LP keep searching for Caylee??

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Leonard wants to put more divers in to find Caylee. Do you think he should?

  • yes

    Votes: 548 90.4%
  • no

    Votes: 58 9.6%

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If I understood it correctly, Tim only used sonar in a few places, not all up and down the river. I am not sure with silt and mud as thick as that is, sonar would pick up much unless it was large. Sonar normally only outlines the lay of the bottom (depths and ridges) unless something different appears on the screen. I am not sure what type he has, so I don't know what his does.

im not sure how even a diver would spot a small bone buried in silt unless its in a bag or something.
Which song was there?

I'm not sure if your question was rhetorical, but I think people have the impression that LP said that PJ Harvey's Down By The Water was on Casey's myspace profile at some point. There's also similar discussion about Casey posting The Black Crowe's She Talks to Angels. I haven't seen anything to substantiate this info or to corroborate that LP actually attributed these songs to Casey's myspace profile. I can't access her song history on myspace-- the cayleeismissing myspace song history is blank and I didn't check out her kayseeomaree history until after google cache had refreshed, so it's private and inaccessible. I wish we had solid info on this, just because I find it interesting, personally.

The only thing I've found re: Casey's retrospectively disturbing musical affinities: She liked the song Apologize by OneRepublic (Source: her MyYearbook profile)
WS'r HallieJade made a youtube video, combining the song with images and video of Casey, Caylee and the search efforts.

If there is some solid info re: Casey posting these songs on her profile, please correct me-- I just haven't found anything to back up the speculation. I hate that I'm completely interested in what songs Casey liked, but I am :waitasec:
I'm not sure if your question was rhetorical, but I think people have the impression that LP said that PJ Harvey's Down By The Water was on Casey's myspace profile at some point. There's also similar discussion about Casey posting The Black Crowe's She Talks to Angels. I haven't seen anything to substantiate this info or to corroborate that LP actually attributed these songs to Casey's myspace profile. I can't access her song history on myspace-- the cayleeismissing myspace song history is blank and I didn't check out her kayseeomaree history until after google cache had refreshed, so it's private and inaccessible. I wish we had solid info on this, just because I find it interesting, personally.

The only thing I've found re: Casey's retrospectively disturbing musical affinities: She liked the song Apologize by OneRepublic (Source: her MyYearbook profile)
WS'r HallieJade made a youtube video, combining the song with images and video of Casey, Caylee and the search efforts.

If there is some solid info re: Casey posting these songs on her profile, please correct me-- I just haven't found anything to back up the speculation. I hate that I'm completely interested in what songs Casey liked, but I am :waitasec:

Don't know if this has already been mentioned, just got online, and haven't read all previous posts, but LP said that KC is always singing one song (unfortunately I don't remember what it was), but it was in reference to the week the female in LP's team was in the house with KC.
Interesting- a post on RJ's blog about LP:

I went out of my way to make sure that it was understood this was not a MEMORIAL as that would be inappropriate and hurtful to the Anthonys. And, the reason I did it was to support Leonard Padilla who has become a friend and was the person who stood up for my son Jesse publicly when Cindy began her "Jesse did it" song and dance. So, when Leonard called to ask me to do this I said yes and then informed him of my concerns about it being a memorial service. To his credit he stood up this morning, admitted he was wrong in his wording and accepted the criticism because of it. Outside of an independent named Murt everyone else cut out Leonard's statement. Just so that everyone knows - Leonard did this from his heart and if heard his opening statement in my introduction you would have heard his voice crack in emotion. For anyone that thinks this is done for publicity and fame you are so wrong![/

I think LP is in a good position as far as doing searches and if thats what he feels he wants to do more power to him. I think LP's heart is in the right place and I have always taken what he says with a grain of salt..he has alot of theorys as we all do. That being said the problem I have personally is with getting the media involved. I understand how people feel about the A's, I even agree with some of the opinions shared here but can you imagine sitting at home watching the news and seeing your little grandbaby being pulled out of some lake or watching her being dug up on national TV. You can say what you want about TM but I think his methods and his respect for the familys involved in this kind of family tradegy is right on the mark. I wasn't surprised that TES pulled out when they did..I think TM has been doing these searches alot longer than any of us and he could see where the situation was going. I personally wouldn't want anyone searching for one of my family members knowing that it was possible that I would hear the terrible news on CNN along with the whole world..This is my opinion and if anyone cares to bash me for it go ahead. I searched alot of sights and this one stood far above the rest..I remember how surprised I was to be able to express my opinions and NOT be bashed for it..Maybe it would be nice to take a few steps back and do some reflecting...:blowkiss:
I understand your position-but this family is the exception to the rule. Think about it wouldnt you want to known what really happened to your grandaughter. If they behaved like a normal family I am sure they would not hear about it on cnn-anyone who found Caylee would tell them first.
Why havnt there been any searches by le for Caylee-seems to me they dont really care if they find a body.
Any news with LP and the 40+ divers have not heard anything since yesteday
From SM:
My post requsting food for Dive Team was taken from here to Justice4Caylee site....I just found out that they contacted Duffy Subs 407 679 2448....and ordered and PAID FOR 55 Subs Sammies to be picked up by KAS from Justice4Caylee......Very Special Thanks You to the Angels from that site who pulled this together....they always read here........

Special Angels who paid for this at Justice4Caylee are:

Lisa-Lisa...Robin...Dorry...BLESS YOU ANGELS....

Thank you from WS!

Why havnt there been any searches by le for Caylee-seems to me they dont really care if they find a body.

I'm sure LE has searched to the best of their ability considering the limited information (truthful information that is) and cooperation given them by KC and her family!:bang:
I have said it before and Im gonna say it again. So what! I dont care if LP is being a media Wh*re if that brings Caylee home. I just dont understand how some are complaining.Im sorry but Im not gonna throw my hands up in the air and give up on finding this sweet angel just because some people dont think she will ever be found. Caylee deserves better then that! And if LP is willing to keep looking I support that 100%!

It's ok, cuppy. You don't care, I do. It's as simple as that!

Let me explain again WHY I care, since you say you don't understand: I am afraid Leonard Padilla is really, truly mucking up this case. I am afraid he is going to end up doing more GOOD for CASEY than for Caylee.

He says he has insider info, he spreads it all over to anyone who asks. He asks strangers on the internet whether he should continue to search or not. How very professional of him! He organizes a search and makes sure there are by-standers gawking and trodding about, bystanders who are discussing whether or not they'll see Caylee's little bones. That's plain disgusting to me, not to mention UNHEARD of at a "real" crime scene search. He makes sure a camera is there, so if he does find Caylee, the circus that will ensue will be broadcast for all to see the sensational details. I think we could all agree that the cameras benefit Leonard and not Caylee? He says he's doing a "real" search, but he doesn't follow any of the rules to protect and preserve evidence. He talks out of both sides of his mouth, which is something we see alot of in this case, but IF this man REALLY has insider info, then his words could be leaking stuff the prosecution doesn't want out there, and if he DOESN'T have insider info, he is wasting the time, effort and money of a lot of people......that's ok with me, if it's ok with them. But I think they should be well aware of exactly who they are dealing with, and how loose of a canon he is.

What kind of INVESTIGATOR, and that is what he has set himself up to be here, blabs on the phone to strangers? Asks people to come watch his search effort? Makes sure a camera is recording his efforts? Bases his searches on internet polls, for Gawd's sakes?
One thing that is certain. If no one continues searching, Caylee Marie Anthony will NEVER be found.

Bless Leonard Padilla and his big generous heart.

MOO and stuff.
Interesting- a post on RJ's blog about LP:

I went out of my way to make sure that it was understood this was not a MEMORIAL as that would be inappropriate and hurtful to the Anthonys. And, the reason I did it was to support Leonard Padilla who has become a friend and was the person who stood up for my son Jesse publicly when Cindy began her "Jesse did it" song and dance. So, when Leonard called to ask me to do this I said yes and then informed him of my concerns about it being a memorial service. To his credit he stood up this morning, admitted he was wrong in his wording and accepted the criticism because of it. Outside of an independent named Murt everyone else cut out Leonard's statement. Just so that everyone knows - Leonard did this from his heart and if heard his opening statement in my introduction you would have heard his voice crack in emotion. For anyone that thinks this is done for publicity and fame you are so wrong![/


thank you for posting this; I had seen that part of the service and it cinched my feelings for LP and reaffirmed what I already just "knew" about how much I liked him and what kind of person he is. He reminds me of the old "heroes" of the "cowboy" movies ....not perfect , but the "wild west" needed them and they came and did the "dirty work" and often had a lot of "bad guys" after them for doing so.
Been giving it some thought....
Maybe it takes someone like Leonard Padilla to work against the forces that the Anthonys have become.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction kinda thingy.
MOO and stuff.
1. No, the satellite pictures are periodic and not updated often. We get a new image maybe every few years. I wish!

2. I've always wondered that, unfortunately I have not yet found a good source for past Orlando weather and flood maps.

3. There are several locations where Blanchard would be accessible at night, but it would be risky, at least IMO. Parks are often patrolled after dark. That is another reason the church site seems favorable; as Cocoamom pointed out there are ample places to "hide" the car and not be seen, especially alongside the daycare/school.

4. There is a small footbridge on the west side of the park, right by the UPS building, and very close to where NG's body was found.

Many of the days in the calendar thread have the daily weather report posted. Here is the link (as an example) ezryder posted for one of those days:
Hope this helps.
It's ok, cuppy. You don't care, I do. It's as simple as that!

Let me explain again WHY I care, since you say you don't understand: I am afraid Leonard Padilla is really, truly mucking up this case. I am afraid he is going to end up doing more GOOD for CASEY than for Caylee.

He says he has insider info, he spreads it all over to anyone who asks. He asks strangers on the internet whether he should continue to search or not. How very professional of him! He organizes a search and makes sure there are by-standers gawking and trodding about, bystanders who are discussing whether or not they'll see Caylee's little bones. That's plain disgusting to me, not to mention UNHEARD of at a "real" crime scene search. He makes sure a camera is there, so if he does find Caylee, the circus that will ensue will be broadcast for all to see the sensational details. I think we could all agree that the cameras benefit Leonard and not Caylee? He says he's doing a "real" search, but he doesn't follow any of the rules to protect and preserve evidence. He talks out of both sides of his mouth, which is something we see alot of in this case, but IF this man REALLY has insider info, then his words could be leaking stuff the prosecution doesn't want out there, and if he DOESN'T have insider info, he is wasting the time, effort and money of a lot of people......that's ok with me, if it's ok with them. But I think they should be well aware of exactly who they are dealing with, and how loose of a canon he is.

What kind of INVESTIGATOR, and that is what he has set himself up to be here, blabs on the phone to strangers? Asks people to come watch his search effort? Makes sure a camera is recording his efforts? Bases his searches on internet polls, for Gawd's sakes?

I totally respect your opinion:) But I highly doubt that LP or LE would let the media show them pulling out any evidence. As far as the searching goes LP isnt doing it himself.The people helping know what they are doing and have plenty of experince in search and rescue. This isnt just everyday people putting on suits and driving in the water. I highly doubt that LE or the FBI would of give LP promission to go into the water without knowing who is doing the driving. You might not like LP or the people doing the searching but lets give LE alittle more credit then that. Even though I see what your saying I do believe LE would stop any effect if they felt the people driving werent qualified. Even if they do find something it will not be announced until they are sure it Caylee.
Don't know if this has already been mentioned, just got online, and haven't read all previous posts, but LP said that KC is always singing one song (unfortunately I don't remember what it was), but it was in reference to the week the female in LP's team was in the house with KC.

Ooh! What song?! Does anyone know what song Casey was constantly singing while on home confinement?? This frightens and intrigues me.
I totally respect your opinion:) But I highly doubt that LP or LE would let the media show them pulling out any evidence. As far as the searching goes LP isnt doing it himself.The people helping know what they are doing and have plenty of experince in search and rescue. This isnt just everyday people putting on suits and driving in the water. I highly doubt that LE or the FBI would of give LP promission to go into the water without knowing who is doing the driving. You might not like LP or the people doing the searching but lets give LE alittle more credit then that. Even though I see what your saying I do believe LE would stop any effect if they felt the people driving werent qualified. Even if they do find something it will not be announced until they are sure it Caylee.

I am wondering if you feel a little "iffy" about your belief that Leonard wouldn't call media to be sure their discovery is found???? Or announce he'd found bones before being sure they were human? Or even bones? That's EXACTLY what this man did TODAY. He called media and cameras to the scene and after they had their shots, he called LE.

I give LE a LOT of credit. The FBI, too. Leonard is not working with them, nor is he working under their auspices, so the credit I give them does not rub off on him.

BTW, he has "permission" to search the area because LE believes there is no way Caylee is there----they didn't give permission due to Leonard's expertise.

I don't dislike Leonard, and I certainly don't dislike the people who, out of the goodness of their hearts and a desire to help, got themselves tangled up with him. I don't know Leonard, so I CAN'T dislike him. What I can do is look at his actions and make a judgment call. And I think after today, it's clear I called it pretty closely.

I respect your opinion, too, cuppy. Even if it doesn't change! We all bring our subjective selves to this, and we will all have differing opinions.

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