Luka Magotta AKA Eric Newman Trial, Week beginning Oct 27, 2014 - Trial Thread #3

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I have known people who have "faked it" to get on ODSP (i didn't know them very long though... not people I wanted to keep in my life). I am not saying he *faked* it, but it sure looks like he EXPLOITED it. Since he DID work. Sex work is still work when you get paid for it. Him working, under the table, likely not claiming any of his prostitution income is 1) fraud and 2) tax evasion. No?

salimah shivji ‏@salimah_shivji · 2m2 minutes ago
Crown shows a coherent letter #Magnotta wrote in April 2012 to get tax credit. Allard says patients can be psychotic & yet function well.

Then there is this tweet. So in April 2012 he was dealing with things related to the government and his finances while he had been living in Quebec for about a year?
Nope,dont think Jun Lin was tied up,dont see him tied up in the 'released version' anyway.

The psychiatrist who assessed Luka Rocco Magnotta for criminal responsibility says even if she had disregarded everything he told her, several elements still showed he was psychotic when Jun Lin was killed and dismembered. . . .

Allard stood her ground despite being grilled by Crown prosecutor Louis Bouthillier about omissions and perceived contradictions in her report. She says there is plenty of information from before and after the slaying to support her conclusion he didn't know right from wrong when he killed Lin.
Oh, he wasn't tied to the bed?? LM is braver than I thought, then!
I also have known people who have faked it in order for the rest of us to keep them on disability! :tantrum: And I've known people who have faked illnesses in order to score meds from doctors. There are fakers everywhere and unfortunately we, the tax payers, end up paying the bills.

There seem to be too many holes in Allard's testimony to give this an NCR verdict. Hopefully.....:thinking:
Oh, he wasn't tied to the bed?? LM is braver than I thought, then!

Please don't take this the wrong way but I kind of wish JL had been tied up. That would appear a tad more sinister.......if that's even possible in this case. :thinking:
Oh, he wasn't tied to the bed?? LM is braver than I thought, then!

No need when your sexual partner is out cold from the "recreational S&M Temazepam" you spiked the wine with. :notgood:
So are we not getting any tweets today?

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Still at lunch. I posted the one's from this morning but they didn't start until 11:25am.

One of the French reporters just tweeted that they are ready to start back up 25 minutes late from lunch so the tweets should start back up again soon.
suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 54s54 seconds ago
Back In #Magnotta. Judge tells jury they will sit tomorrow and maybe the first week of December too

He started with a series of rapid-fire questions, among them whether Magnotta had told her if Lin “had let him” slit his throat or if he’d fought back, if he was conscious, if he’d hit him first with a hammer and how he’d beheaded him.

Allard said she’d asked these things, but either got no answer or an unresponsive one. For instance, she said, “Mr. Magnotta told me it (the killing) was over quickly,” but almost nothing else. . . .

He still had the hat when he was arrested in Berlin, Bouthillier said, pointing out that Magnotta had abandoned all his personal effects, yet held on to the cap.

“Could it be a trophy?” he asked.

“Well,” Allard said. “A trophy.” She actually shrugged, as if the thought had never occurred to her. “I really do not have an answer.”
When LM came out from his apartment after the murder he was wearing JL's t-shirt... because his own t-shirt was covered in blood. It was one of the pieces of evidence found in the garbage.
suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 1m1 minute ago
#Magnotta told apt building landlord that he had a job and a child. Why? Allard said he wanted to come across as normal

amy minsky ‏@amyminsky · 1m1 minute ago
When #Magnotta told the building manager in Montreal he had a child, it was because he wasted to appear "normal," he told Allard.

amy minsky ‏@amyminsky · 3m3 minutes ago
Bouthillier reads the threatening, vulgar email #Magnotta sent the UK Sun. He told Allard he never meant what he said about killing humans.

amy minsky ‏@amyminsky · 3m3 minutes ago
Justice Cournoyer has asked the jury to leave. #Magnotta

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue · 3m3 minutes ago
Judge asks jury to leave so he can discuss something with both lawyers #magnotta
Even without having spent upwards of 23 hours interviewing Luka Magnotta, a key defence witness said she would still have reason to believe the killer was in a state of psychosis when he slayed and dismembered Jun Lin . . . Standing her ground, Allard pointed to his past diagnosis of schizophrenia, the fact he didn’t have a psychiatrist following him since mid-2010, a hospitalization the following year and a visit to a psychiatrist weeks before killing Lin.
:facepalm: it sounds like Allard is saying that of course LM killed JL, he was a schizophrenic so he must have been psychotic. Thank you Dr Allard for encouraging the public to believe that all people with schizophrenia could just decide to go on a killing spree at any moment. Maybe we should just lock up all people with schizophrenia who are having problems? You should be ASHAMED of yourself Dr Allard.
Emily ‏@
if #Magnotta already planned to move to France on June 1, why didn't have have his ticket booked b4 May 25 and why did he book round trip?

Good question Emily from twitter. Dr. Allard? Any answer for this?
:facepalm: it sounds like Allard is saying that of course LM killed JL, he was a schizophrenic so he must have been psychotic. Thank you Dr Allard for encouraging the public to believe that all people with schizophrenia could just decide to go on a killing spree at any moment. Maybe we should just lock up all people with schizophrenia who are having problems? You should be ASHAMED of yourself Dr Allard.

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