Luka Magotta AKA Eric Newman Trial, Week beginning Oct 27, 2014 - Trial Thread #3

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BTW, we still have no idea where all of LM's money whilst he was on the run came from. According to Allard (so who knows if it has any truth in it :p), he didn't have many sex clients in the run-up to the murder. So did he save up in advance? More evidence of pre-meditation? If he was on disability (was he receiving disability at the time?) and wasn't spending much then maybe he just saved up. The police mentioned credit cards, didn't they? Whose cards were they? I doubt any companies would give him credit cards given his history of credit card fraud and bankruptcy.

I believe they just said "bank cards". Could have been debit or credit cards.
Shuyee Lee ‏@sleeCJAD · 38s38 seconds ago
How many did you do? At Pinel, several hundred. IN career, close to 400 forensic assessments, majority court ordered. #Magnotta

Shuyee Lee ‏@sleeCJAD · 2m2 minutes ago
Others are private assessment, lawyers or employer or company asks for one.

These are forensic assessments he's talking about. And he just got his forensic license in 2013. So likely he was doing them under the guidance of someone else to get that license? Either way I still maintain that Dr. Watts is a career assessor. He is not a hands on psychiatrist with a lot of experience in long term monitoring of his own patients. I don't think he has a lot of experience dealing with various types of mental disorders in individual patients for any long term. He just does court ordered and private assessments.

These are forensic assessments he's talking about. And he just got his forensic license in 2013. So likely he was doing them under the guidance of someone else to get that license? Either way I still maintain that Dr. Watts is a career assessor. He is not a hands on psychiatrist with a lot of experience in long term monitoring of his own patients. I don't think he has a lot of experience dealing with various types of mental disorders in individual patients for any long term. He just does court ordered and private assessments.


Still seems more qualified than the previous witness. ("I don't know!" "I didn't ask!" "He didn't say!" "He told me so it is true!" "PSYCHOSIS!!" :facepalm:)
I do agree, he seems like a 'career assessor' with high ambition, but little long-term, hands-on experience. There is only so much one can learn from books before one needs to get out and learn from life experience.
Still seems more qualified than the previous witness. ("I don't know!" "I didn't ask!" "He didn't say!" "He told me so it is true!" "PSYCHOSIS!!" :facepalm:)
I do agree, he seems like a 'career assessor' with high ambition, but little long-term, hands-on experience. There is only so much one can learn from books before one needs to get out and learn from life experience.

Oh yes, I agree that as far as assessments go he was more thorough and seems to have tried to remain neutral, which will help the prosecution somewhat. But again, I'm not seeing how he can say LM was suffering from psychosis at the time he murdered JL. I don't see how he can make a determination like that when they have nothing to go on other than surveillance video that actually shows him acting the same before and after the murder of JL as he was acting before and after the evening with the Columbian mystery man the week before. The only other thing they have to go on is LM's word. And his story seems to be ever changing. Pretty sure a 10yr diagnosed schizophrenic who is supposedly constantly in and out of psychosis can give them a little more than "I don't know what happened. I had a "weird feeling".


Hmm... interesting. I wonder what Leclair was yelling about...

They left off with LeClair asking Dr. Watts how reliable the sister's testimony was. The Crown objected. The defense wanted to argue the objection I guess and since it was almost the end of the day the jury was dismissed. So I'm not sure what it's all about. Other than I don't think Dr. Watts is qualified to give an opinion on how reliable the sister is, either way. Not sure if that's what the discussion was about but I'm not sure why the defense would want him to give an opinion on the sister?

I don't think that will help, because the defence will just say that it shows he didn't premeditate the murder and didn't intend to make a "snuff" film.

Apparently LM had some personal photos of Lin alive on his computer though. I wonder if they were of Lin at the flat consenting to have his picture taken? If so LM had the camera there all ready and could have filmed the actual murder. Or maybe they were pictures that JL had sent him before they met or that LM had downloaded from on online profile of him, which could help to establish how they met. Or maybe they were from a previous encounter, showing that they knew each other. I wish we had more info about these pictures.

I'd really like clarification of that too. I'm not sure if they meant the "still photos" of JL were when he was alive. That was confusing. I don't recall any testimony about pictures of JL alive when they were going over the camera picture and video testimony with the LE analyst.

Here's the quote from the news article...

The jury also heard that personal photos of Lin, alive, were found in the trash bin of Magnotta's computer after it was seized in Berlin.

Read more:

What does that mean personal photos? Did LM download photos of JL off the internet during the news of his murder? And then delete them? Are we talking about JL's personal photos that were being used in all the news stories?
And I don't think he's enjoying his notoriety now. I think he's just as miserable as ever.

I think if he had been successful in eluding LE and was still hiding out in Europe under an alias he'd be ecstatic about his notoriety and wouldn't be miserable at all. The only reason he's miserable now is because he didn't get away with it and wasn't able to get the full effect of his "shock and awe" film and the aftermath because he got caught. No "catch me if you can" taunting on the internet. So really it was all for naught.

It was those devastatingly handsome looks and cheekbones that were his downfall. ;) :floorlaugh:

IMO he definitely did not "enjoy" doing it,IMO it was definitely done for shock value ,not that he had an urge to kill only an urge for fame and notoriety.....

No disrespect for your opinion but I do think he did it for BOTH pleasure (first) and then for shock and awe as a sideline. IMHO.

Quoted from Kamille:

What does that mean personal photos? Did LM download photos of JL off the internet during the news of his murder? And then delete them? Are we talking about JL's personal photos that were being used in all the news stories?

Great question! My question as well.....................:thinking:
And there's the trailer info coming in with this report...

According to forensic psychiatrist Joel Watts, who assessed Mr. Magnotta over 40 hours of interviews and who concludes he was psychotic at the time of the May 25, 2012 killing, he asked him “about online postings that appeared on the Internet in the weeks prior to the killing, allegedly promoting the video of Mr. Lin’s death.”

To this, Dr. Watts said, Mr. Magnotta replied, “I have been trying to make sense of it. I hope it was not me. I don’t remember doing it, it feels weird.”

Though the information is in Dr. Watts’ report, he hasn’t yet been asked about it at trial.

And...... ????

Is that it ??
No more difficult questions which might upset 'poor little *advertiser censored** king Luka' ??

This is an absolute farce !!

*But 'Thanks Everyone' for Tweets & Updates* :lol:

~ :wave: I'm miles behind again but just had to reply to that ^^ whilst catching-up ~

About the stepfather story, he says he was both physically and sexually abused by him. *I find it very odd he claims to have had sexual contact with BOTH of his parents' partners.* I was thinking these could possibly have been stories/exaggerations made in attempt to destroy those relationships and focus his parents' attention back on him.

I hate to be so suspicious, but I can't help it with LM. One I could believe, but BOTH step-parents? I'm raising an eyebrow.

It's a shame that Dr. Watts decided not to talk to the mother more. It seems she had reasons to distrust him, but we don't know what they are.

Don't forget his Aunt & *his SISTER* :rolleyes:

Luka Magnotta : Incest With his Sister.

Monday, August 25, 2008

" Magnotta has been in numerous high profile relationships over the years, but noone seems to know where his two year old child came from? His family members are baffled and they all believe his sister is the true mother of Magnotta's only child."
I've read that his brother is called Conrad Shane Newman and is currently in prison for drug and gun offences. I can't find any official reports about this though... Can any sleuthers help me out?

Apparently LM's mother had two more children with her LM's stepfather, too.

ETA It would also be interesting to find out if LM's stepfather has any kind of criminal record.

I think that is correct about his brother.

No idea how I stumbled on this but kinda relevant ........:dunno:
Can anyone think of any other murders where the PRIMARY motive was apparently to seek attention/ notoriety? I can't think of any...

Colin Ireland (The Gay Slayer)

Known in the tabloid press as London's "Gay Slayer," Colin Ireland was a serial murder "WANNA-BE” who made the leap from morbid daydreams to multiple murder as a conscious, deliberase choice of lifestyle.

While his final body count lagged far behind those of prolific British slayers BRUCE LEE, DENNIS NILSEN, and PETER SUTCLIFFE, Ireland still deserves mention here for the sheer determination he displayed in pursuing his lethal "career" choice.

ETA :doh: Oops........ I see I really am 'behind' lol
2 pages to catch up on but,,,,just read a comment and remembered,theres loads of posts under different alias's on various froums + youtube that Maggotta was asking what type of person would do this!!All before the actual murder,quite relevant id have thought,has it been mentioned yet??

Here's an example of one:
(still on-line - in actual thread)

May 15, 12 at 10:16pm

This is not a graphic post and im not posting links, im just curious to know what you guys think about people who film their crimes?

Do you believe they belong to the masons cult or sell their videos on the black market or TOR / deep web for high amounts of cash? What sort of mentality would somebody like this likely have?

* I have no idea what kind of 'Forum' it is ? *


The briankinney556 post on May 15, 2012 “1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick” – is actually Luka Magnotta posting about people “who film their crimes”

^^ From Luka Trial Blog about the post ^^
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