Luka Rocco Magnotta: charged with first degree murder; worldwide red alert:INTERPOL

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I think it is VERY likely he went there. Easy to blend in, perhaps make some $$, shack up with someone, etc.

Could be. Though, since this was first posted, I've considered or wondered whether electronic billboards, such as those used for Amber Alerts are being used to spread the word there is an international manhunt for this guy.

Electric billboards, would be far greater reaching than relying solely on various news outlets.
Has anyone noticed any clues in the current Youtube postings?

I think I have, but, am unsure if I should post it.

It would be nice if the FB Justice people could give us some insight on trends with LRM, and his inclination for truths and mistruths etc.

For example, in the article I posted on them upthread, they say that LRM leaves them clues. A backgrounder on that would be nice, except for the fact that it may not be information that should actually be in the public domain, kwim?
Has anyone noticed any clues in the current Youtube postings?

I think I have, but, am unsure if I should post it.

It would be nice if the FB Justice people could give us some insight on trends with LRM, and his inclination for truths and mistruths etc.

For example, in the article I posted on them upthread, they say that LRM leaves them clues. A backgrounder on that would be nice, except for the fact that it may not be information that should actually be in the public domain, kwim?

If you think you have found something, why won't you share it?
It is in looking at his past that we may be able to determine a direction to those current and future moves, with an added bonus for LE ... whatever they don't have on him already, they may find with all the info proved by online sleuthers.

Using this post as a spring board. Additionally, LE does not have the man hours to invest the literally hundreds if not thousands of hours of research done by online sleuths.

When one can get past the rumors, trolling etc. which we have measures set up here at WS to avoid, with the incredible moderation done here, some of these facts found by online sleuths can be resourceful for LE.

If someone had taken those who have been onto this guy since 2010 seriously, perhaps Luka would not have progressed from torturing and killing animals to heinously murdering a human.

I give that group tracking the vacuum kitten killer kudo's. Their online sleuthing is as good as any I have ever seen here at WS. While they may have not been able to prevent this tragedy against Lin, perhaps their hard work and dedication will prevent another from becoming a victim.
I'm pretty sure the building management would have been provided contact information for crime-scene cleanup companies. IMO, they chose not to pay the $$ associated with the task.

Yep ... disgusting

Not necessarily. I happen to know of a family who rented out an inlaw arrangement in an elderly couples home. The tenant committed a heinous crime which the family was left to clean up on their own. They were not provided with any info or resources from LE.

I've heard of that happening to similiar families left to clean up crime scenes on their own once LE is done processing them forensically. Sad, but true.
I've got a bit of a leap going on with this post, but ... yesterday I found a listing for a KH (just the initial K, not Karla) in Hamilton where Audrey Gleave was killed in some horrific fashion (one of the worst Hamilton LE had seen in years). I was merely toying with the idea that such a shocking crime might be associated with someone like LRM. Now am a bit more curious due to the amazinggrace1 user name, as Amazing Grace was the last email received by Audrey Gleave's friends before she was found dead.

With his interest in serial killers and gore, it is likely that LRM has been following some of the more sensational cases, so his amazinggrace1 nick could be totally coincidental or another shock value tool used by his messed up mind in his attempt to impress. I did however just want to put it out there for something to keep in mind as we sleuth the flippin' universe on this alien.

Was thinking the same thing. He'd be able to hide in that barn with DLS knowing full well that LE would arrest DLS.

The 'Amazing Grace' also hit me!

And back to what I keep harping on - YOUNG! But was he close to Audrey? Hope the FBI & RCMP & MPS are connecting the dots.

the more i look at it, the more i start to think that is was takin in white rock looking west at ladner/tawassen/duke point.. its to close to be the Island, and it doesnt look like Baffin isl.

Any idea of where his airtram pics might be from? I have seen two of them where he is wearing different clothing in both of them. Just thinking it might possibly be the Grouse Mountain airtram, but could also be through his other travels.

Also, in the recent B&B rant against Kim S (sorry, can't recall her last name ... Sims or Sice ???), the poster makes reference to her being from Hope BC, the Rambo movie that was shot there, and salmon. Seems to be a lot of references to BC, and I recall his Twitter account where he was following Vancouver BC and Vancouver Canucks.
IMO my gut tells me this guy is still in Canada, either Quebec or Ontario. He's not that sophisticated and he will be caught. Could very well be dressed as a woman, sunglasses, etc.
some names(a.k.a. Luka Magnotta)

Eric Clinton Newman
Luka Rocco Magnotta
Vladimir Romanov
Mattia Del Santo
Jamsey Cramsalot Inhisass
Rocco Magnotta
Edward Jordan
Adam (escort name)
Jimmy (escort name)
John Kilbride
Eric Clinton Kirkman
Vince Luciforia
Luka (or accessory) is also Adam Lemmon genisismaster
Beavis Butthead
Dixon B. Tweenerleg
vladimir romanov

-born as Eric Clinton Newman
-his mother named him after American actor Eric Roberts
Here is my impressions of the guy.

I was struck by the articles that people he went to high school with didn't remember him. I think he feels that. Unremarkable. Unnoticed. I think to him that is unforgivable. That it doesn't matter if people love you or hate you, as long as they remember you. I think that may have defined his lifestyle to an extent, maybe in his actions or his dress. But in his group he still didn't stand out. Maybe shyness or some personality issues interfered. So he turned to online. Online there is instant gratification if you post contraversial viewpoints. And if you can argue both sides of an issue, you can make it more contraversial and get even more attention. But eventually even that isn't enough.

He wants attention, it really doesn't matter to him if it is good attention or critical attention as long as he is getting the attention. So he will do what he has to do to get the attention. He will start controversial posts (or post controversial video), he will respond to his own posts, he will do whatever will get him the most attention the fastest. And yes when attention wanes, he will try to do something even more drastic to get that attention back. First he satisfied himself by just trolling. And people responded to his posts and it was good. But then he didn't get as much attention as he needed, so he posted the kitty videos. That kept going for quite a while. He had media interviews, he had people hunting him. He got lots of attention. But eventually that waned to. So he looked for something more. It had to be bigger, badder.

So the murder. I do think he is out there searching for reaction. And I do think he is responding, both pro and con. He has some computer skills. Probably not as good as he thinks he is, but he does have some skills. So he thinks he has made himself invulnerable there. Most likely he is living in some cheap indigent lodge or on the street. And he is hanging where he can access free wifi, either cafe's or outside a private residence. Probably uses several different ones.

His need for attention is so strong, that if it is withdrawn, IMO he will do something even more atrocious in order to get the attention back on him. So don't fear giving him the attention, just don't feed the troll while you are doing it. If he believes he sees shock and fear in people, he may fixate on that and that is what he will aim for the next time. Revulsion and disgust is what he is used to in his fight for noteriety.

I've seen where some think he is crazy. But under US law he wouldn't be. He is capable of critical thinking. He shows signs of awareness that what he is doing is wrong. So personality disorder, maybe. But crazy no.

When in discussion he tends to pull back when people get close to truth I've noticed. He changes the subject or ignores the subject. I have seen mention that when the US was mentioned, he ignored the subject. I'm beginning to believe that may be either where he is or where he intends to head. NY maybe? Hollywood? Somewhere he sees as fashionable, famous.... somewhere where he can become fashionable and famous. Watch for those times when he pulls back from a subject. If you catch him online, ask him where he is at. Try to get a guessing game going with him. Since it is attention, he may actually do it.
Was thinking the same thing. He'd be able to hide in that barn with DLS knowing full well that LE would arrest DLS.

The 'Amazing Grace' also hit me!

And back to what I keep harping on - YOUNG! But was he close to Audrey? Hope the FBI & RCMP & MPS are connecting the dots.


I was wondering about SV... since there was so much blood... but I just can't imagine this guy wearing workboots... who knows...
what do you mean, Mr. Paximus?

Just like a discussion free thread or whatever where you can just find all his internet writings for study, its too hard to find anything in these threads, it needs to all be in one place.
sailorbug said:
-his mother named him after American actor Eric Roberts

Ha. Bet that pisses him off considering he seems to absolutely loath Americans.
Here is my impressions of the guy.

I was struck by the articles that people he went to high school with didn't remember him. I think he feels that. Unremarkable. Unnoticed. I think to him that is unforgivable. That it doesn't matter if people love you or hate you, as long as they remember you. I think that may have defined his lifestyle to an extent, maybe in his actions or his dress. But in his group he still didn't stand out. Maybe shyness or some personality issues interfered. So he turned to online. Online there is instant gratification if you post contraversial viewpoints. And if you can argue both sides of an issue, you can make it more contraversial and get even more attention. But eventually even that isn't enough.

He wants attention, it really doesn't matter to him if it is good attention or critical attention as long as he is getting the attention. So he will do what he has to do to get the attention. He will start controversial posts (or post controversial video), he will respond to his own posts, he will do whatever will get him the most attention the fastest. And yes when attention wanes, he will try to do something even more drastic to get that attention back. First he satisfied himself by just trolling. And people responded to his posts and it was good. But then he didn't get as much attention as he needed, so he posted the kitty videos. That kept going for quite a while. He had media interviews, he had people hunting him. He got lots of attention. But eventually that waned to. So he looked for something more. It had to be bigger, badder.

So the murder. I do think he is out there searching for reaction. And I do think he is responding, both pro and con. He has some computer skills. Probably not as good as he thinks he is, but he does have some skills. So he thinks he has made himself invulnerable there. Most likely he is living in some cheap indigent lodge or on the street. And he is hanging where he can access free wifi, either cafe's or outside a private residence. Probably uses several different ones.

His need for attention is so strong, that if it is withdrawn, IMO he will do something even more atrocious in order to get the attention back on him. So don't fear giving him the attention, just don't feed the troll while you are doing it. If he believes he sees shock and fear in people, he may fixate on that and that is what he will aim for the next time. Revulsion and disgust is what he is used to in his fight for noteriety.

I've seen where some think he is crazy. But under US law he wouldn't be. He is capable of critical thinking. He shows signs of awareness that what he is doing is wrong. So personality disorder, maybe. But crazy no.

When in discussion he tends to pull back when people get close to truth I've noticed. He changes the subject or ignores the subject. I have seen mention that when the US was mentioned, he ignored the subject. I'm beginning to believe that may be either where he is or where he intends to head. NY maybe? Hollywood? Somewhere he sees as fashionable, famous.... somewhere where he can become fashionable and famous. Watch for those times when he pulls back from a subject. If you catch him online, ask him where he is at. Try to get a guessing game going with him. Since it is attention, he may actually do it.
Here is my impression of him.

Schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur.

Good stuff though!
Not sure what the point in bashing the victim is? Taking a couple jokes he made seriously, to mean he had a "dark side"? I have what some may consider a "dark" sense of humour. Many people do. Doesn't mean that people who make jokes are asking to be killed... seriously. What kind of person would slander a victim? :maddening:
Using this post as a spring board. Additionally, LE does not have the man hours to invest the literally hundreds if not thousands of hours of research done by online sleuths.

When one can get past the rumors, trolling etc. which we have measures set up here at WS to avoid, with the incredible moderation done here, some of these facts found by online sleuths can be resourceful for LE.

If someone had taken those who have been onto this guy since 2010 seriously, perhaps Luka would not have progressed from torturing and killing animals to heinously murdering a human.

I give that group tracking the vacuum kitten killer kudo's. Their online sleuthing is as good as any I have ever seen here at WS. While they may have not been able to prevent this tragedy against Lin, perhaps their hard work and dedication will prevent another from becoming a victim.

I agree. But I am afraid it isn't that type of department. A Montana attorney reportedly saw the video early on and tried to report it and Toronto pooh poohed it. Refused to even look at it or take any info. So I think it is possible that they will ignore anything coming from internet as coming from crackpots.
I was wondering about SV... since there was so much blood... but I just can't imagine this guy wearing workboots... who knows...

I was thinking of SV as well. No, I cannot see him wearing workboots (or even shopping at MWW) but he might have had to get into that costume in order to pull off the killing.

As far as clothing goes, I cannot see him wearing a hoodie either. But, it's been reported that people see him in a hoodie in the videos. I haven't watched the vids.

And what about Shelley? Was he out there, wandering around in the cold of December looking for a place to stay and Shelley got in the way?


Does he have a driver's license?
Here is my impression of him.

Schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur.

Good stuff though!

Good thought. But IMO he is too organized to be schizophrenic. Too capable of critical thinking. Now I could go with Narcissictic Personality Disorder.
Not necessarily. I happen to know of a family who rented out an inlaw arrangement in an elderly couples home. The tenant committed a heinous crime which the family was left to clean up on their own. They were not provided with any info or resources from LE.

I've heard of that happening to similiar families left to clean up crime scenes on their own once LE is done processing them forensically. Sad, but true.

On the other end of the spectrum, you have people like MEH, wife of former Colonel Russell Williams, murderous freak, who successfully obtained $3,000 from LE because her new hardwood floors were scratched by them during their search of their $700,000 home. :puke:

Also, I find the way the crime scene was left, and the fact that the fridge was not thrown out, and all those tenants were left to view and clean up in full public view, what is left of the poor human being, the victim, Jun Lin, absolutely appalling.
Good thought. But IMO he is too organized to be schizophrenic. Too capable of critical thinking. Now I could go with Narcissictic Personality Disorder.

Yes, NPD would be my guess, along with sexual sadism. Remember, he used the dead bodies of those kittens to masterbate with, so defiling the body of his human victim wasn't his first foray into getting sexual pleasure from killing.

Talking about animals...I still haven't heard anything about the dog in the video that was presumably eating the torso. Seems an interesting detail to think about. No mention has been made in the press about a dog being on the premises and the landlord hasn't mentioned Luka owning a pet.
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