long weekend break: discuss the latest here #113

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Lord knows she doesn't rattle easily! When I try to think about how I'd act if I had done what she did I have to laugh at how easy it would have been to catch me. Heck, I'd have had a panic attack to end all panic attacks and probably given myself a heart attack in the process -- no need for the needle. Maybe I'm just a wimp. But man, I would have been a hot, hot mess and GUILTY would have been stamped right across my forehead.

People like her are not able to experience guilt like you and I would.
If I even get pulled over for a minor traffic violation I feel like I just might die!
God forbid I was ever put in the "hot seat"
A trial fuh ged about it! I will croak before they get e to my cell!

They simply have no shame and any emotion express is fabricated for their own benefit.
I will venture to guess you have never known a true psychopath...
Thank your lucky stars for that!
With all JM's experience if it were improper he would not have done it. Plain and simple. Even if a juror saw him the same could have happened if JM were at a restaurant with a juror having dinner there at the same time. If this happened the juror should report that they saw JM and that nothing happened to influence them about the trial. That would be it. Nothing improper. This jury is not sequestered and it is possible that they could run into JM talking to a group of people or a single person at any time. As long as JM is not discussing the trial there should be no problem. jmo

As you will note, I did not say that what happened was improper. I said that it could become an issue if a juror was to see it. I take your points regarding what might have happened after the fact. I just don't imagine that he would want to take the chance, nor will he offer another opportunity for a recurrence.
Originally Posted by miscalling
Does anyone know where I might find a site that has all of the interrogation videos shown in their entirety and not just clips?
They are here:

Unedited Police Interrogation Videos of Jodi - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Thanks to whoever!

How can he be dead? His arm is up, his shoulders and head are up.

Is it OK to post pictures? If not, Mods please delete.

I think she pulled his head up off the floor to slash his throat so the tip of the knife had room to go past the opposite side of the neck where the cut started without jamming into the floor. I would think in slashing someone's throat you'd have to hold their head immobile anyway so the head didn't roll in the direction of the cut making it that much harder TO cut.

Ugh. This is the one thing she did to him that I have so much trouble thinking about... it's just so horribly ghastly. I don't know, but to me it just seems like the most evil and grisly way to kill someone that even the most hardened violent person would tend to step back from.
I've been thinking about what JM can do with AVL on cross re what she's not supposed to testify about and how JW is trying to plant it in the jury's mind that she is testifying to it. Couldn't he ask her a string of questions like this, or would that open the door to anything. It's a given there will be objections galore of course.

"Ma'am, how many times did you interview Mr Alexander?"

"That right, none, because the defendant, whom you swore under oath that you "liked", stabbed and shot and killed him, right?"

"Without having interviewed Mr Alexander, you cannot say as an absolute fact that in your expert opinion he was abusive to the defendant, right?"
- That's the key one. She can give all this innuendo, but she is not allowed to state this, is she? If she agrees that she cannot, then in effect the jury can disregard everything she testified to; if she says that she can offer it, then wouldn't the judge have to toss that answer and instruct the jury that as a matter of law she cannot offer that as an expert opinion?

"And if in fact he had not been murdered (objection/sustained) slaughtered (objection/sustained) killed by the defendant, and you had been able to hear his side of the story, then it's possible that your expert opinion would be that in this relationship Ms Arias was actually the abusive party, right?"
- He'll surely work this in somewhere. She believes only women can be abused, but this question corners her. If she says it wouldn't be possible, then the jurors will see her bias because you know they're all thinking much of what she said on her first day sounds like JA; if she says it would be possible, then it shoots down almost everything that sounded so great for the defense. Either way, it neutralizes her.

I would love to see this. I agree, he'll work the bias thing in, and the fact that she knew nothing about Travis except for what JA told her, or through e-mails, texts, whatever. I wish that we could see that "Travis was abusive" e-mail, but really, I think it's a case of more cherry-picking by the defense.

More than anything, I wish this trial would just hurry up and be done with. I can't stand listening to the defense happily dragging Travis through the mud. I am angry and sad and exhausted for his loved ones. I'm ready for justice to be done, ready for this killer to stop getting the attention she loves so much, ready for the circus to leave town and for his family to be able to breathe.
Originally Posted by miscalling
Does anyone know where I might find a site that has all of the interrogation videos shown in their entirety and not just clips?
They are here:

Unedited Police Interrogation Videos of Jodi - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Thanks to whoever!

You're welcome,

Signed, Softail whoever. :giggle:
Ok, can someone explain to me what the deal is with the forged letters? They were letters that Travis supposedly wrote that had something to do with pedophilia, but then they were determined to be forged, right? And were these letters supposed to have been written to Jodi, or who? I read a tweet on twitter last night that said the letters were never confirmed to be forged, because there were only copies of them and they could very well have been legit. :confused: And isn't Matt M somehow involved in this letter business somehow or another? As in speculation that he wrote them?
I've made multiple posts on different threads--mods if this is wrong, just delete...

I am just so PIZZED off at this juror!! The afternoon the jurors are questioned about JM, this juror is sitting out there again?????????

Within an hour of testimony ending Thursday, the juror who has been seen in the past outside the courthouse after trial sat eating ice cream on a bench near a group of spectators who were waiting for the prosecutor.

Martinez chose to take a different exit Thursday afternoon and avoided the scene.

Read more: Allegations of misconduct sidetrack Arias trial - The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/breakingn...ce-expert-testifies-arias-trial#ixzz2Ox1QetJ9
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What bothers me about HLN's J. Casarez, is that she pointedly made that statement emphasizing that jury members could possibly witness Juan and the spectators, autographs, etc. I don't know if she didn't think it through, or if she did it to bring about negative scrutiny of Juan. The DT twisted that statement to their advantage and ran with it. Not that this really surprised me, as by their conduct thus far I'm thinking they also cheat at cards.

But as you, I also am po'd at this juror, I have to question what they have in mind doing this, or are they just a curious fan. I wonder if it would be possible for the jurors to be instructed to leave the area immediately and not be allowed to linger at the courthouse. Or since they're not sequestered maybe not :dunno:
Jodi thought she was starring as the leading "Princess" role in a Disney movie,
Travis thought he was watching the Playboy channel.

She was looking for a lifetime contract, Travis was only interested in a trial subscription.

IMO you can't attract a prince by acting like a tramp...

Made-for-TV movie about the Jodi Arias case should be called Travis and the Tramp :D

:floorlaugh: :great:

Quick call LIFETIME! You have the title of Travis' movie!!!
Jodi thought she was starring as the leading "Princess" role in a Disney movie,
Travis thought he was watching the Playboy channel.

She was looking for a lifetime contract, Travis was only interested in a trial subscription.

IMO you can't attract a prince by acting like a tramp...

Made-for-TV movie about the Jodi Arias case should be called Travis and the Tramp. :D

ETA: Previous post got messed up when I went back to bold, so I redid it.
What bothers me about HLN's J. Casarez, is that she pointedly made that statement emphasizing that jury members could possibly witness Juan and the spectators, autographs, etc. I don't know if she didn't think it through, or if she did it to bring about negative scrutiny of Juan. The DT twisted that statement to their advantage and ran with it. Not that this really surprised me, as by their conduct thus far I'm thinking they also cheat at cards.

But as you, I also am po'd at this juror, I have to question what they have in mind doing this, or are they just a curious fan. I wonder if it would be possible for the jurors to be instructed to leave the area immediately and not be allowed to linger at the courthouse. Or since they're not sequestered maybe not :dunno:

I blame the sensationalism of HLN for making it into something it isn't, but more so at the DT for having "spies" out trying to throw anything to make a mistrial, even though it not going to work. Juror did NOTHING wrong, it is fully on the parties above. The juror was not one of the ones trying to get autographs, they were minding their own business.

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Maybe. He might also have simply been surprised and acted politely in what was obviously an awkward situation based on the video of the event. If it happens again, I suppose you will be proven correct.

I tend to agree with this. That he was even approached for an autograph is such an aberration I doubt he saw it coming and didn't have time to think it through. Imo he won't do it again.
So this morning I thought I would do a little educational reading, get my mind off this case for awhile. First thing I started reading about on the NatGeo page was the sea cucumber's multipurpose anus. And there I was.....my mind was immediately showing me pics of JA's - well, you know. :what::furious::floorlaugh:

On the last thread, there was a lot of discussion about the Hughes' emails to and from TA. I rewatched the testimony by Chris and Skye Hughes as well. I am confused as to why they would respond to Nurmi's emails that were obviously a fishing expedition. If they were truly Travis' friends, why did they speak to JA about Travis causing him to tell them they had crossed the line? Why would they believe Nurmi's insinuations that TA was a pedophile and respond?

Of all the things in this trial, this has me most concerned. Could their emails be enough to derail the conviction of JA? I know we are only hearing them characterized and not quoted, but will their words characterized by ALV be the coup de gras for the defense.

And Skye made that comment to KN that she "knew Travis had issues" but nothing like that (pedophilia). Why would she believe something like that, especially coming from KN? Also her statement about knowing that Travis had "issues". In that context, was she referring to of a sexual nature, if so how could she possibly know something like that. And that her and Chris were talking to Travis about how he treated JA, do we know if anything specific came out on this email? if so I guess I missed it.
Seems odd that JM would lock down the time based on a photo where TA does not appear to be dead with a slashed throat yet. Just doesn’t make sense to me.

To show that there wasn't time enough for the story Jodi testified to under oath, to the jury to be the truth. That's all. She testified the first accidental pic is when the attack (against HER) began. From that pic to the next accidental pic is 62 seconds. No time for a body slam, a chase, climbing up shelving to find a gun, more chase, the shooting, the him falling and screaming he's going to kill her, then she must find a knife , stab him over twenty times some of which are defensive wounds and slit his throat at the other end of the bathroom hall from which she shot him. Her story is crap.
He was playing the 'playa hata' card.

Mr. Good Cop was giving her an 'out', appearing to identify with/relate to JA about some of her murder motivations to see if she would slip up and agree with him, perhaps even slip enough to blurt a quasi-confession.

At one point she even asks what the punishment would be if she decided to plead guilty.

He was also letting her know that he knew about her jealousy, Mimi, Cancun, on again/off again relationship, etc.

What was telling to me was when JA talked about thinking that Travis was going to marry Mimi at that time, not knowing at that point that Mimi just wanted to be friends. This solidified for me that her motive was jealousy. There was no way JA was going to let Travis marry anyone besides herself. She could not stand the thought of Travis not belonging to her and she knew their sexual relationship was over.
Her motive wasn't only to keep Travis from going to Cancun with Mimi but to keep him from marrying her as well.
I realize this is an unpopular position to take, but I was watching the night Jean Casarez made those comments. I didn't see anything wrong with her observation, and I'd bet you dollars to doughnuts that JM would have agreed with her. We all know he didn't intend to "meet adoring fans," and she didn't suggest that he was doing that. The point was that it could become a problem if a juror was to see it.

She was right. It certainly could be a problem. I just can't hop on her for that statement, and I really do believe JM would agree and he will take steps to avoid the over-zealous fans now that he realizes that kind of thing may happen. He was obviously blindsided by what happened the first time.

Anyway, it seems entirely unreasonable to me to lay on Jean Casarez for this.


Maybe I am being a little hard on JC, but it rubbed me the wrong way how she over-dramatized and made such a big deal out of it. I just tend to think that Juan knows what he's doing. And if this had happened the other way around, does anyone here believe the prosecutor would have behaved the way the DT is?
And Skye made that comment to KN that she "knew Travis had issues" but nothing like that (pedophilia). Why would she believe something like that, especially coming from KN? Also her statement about knowing that Travis had "issues". In that context, was she referring to of a sexual nature, if so how could she possibly know something like that. And that her and Chris were talking to Travis about how he treated JA, do we know if anything specific came out on this email? if so I guess I missed it.

If memory serves correctly, Chris Hughes testified that they only believed what KN told them for a short period of time and only because KN told them he had 100% proof-positive that the letters were written by Travis. Once they got to look at the letters, they realized KN was lying because they could tell TA did not write them.
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