LP's Confidence #2

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I personally think it's another case of LP injecting himself into a juicy situation for pure fame. He knew nothing but of course would like to make people believe that he knew something. If he knew about the location in Nov, WHY? he had a duty to report it to LE. This isn't a GAME for gosh sake, it's the body of a 2 year old baby. It isn't about PROFIT, it's about putting this child to rest.
I agree,

I'm taking a wait & see approach to this.

Whatever happens I still don't see how LP is "The Big Hero" in all this.

Hoover seems like a real "Sleaze" to me for trying to sell that Video & I think it's very .........."strange" that he chose to approach LP with it.

Has Hoover confirmed that he had this conversation with LP?

D. Casey's Lawyer denied that there ever was a conversation about a body between him & Hoover so we know one of them is lying for sure.

I agree. Wait and see what's coming next.

We find out today, from the raw video from WFTV, that LP got the dates wrong. Makes me wonder how he got his information in the first place.

And aren't we a little concerned that JH has let his atty do all the talking for him? It's now clear that JH knew about this area way back on Nov. 14-15, but he didn't take the info. to the proper authorities. And now LP says JH wanted to sell the videotape!

So what's next? A string of new arrests? Nothing? Gotta wait and see.
But we won't know until something is made official,is what I am saying. Right now everything is speculative... the fact is, LE has not made any official statements as to what is going on. I have no issues with speculation, but when we take speculation and talk as if it is fact, it starts muddying up the situation, occluding the truth.

I have long respected you SS... but I am bothered by the personal aspect you are taking towards us non-supporters of LP. You posted about "eating crow" on the rant thread where another member chimed in with indirect putdowns towards us. I know I am not perfect, but I try to make it a point to only discuss the case at hand, not take part in chiding or throwing indirect jabs at another member because their views varies from mine, or that I think they are in the wrong. When people start making it personal, it really makes things uncomfortable and makes one question if they want to post in such an environment where they may end up being attacked on some level for it. I admit that I am not a fan of LP... I have long had issue with his need to be a part of this case... and the nail was put in the coffin when he did not deny the horrible thing he is said to have told TM about holding Caylee's skull up to the camera for everyone to see, and making loads of money off of finding her remains. To me that showed his true colors. Now, being as he insists on inserting himself into this case, he is fair game for discussion. That said, I refuse to take jabs at the people that support him and do not see the missteps us non-supporters of LP, see. I may not agree with your view of him... but you wont find me going from thread to thread getting personal about it.

Sorry... if I get put in time out for this or whatever, then so be it... but I wish people would leave the personal aspects at the door and stick to discussing the people in the case, not the members doing the discussing.

Sorry I don't mean to inject myself into this but I feel the need to say a little something. I was on here 2 days ago and in this very thread and 9 out of 10 posts were negative ones about Mr. LP. I think the reason that Leonard supporters are reacting so strongly right now is because of the how strong all of the negative comments were. Therer are certain players in this case that bring out the best and worst in all of us. Certain players have been right at times and certain players have been wrong at times. This includes members of law enforcement and the media. This thread happens to be about LP. I just want to say that I applaud him for going directly to the FBI and not buying into the video for monetary gain. In the begining of this all I think LP's heart was in the wrong place, over time he fell in love with Caylee and let his heart be moved to the right side of the law. NOW, people don't want to see the good in him or believe he may be right because of his past actions......and that is okay, in the end the truth will come into the light and all will be known.....it DOESN"T matter WHO is right or wrong.......AS LONG AS THERE IS JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE......
I personally think it's another case of LP injecting himself into a juicy situation for pure fame. He knew nothing but of course would like to make people believe that he knew something. If he knew about the location in Nov, WHY? he had a duty to report it to LE. This isn't a GAME for gosh sake, it's the body of a 2 year old baby. It isn't about PROFIT, it's about putting this child to rest.
LP wasn't told about the area until December 15th. It isn't his fault that JH didn't come forward sooner and only waited until he wanted to discuss shopping around his video. LP went to the authorities immediately after the phone call.
LP wasn't told about the area until December 15th. It isn't his fault that JH didn't come forward sooner and only waited until he wanted to discuss shopping around his video. LP went to the authorities immediately after the phone call.

Just a thought SS, LP reported to Nick S, FBI after he received the news from Hoover, on Dec 15th. I would think that the FBI investigated it, & given the Holidays, etc., the timing of JH coming on the scene now is about right!
But we won't know until something is made official,is what I am saying. Right now everything is speculative... the fact is, LE has not made any official statements as to what is going on. I have no issues with speculation, but when we take speculation and talk as if it is fact, it starts muddying up the situation, occluding the truth.

I have long respected you SS... but I am bothered by the personal aspect you are taking towards us non-supporters of LP. You posted about "eating crow" on the rant thread where another member chimed in with indirect putdowns towards us. I know I am not perfect, but I try to make it a point to only discuss the case at hand, not take part in chiding or throwing indirect jabs at another member because their views varies from mine, or that I think they are in the wrong. When people start making it personal, it really makes things uncomfortable and makes one question if they want to post in such an environment where they may end up being attacked on some level for it. I admit that I am not a fan of LP... I have long had issue with his need to be a part of this case... and the nail was put in the coffin when he did not deny the horrible thing he is said to have told TM about holding Caylee's skull up to the camera for everyone to see, and making loads of money off of finding her remains. To me that showed his true colors. Now, being as he insists on inserting himself into this case, he is fair game for discussion. That said, I refuse to take jabs at the people that support him and do not see the missteps us non-supporters of LP, see. I may not agree with your view of him... but you wont find me going from thread to thread getting personal about it.

Sorry... if I get put in time out for this or whatever, then so be it... but I wish people would leave the personal aspects at the door and stick to discussing the people in the case, not the members doing the discussing.
The fact is: JH met with N. Savage and Sgt. J. Allen in the offices of WFTV for 3 hours and turned over the tape plus gave his statement (one would have to assume it is a sworn testimony). Sgt. J. Allen made a comment on the way out of the door this happening would be "very helpful" to the case and I saw it with my own eyes on the news video. To me, this is proof to back up it did happen and it was official. I don't take that as being "speculation" when I saw him say it and saw the look on his face at the time. It was confidence and he looked pleased.

As far as getting personal, I can assure you that it is nothing towards you or anyone. I have watched LP get trashed day after day here. I have taken up for him. I have stopped trying to take up for him and watched to see what happened. It only got twenty times worse when I said nothing and it went to every thread. The reason I came back to this thread to support him was hopefully to tone down the negative rants all across the forum perhaps a bit as I felt it was more than slanted and totally unfair to LP. I was tired of seeing it every day, too. There were posts to every single thread bashing LP on a regular basis. So while you may not have been part of that it was none the less frustrating to watch others partake gleefully. I see this as LP being vindicated for the things he has said which some have ripped him apart for even as recently as a couple of days ago!

There are times I have disagreed with LP and I disagree with him right now over some things he said last night. However, it doesn't mean that I don't feel he has done a lot of good and I do believe his heart is in the right place.

I think this time LP did exactly the right thing and will break this wall the A fam has consistently put up around them. Their armor finally has the crack that will allow the world to see what is inside the facade they have built in order to A) Save Casey, B) Cover for Casey, C) Take money under false pretenses (IMO). It give LE something to go on which opens that door for them. Bravo! It should make everyone happy to know that somehow this charade has not only been stopped, but exposed. And LP did that!
The fact is: JH met with N. Savage and Sgt. J. Allen in the offices of WFTV for 3 hours and turned over the tape plus gave his statement (one would have to assume it is a sworn testimony). Sgt. J. Allen made a comment on the way out of the door this happening would be "very helpful" to the case and I saw it with my own eyes on the news video. To me, this is proof to back up it did happen and it was official. I don't take that as being "speculation" when I saw him say it and saw the look on his face at the time. It was confidence and he looked pleased.

As far as getting personal, I can assure you that it is nothing towards you or anyone. I have watched LP get trashed day after day here. I have taken up for him. I have stopped trying to take up for him and watched to see what happened. It only got twenty times worse when I said nothing and it went to every thread. The reason I came back to this thread to support him was hopefully to tone down the negative rants all across the forum perhaps a bit as I felt it was more than slanted and totally unfair to LP. I was tired of seeing it every day, too. There were posts to every single thread bashing LP on a regular basis. So while you may not have been part of that it was none the less frustrating to watch others partake gleefully. I see this as LP being vindicated for the things he has said which some have ripped him apart for even as recently as a couple of days ago!

There are times I have disagreed with LP and I disagree with him right now over some things he said last night. However, it doesn't mean that I don't feel he has done a lot of good and I do believe his heart is in the right place.

I think this time LP did exactly the right thing and will break this wall the A fam has consistently put up around them. Their armor finally has the crack that will allow the world to see what is inside the facade they have built in order to A) Save Casey, B) Cover for Casey, C) Take money under false pretenses (IMO). It give LE something to go on which opens that door for them. Bravo! It should make everyone happy to know that somehow this charade has not only been stopped, but exposed. And LP did that!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Well said, SS. I totally agree.
But we won't know until something is made official,is what I am saying. Right now everything is speculative... the fact is, LE has not made any official statements as to what is going on. I have no issues with speculation, but when we take speculation and talk as if it is fact, it starts muddying up the situation, occluding the truth.

I have long respected you SS... but I am bothered by the personal aspect you are taking towards us non-supporters of LP. You posted about "eating crow" on the rant thread where another member chimed in with indirect putdowns towards us. I know I am not perfect, but I try to make it a point to only discuss the case at hand, not take part in chiding or throwing indirect jabs at another member because their views varies from mine, or that I think they are in the wrong. When people start making it personal, it really makes things uncomfortable and makes one question if they want to post in such an environment where they may end up being attacked on some level for it. I admit that I am not a fan of LP... I have long had issue with his need to be a part of this case... and the nail was put in the coffin when he did not deny the horrible thing he is said to have told TM about holding Caylee's skull up to the camera for everyone to see, and making loads of money off of finding her remains. To me that showed his true colors. Now, being as he insists on inserting himself into this case, he is fair game for discussion. That said, I refuse to take jabs at the people that support him and do not see the missteps us non-supporters of LP, see. I may not agree with your view of him... but you wont find me going from thread to thread getting personal about it.

Sorry... if I get put in time out for this or whatever, then so be it... but I wish people would leave the personal aspects at the door and stick to discussing the people in the case, not the members doing the discussing.

Elphaba, I agree with you on this. There's a little too much snarkiness altogether. Many of us LP critics are just that.. critics. And we're polite about it. Others have gotten a little rougher about him.. but I've seen it as reactions to snarkiness from others!
Just a thought SS, LP reported to Nick S, FBI after he received the news from Hoover, on Dec 15th. I would think that the FBI investigated it, & given the Holidays, etc., the timing of JH coming on the scene now is about right!
I agree. Much investigation went into it after LP's phone call and the official statement did not come until yesterday from JH. The OCSO and FBI had already gone into talks with JH and his attorney long before this happened. They knew the answers to the questions yesterday before they asked them.
I agree. Wait and see what's coming next.

We find out today, from the raw video from WFTV, that LP got the dates wrong. Makes me wonder how he got his information in the first place.

And aren't we a little concerned that JH has let his atty do all the talking for him? It's now clear that JH knew about this area way back on Nov. 14-15, but he didn't take the info. to the proper authorities. And now LP says JH wanted to sell the videotape!

So what's next? A string of new arrests? Nothing? Gotta wait and see.
No one has tried to say that JH is any kind of a stand up guy in all of this. We can see for ourselves what kind of person he is by shopping the video and not saying anything to LE himself about where Caylee's remains were supposed to be.

I don't believe it will be long before we do see some action on his testimony from yesterday and the house of cards will begin to fall.

As for the dates, I haven't seen it yet so I can't comment on it. I did hear him last night mistakenly say Sept. instead of Aug. when he was talking about Kronk. I believe it to be an honest mistake, however. LP was excited.
Elphaba, I agree with you on this. There's a little too much snarkiness altogether. Many of us LP critics are just that.. critics. And we're polite about it. Others have gotten a little rougher about him.. but I've seen it as reactions to snarkiness from others!
Long before you joined, the "snarkiness" was here about LP. I was on the high road. I finally began reacting to it because I saw it as unfair and unbalanced. Critics are one thing. What was taking place was far beyond critical of LP. The negativity has been astounding.
I actually watched LP and RD show last night on National Geographic Channel.

When he speaks you have to interpret 'tween the lines to understand what he is at first saying. After listening (listening being the word, not hearing) you really do understand what he is saying and he explains how he got to his conclusions.

The man is a riot in a good way. No way is he putting up a show on NG or the other media shows. He is a what-you-see-is-what-he-is-man. He reminds me of my dad, bless his soul, that he just doesn't believe in BS and his BS meter picks it up mighty quick.

So for all those who consistently bash, question, condone what he is doing or pass him off as being an idiot ....... start listening to him rather that hear what you want to hear.
DC can deny all he wants to about whatever conversations he did or did not have with JH. He is not the one who finally brought it to LE. He is shown on the ten minute video doing the searches. His phone records which LE can now get a SW for will reflect if the call was made to JH to back up his story and to find out who he was in contact with at the time.

I don't see how DC can say he was looking for an Alive Caylee while the A fam was stating they would NOT associate with anyone who was not. DC being there contradicts their statement which I have seen with my own eyes Cindy make repeatedly. We also know that DC was touting the last two so-called sightings right up until December 10th via the A fam on LKL. At that time, the innocent child's photo at the mall was being plastered wall to wall on national tv. (I hope her family sues!)
The fact is: JH met with N. Savage and Sgt. J. Allen in the offices of WFTV for 3 hours and turned over the tape plus gave his statement (one would have to assume it is a sworn testimony). Sgt. J. Allen made a comment on the way out of the door this happening would be "very helpful" to the case and I saw it with my own eyes on the news video. To me, this is proof to back up it did happen and it was official. I don't take that as being "speculation" when I saw him say it and saw the look on his face at the time. It was confidence and he looked pleased.

As far as getting personal, I can assure you that it is nothing towards you or anyone. I have watched LP get trashed day after day here. I have taken up for him. I have stopped trying to take up for him and watched to see what happened. It only got twenty times worse when I said nothing and it went to every thread. The reason I came back to this thread to support him was hopefully to tone down the negative rants all across the forum perhaps a bit as I felt it was more than slanted and totally unfair to LP. I was tired of seeing it every day, too. There were posts to every single thread bashing LP on a regular basis. So while you may not have been part of that it was none the less frustrating to watch others partake gleefully. I see this as LP being vindicated for the things he has said which some have ripped him apart for even as recently as a couple of days ago!

There are times I have disagreed with LP and I disagree with him right now over some things he said last night. However, it doesn't mean that I don't feel he has done a lot of good and I do believe his heart is in the right place.

I think this time LP did exactly the right thing and will break this wall the A fam has consistently put up around them. Their armor finally has the crack that will allow the world to see what is inside the facade they have built in order to A) Save Casey, B) Cover for Casey, C) Take money under false pretenses (IMO). It give LE something to go on which opens that door for them. Bravo! It should make everyone happy to know that somehow this charade has not only been stopped, but exposed. And LP did that!

You go girl ! I am behind you 100 % regarding LP.

He is a sly 'ol fox, as I have said earlier, and I do believe he caught the young pups ! Go LP I luv u !:blowkiss:
The fact is: JH met with N. Savage and Sgt. J. Allen in the offices of WFTV for 3 hours and turned over the tape plus gave his statement (one would have to assume it is a sworn testimony). Sgt. J. Allen made a comment on the way out of the door this happening would be "very helpful" to the case and I saw it with my own eyes on the news video. To me, this is proof to back up it did happen and it was official. I don't take that as being "speculation" when I saw him say it and saw the look on his face at the time. It was confidence and he looked pleased.

As far as getting personal, I can assure you that it is nothing towards you or anyone. I have watched LP get trashed day after day here. I have taken up for him. I have stopped trying to take up for him and watched to see what happened. It only got twenty times worse when I said nothing and it went to every thread. The reason I came back to this thread to support him was hopefully to tone down the negative rants all across the forum perhaps a bit as I felt it was more than slanted and totally unfair to LP. I was tired of seeing it every day, too. There were posts to every single thread bashing LP on a regular basis. So while you may not have been part of that it was none the less frustrating to watch others partake gleefully. I see this as LP being vindicated for the things he has said which some have ripped him apart for even as recently as a couple of days ago!

There are times I have disagreed with LP and I disagree with him right now over some things he said last night. However, it doesn't mean that I don't feel he has done a lot of good and I do believe his heart is in the right place.

I think this time LP did exactly the right thing and will break this wall the A fam has consistently put up around them. Their armor finally has the crack that will allow the world to see what is inside the facade they have built in order to A) Save Casey, B) Cover for Casey, C) Take money under false pretenses (IMO). It give LE something to go on which opens that door for them. Bravo! It should make everyone happy to know that somehow this charade has not only been stopped, but exposed. And LP did that!

Elphaba, I agree with you on this. There's a little too much snarkiness altogether. Many of us LP critics are just that.. critics. And we're polite about it. Others have gotten a little rougher about him.. but I've seen it as reactions to snarkiness from others!

I read here a lot, and don't post much unless something really strikes me. I am not in an LP fanclub, nor do I post here to defend him. But even as an observer to the threads, the thing that stands out time after time is that every time LP's name is mentioned, the same few posters rush to "critic"ize him. It certainly comes off as snarky when people can't discuss anything he says or does, without the critics coming in to point out Lp's failings, and to totally discount EVERY thing he does.

We all are here for the same reason: to discuss and sleuth the case. Everyone here has lots to offer, and I am always thrilled with the insights from our great posters. But where is the harm if someone wants to admire the work LP has done in this case? Why should so many seem to want to invalidate their feelings?

LP is certainly a lightning rod, and a polarizing figure. Let's discuss the case and his confidence without taking sides against each other here based on our feelings about one man.
I read here a lot, and don't post much unless something really strikes me. I am not in an LP fanclub, nor do I post here to defend him. But even as an observer to the threads, the thing that stands out time after time is that every time LP's name is mentioned, the same few posters rush to "critic"ize him. It certainly comes off as snarky when people can't discuss anything he says or does, without the critics coming in to point out Lp's failings, and to totally discount EVERY thing he does.

We all are here for the same reason: to discuss and sleuth the case. Everyone here has lots to offer, and I am always thrilled with the insights from our great posters. But where is the harm if someone wants to admire the work LP has done in this case? Why should so many seem to want to invalidate their feelings?

LP is certainly a lightning rod, and a polarizing figure. Let's discuss the case and his confidence without taking sides against each other here based on our feelings about one man.
No one has tried to say that JH is any kind of a stand up guy in all of this. We can see for ourselves what kind of person he is by shopping the video and not saying anything to LE himself about where Caylee's remains were supposed to be.


Not to be nitpicky, but didn't you praise JH for taking it all a step further and leading DC to believe that the video had been taped over?
No. I don't think I did...but I will go back when I have more time to clarify. I said, IIRC, that JH was smart to lead DC and even LP to believe it had been taped over to prevent someone from coming after the tape before it could be turned in as evidence. The tape could prove to be very valuable evidence.

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