Luka Magotta AKA Eric Newman Trial, Week beginning Oct 27, 2014 - Trial Thread #3

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Wanted to put this tweet in separately to discuss.

suemontgomery @MontgomerySue · 58m 58 minutes ago

can't say cause jury hasn't heard @JaimeLee1101: @MontgomerySue is Magnotta expected to be taking the stand before the trial is over?”

So is there an answer to this question that reporters can't tweet because it was discussed outside the jury's presence? I really can't see them putting him up there after the fiasco of his "story" to Allard.

But what if he insists? What if he sees the damage that was done with her testimony and now wants to get up there and "set everyone straight"?

Have there been legal arguments about this because the Crown needs time to prepare for him to take the stand?

Discuss.... :floorlaugh:

He wanted to be a celebrity. A superstar. He got that, for sure. But not for the right reasons.
-The rumour (he started) linking himself to Homolka. One can not google her name without finding HIM all over it (even before the murder)
-The animal abuse. That really made people sit up and notice, didn't it?
-The murder of Jun. The grand finale? Or was that to be just the beginning?

Oh, he is "famous" alright. Mission accomplished.
OK, so he already had a place to stay whilst running away from Montreal!!

Except he only stayed there one night. And he decided Robert didn't love him.

Isn't this the same one who was a nudist and was accused by LeClair of telling LM to urinate and defecate on the floor?

How come Allard did not mention this or the Crown did not ask her about it?

Sounds to me like LM had no intention of staying in either hotel after the first night when he got some sleep and then went to see Robert. But things just didn't work out in that meeting with Robert for him to stay there for any length of time. So, on to plan B. Get back online and find another patsy.

Wanted to put this tweet in separately to discuss.

suemontgomery @MontgomerySue · 58m 58 minutes ago

can't say cause jury hasn't heard @JaimeLee1101: @MontgomerySue is Magnotta expected to be taking the stand before the trial is over?”

So is there an answer to this question that reporters can't tweet because it was discussed outside the jury's presence? I really can't see them putting him up there after the fiasco of his "story" to Allard.

But what if he insists? What if he sees the damage that was done with her testimony and now wants to get up there and "set everyone straight"?

Have there been legal arguments about this because the Crown needs time to prepare for him to take the stand?

Discuss.... :floorlaugh:


OOH! Interesting. She could have said 'I don't know' or any (non)answer like that. But there clearly IS an answer. Perhaps the answer is simply 'no'. Would turn into a bit of a circus if it was a 'yes'. I can just see him laying it on thick with the histrionics (or the 'psychosis', Allard's favourite word at the moment).
He wanted to be a celebrity. A superstar. He got that, for sure. But not for the right reasons.
-The rumour (he started) linking himself to Homolka. One can not google her name without finding HIM all over it (even before the murder)
-The animal abuse. That really made people sit up and notice, didn't it?
-The murder of Jun. The grand finale? Or was that to be just the beginning?

Oh, he is "famous" alright. Mission accomplished.

Infamous. :jail:

There is a difference. But you know some people can't tell the difference when you're so sick with mental illness and in a constant psychosis and you don't do anything with logic and you aren't thinking right or in the same reality as everyone else and you have been off your meds for some time.....

You get the picture right? ;)

So did he get a new cell phone in Montreal on March 25th and then another one in France after arriving there? Or is the cell phone under the name Kirk Trammell that they are talking about, the one he got in Montreal before leaving for Paris?

I wish they'd clarify this stuff. I hope they do in the courtroom and the tweeters just don't post it up.

Allard keeps talking about him not being logical during this time frame.

I see a LOT of logic in everything he did in the aftermath of the murder and to try to stay one step ahead of the law in his escape. He was definitely going through the possibilities in his head of how certain actions would cause certain reactions.

I understand this person has been very instrumental in bringing forward LM's wrongdoings and I believe also posted here for some time? Just thought this tweet was worth repeating....

Baudi Movaan ‏@bodymovin99 · 5m5 minutes ago
Am I the only who thinks that maybe Dr. Allard might need to have her own head examined? Is anyone this gullible? #magnotta

Maybe he knows his lime light is coming to am end, he knows no one is believing hos and Allard's BS so he wants his last chance on the stage!

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OOH! Interesting. She could have said 'I don't know' or any (non)answer like that. But there clearly IS an answer. Perhaps the answer is simply 'no'. Would turn into a bit of a circus if it was a 'yes'. I can just see him laying it on thick with the histrionics (or the 'psychosis', Allard's favourite word at the moment).

If he does, I demand a live stream in that courtroom. Just this once. Please? :winkkiss: :judge: :floorlaugh:
amy minsky @amyminsky · 34m 34 minutes ago

Bouthillier asks why he didn't want to be seen. Allard: He known killing is wrong. But in his psychosis he thought he killed a gov't agent.
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amy minsky @amyminsky · 34m 34 minutes ago

Allard: he left the head and didn't perform a ceremony because other people came. I guess he didn't want tone seen. #Magnotta
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amy minsky @amyminsky · 35m 35 minutes ago

Why was the head left in the park? Allard: he said he wanted to bring it there for a ceremony. #Magnotta
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amy minsky @amyminsky · 37m 37 minutes ago

Re: #Magnotta saying he was "going to be a celebrity, a superstar," Allard says he was determined to not be a victim of his illness.

He knew killing was wrong, but he thought he was killing a government agent. I hope the Crown was all over that.
amy minsky @amyminsky · 34m 34 minutes ago

Bouthillier asks why he didn't want to be seen. Allard: He known killing is wrong. But in his psychosis he thought he killed a gov't agent.
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amy minsky @amyminsky · 34m 34 minutes ago

Allard: he left the head and didn't perform a ceremony because other people came. I guess he didn't want tone seen. #Magnotta
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amy minsky @amyminsky · 35m 35 minutes ago

Why was the head left in the park? Allard: he said he wanted to bring it there for a ceremony. #Magnotta
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amy minsky @amyminsky · 37m 37 minutes ago

Re: #Magnotta saying he was "going to be a celebrity, a superstar," Allard says he was determined to not be a victim of his illness.

He knew killing was wrong, but he thought he was killing a government agent. I hope the Crown was all over that.

If he was in a psychosis and needed to perform a religious ceremony on an actual human head to stop it from transmitting messages, why would he care who saw him?

Maybe because he knew he had a HUMAN HEAD with him and people might just have a problem with that and call the police? Sounds like a logical thought to me.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 34m 34 minutes ago

Bouthillier asks why he didn't want to be seen. Allard: He known killing is wrong. But in his psychosis he thought he killed a gov't agent.
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amy minsky @amyminsky · 34m 34 minutes ago

Allard: he left the head and didn't perform a ceremony because other people came. I guess he didn't want tone seen. #Magnotta
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amy minsky @amyminsky · 35m 35 minutes ago

Why was the head left in the park? Allard: he said he wanted to bring it there for a ceremony. #Magnotta
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amy minsky @amyminsky · 37m 37 minutes ago

Re: #Magnotta saying he was "going to be a celebrity, a superstar," Allard says he was determined to not be a victim of his illness.

He knew killing was wrong, but he thought he was killing a government agent. I hope the Crown was all over that.

SO... he knew killing was wrong, but since he thought he was killing a government agent (because PSYCHOSIS!!!), it is ok? It doesn't matter who he thought he killed -- a student, a government agent, or Mickey Mouse. Killing is killing. It is wrong. AND HE KNEW THAT.
So even if one discounts his version of events there are still numerous indicators that he was in a psychosis, according to Dr Allard.

BUT being psychotic at the time DOES NOT automatically make someone NCR!! You can be psychotic yet still know right from wrong.
Let's not forget his response to the Berlin police: YOU GOT ME!:jail:

Well it wasn't the police though remember? It was those pesky government agents that had been after him. Even though he had killed one of them already. You'd think he would have attacked the others and tried to escape? What a load of BS.

SO... he knew killing was wrong, but since he thought he was killing a government agent (because PSYCHOSIS!!!), it is ok? It doesn't matter who he thought he killed -- a student, a government agent, or Mickey Mouse. Killing is killing. It is wrong. AND HE KNEW THAT.

Exactly! Plus he had JL tied to the bed and probably unconscious at the time
If he was scared JL was sent to kill him he would have just ran.
Also of note this morning, he had been on the ODSP since Jan 2001 when he had help from the kind folks at Harrison House to tell him he was qualified for this financial assistance and probably also helped him to apply.

Why didn't they get more into that? For how long was he on it? Was he still on it when he left Ontario? Was he being cut off and that's why he needed to get a new psychiatrist in Montreal? To apply for their equivalent program, through a psychiatrist? How much did he get from that program over the years when he was also claiming to be a "high priced" escort, making lots of money from that and *advertiser censored*, travelling the world etc. How much money did he scam from the taxpayers of Ontario? Think that might have been important to throw in there. People hate a scam artist who steals from the public trough.

I think there is so much that could have been researched that wasn't. Don't know if the Crown really thought they needed to prove what a liar and scam artist it appears he was since they had a slam dunk on the murder charges.

Exactly! Plus he had JL tied to the bed and probably unconscious at the time
If he was scared JL was sent to kill him he would have just ran.

Did he have JL tied to the bed? Was there evidence in the video that he was tied to the bed? I know the other guy was, but was JL? For some reason I got the impression that he wasn't? :waitasec:
Also of note this morning, he had been on the ODSP since Jan 2001 when he had help from the kind folks at Harrison House to tell him he was qualified for this financial assistance and probably also helped him to apply.

Why didn't they get more into that? For how long was he on it? Was he still on it when he left Ontario? Was he being cut off and that's why he needed to get a new psychiatrist in Montreal? To apply for their equivalent program, through a psychiatrist? How much did he get from that program over the years when he was also claiming to be a "high priced" escort, making lots of money from that and *advertiser censored*, travelling the world etc. How much money did he scam from the taxpayers of Ontario? Think that might have been important to throw in there. People hate a scam artist who steals from the public trough.

I think there is so much that could have been researched that wasn't. Don't know if the Crown really thought they needed to prove what a liar and scam artist it appears he was since they had a slam dunk on the murder charges.


I have known people who have "faked it" to get on ODSP (i didn't know them very long though... not people I wanted to keep in my life). I am not saying he *faked* it, but it sure looks like he EXPLOITED it. Since he DID work. Sex work is still work when you get paid for it. Him working, under the table, likely not claiming any of his prostitution income is 1) fraud and 2) tax evasion. No?
I understand this person has been very instrumental in bringing forward LM's wrongdoings and I believe also posted here for some time? Just thought this tweet was worth repeating....

Baudi Movaan ‏@bodymovin99 · 5m5 minutes ago
Am I the only who thinks that maybe Dr. Allard might need to have her own head examined? Is anyone this gullible? #magnotta


:thumb: Yes she's a member here !

Here's a Rolling Stone article all about their search:

Animal Instinct: How Cat-Loving Sleuths Found an Accused Killer Sadist

Find the Vaccumer Kitten Killer, a woman on the West Coast of the United States, using the Internet alias Baudi Moovan, saw the video in her Facebook feed and found her way to the group.

She had been following an animal mutilation case on 4chan and become intrigued at how users were able to identify a Texas Goth girl responsible for posting photos featuring the decapitation of a dog.
She "found it fascinating how they used the data from the phone, and the Exif [Exchangable image file format, which contains information such as file format, often along with time, date and GPS] data and then matched up the images from the dog head."
With her background in IT, Moovan felt she could help find the person who'd murdered the kittens.
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