Luka Magotta AKA Eric Newman Trial, Week beginning Oct 27, 2014 - Trial Thread #3

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Sidhartha Banerjee ‏@sidhartha_b · 4m4 minutes ago
Jury's back. #Magnotta trial gets under way for Thursday at 11:25 a.m.

amy minsky ‏@amyminsky · 4m4 minutes ago
And here they are. 14 jurors enter court room, Dr. Allard is on the stand. Crown will continue its cross-examination. #Magnotta

salimah shivji ‏@salimah_shivji · 3m3 minutes ago
Legal discussion finally over. #Magnotta jury is in the room, cross-examination of Dr. Allard resumes.
suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 36s37 seconds ago
Crown prosecutor cross examining psych Allard #Magnotta

amy minsky ‏@amyminsky · 43s43 seconds ago
In her report, Allard mentioned few times #Magnotta hid symptoms from doctors, family because he didn't want to be hospitalized, isolated.

amy minsky ‏@amyminsky · 31s32 seconds ago
Allard says this isn't unusual among mental health patients, who often find coping mechanisms or ways to hide symptoms. #Magnotta
IMO...this was the whole crux of the legal arguments this morning. LeClair did not like when Bouthillier suggested that LM can "turn it off and on" when it suits him and yet Dr. Allard herself said that. So LeClair was probably trying to argue out any talk of this and hopefully he lost that argument. The defense put it out there. He can lie to get a better outcome for himself. Even in a supposed "psychosis" according to Allard. It's a "coping mechanism". Pffft.

They are talking about his application for ODSP in 2001. The English language reporters are not saying that but the French ones are.

François Messier ‏@MessierSRC · 7m7 minutes ago
Couronne montre maintenant à Allard document d'ODSP sur inaptitude de #Magnotta au travail en Ontario. Doc reçu en janv. 01


François Messier MessierSRC · 7M7 minutes ago
Crown now shows Allard document on ODSP #Magnotta inability to work in Ontario. Doc received Jan . 01

François Messier ‏@MessierSRC · 7m7 minutes ago
Dans ce formulaire, #Magnotta dit qu'il a une maladie mentale, schizophrénie, paranoïaque. Je ne peux me faire vivre, dit-il à ODSP


François Messier MessierSRC · 7M7 minutes ago
In this form, #Magnotta said he has a mental illness, schizophrenia, paranoid. I can not make me live , he told ODSP

François Messier ‏@MessierSRC · 7m7 minutes ago
#Magnotta dit aussi à ODSP qu'il est anxieux, déprimé, être médicamenté. Il demande des prestations pour inaptitude au travail.


François Messier MessierSRC · 7M7 minutes ago
#Magnotta Also told that ODSP is anxious, depressed , be medicated . He claims benefits for incapacity for work .

François Messier ‏@MessierSRC · 6m6 minutes ago
À cette époque, #Magnotta vivait dans une maison pour personnes avec troubles mentaux (Harrison House), croit Allard

François Messier MessierSRC · 6M6 minutes ago
At that time, #Magnotta lived in a house for people with mental disorders (Harrison House) believes Allard
Okay so we know that he applied for the ODSP in January 2001 while living at Harrison House.
suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 8m8 minutes ago
Allard referring to #Magnotta notes from 2001 in which he talks about being dizzy, not changing clothing, being depressed

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 7m7 minutes ago
It was a form #Magnotta filled out when he went to hospital one of first times in 2001

amy minsky ‏@amyminsky · 4m4 minutes ago
Crown has Allard read a letter #Magnotta wrote regarding income tax return. It's coherent, well-written.

salimah shivji ‏@salimah_shivji · 2m2 minutes ago
Crown shows a coherent letter #Magnotta wrote in April 2012 to get tax credit. Allard says patients can be psychotic & yet function well.

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 2m2 minutes ago
Crown showing receipt from Canada Post when #Magnotta sent packages to Vancouver, Ottawa $210, May 26 paid with debit. Allard never saw this

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 2m2 minutes ago
Name #Magnotta used was Kirk Trammel. When did he start using this name? Crown asks

François Messier ‏@MessierSRC · 5m5 minutes ago
Couronne note que #Magnotta s'est alors identifié comme Kirk Trammel. Allard dit qu'il utilisait ce nom en parlant au Français JC Robert

Translation: Crown notes that #Magnotta was then identified as Kirk Trammel . Allard said he used this name to the French speaking Robert

François Messier ‏@MessierSRC · 2m2 minutes ago
Couronne dit que Robert a dit que #Magnotta disait s'appeler Luke. Il y a donc conflit, dit-elle. Allard n'a pas confronté accusé avec ça

Translation: Crown said that Robert said #Magnotta called himself Luke . So there is a conflict , she said. Allard has not confronted accused with it

François Messier ‏@MessierSRC · 6m6 minutes ago
La Dre Allard concède qu'il y a beaucoup de conflits dans les dires de #Magnotta.

Translation: Dr. Allard concedes that there are many conflicts in the words of #Magnotta.
Quoted from translation above:

Translation: Dr. Allard concedes that there are many conflicts in the words of #Magnotta.

Wellllll, no kidding!
Quoted from tweet above:

salimah shivji ‏@salimah_shivji · 2m2 minutes ago
Crown shows a coherent letter #Magnotta wrote in April 2012 to get tax credit. Allard says patients can be psychotic & yet function well.

NOTE: Key words = "coherent", "function well".
suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 4m4 minutes ago
#Magnotta thought calls in prison were bugged etc. Is that paranoia, crown asks, when one is in prison? Happens often Allard says

amy minsky ‏@amyminsky · 4m4 minutes ago
Is it necessarily paranoia when #Magnotta said he was worried his cell and phone calls were being monitored in prison?

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 4m4 minutes ago
Difference Allard says is that regular inmates can be reassured, and those who are sick can't be. #Magnotta was never reassured, she says

suemontgomery @MontgomerySue · 2m 2 minutes ago
Have you ever had schizophrenic patients who have had 20 Facebook accounts, Crown asks. It's the first time, Allard says. It's a lot, yes

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 2m2 minutes ago
In Miami, #Magnotta said his life was "so chaotic". Was referring to fact didn't take meds, bad relationship with Manny, more psychotic

François Messier ‏@MessierSRC · 4m4 minutes ago
#Magnotta savait que faire des vidéos d'animaux tués était mal, dit Allard, après hésitation.

Translation: #Magnotta knew that making videos of animals being killed was wrong, Allard said, after some hesitation.

amy minsky ‏@amyminsky · 37s37 seconds ago
Going through the report, Bouthillier asks whether Allard has seen with other patients covering their windows. #Magnotta

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 37s38 seconds ago
#Magnotta putting dark towels over windows cause thought he was being watched. Isn't that something people taking crack do Crown asks

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 40s40 seconds ago
Could be, Allard says. But schizophrenics often feel they are being watched #Magnotta

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 1m1 minute ago
Why did #Magnotta rent a hotel for nine days in Paris if he already met Jean-Christophe Robert on line? Robert didn't want him right away

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 40s41 seconds ago
And the first hotel he was in was more expensive than the second, Allard said. #Magnotta was sure that Robert didn't love him

François Messier ‏@MessierSRC · 1m1 minute ago
Pourquoi #Magnotta a acheté cell. sous nom Kirk Trammel à Paris. Un outil pour travailler comme escorte, a-t-il dit à Allard. A eu 1 client

Translation: Why #Magnotta bought cell. Used the name Kirk Trammel in Paris. A tool to work as an escort, he has told Allard. Had one customer

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 2m2 minutes ago
So why did he leave Paris for Berlin? It's not logical or rational, Allard said. #Magnotta

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 2m2 minutes ago
He rented the hotel under his name, went out, didn't act like someone who was fleeing, Allard said. #Magnotta

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 1m1 minute ago
Why did he check in to Novotel under his own name then that same night went to another hotel under Kirk Trammel. #Magnotta

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 1m1 minute ago
True, it's not exactly logical, Allard said. But #Magnotta said he found first hotel too expensive. Wanted to start new life under Kirk Tr
GMAB...does she actually believe this carp she's spewing? It was pointed out to her that he booked a hotel in his name and another hotel in an alias name ON THE SAME NIGHT and she believes him when he says the first one was too expensive and he wanted to start a new life under a new identity.

OF COURSE HE DID...he was on the run from a brutal MURDER. And he was doing a great job of covering his tracks so he would not be caught.



ETA: He had booked a flight and hotel package online likely. Which is why the Novotel was booked in his name. A little digging should turn up the fact that the hotel was actually also paid for in the package that he bought. Either that or he deliberately booked that hotel separately online with just a reservation, checked in and then left to check into the other hotel under his alias. So that if LE were already on to him, they would automatically look for him in the Novotel. This way he could get some much needed sleep in the other hotel while hiding out.
GMAB...does she actually believe this carp she's spewing? It was pointed out to her that he booked a hotel in his name and another hotel in an alias name ON THE SAME NIGHT and she believes him when he says the first one was too expensive and he wanted to start a new life under a new identity.

OF COURSE HE DID...he was on the run from a brutal MURDER. And he was doing a great job of covering his tracks so he would not be caught.



IMHO, I think the Crown has given her a shovel and she seems to be digging herself in deeper and deeper. :maddening:
I am getting tired of her default "oh, it must be the psychosis!" type answer when she is caught out and doesn't know the answer for whatever reason. Give me a break!
And "It's not logical" .. yes, it is. What isn't logical is him paying for a second hotel, AFTER he had ALREADY PAID for the first one, and leaving stuff in the first one, just because the first one was 'too expensive' (he already paid for it, so why not just stay?). What IS logical is that he tried to make it look like 'Luka Magnotta' checked in, but then disappeared. Why? So he can RUN FROM AUTHORITIES. This isn't psychosis. This isn't illogical psychotic behaviour. This is calm, rational PLANNING.
amy minsky ‏@amyminsky · 12m12 minutes ago
Allard: There is not a lot of logic we can find. #Magnotta

salimah shivji ‏@salimah_shivji · 10m10 minutes ago
Allard says #Magnotta told her he wanted to restart his life with the name Kirk Trammell. He told her he only had 1 passport, in his name.

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 9m9 minutes ago
Did you ask #Magnotta about putting the empty wine bottle in Lin Jun's anus? He wasn't aroused, so he used the bottle, Allard said

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 8m8 minutes ago
That isn't in Allard's report. Those were questions I asked after, she said. Are there other things missing from your report?#Magnotta

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 8m8 minutes ago
Allard asks to make comment. Crown says no, just answer questions. Judge allows her to speak #Magnotta

amy minsky ‏@amyminsky · 7m7 minutes ago
Allard: In my work with #Magnotta, I tried to be as faithful as possible. I went back to ask questions, I tried to corroborate what he said.

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 6m6 minutes ago
It's not necessary to do all that research re the family etc. That's not the way we work, Allard says. #Magnotta

François Messier ‏@MessierSRC · 5m5 minutes ago
Quand je l'ai vu, #Magnotta savait que j'étais embauché par son avocat, dit Allard. Couronne souligne qu'il avait déjà vu Dr Watts aussi

Translation: When I saw #Magnotta knew I was hired by his lawyer, said Allard . Crown stressed that he had seen Dr. Watts also

François Messier ‏@MessierSRC · 5m5 minutes ago
Mais "ça ne veut pas dire qu'il me faisait confiance. Il ne me connaissait pas", ajoute la Dre Allard #Magnotta

Translation: "But it does'nt mean he trusted me. He did not know me," says Dr. Allard #Magnotta

François Messier ‏@MessierSRC · 4m4 minutes ago
"Il n'y a aucun doute pour le diagnostic de schizophrénie" pour #Magnotta, assure la Dre Allard.

Translation: "There is no doubt in the diagnosis of schizophrenia in #Magnotta", assures Dr. Allard.

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 3m3 minutes ago
#Magnotta didn't want to live with like his father in poverty; he wanted to escape his illness and be a super star, Allard said

amy minsky ‏@amyminsky · 2m2 minutes ago
Re: #Magnotta saying he was "going to be a celebrity, a superstar," Allard says he was determined to not be a victim of his illness.

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 2m2 minutes ago
One of his dreams was to have his own children and live with his grandmother, be he felt he had let her down by not doing that #Magnotta

amy minsky ‏@amyminsky · 48s48 seconds ago
Why was the head left in the park? Allard: he said he wanted to bring it there for a ceremony. #Magnotta

amy minsky ‏@amyminsky · 33s33 seconds ago
Allard: he left the head and didn't perform a ceremony because other people came. I guess he didn't want to be seen. #Magnotta

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 45s45 seconds ago
#Magnotta thought the head was transmitting messages so wanted to perform religious ceremony on it in Angrignon Park

amy minsky ‏@amyminsky · 46s47 seconds ago
Allard: If I consider #Magnotta's testimony has lies, omissions, I see a man who has an illness, who saw his psych for the last time in '10.

amy minsky ‏@amyminsky · 2m2 minutes ago
Allard: The psych told #Magnotta if he didn't continue treatment and medication he'd be at risk of falling back into psychosis.

amy minsky ‏@amyminsky · 2m2 minutes ago
Allard: He didn't continue his meds. He was in a hospital in unstable condition the next year. #Magnotta

suemontgomery @MontgomerySue · 2m 2 minutes ago
In Miami in 2011 he was found to be in psychosis. If it's not treated, the person continues to deteriorate. He tried to get help at MJH

amy minsky ‏@amyminsky · 1m1 minute ago
Allard: Even without #Magnotta's version, we still see many hints leading to a conclusion he was in psychosis. #Magnotta

suemontgomery @MontgomerySue · 1m 1 minute ago
Even if we leave out his version, or what he said, there are many other elements that show he was in psychosis, Allard says. #Magnotta

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 1m1 minute ago
Lunch break till 2:15 #Magnotta
Oh I bet she wishes she had left out his version now. So does his lawyer I'm sure.

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