"Looking for Caylee" by playing Halo 3?

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On another note, I just read this on my online newspaper. It's from the AP. Sound familiar?

"GREAT FALLS, Mont. -- The body of a toddler found in the trunk of his mother's car may have been there for months as she drove around town, evaded questions about him and was even arrested, police said.

The mother, Summer ManyWhiteHorses, was charged Monday with deliberate homicide. Authorities say the body of her 2-year-old son, James, was found Friday in the trunk of her car - more than six weeks after it was towed to a wrecking yard when she was arrested."
I think Lee may be into the games a little more than we thought.
Here he is trading cards in 2000.
And again in 2000.

And here he is at some unknown point in time.
And here he is with more gaming questions.
And here he is on Rebel basers
And yet another gaming question
And here he is on his buddies references page from 1999.
And here he is stepping up for another buddy

And oh look, again.
He gets some recognition here.
And yet another reference
And last but not least, lets all say hi to a new side of Lee.

How's that?
can't accuse me of not having links. lol.

Honestly, I wouldn't evenhave posted this but the last link really does concern me a little.

Well, now we know why he needed a personal assistant to be available to him 24/7. Maybe the PA is out looking for Caylee??:detective:
I assumed that the '05 was the year of the mustang.
Have we figured out what the MADDL stands for?
I know that it could be Mothers Against Drunk Driving and then the first initial of his name.
DISCLAIMER: I do not intend to start the idea going that the Anthony's have any connection to the wonderful group MADD, it is just a suggestion.

Now that I have had some time to think about it, that might be it. Didn't Lee have that DUI a while ago? A lot of times part of satisfying the courts includes taking part in a group like MADD. (Which I personally think is a great idea. The pain of a parent that has lost a child and has turned it into something positive is truly an awe inspiring thing.)
I had to add to this thread because I'm a bit of a "gamer" myself and I was trying to think of the game that is HUGE with KC age group .... then it hit me

World of Warcarft..... I don't have an account but my 18 year old daughter does

That game is very very popular....
Now, I admit I know nothing about the video games people play now, but I think Halo 3 is a video, XBox something game right?

It appears that Lee or someone else using his account is spending their time playing the game. A post dated 8/28/2008, just last week is asking for help because something in his game won't load.


Note the email for MADDL007
It is vader05@bellsouth.net
That is the email that Blink has mentioned in the thread on the Anthony's donation fund. MADDL007's homepage link shows location as Orlando, Florida.

So-- people come from all over to muck around in the heat and humidity, dirt and wildlife, looking for Caylee while Lee worries that "No gametypes will load for Snowbound in matchmaking."

I don't see much of a big deal in him playing a video game. Granted playing video games can be "fun," however, there are many, many times in which playing a video game, especially a shooter like Halo, releases tension, anger, pain, and agression.

With all of this going on, and with GA loosing his temper so much, I can see a young man like Lee jumping on a shooter to release all these feelings so he doesn't start responding like his father. Honestly, it's probably better he's playing a shooter, than sitting around with his feelings festering. No one needs the whole family on the front lawn with hammers.

A side bar because I saw it mentioned, and have seen it mentioned. I know we have so many people here that have more experience than I, is it not the case, the parents and/or family members not allowed to go search? I've tried googling for an answer, and only came up with this, no definate answer though http://www.texascenterforthemissing.org/OldSite/roles.asp
Could this be Casey playing thru lee's acct. and computer? We know she spends a lot of time online when she's home.
Now, I admit I know nothing about the video games people play now, but I think Halo 3 is a video, XBox something game right?

It appears that Lee or someone else using his account is spending their time playing the game. A post dated 8/28/2008, just last week is asking for help because something in his game won't load.


Note the email for MADDL007
It is vader05@bellsouth.net
That is the email that Blink has mentioned in the thread on the Anthony's donation fund. MADDL007's homepage link shows location as Orlando, Florida.

So-- people come from all over to muck around in the heat and humidity, dirt and wildlife, looking for Caylee while Lee worries that "No gametypes will load for Snowbound in matchmaking."

Halo 3 is a video game. My teenage sons play it all the time.

You would think that members of the family would be following up on their thousands of leads about Caylee instead of wasting time with a game. JMO
Could this be Casey playing thru lee's acct. and computer? We know she spends a lot of time online when she's home.

It's not out of the realm of possibility, however, I do have to say, she doesn't strike me as the "online game playing" type of gal. But...a lot of people say the same about me, and I'm all about playing games.

I had assumed he was playing in his house, but, without doing a reverse ping with his isp, taking into account they seem to live close, and people can share isps, you never know.
Ugg, ok, I take back my previous post; there's little way he's just blowing off steam. Playing a game to escape what's going on for a while is one thing, making jokes while your neice is missing is another.

I have to remind myself before I post that no one in this family appears to respond in any way I can relate to.

my husband plays halo3 all the time @ nite.
You can tell when he was on & what games he played. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/halo3/default.aspx?player=MADDL007
go to game history it gives u the time played history from when u became a member to now. maddl07 could stand for madden games. you wont know if its him unless u play with him. my son plays on my hubbys account alot.
When playing 'live', don't you need a credit card to start the account? Also, if he's presently using the same email address (that has been connected to the games for a while now), wouldn't it have to be him? If someone else was using that addie, wouldn't he know?

Ok, some games require a credit card some require nothing at all, so what. Point is some punk kid could easily change their online account or forum account to someone else e-mail account, that in no way changes his or her access to their account just what they TELL everyone is their e-mail addy.

Do you seriously use your own personal e-mail account online? I have um 4 with my IP that I use 4 hotmail accounts 4 or 5 g-mail accounts and my own personal website which I have 3 accouns at the moment but could created multiples oh and I have a couple .live accounts that leaves me with multiple accounts on multiple @something.com addys. I use at least 4 different accounts with online forums I sign onto. Such as this one. I can change them all at any time and still maintain the account but if I don;t care about the e-mail I may recive from that account big whoop right?

Why do I do this? multiple reasons. Only my real life family know my PERSONAL e-mail account. I get ZERO junk mail there :) Any websites that require an e-mail I use my alternate accounts, these tend to collect junkmail constanly yay for being able to have a gagillion accounts....

So some punk kid could easily have changed one of his old accounts to reflect this guys addy and website, heck I could change this one to it, but um probably against the tos and unethical, more important to me is the ethical aspect :)

So in any case this is really meaningless to the case anyway unless it leads to another clue, if it really is him IP's can be tracked down credit cards etc, but it appears to be a limited use moniker to begin with and probably a very dead end.

Punk kids like to pull crap like this, live in the gamer world for a while and you will find out. Been there, still there. I love gaming but people do exist that would not think twice to pull a stunt like this. OSOMTHNE!!! lol, leet :)
Halo 3

* MADDL007
Commander, Grade 3
* Total Games: 2,010

Halo 2

* MADDL007
* Total Games: 1513

Hey, I just thought of something. I'm going to "force" my 16 year old son to kick his *advertiser censored** in Halo. :whip:

Finally, a positive to my son wasting all of his time playing that dumb game!
I play World of Warcraft, so do 9 million other people. Seriously, people from all over play online games. It is a great way to get the word out about Caylee. The day there was an alledged sighting in TX, the first thing I did was contact my WOW friend in TX who lives about 15 minutes from Farmers Branch and ask her to keep an eye open.
If there is an alledged sighting in any other area, you can bet I probably have a WOW friend near there as well.
People who are immersed in their video games may not watch news or anything else, this is where they are when they have free time, so if you want to spread the word, go where they are.
So, it might be HALO for LA, it is WOW for me, it could be SOF 2 or 3 or whatever they are up to now...but what it amounts to is millions and millions of gamers.
Punk kids like to pull crap like this, live in the gamer world for a while and you will find out. Been there, still there. I love gaming but people do exist that would not think twice to pull a stunt like this. OSOMTHNE!!! lol, leet :)

I doubt that dude. Seriously, go threw all that. He doesn't claim he's lee, he is lee. If it was a punk kid, they would be spamming the hell out of his account.
Have we figured out what the MADDL stands for?
I know that it could be Mothers Against Drunk Driving and then the first initial of his name.
DISCLAIMER: I do not intend to start the idea going that the Anthony's have any connection to the wonderful group MADD, it is just a suggestion.

Now that I have had some time to think about it, that might be it. Didn't Lee have that DUI a while ago? A lot of times part of satisfying the courts includes taking part in a group like MADD. (Which I personally think is a great idea. The pain of a parent that has lost a child and has turned it into something positive is truly an awe inspiring thing.)

Well MADDL007 spells out the slang "mad loot" in partial Leetspeak. Mad loot roughly means "great reward" and can mean anything from desirable equipment for your character in a game, or real things like money and valuables.
I doubt that dude. Seriously, go threw all that. He doesn't claim he's lee, he is lee. If it was a punk kid, they would be spamming the hell out of his account.

Ok, if you feel so strongly where is your proof? and e-mail and address linked to the account?

If I changed my e-mail addy to be one lee uses on this forum and posted my website to be lees myspace account, does that make me lee?

PLEASE everyone find evidence and prove these people are who you are saying they are otherwise they are just accusations.

to quote you "He doesn't claim he's lee, he is lee." where is your proof.

Again who cares anyway it does not pertain to the case of Caylee being missing. Honestly unless you can prove its him and there is reason to believe it can lead to evidence invloving the case it does not belong here imho.
Ok, if you feel so strongly where is your proof? and e-mail and address linked to the account?

Try reading this thread and the Anthony Donations thread. Lee uses the same username for everything..from buying mass amounts of Iron Man and Halo crap on Ebay. Why is it so hard to believe that a guy plays video games and it's documented online. Not everything has to be fake. I'm not going to go looking around for something that is irrelevant to this case, it's just odd.
People escape from reality in all sorts of ways. Some use drugs, some alcohol, some food and some fantasy games.

Lee is probably just doing what he has always done to "unwind"

I am not fond of any one of these family members.

But I can understand wanting to escape from this reality that is their lives these days.
Hey, I just thought of something. I'm going to "force" my 16 year old son to kick his *advertiser censored** in Halo. :whip:

Finally, a positive to my son wasting all of his time playing that dumb game!

Ha ha. :)

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