Lowe's Pulls Ads From American Muslim Time Slot

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I will not be boycotting Lowe's. As a matter of fact I will be going there Saturday instead of Home Depot.
They pulled their ads based on low viewership or do you have a video taped confession of religious discrimination?....

From the original link:

Lowe's told CNN over the weekend that it has received "a significant amount of communication from every perspective possible" regarding the show.

"Individuals and groups have strong political and social views on this topic, and this program became a lightning rod for many of those views. As a result we did pull our advertising on this program. We believe it best to defer to communities, individuals and groups to discuss and consider such issues of importance."

Speaking of ratings....

Since premiering in November, the docu-series has lost far more viewers than advertisers and isn't even cracking Sunday's top 50 cable broadcasts.

Only five episodes into its first season, the series ranked 78th among Sunday's cable broadcasts for Dec. 11.

This recent episode, which aired two days after news broke of Lowe's controversial departure as advertiser, continued a downward trend in numbers, not benefiting at all from the added attention.

Looks like Lowe's made a great business decision.
TLC is floundering a bit with a lot of these reality shows. I think that just like regular network sponsors there's good controversy and bad. I feel it is Lowe's right to pull the sponsorship for any reason they choose. It's their money.
Some of the posts on this thread are sad and disturbing. Muslims are no different than anyone else in the world. The Muslim families on this show are as American as you and I. They are not terrorists; they are not going to kill your entire family. They are not taking over this country. I can feel the sighs of relief in here about the show getting low ratings; that means it will probably get canceled soon and there won't be a bunch of "terrorists" on TV teaching "propaganda" to the children.

Now here comes all the posts claiming that you don't care that the show stars Muslims, and you would support Lowe's decision to boycott any show because of the ethnicity/religion/race of the people on it. :rolleyes:

Let's be honest, if a company decided to stop sponsoring 19 Kids and Counting because of the Duggars' religious beliefs---which would be just as unethical as what Lowe's is doing now----some of the posters here would be screaming about "oppression" just as much as they are supporting Lowe's decision.

Some people here are a little TOO supportive of Lowe's decision and it speaks volumes.
The show is not getting good ratings. It's just a fact.

Networks depend on sponsors and sponsors watch the ratings. It's also a fact.

I watched the show one time. I wanted to see for myself if it was good or not. It bored me.
I got through about 20 minutes.

It had nothing to do with them being Muslim, it had to do with the crickets I was hearing.

Shows like Kate plus eight and 19 Kids and Counting are chalked full of busy children and that interests me.

I was sad to see the 8 go. I would be sad to see the 19 go.
If All American Muslims goes, it will not bother me at all because I don't watch it.

Apparently I'm not alone.

Even the current controversy is not helping the ratings.

I just don't think it's a good show.
I see Kayak.com has pulled their advertising from the show now as well:


For me, the problem with Lowe's decision is that they were badgered into making it by "conservative" groups. Or so it has been reported. I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out under what agenda those groups were operating, in this instance.
Good for Lowe's. Whatever, if it hurts "Islam," it's pretty much fine with me. Personally, I'd rather see a program featuring artists drawing Muhammad, or examining the jesus myth.

IMO religion deserves nothing but discourteousy, contempt, ridicule, and derision. The "holy" books of both islam and christianity are little more than regurgitated primitive tribal superstitions of ancient peoples (who happened to be tirelessly obsessed with blood, violence, and both animal and human sacrifices).
Some of the posts on this thread are sad and disturbing. Muslims are no different than anyone else in the world. The Muslim families on this show are as American as you and I. They are not terrorists; they are not going to kill your entire family. They are not taking over this country. I can feel the sighs of relief in here about the show getting low ratings; that means it will probably get canceled soon and there won't be a bunch of "terrorists" on TV teaching "propaganda" to the children.

Now here comes all the posts claiming that you don't care that the show stars Muslims, and you would support Lowe's decision to boycott any show because of the ethnicity/religion/race of the people on it. :rolleyes:

Let's be honest, if a company decided to stop sponsoring 19 Kids and Counting because of the Duggars' religious beliefs---which would be just as unethical as what Lowe's is doing now----some of the posters here would be screaming about "oppression" just as much as they are supporting Lowe's decision.

Some people here are a little TOO supportive of Lowe's decision and it speaks volumes.

If Lowe's was inundated with complaints because they sponsored the Duggar's show,or any show for that matter,they would probably decide to withdraw from that show. It's all about the squeaky wheel and $$$$.

Almost every religion has extremists that use it as power over others . That's who I have issues with ,whatever religion they practice. JMO
Looks like Lowe's made a great business decision.

We're not privy to the contract, if there was one, Lowes had with the network. It's the networks that collect ad revenue and the producers sell shows to the networks. There is no buzz that the network is suing Lowes for breach of contract. Any advertiser who signs on to a new show is gambling that it will be popular enough to justify spending ad dollars on. Lowes need not justify it's reasoning to anyone. If the PC crowd gets all wee wee'd up about it :anguish: so what? They don't have to shop at Lowes.
All shows, especially reality shows, need interesting characters or they don't survive. The hoopla here is dying out after 2 days and I'm sure Lowes will survive. To those who worried about the loss of income to the cast - two can play that game. A boycott could effect the income of Lowes' employees who had no part in the decision made by Lowes management.
When I was growing up I thought Catholicism was THE religion. Even our popular President was Catholic. I had no idea there was prejudice against Catholics because that was my world.
Of course ,my world broadened as I got older and I discovered some people had real issues with Catholicism. I had a dear friend who kept talking about her neighbor ,a non-Christian . The woman had health issues and my friend was rallying help for her ,even though she wasn't a "Christian". Then ,during yet another plea for help ,my friend mentioned this woman was Catholic!! My friend doesn't believe Catholic's are real Christians!
That was an eye opener for me . She didn't know much abut Catholicism ,but made assumptions by the few things she had been told.
Was I doing that about others?

I'm 53 now and believe many paths can lead to God. My chosen path is to (try) follow the teachings of Jesus. Above all else(IMO),he teaches love and acceptance of all.

I have 2 favorite songs .One is "Let There Be Peace on Earth"

"Let there be Peace on Earth and let it begin with me.
Let there be Peace on Earth ,the peace that was meant to be.With God as our Father,Brothers all are we.Let me walk with my brother in perfect harmony."

The entire song is wonderful and worth a listen.I was raised in my religion to believe all races,all religions,all ethnicities and socio-economic classes,were equal and my brothers,at least,that's what I took away from it.. I was taught by my Naval Officer father that this is what made the United States of America so special.

The second is based on The Prayer of St. Francis and was my only request at my child's funeral service.I carry it in my wallet and should pull it out more often. I don't care what your beliefs are,it's good stuff : )
Susan Boyle does a wonderful rendition on her Christmas album "The Gift"

"Lord,make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred ,let me sow love.
Where there is injury,pardon,
Where there is doubt,faith,
Where there is despair,hope,
Where there is darkness,light,
and where there is sadness,ever joy.

O Master grant that I may never seek so much to be consoled as to console,
To be understood ,as to understand ,
To be loved as to love with all my heart;
For it is giving that we receive--
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Merry Christmas,everyone!
If Lowe's was inundated with complaints because they sponsored the Duggar's show,or any show for that matter,they would probably decide to withdraw from that show. It's all about the squeaky wheel and $$$$.

Almost every religion has extremists that use it as power over others . That's who I have issues with ,whatever religion they practice. JMO

Where does it say that Lowe's was inundated with complaints about the show? They withdrew because of one bigoted organization. Any complaints they got from viewers probably compared the Muslims on the show to terrorists. So Lowe's has the right to withdraw from a show because of the race/religion/ethnicity of the people on it because a bunch of bigots complained? That's perfectly fine with you?

The Duggars? Do you think Lowe's is receiving thousands of complaints about 19 Kids and Counting by people who are screaming that Christians are evil? Definitely not, and Lowe's would never, ever, in a million years pull their advertising from that show due to the Duggars' religious beliefs. Most of the Americans who are applauding Lowe's decision about All-American Muslim would FLIP if that happened.

So I would love to know what show on TV right now....could get enough complaints....and what the issue would be....for Lowe's to pull their advertising, that would be the equivalent of Lowe's withdrawing from All-American Muslim because of their religious beliefs? Basically, what other show out there where Lowe's could pull their ads because of the race/religion/ethnicity of the folks on there and it would be perfectly fine because "real Americans" complained?
Where does it say that Lowe's was inundated with complaints about the show? They withdrew because of one bigoted organization. Any complaints they got from viewers probably compared the Muslims on the show to terrorists. So Lowe's has the right to withdraw from a show because of the race/religion/ethnicity of the people on it because a bunch of bigots complained? That's perfectly fine with you?

The Duggars? Do you think Lowe's is receiving thousands of complaints about 19 Kids and Counting by people who are screaming that Christians are evil? Definitely not, and Lowe's would never, ever, in a million years pull their advertising from that show due to the Duggars' religious beliefs. Most of the Americans who are applauding Lowe's decision about All-American Muslim would FLIP if that happened.

So I would love to know what show on TV right now....could get enough complaints....and what the issue would be....for Lowe's to pull their advertising, that would be the equivalent of Lowe's withdrawing from All-American Muslim because of their religious beliefs? Basically, what other show out there where Lowe's could pull their ads because of the race/religion/ethnicity of the folks on there and it would be perfectly fine because "real Americans" complained?

Yep, a lot of people would be upset if Lowes pulled out of the Duggars show (not me),just as a lot of people are outraged that Lowes pulled out of this show. We are a diverse country,sometimes united and sometimes divided.
For a large national company it comes down to $$$$$.
The PC Crowd? Is that your name for people who won't let you get away with your bigoted beliefs? Let me guess.....you're the type who thinks the fact that you can't make racist and prejudiced comments about the ~enemies~ aka people who aren't white, Christian (not including Catholics), or heterosexual is because of PC? You know, the people who are taking over this country from the "real Americans" like you. :rolleyes:

:gasp: I never said the cast of the show weren't "real Americans". Thanks for proving my point about the PC crowd - forever looking for a new outrage.
Lowes doesn't need to justify it's motives to you. Don't take it personal but they really don't need your approval. Do you honestly think you can force Lowes to advertise on a show that has no audience?
I live near a brand new lowe's and it was a ghost town. I listened to a show on NPR yesterday discussing the decision and the outcome...several people called in and stated they told their contractors to pick up supplies elsewhere....

I like the show and I deplore the decision by Lowes, but Lowes is the one who has to live with it. Most of the people I know, from all walks of life mind you, will take their business elsewhere regardless of whether or not they watch the show. There is a lot of choice out there for consumers...just sayin.
Yep, a lot of people would be upset if Lowes pulled out of the Duggars show (not me),just as a lot of people are outraged that Lowes pulled out of this show. We are a diverse country,sometimes united and sometimes divided.
For a large national company it comes down to $$$$$.

For a small company it comes down to $$$$$$ too. For medium sized companies as well. I doubt anyone would get bent out of shape if Lowes stopped advertising on the Duggars.
I get your point Tracker-business is business. They picked their reasons for doing it, and they will live with the outcome good or bad.
Some of the posts on this thread are sad and disturbing. Muslims are no different than anyone else in the world. The Muslim families on this show are as American as you and I. They are not terrorists; they are not going to kill your entire family. They are not taking over this country. I can feel the sighs of relief in here about the show getting low ratings; that means it will probably get canceled soon and there won't be a bunch of "terrorists" on TV teaching "propaganda" to the children.

Now here comes all the posts claiming that you don't care that the show stars Muslims, and you would support Lowe's decision to boycott any show because of the ethnicity/religion/race of the people on it. :rolleyes:

Let's be honest, if a company decided to stop sponsoring 19 Kids and Counting because of the Duggars' religious beliefs---which would be just as unethical as what Lowe's is doing now----some of the posters here would be screaming about "oppression" just as much as they are supporting Lowe's decision.

Some people here are a little TOO supportive of Lowe's decision and it speaks volumes.

BBM It is sad and disturbing, you're right. On this and several other threads we see several of the same posters over and over being apologists for bigotry. We all know who they are, and they can protest till the end of time that their beliefs aren't rooted in fear and prejudice but noone is fooled. What I don't understand is why they just don't stand up and own it??? If there is nothing wrong with bigotry, discrimination, prejudice, don't hide behind religion, just come out and say it. Life is going to continue to be harder and harder for these people however. White, Christian, heterosexual (and yes, I am one myself) Americans do not own this country.
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