LP Asks “Would the DNA from a child resulting from a union from Lee and Casey..

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Not quite sure what you mean?

Not that I believe the incest story, but it's just as possible that Casey could have seduced Lee. Incest, just like rape, doesn't always involve physical force.
Maybe it isn't that Casey has known the paternity issue just since last Wed, but that they were told that LE knew about it last Wed.

That's who I interpreted it as well and George being omitted from LP's statement leads me to believe he has no idea. If he did, I believe he would have done something very drastic.
Maybe it isn't that Casey has known the paternity issue just since last Wed, but that they were told that LE knew about it last Wed.
Possibly, but that was a strange way of wording it. I'm beginning to think that LP is not as smart as he likes to think he his, so I give no meaning to the fact that he omitted George from his statement. I heard him refer to Caylee as Casey repeatedly during an interview a few nights ago. :waitasec:
Not that I believe the incest story, but it's just as possible that Casey could have seduced Lee. Incest, just like rape, doesn't always involve physical force.

Could be, and I do believe Casey is a sociopath and woman sociopath's tend to be seducing type's.
Perhaps brother and sister are not brother and sister.
Is there a possibilty that the two are not at all biologically related?
Maybe switched at birth.

Geez. Spit it out LP, what have your got to lose?
I heard this theory about 3 weeks ago on another board. It was a psychic (not the one you are all thinking but none the less it was a psychic board). She said it was something she felt that LA was the dad, and even thought that it explined Caylees name. I chalked it up to a mean spirited rumor. I still hope in my heart that it is just that.

However, it causes me to wonder if that is what she wanted to tell the guy in Cali. , she did say that L, CA already knew. Could this be it? I don't know. GA sure seems to be left out of the loop on a lot of thing by the three of these people.

I will say though, you could not write a story like this. This is what my husband would call one of those movies on the LT network. I don't know if it could get any more confusing, sad or cause more people to grow angry. Unbelivable.
There is a guy on this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7v3UgBbQXU holding Caylee and he sure does look alot like her, but isn't he the guy who died?

I really thought that JP Chatt was probably the father but read on here it doesn't fit the timeline. I'm stumped...but have a hard time believing LA or GA could possibly be the father. Ewwwww
It would explain why there is no father named on the Birth Certificate...it would be a crime for the uncle to be the father, and in a case like that they would have no choice but to leave the father blank...
I don't know what to think about this news either..... In a way it wouldn't suprise me at all, because of all the being so secret about the father of caylee, and I don't recall any of her friends releasing knowing the fathers name.

I find it kind of strange that her being that young and getting pregnant that she wouldnt have had friends that she confided in as to who the father was and what his name was. I can't imagine the friends not coming forward by now with a name of who she said the father was......unless she didn't tell anyone a name because she was ashamed and embarassed of who the real father was.

I have a friend whom got pregnant and wasn't 100% sure who the father was, but she told her friends whom she thought it was based on timing. She also said but it could be so and so because we had just broke up. That is things alot of friends need someone to talk to about, so I can't believe there is no friend out there that knows the fathers name.


No, KC might not know. Apparently she had some one-nighters at some parties. Someone purporting to be a relative cited a 12-4 Christmas party, where there were a few guys. That's where Caylee was allegedly conceived.
Ah now you know old LP would never speak/act before he thought it through.. would he???


LP has spoken from his posterior a couple of times. Remember when he said he knew who had Caylee, and gave them five days to return her?

L Padilla stated on this fox video that Lee could be the father of Caylee Anthony and states it could be a factor in the inability to distinguish the hair conclusively to be that of Caylee or the poi. Padilla further states that in the last 30 odd years he has worked in this area he has had it happen a few times and that LE had to investigate further into possible incestuous relationships.

Padilla also states that the bond now posted is not confidential in this arena (saying that if someone who wanted to harm the poi could post the bond....so LE has to know exactly who has posted it).. He goes on to say that he could see a tabloid being the one posting the bond in exchange for an interview.

Padilla and his team also plan on staying in Orlando for another ten days to work the phone records, emails, and text mesages. He has a group of seven people. He states the reason they are staying is to help solve the mystery.
I think that is a good thing. With his background he may see things in a different way and be able to shed light on people that have not been looked out yet. This whole case has so many strange twists to it that following every name, phone #, address is going to really important to find out the truth. In my opinion there is an element to this case that once identified will make some of the other stuff fall into place. WS's are working under the handicapp of not knowing alot. Hopefully the P clan has more pieces of the puzzle.
Definitely food for thought. I have a case like this in my own family. Seems a DNA test was done on a child without the parent's permission and the results weren't so good. The parents went to see a lawyer and were told it is a federal offense for anyone to invade the privacy of a minor. Perhaps LE can do it legally, I don't know.

ot I have a question about DNA test ? When they do DNA testing do they need both parents DNA to get a more accurate results. When my son had his DNA test done they didn't test his bio mom just him and alleged father. It came back he was not the father. It really surprised the father. If you were standing in that office and saw that man he was a mirror image to my son.
The date of Caylee's conception was on or about 15 November 2004 which was a Monday. Does anyone know who KC was "dating" at that time?

The date of Caylee's conception was on or about 15 November 2004 which was a Monday. Does anyone know who KC was "dating" at that time?


I like the direction you're taking with this. I wonder the same thing. But my bets are still on the "multiple partners...too proud to admit it" theory.
Ok, I'm new here but I have wondered the same thing as LP. It is very possible. It happens. Wasn't it disclosed that Cindy & George were getting a divorce? When was that? Would it have been around the same time Casey got pregnant or right after?
I feel there is a BIG secret in this family.
It's very possible that I am wrong ... only time will tell.

ETA: If Casey wanted to give Caylee up for adoption when she was born, would she have to state who the father was? I mean for health reasons I would think that someone would want to know. I read somewhere that Cindy would not let her give her up for adoption. It probably would have been the best thing for Caylee but now it's to late. :(
Found this so far:

Mitochondrial DNA is only passed from mother to children. So all siblings to the same mother will have the exact same mitochondrial DNA.

Thats what I thought. The preliminary DNA results were Mitochondrial. And they can only be used to issolate family groups. So in this case the test results would rule out everyone but Caylee and Casey. Although there may be some close matches to Cindy and Lee as well. So the DNA at this point cannot say in and of itself which family member it is. But the bacterial ring of death on the hairs found means that whichever family member the hair came off of, is dead. Hmmm, Casey, Caylee, Cindy and Lee... sing it with me..."One of these things is not like the other"
I like the direction you're taking with this. I wonder the same thing. But my bets are still on the "multiple partners...too proud to admit it" theory.

I think that is a given. Didn't Jesse grund and his family assume that Caylee was his daughter, until some paternity test completely ruled him out after she was born? I think it's safe to assume that he had a specific reason for assuming the child was his. And the fact that he wasn't is a sure indication that she was involved with multiple partners back at that time. It also sort of rules out the theories that Casey had a personality change and became the wild party girl only after Caylee was born.
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