long weekend break: discuss the latest here #114

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Let me give you the link to the tweet. Tell me what you think after you read it, will you?

I remember the arguments in the court minutes, but Juan was restricted in the end on some of the notes. I got the impression this one just went through last week.


I have to go to work right now. I'll check the minutes from last week first chance I get though :)
Juan and Det. Flores are seated in front row as we watch the last trial finish up. Two inmates are up front with Judge Stephens. #JodiArias


WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial

Juan just walked in with dark gray suit with dark blue tie on and his brown according folder choc full of good stuff. #JodiArias
I so very much agree with you. I have posted a couple of "rants" about HLN and the tabloid type reporting they are doing, but they mysteriously disappeared. Me thinks I got a little out of line and off topic. Sorry Mods.

Obviously the DT is glued to HLN and I think that is definitely where they are getting any kind of ammunition. That bothers me so much.

I am so obsessed with getting justice for that dear man, Travis Alexander and feel very concerned about irresponsible (AfterDark) journalism.

:please:HLN give this some consideration. It's all become so circus-like. Sometimes the high road needs to be taken. :seeya:

you notice the dt has not requested hln turn over the clip of ja curled up in ta's lap as he is telling his story to a crowd of on lookers. would like to see that clip in rebuttal showing ta did show affection to ja in public. jmo

Juan just walked in with dark gray suit with dark blue tie on and his brown according folder choc full of good stuff. #JodiArias


someone was watching videos on his computer at approx 4 am. This was proven. I think it was him because it doesn't make any sense that it would be anyone else.

Could it have been JA who signed on? She could have snuck in while TA was upstairs sleeping. It wouldn't be the first time she snuck in or went on his computer.
No disrespect to you Tulessa but.......when people say this they have no idea what they're saying.
It's easy to toss out that thought (Jodi would've thrown them under the bus) but it's a bit harder to think about the repercussions.

Jodi can NOT rat anyone out unless she confesses to premeditation. Don't you see that?
No one can be there except Jodi. Because IF someone was there
1) Jodi invited/hired them
2) Jodi did not call police

So the front and back end to that scenario is greatly compromised, very telling and indicative of premeditated murder.

She has GOT to take the onus on herself if she has any hope of lying her way out of this.

There is nothing conclusively suggestive that she was all alone. Nothing.

That's uncalled for. I know every bit of what I'm saying and I make informed opinions.
If you don't mind commercials every 2 minutes HLN carries the trial.


OHHHHHH but they hit the pause button so you won't miss a thing...:facepalm::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: they say that about a million times a day......hated watching on that channel....sister wondered why I had my kindle on Websluthes ----she got it
Although I do not believe Jodi took pictures of herself, and there was supposedly a video and some more stills; I am starting to think this entire photo-shoot (minus the shower pix) might have been planned for public consumption.

Jodi is broke. On the phone call Travis is laying out his ideas for a "professional *advertiser censored*" scenario. Jodi gets a Youtube account just weeks beforehand. Jodi scouts forest locations, but Travis keeps canceling his visit. Jodi sneaks down to Mesa on borrowed money.

Hummm? Okay, now stay with me . . . How many think maybe they thought Jodi could make some $$$ on the internet with this? Or at least that's what she convinced Travis this would be about when he thought he was rid of her and she couldn't afford to make the trip back to Mesa? The phone call starts with her asking him if he wants her to apologize, and he says they should just talk first and see where that takes them. When she left Mesa that day in April there certainly were some issues between them (like money) and yet the connection is always there.

Just thinking . . .

The one thing about that is, her hair color.
Because I don't believe they had (KY-jelly) sex that day either. But I can't get around this hair color change conundrum!
When did she do that?
We're only going by the Budget guys memory and that is, she had blonde hair when she picked up the car. But he might've set to memory her drivers license though.

Man I wish there was surveillance video somewhere. I hope Juan asked her bank, Starbucks, gas station etc and just came up empty instead of not asking.
I bet having an out-of-state case is a bit more problematic.
You're right, Nurmi: Jodi does seem remorseful!

Hi all!!

Ready to go, hope everyone had a nice weekend!!

Any mention of opening the trial thread?
For those of you who have sat on a jury, I'm curious about how psychology plays into the whole thing when watching a case unfold in front of you.

In the State vs. Jodi Arias, we have what appears to be a strong case against JA. IMO, there is also a significant difference between the DT and the PT (style, strength of witnesses, strategy, etc.).

Does this affect the way that juror's view witnesses, their testimony and the case overall?

For example, I find it difficult that any juror would view Dr. Samuels' testimony as carrying any weight and there could be some spill over to ALV's testimony. If JM has had credible witnesses so far, and kept things on point, does this predispose jurors to be more receptive to his upcoming expert witness, Janeen DeMarte?
I hope and pray to <insert your deity of choice here> that we get to JM's cross today!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!! :please: I'm in desperate need of some kick-*advertiser censored*!

Here you go![video=youtube;mKEX6QJ-zlQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKEX6QJ-zlQ[/video]
Jenkasaurus has taken her seat. Other media folks are making their way in at the moment. Previous case is still being heard. #JodiArias
Could it have been JA who signed on? She could have snuck in while TA was upstairs sleeping. It wouldn't be the first time she snuck in or went on his computer.

I think I remember hearing/reading that the history showed someone watching videos.

I don't think Jodi would sneak into his home at 4am, when she wasn't supposed to be anywhere near there...

And watch videos?

Doesn't compute for me.
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