LP's Confidence

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I think LP is a nice guy. I have no problem with LP doing his own search for Caylee. Its just the way he went about it that makes him look like he is more interested in the media attenton. And very unprofessional.

He calls Murt on the phone and tells him to get his behind down to Blanchard park immediately and to gather everyone on his site as he had breaking news. Of course...don't tell anyone who you're meeting, because that adds to the suspense.Turns out he just wants everyone to know he feels Caylee is somewhere here, and invites everyone down to watch and show support while the FBI dives for the body. Couldn't he have just asked Murt to relay that message for him? Or announce on his own forum? All this just minutes after TES called off the search, and an area that Tim had sonar searched.

One good thing about him having his memorial tomorrow, it should put an end to his constant inconsistent theories night after night.
I just want to clarify something if I may- the FBI is not, and WAS not, involved in this in any way. *repeat*
PADILLA: It was obviously not the thing to do now that she -- because she didn`t talk. She didn`t say one word to anybody. I`ll tell you another thing. She didn`t say a word to me, she didn`t say a word to her mother or her dad or her brother.
Back out to bounty hunter Leonard Padilla. It`s my understanding police detectives are traveling to California to speak to you in person about what you know about the case. Why?

PADILLA: Well, I believe that Melich (ph) and the FBI agent, Nick Savage (ph), are coming out here basically to go over what we observed, the story she told us about what she had in her mind as far as what happened at Jay Blanchard Park, rather than at the department...

GRACE: What story?

PADILLA: Well, she told myself -- she told her mother and her mother related to me, and then she herself told me, and then she also told Rob Dick, that Zenaida and her sister, Samantha, had taken little Caylee away from her at Jay Blanchard Park, got in the car and drove off, and then Zenaida gave her a list of things to tell law enforcement for the next 30 days. I think they want to get...

GRACE: A list? Written list?

PADILLA: A written list of things to tell the cops, yes.
LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Well, Casey was spending a lot of time in her room. When Jose Baez, her attorney, would come over, he`d make sure that she wasn`t around the other people in the house. She was solitary in her room. And one day, when the FBI and some local officials came over to ask the Anthony family to take a lie detector test, Lee became agitated. We were sitting out in the RV. And at first, they agreed to, and then he came back out and said, No, we`re not going take lie detector tests at all.

GRACE: Whoa! Whoa! Wait! First time hearing of this. I`ve asked you 50 times what goes on in the house, and suddenly, I`m hearing they asked the Anthonys to take a lie detector test and they did not do it?

PADILLA: That`s correct. We were sitting in the RV and we saw -- first, there was a child protective services individual that went in, and then later on, some law enforcement went in.
GRACE:Do you think the grandparents really believe Casey Anthony?

PADILLA: No, no. They know the truth. Casey`s already divulged it to Lee. Lee has informed Cindy. As far as George, that I wouldn`t know. He`s the guy that`s really, you know, sometimes kept out of the loop and I feel real sorry for him.

How does Padilla know this? It obviously wasn't divulged to him and nobody would tell him - or anybody else - that they know what really happened to Caylee.

I would be extremely, EXTREMELY surprised if Casey confessed. Even though it is her family, she needs to be in control. And as if George wouldn't know if Lee and Cindy knew :rolleyes:

How does Padilla know this? It obviously wasn't divulged to him and nobody would tell him - or anybody else - that they know what really happened to Caylee.

I would be extremely, EXTREMELY surprised if Casey confessed. Even though it is her family, she needs to be in control. And as if George wouldn't know if Lee and Cindy knew :rolleyes:

LP doesn't know it, he just makes things up. It's no wonder the Anthonys are so furious with him.
His first mis-statements were almost certainly based upon what he was hearing from Casey and the Anthonys....I assume Casey was spouting lie after lie in her normal manner even when LP was with them.

Having said that, his theories "afterKC" have continually been blown apart. Remember him railing on Nancy Grace that "Caylee had been thrown in the dumpster and why oh why didn't the cops get out there and test the dumpster!" Mr Padilla was set-up to solve this problem single handed. Until, that is, we found out that Law Enforcement had tested that dumpster WAY BEFORE Lenoard's rant. No evidence was found to support the fact that a body was ever in it, but LE went the extra mile and had the land-fill searched too. So much for Mr. Pidalla's "inside information." He's not in TOO close of contact with LE if he doesn't even know what searches have already been done.

Totally agree!

No, dear, my post was not tongue in cheek. It IS funny to me.

Did he mention HOW he knows what Casey's favorite song is? I imagine he hasn't had any access to Casey since he was "off her case." (Ha!)

When I say that Lenoard has made statements that have turned out to be untrue, I am not dissing him. I am stating a fact. I do not flip out when people point out inconsistancies in Cindy's points, either.

It is not bashing to point out that someone's theories have continually been proven false: In fact, not one thing he has suggested has come to pass.

You and I enjoy this case being in the news, because it enables us to keep up with it as it goes on. But none of us is going to solve this case. The evidence will support a finding of guilty or it will not. And it will do so without the "benefit" of the case being in the news. Law Enforcement will not stop investigating if Nancy Grace fails to have Leonard on as a guest. To sum up, while we may enjoy having access to case info, it won't make a bit of difference to the efforts put out by LE if Leonard and me and all of the internet fall off the face of the earth tonight!

umm..Did you misread or skip over where I said "some people"? :waitasec: If the shoe fits.....Anyway, it's about Caylee and I'm not out there looking (based on my theories, right or wrong) are you? If he is wrong so what? If he finds her and becomes famous, so what? IF, Caylee is ever found and I pray that she is, No Matter who finds her will have their name in the headlines, so what? I don't get it. :mad:
I think LP is doing exactly what we do here. Throw out a theory; chew it up; digest it; regurgitate it; chew some more; and come up with another theory. Personally I have changed my mind about any number of things in this case. Geez, to think -- I started out thinking Caylee was alive. It was devastating to me to change that opinion, but I did. And I used to feel sorry for Sin-dee. No more. I think the 'media *advertiser censored*' tag is shared by LP and Sin-dee. But at least LP admits to it up front. I continue to think LP's heart and wallet are in the right place. Any of you who haven't changed your mind about something in this case?
I applaud everyone that has stepped up and actually gone out and searched, but LP has his own agenda. Sure he's not asking for donations, but he does see those $$ signs down the road for his future book deals & reality show....He has turned his search into a circus. And Murt seems to be along for the ride...Yesterday telling people don't send me cash, send money orders....Come on , when you do a selfless act to don't expect to be rewarded for it....If he couldn't afford to take the day off of work, he shouldn't have. If it was a true professional search investigation, they would have done it in a professional manner, ie: properly roped off, minus all the cameras, gawkers, smokers, babies in strollers, etc...The 1-2 hours LP actually spent 'searching' that he paid for himself is nothing compared to the notariety and profits he'll be recouping in the near future.

And for those of you that will reply to my post with:
Well at least he is out there 'searching'....
I too have been on the ground, in the search with tes.
We didn't feel it proper to have it broadast live with chats.
We didn't bring our children or cameras either.

Tim Miller = professional
LP = realty tv wannabe


Tim Miller Interview re: Blanchard Search



Approx. 2 minutes 30 seconds into interview. Says "searchers in BP have ulterior motives and turning search into a circus".

I hate it that the media and posters are comparing and contrasting TM and LP with one another. The two men are like fire and water. Tim's totally professional approach humbly saturates all hearts with empathy and recruits hundreds of volunteers and contributions to help search. LP's efforts are totally different; he appeals to the drama, funds his own searches and helps to seek support for TM's efforts. Humility and Drama. Not good and bad -- just different people and different approaches working for the same end: find Caylee. Please stop comparing and picking either one apart. Both are trying to find her. If TES finds her they will probably garner more donations to help other missing people; if LP finds her he will increase his own following which will encourage him to help keep looking for missing people. Are either bad?
Our trying to figure out which is right or wrong or best has the potential to be detrimental to either one making further contributions to the outcome we desire -- to find Caylee.
And, sahz, I was there, too. But, if the live chat (which neither LP or TM did) would help get people focused on finding Caylee, it's ok with me. Does our searching give us a special privilege to exclude or include?
I hate it that the media and posters are comparing and contrasting TM and LP with one another. The two men are like fire and water. Tim's totally professional approach humbly saturates all hearts with empathy and recruits hundreds of volunteers and contributions to help search. LP's efforts are totally different; he appeals to the drama, funds his own searches and helps to seek support for TM's efforts. Humility and Drama. Not good and bad -- just different people and different approaches working for the same end: find Caylee. Please stop comparing and picking either one apart. Both are trying to find her. If TES finds her they will probably garner more donations to help other missing people; if LP finds her he will increase his own following which will encourage him to help keep looking for missing people. Are either bad?
Our trying to figure out which is right or wrong or best has the potential to be detrimental to either one making further contributions to the outcome we desire -- to find Caylee.
And, sahz, I was there, too. But, if the live chat (which neither LP or TM did) would help get people focused on finding Caylee, it's ok with me. Does our searching give us a special privilege to exclude or include?

So well said and so very, very true! :blowkiss: Thank you ExpectingUnicorns, that brought tears to my eyes. We just need to find Caylee if that is at all possible and she is what matters.
I just want to clarify something if I may- the FBI is not, and WAS not, involved in this in any way. *repeat*

Depends on who you ask.

According to LP, the FBI is right there along side him and has turned the Blanchard search over to him :rolleyes:

Ask the local FBI and there is a resounding NO.
I hate it that the media and posters are comparing and contrasting TM and LP with one another. The two men are like fire and water. Tim's totally professional approach humbly saturates all hearts with empathy and recruits hundreds of volunteers and contributions to help search. LP's efforts are totally different; he appeals to the drama, funds his own searches and helps to seek support for TM's efforts. Humility and Drama. Not good and bad -- just different people and different approaches working for the same end: find Caylee. Please stop comparing and picking either one apart. Both are trying to find her. If TES finds her they will probably garner more donations to help other missing people; if LP finds her he will increase his own following which will encourage him to help keep looking for missing people. Are either bad?
Our trying to figure out which is right or wrong or best has the potential to be detrimental to either one making further contributions to the outcome we desire -- to find Caylee.
And, sahz, I was there, too. But, if the live chat (which neither LP or TM did) would help get people focused on finding Caylee, it's ok with me. Does our searching give us a special privilege to exclude or include?
Thank You Thank You Thank You - You said it perfectly!!!!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
These men are all good-hearted men.

Don't be so hard on them for their wanting to help in different ways.

At least they aren't sitting under a tent in a parking lot somewhere with a collection jar like a bunch of glorified panhandlers.

If you want to get mad then get mad at the people who have never lifted one finger to help find this baby or anyone else for that matter.

I don't think redirecting our anger is really the healthy thing to do. I also think people have every right to be upset and to voice their thoughts and feelings regarding what is going on.
We have to remember he also said he would find Caylee within one week when he first jumped into this situation bailing KC out.:confused:

He sure did say that. Because Cindy, George, Baez and the media source who contacted him to bail Casey out told him that if Casey was out on Bail she would tell him who had Caylee and he was ready to go pick up Caylee from the kidnappers. That is what he said, but as we all know the Anthony's are liars so how can LP keep his word? On another not, he did have his female bounty hunter in that house with Casey and he knows what she knows and saw, we don't and he is running on that right now. Nobody else can do anything I don't see any harm in him trying to find Caylee. It's more than I can do. I don't live close by I did donate to TES, but I will kiss the ground on of the person who finds this child. I don't care if it's LP or Tom, Dick or Harry. Just find this child and stop being so negative about who and why is all I say.
Seems lots of folks are put off by LP's "inconsistencies" which I think means his theories regarding what really happened. I know I have changed my mind several times about what might have happened (continue to in fact) as new docs and information emerges. Though not particularly an LP fan (guess I've felt more or less neutral toward him) I am glad that he is continuing the search. I do believe he truly wants to find this child's remains. And he is one of many who have not succumbed to CA's bullying. My respect for him has grown in the past week.
LP has a restless mind, he is continually re-assessing his theory as new data and info comes in. So yes, that sounds like BS. At first your theories are based on little data and are less credible. As you analyze and shape them they become better, more solid. He is willing to throw something out and completely re-think it. Willing to be wrong.

To me, I applaud LP because in his half-assed manner he may yet stumble on something and find Caylee. Like the discussion tonight on the possibility of storm drains. Radical alternative thinking.

Also, even though TES searched the water with side sonar what's the harm with having some divers in there groping around. Sometimes we rely too heavily on technology for technology's sake and a human could trip over something. You never know.

At least LP is trying, give him some credit and history can judge him later.
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