Luka Magotta AKA Eric Newman Trial, Week beginning Oct 27, 2014 - Trial Thread #3

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I think the number he called after was to somewhere in Peterborough,but that's all they could determine.I think the only known/mentioned people who live there is his Mother and sister?
I am still wondering WHERE THE HECK IS MANNY?!

Also, whose number DID he call after the murder?

Good questions. It's frustrating no one has answered these yet.

I've been wondering if knowing whether Manny is real or not would affect his psychological assessments in any way.
I agree, I'm sure we read if many months ago in the frenzy surrounding the manhunt and capture.
I think Manny is just someone he invented to try and cover himself for the kitten killing. He thought he was going to get caught for the kitten killing, so he went to lawyers and made up a story about Manny making him do it. I don't think Manny is a delusion, I think LM is well aware that he made him up. Just like he denied being responsible for the Homolka rumours at first, but eventually admitted it to Allard. I had wondered if he would make up a story then eventually start to genuinely believe it, but he is well aware that he started the Homolka rumour himself. He has always wanted attention and wanted to be seen as a victim.
He probably phoned a family member or someone else he'd known for a long time to say "I told you I'd be a superstar one day!!! Watch the news, soon my picture will be in every paper!"
He seems to have a lot of issues with his Mom, it was probably her. And she's refused to speak to Allard although iirc she did visit him in prison at first?
Was LM in a psychotic state when he answered this guy's Craiglist ad for a model and told him his name was Rocco and that he was half Italian and half Russian, even speaking in a strange accent the entire time? Or was lying and putting on an act just his thing?

I don't bye his whole story, at all. Not in the least. Smells too funky. Just hope the Jurors have as good noses as we do.
It is what <modsnip> Magotta does best.Manipulate everyone. I cant wait till the Crown's rebuttal.

Ha, new one: <modsnip>. :happydance:
I agree, I'm sure we read if many months ago in the frenzy surrounding the manhunt and capture.

Yes, Magnotta has been writing of Manny online for some time, blaming everything on this "Manny".
He probably phoned a family member or someone else he'd known for a long time to say "I told you I'd be a superstar one day!!! Watch the news, soon my picture will be in every paper!"
He seems to have a lot of issues with his Mom, it was probably her. And she's refused to speak to Allard although iirc she did visit him in prison at first?

I agree that it was probably a family member. And I agree, that it could be his mom. Or his grandmother. But I still wonder exactly who, and what was said. It seemed important enough for him to call multiple times.
I know. I mentioned that earlier. And this is technically a sexually driven crime. So why didn't the "expert" or any of the other doctors he saw over the years flag this constant sexual abuse talk and try to work on it with him? It doesn't appear that he received any psychiatric help other than prescribed medication. It appears that the doctors just let him ramble about things that may have been real or not and then drugged him up. Where was the family counselling? The attempts to rehabilitate him? Who worked with him in the group home and where are those records? I guess no one believed any of it? I'm sure all the people he accused were questioned about all this?


Well all the way, from that halfway house (forgot the name) he lived at, the staff were never sure whether he faked it or not. Several other contacts in the health system have had those exact suspicions. So, I stand firm still.... he has MINOR issues, exaggerates those at any sign of interference with im or his life, and fights himself as to whether really go for a real job (but since he us clearly uneducated, that would have been near impossible to detrermine so he goes for the lowest denominator: Sex-arbejder.
He probably phoned a family member or someone else he'd known for a long time to say "I told you I'd be a superstar one day!!! Watch the news, soon my picture will be in every paper!"
He seems to have a lot of issues with his Mom, it was probably her. And she's refused to speak to Allard although iirc she did visit him in prison at first?

Well here is the information about those calls, all to the same number it seems...

But they did turn up a series of calls that Magnotta made to a telephone number in Peterborough, Ont., in the early hours of May 25, 2012 that could provide insight into his state of mind after killing Jun Lin

Though the trial is expected to hear from psychiatrists about Magnotta's mental health, the telephone calls to Ontario could provide the clearest indications of his state of mind right after the killings.

They were made to a number in the 705 area code—a number with a prefix matching those of telephone lines in Peterborough—and they began with three attemps beginning at 6:47 a.m. before Magnotta finally managed to get through for a four-minute call at 7:22 a.m.

Later on May 25, the court heard that Magnotta purchased a new cellular telephone and made two several additional calls over the next two days to the same 705 number. One, at a 6:14 p.m. Oon May 25 lasted about six minutes. The second, on May 26 at 7:55 p.m. went on for 27 minutes.

The court has not heard evidence about who Magnotta spoke with or what he may have expressed after the killing

So if the Crown brought up the phone call evidence, who is going to provide insight into who he called and what he said? The defense? You'd think that would have been covered by Dr. Allard?

Another thing that was brought up in Allard's testimony was the fact that LM changed names/created aliases, moved/changed addresses and phones/phone numbers which she put down to being paranoid that he was being watched/followed. I'd like to know, how many of the phone bills he ever paid and how many times he skipped out without paying rent for months until he was close to eviction? Pretty sure there are a lot of people who do that consistently and never really have to pay for anything if they stay on the move and create confusion with multiple aliases. It's called being a scam artist.

But in the time around the murder, we appear to have him using one phone before and just after the murder, getting another the day after (another one of those "errands" he had to attend to while he was mailing body parts and waiting for his flight to Paris, which was likely the first one he could get or he would have left even sooner). He used the new one to again call someone in Peterborough (likely from the airport in Montreal before his flight) and then did he get yet another one in France or was that the same one he used to call his "internet friend" in France and then ditched before heading to Berlin? I'll bet that bill never got paid either. ;)

Yes, Magnotta has been writing of Manny online for some time, blaming everything on this "Manny".

Manny appears to have turned up in Jan 2011 as the reason why he was baker acted to the Miami hospital. This was when he was being actively pursued by the animal activists online? It appears he was trying to get LE to believe that he had been assaulted by this person and that he was an abusive boyfriend that was making him do all kinds of illegal and immoral things (that he was now being called out on by the people on the internet)? People that were actively threatening to have him arrested and charged? It appears that he just wanted to establish a record of "Manny" the abusive boyfriend but he obviously could not provide LE with any information as to who this person was or where to find him so he probably just acted hysterical and they considered him to be in need of a doctor and not LE. Don't think a police record was ever written up for this so called assault? When he got to the hospital he realized he screwed up so he lied and played "sane" to get out? Or was he in that hospital for a while? I can't remember there's been so much mundane and repetitive testimony. So he was in Miami at this time but we do not know if he went alone? Did a client actually take him there? Has he called "Manny" both a client and an ex boyfriend? Then upon his return to NY(?) he contacted the lawyer to also get this "incident" on record? To get the whole list of things that "Manny" made him do in some kind of public record for his defense then if needed? But he managed to avoid arrest regarding the animal abuse and he gave up trying to get someone to believe him and stopped talking about Manny until he was arrested in Berlin? Where it all started up again?

Is this how the Manny thing played out? Or did he talk about him more than that?

Manny appears to have turned up in Jan 2011 as the reason why he was baker acted to the Miami hospital. This was when he was being actively pursued by the animal activists online? It appears he was trying to get LE to believe that he had been assaulted by this person and that he was an abusive boyfriend that was making him do all kinds of illegal and immoral things (that he was now being called out on by the people on the internet)? People that were actively threatening to have him arrested and charged? It appears that he just wanted to establish a record of "Manny" the abusive boyfriend but he obviously could not provide LE with any information as to who this person was or where to find him so he probably just acted hysterical and they considered him to be in need of a doctor and not LE. Don't think a police record was ever written up for this so called assault? When he got to the hospital he realized he screwed up so he lied and played "sane" to get out? Or was he in that hospital for a while? I can't remember there's been so much mundane and repetitive testimony. So he was in Miami at this time but we do not know if he went alone? Did a client actually take him there? Has he called "Manny" both a client and an ex boyfriend? Then upon his return to NY(?) he contacted the lawyer to also get this "incident" on record? To get the whole list of things that "Manny" made him do in some kind of public record for his defense then if needed? But he managed to avoid arrest regarding the animal abuse and he gave up trying to get someone to believe him and stopped talking about Manny until he was arrested in Berlin? Where it all started up again?

Is this how the Manny thing played out? Or did he talk about him more than that?


That sounds about right!
I think Manny came into it it when he realised how strong a reaction he got to his kitten vids and he panicked,pretty sure he didn't he expect the reaction to be as bad as it was.Is there no phone records that include the calls from or too,mystery man?Seems so far pretty much NOTHING
Maggots said or claimed can be verified,near enough everything is just hearsay/Maggots version of events,which simply can't be trusted.
So no psychosis diagnosis on April 17th, 2012. Yet, a month later, an ad/trailer is posted online by LM about a necrophiac cannibal who murders someone and films it. Has the Crown used this evidence yet? Great evidence to bury Allard, IMO.
I didn't Kluka was a full time landscaper! Liar! All he does is lie, his whole life is a lie...

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