high; two picturesque islands; and a violent volcanic past. It is a place of immeasurable beauty, and an outstanding outdoor laboratory and classroom."

OMG!! :blushing: Thank you! All this time, when people were talking about Exploring the Forest and Crater, my mind went straight to the gutter. Seriously. :facepalm:

That's a pretty picture.
I don't believe she arrived at 4 am, just going off her testimony trying to make sense of that day.

I too am not sold on her showing up at 4 a.m. I have to admit that I came into this case way late and so I'm cramming to piece certain things together that don't make sense. There are three areas where I'm confused, and one of those areas is her arrival time. When dealing with a habitual liar, you can't take anything she says as truth, so I'm going with what makes sense.

I think her showing up was a total surprise to Travis. Otherwise, her not parking in the driveway makes no sense. If Travis knew she was visiting (or even talked her into it as she claims, which is no doubt a lie), then why did his roommates not see her car? Also, it makes no sense that she would have told Travis she was coming because he easily could have told his roommates or anybody for that matter.

Since I 100% believe the murder was premeditated (overwhelming evidence for that), I think that she was stalking his house (different car) and surprised him when the roommates left, or she crawled in through the doggie door at night and hid somewhere.

Regardless, none of my three "grey areas" of confusion are relevant when it comes to my belief that she is guilty as sin. I'd give her the DP just for leaving the poor dog unattended for days thereafter. :furious:
Has anyone seen the girl on YouTube doing a NG impression. It was hysterical.

Hi Legalmania, do you have a link for that? I can't find anything current and would love to see the one you're talking about. Ta
On Thursday the judge made it very clear that court would start at 10am, not 10:30am. Wildabouttrial.com states that coverage starts at 10:30. Does anyone know if Monday's start time changed since Thursday or if WAT is simply not going to start coverage until 10:30am?
I thought I'd revisit Det. Flores' testimony on YouTube when JA asked him about a weapon or gun and told Flores TA didn't have a gun. Love that part!
A few minutes later JA says "...nobody's been able to get hold of him for almost a week , which, and that was about the last time I spoke to him too..." and I swear I heard the cameraman whisper "whoa". :giggle:

Starting at the 12:40 mark...
Jodi Arias Trial Day 2 (Part1) - YouTube
I could be totally wrong and please correct me if I am, but I think that premeditation could have been formed standing outside the shower with the knife in her hand, just long enough to think of killing him and then acting on it. I don't believe the premeditation requires hours or days, or gas cans or stealing the gun. If she found a baseball bat in that house, got angry enough to kill TA, decided to do it, and then did it, that is premeditation. I totally understand that the gas cans, the plan for the roadtrip and the theft of Grampa's gun bolsters the claim that she LONG planned it, but that timeframe and those actions aren't required for premeditation. Correct me if I'm wrong on this?

As far as I can recall it's premeditation if a reasonable person would believe that there was long enough time between the sudden desire to kill and the actual killing for them to realize that doing the act would be wrong.

For example, recently there was a story in the news about a father whose truck broke down on a dark country road 150 yards from his house. He has his two young sons help him push the truck from behind to try to get it back to the house when a drunk driver came up behind them and struck the truck killing the two sons that were behind it pushing.

The father then walks that 150 yards to his house, gets his gun, walks back 150 yards to the accident scene, and shoots the driver who hit and killed his kids who was unconcious behind the wheel, and the father had no way of knowing that he was drunk.

It was determined that the murder of the driver was premeditated given the time he had while walking to and from his house to get his gun where he should have realized that murdering the driver who had hit them would be wrong. And I agree.

In that case I believe the father was negligent in placing his two young kids at the back of the truck to push it placing them in a dangerous position to be struck by a car coming upon the scene especially since no one was watching the road to warn when a car was approaching also dangering anyone suddenly coming upon the disabled truck in the road - his wife and youngest child merely sat in the truck while it was being pushed instead of watching the road to both warn her husband and sons but also the driver of any vehicle coming up on the disabled truck in the road.

It also struck me that the father's first thought was to murder the driver that hit his kids instead of rushing to his kids to try to help them. Though one of them did die at the scene, he was likely still alive for a time while lying in the road and the other child was alive and died in the hospital shortly after being transported. The father just ignored his fatally wounded children in the road and calmly walked to his house to get his gun and calmly walked back to murder the unconscious driver of the vehicle that hit his kids.

In Jodi's case though, there really is no question that she planned the murder of Travis wayyyyy ahead of time in all her actions of changing her appearance, renting a car 90 minutes away from where she lived, trying to cover up the fact that she was in AZ at all with the careful calculations of how many gas cans she would need to not leave a papertrail in AZ, bringing the weapons and taking them with her, etc.
As a paralegal I have spent many many active hours in courtrooms. I have worked with expert witnesses and have even been called as an expert witness. I think Dr. Samuals alternative motive was to only do his job but not to the fullest extent of his professionalism. I think if he fully believed this defense was going to work he would have made sure all his T's were crossed and all his I's were dotted. He wouldn't have left such an obvious open door for the prosecution. IMO it looks like very basic and amateur mistakes. Not the work of a 35yr veteran with trial experience. This happens a lot, when an expert doesn't fully agree with the direction the defense wants to use. I think Dr. Samuals wanted to go with the rage defense. When he was shot down he became sloppy. It's hard to prove if it was intentional. He was still professional but didn't agree fully with the PTSD diagnosis. I want to thank you for asking me the question in a mature and respectful manner.

You didn't think it went way beyond "sloppy" to 100% advocacy for JA's cause? Here's one of many examples: JM asks if JA said TA had pictures of *advertiser censored* on his PC. Instead of answering the question, he jumps into a bunch of defensive excuses: He could have deleted them, a virus could have eaten then, any number of things, and besides that's irrelevant.

He also tried to have everything both ways, when you look at how he answered questions from JW vs from JM. Two examples: JW asked about several things in the diary, and he said they all proved what he wanted to say; JM asked about things in the diary and he said they didn't prove anything (e.g. assertiveness). Test scores proved his cause when they fit, but were irrelevant when they didn't (e.g. 69 outside of 75-85 range).
I'm having a consultation with an eye surgeon Tuesday about corrective surgery, so I took a peek. Nothing to lose! KWIM? :floorlaugh:

Do you think you can get a 'Buy One, Get One Free' deal from your surgeon? (I peeked, too. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: )
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