LP Now Says He "Wouldn't Have Gotten Involved"

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They USED themselves!
I really feel that JB talked him into it. If you remember at first, LP was saying he would be able to talk to Casey and would be able to find out where or who she left Caylee with. Then, all of a sudden, he has NO access to her and neither do her family, per JB. I really think LP and TP thought they could go to Florida and solve this case. I am sure the publicity he was going to get played into it somehow. But I think he really did think he could talk to Casey and solve the case. JMO
I wondered how long it would take.
It didnt seem he was as familiar with the case as most of us were.
Guess he got a real eye opener.
Will TP be revoking the bond?
Leonard, "make my day" and call Tony and revoke the BOND!

You tell em Patty! I say it wasn't about finding Caylee at all, and it's still not about finding Caylee, alive or deceased. It's all about being known, and getting attention out there for themselves. They've succeeded in doing that. When are they planning on heading back to California? The world is laughing at them.

:praying: for Caylee
I don't feel sorry for the Padilla clan at all!

Neither do I, especially after defending and making excuses for a bailed out criminal without knowing all the facts yet. Shouldn't be defending her at all. That's not professional IMO.
Dear Tony Padilla (and Leonard if you read here). I really like you both. I really think you both tried to help. I really believe you were duped in this case and after reading the 400 plus pages can tell that none of Casey's friends took her kid and that Casey killed this child either on purpose, a la Susan Smith, or by accident and covered it up.

Please please revoke her bail. She needs to see that no one believes her lies and that she can't get away with this. She needs to tell the truth which will probably never come from her lips. She needs to sit back in that jail cell and come to know she isn't going to get away with her lies and what she did. I think her family also needs to come to grips that their daughter is lying and there is no Nanny or friend that took Caylee.
Leonard, "make my day" and call Tony and revoke the BOND!

I was just wondering if the bond would be revoked.

It's possible that LP will do some token searching later this week and through the weekend, and finding it a daunting task, may decide in the end to revoke the bond and go home.
I might feel a little more sympathy for him if he hadn't accused 5 innocent people of kidnapping a child.
LP needs to cut his losses, put Casey back in jail, and go home.
Maybe Leonard the BH realizes what a fool he has made of himself. I guess those 400 pages of documents opened up his eyes wide shut.

50 thousand clams down the drain for Leonard. Way to go Leonard!

Here's to Casey and where she belongs.:behindbar:behindbar:behindbar
I am not defending LP or TP. I am also a little old lady and think Casey should still be in jail. But it could be that the BH was led to believe he could talk to her. That is all I am saying.
Leonard knew she was somewhat of a liar. He just thought it was a molehill and it turned out to be a mountain. Full of Yettis.
I hope he has his girl inside the house turn up the heat. Or beat the spit out of her.

Maybe inappropriate, but I just giggled myself silly on the Yetti note. Good one. Thanks.
Leonard, "make my day" and call Tony and revoke the BOND!

Yes, Patty! Please revoke her bond. Don't allow her any of the simple pleasaures she denied her daughter like safety, a hot bath, good food, and a comfortable bed to sleep in.

But I also want to say, I admire LP for saying this. While I agree that he should have read WS first and talked to many of you before posting for Casey, it takes a big man to admit to the world that he was wrong.

Another site, Scared Monkeys is reporting that Tim Miller of Texas Equasearch is 99% sure he is heading to Orlando in the next few days. Somebody had to invite him as he does not insert himself into any investigation.

I am wondering if LP asked him as I am sure the Anthony's did not.

Any news Sleuthers?

Thanks Patty for the excellent post and plea!
Yes, Patty! Please revoke her bond. Don't allow her any of the simple pleasaures she denied her daughter like safety, a hot bath, good food, and a comfortable bed to sleep in.

But I also want to say, I admire LP for saying this. While I agree that he should have read WS first and talked to many of you before posting for Casey, it takes a big man to admit to the world that he was wrong.

Another site, Scared Monkeys is reporting that Tim Miller of Texas Equasearch is 99% sure he is heading to Orlando in the next few days. Somebody had to invite him as he does not insert himself into any investigation.

I am wondering if LP asked him as I am sure the Anthony's did not.

Any news Sleuthers?

Thanks Patty for the excellent post and plea!

Tony contacted Cindy who contacted TES from the advise of a websleuth member
While I don't feel much sympathy for the Padilla crew, I do have much more respect for them today then yesterday. As a previous poster said "It takes a big man to be able to admit to the world that he was wrong!" I second that and applaud him.

I do hope that he puts forth as much effort in finding Caylee's body as he put forth in defending Casey.
I have to wonder "WHY NOW" that the Anthony's are going to ask Eqqusearch to help find Caylee, I had been hoping that they would, thinking they would take whatever help they could get to find Caylee, but it was said that Cindy DIDNT WANT Eqqusearch, so I wonder if the docs being released has made Cindy realize she's on a sinking ship if she keeps defending Casey?
I do admire Leonard for being big enough to admit he was wrong. That's something CA and JB will never do.
Yes, Patty! Please revoke her bond. Don't allow her any of the simple pleasaures she denied her daughter like safety, a hot bath, good food, and a comfortable bed to sleep in.

But I also want to say, I admire LP for saying this. While I agree that he should have read WS first and talked to many of you before posting for Casey, it takes a big man to admit to the world that he was wrong.

Another site, Scared Monkeys is reporting that Tim Miller of Texas Equasearch is 99% sure he is heading to Orlando in the next few days. Somebody had to invite him as he does not insert himself into any investigation.

I am wondering if LP asked him as I am sure the Anthony's did not.

Any news Sleuthers?

Thanks Patty for the excellent post and plea!

I think it was Blink that set TES up. But they are moving quick! It was just talked about late last night!

I joke about it, but I do admire LP for going public with this also. I can think of many situations (usually attorneys) who go all out for the client, but then later act like they think maybe they were duped.

I wonder what it was in the docs that convinced LP? My guess is that it was something about the parents and their actions.
Tony contacted Cindy who contacted TES from the advise of a websleuth member

Is that right? I am amazed because I didn't think Cindy would because of not wanting a body to be found...to implicate her sick daughter. thanks for the info.
I taped the Headline News interview at 6:00 PM. I will upload and post the link here and in the Media Forum. About an hour it should be ready!

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