MA MA - Ana Walshe, 39, regional general manager of a real estate company, Cohasset, 1 Jan 2023

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There is a valid report of Ana calling her mother and leaving a Happy New Years message on the phone, but her mother was asleep already. It was Ana's voice. Her mother said she called an hour after midnight---but the interview didnt specify what time zone it referred to. Was it an hour after midnight Boston time?

It was in a Serbian article and someone translated it--I will try and finds it again to link it
1AM Mass time would be 7AM in Serbia. So my guess is it was 1AM in Serbia which means it would have been 7PM in Mass.
I think they had reason to be concerned. If he did, in fact, harm his wife, he is pretty desperate right now.

He is about to be sentenced for the art scams. With his ailing mother and 3 very young boys to care for, he must be worried about who can care for them. It wouldn't be a surprise if he took the cowards way out, like Josh Powell. :(
Totally agree. Scary situation, and I’d rather that bullet be fired too early, as opposed to not at all.
JAN 8, 2023

Timeline of the Ana Walshe case​

    Brian Walshe, husband of Ana Walshe, pleads guilty to charges related to an attempt to scam a Los Angeles buyer using fake Andy Warhol paintings. Walshe initially acquired the real paintings from a friend in South Korea, and told the friend that he could sell them for a good price. The friend agreed, but was not able to contact Walshe afterwards.
    A person in Los Angeles found the paintings listed on eBay in 2016, and agreed to buy them for $80,000. Once the paintings were transferred, the buyer examined them and found multiple indications that the paintings were not authentic. Walshe is awaiting sentencing.

    Ana Walshe plans to visit longtime friend Carrie Westbrook to see her new condo near Washington, D.C., The Boston Globe reported. Walshe texts Westbrook to say that she has to work late and will be delayed.
    After two hours, Walshe tells Westbrook that her phone died and she could not use GPS to get directions, so she returned home. Walshe’s family has a home in Washington in addition to their Cohasset residence.
    The two friends agree to reschedule their visit to Jan. 5, 2023.
    Ana Walshe texts her friend Carrie Westbrook and tells her that she got a new SIM card for her phone and that the device was working properly again.

    Walshe is reportedly last seen by a family member around 4 a.m. on New Year’s Day. Police say Walshe, who regularly commuted between Massachusetts and Washington, had a flight booked for Jan. 3 but told others that she had to fly down on Jan. 1 to handle an emergency at a property that she manages.
    Police were told Walshe had bags with her as she left the house, and that her husband was sleeping at the time. Her plan was supposedly to take a ride share to Logan Airport before flying to Washington. Police confirmed she never boarded a flight, but are still working to determine if she successfully called a driver. Police say Walshe has not used her cellphone since New Year’s Day.
    Ana Walshe is reported missing. Officials receive simultaneous reports of her disappearance from her employer and from Brian Walshe.
    Cohasset police announce that Ana Walshe is missing. Authorities conduct a search of Walshe’s home on Chief Justice Cushing Highway in Cohasset and the surrounding areas. Detectives also investigate Walshe’s home in Washington. They do not find any signs of her. Police say Brian Walshe is cooperating with the investigation.
    Police launch another search from the parking lot of a Stop & Shop near the Cohasset residence. Units from the Massachusetts State Police trained in search and rescue efforts comb the area, with assistance from three K-9 teams and the State Police Air Wing.
    A fire breaks out at a home that Ana Walshe used to own. The property is located at 725 Jerusalem Road in Cohasset. Walshe bought it for $800,000 in 2020 and sold it for $1.385 million in March 2022, the Globe reported.
    The fire on Jerusalem Road started near damaged piping close to a natural gas fireplace insert, Jake Wark, a spokesman for the state Department of Fire Services, told the Globe. Officials say the fire is not suspicious, and Cohasset Police Chief William Quigley says it is “a very strange coincidence.”
    The search of Walshe’s Cohasset home and the surrounding areas launched Friday resumes again. Authorities search until around 4:30 p.m. Again, K-9 teams, the MSP Air Wing, and other specialized units assist in the search. Police divers search a small stream and a pool with “negative results.”
    Police say that “the ground search will not resume unless police develop new information that so warrants it.”
    Investigators return to Walshe’s Cohasset home. They begin working at about 9 a.m.
    State Police K-9 units are once again involved. Police take photographs of a car parked near the home, according to Boston 25. Uniformed officers are seen carrying what appeared to be hiking gear as they emerge from a wooded area near the house.
    A drone hovers over the property Sunday afternoon. An investigator is seen carrying a large plastic container out of the house Sunday evening, according to the Globe. Around 7 p.m., an investigator is seen shining their flashlight at the front of the building, scanning the siding and roofline for about a minute.
    Police arrest Brian Walshe for misleading a police investigation. Authorities said that, as they conducted their investigation, they had probable cause to believe that he misled investigators. He is expected to be arraigned Monday morning in Quincy District Court. WCVB cameras capture police leading Brian Walshe into the Cohasset Police Department in handcuffs.



Timeline of the Ana Walshe case​

    Brian Walshe, husband of Ana Walshe, pleads guilty to charges related to an attempt to scam a Los Angeles buyer using fake Andy Warhol paintings. Walshe initially acquired the real paintings from a friend in South Korea, and told the friend that he could sell them for a good price. The friend agreed, but was not able to contact Walshe afterwards.
    A person in Los Angeles found the paintings listed on eBay in 2016, and agreed to buy them for $80,000. Once the paintings were transferred, the buyer examined them and found multiple indications that the paintings were not authentic. Walshe is awaiting sentencing.
    Ana Walshe plans to visit longtime friend Carrie Westbrook to see her new condo near Washington, D.C., The Boston Globe reported. Walshe texts Westbrook to say that she has to work late and will be delayed.
    After two hours, Walshe tells Westbrook that her phone died and she could not use GPS to get directions, so she returned home. Walshe’s family has a home in Washington in addition to their Cohasset residence.
    The two friends agree to reschedule their visit to Jan. 5, 2023.
    Ana Walshe texts her friend Carrie Westbrook and tells her that she got a new SIM card for her phone and that the device was working properly again.
    Walshe is reportedly last seen by a family member around 4 a.m. on New Year’s Day. Police say Walshe, who regularly commuted between Massachusetts and Washington, had a flight booked for Jan. 3 but told others that she had to fly down on Jan. 1 to handle an emergency at a property that she manages.
    Police were told Walshe had bags with her as she left the house, and that her husband was sleeping at the time. Her plan was supposedly to take a ride share to Logan Airport before flying to Washington. Police confirmed she never boarded a flight, but are still working to determine if she successfully called a driver. Police say Walshe has not used her cellphone since New Year’s Day.
    Ana Walshe is reported missing. Officials receive simultaneous reports of her disappearance from her employer and from Brian Walshe.
    Cohasset police announce that Ana Walshe is missing. Authorities conduct a search of Walshe’s home on Chief Justice Cushing Highway in Cohasset and the surrounding areas. Detectives also investigate Walshe’s home in Washington. They do not find any signs of her. Police say Brian Walshe is cooperating with the investigation.
    Police launch another search from the parking lot of a Stop & Shop near the Cohasset residence. Units from the Massachusetts State Police trained in search and rescue efforts comb the area, with assistance from three K-9 teams and the State Police Air Wing.
    A fire breaks out at a home that Ana Walshe used to own. The property is located at 725 Jerusalem Road in Cohasset. Walshe bought it for $800,000 in 2020 and sold it for $1.385 million in March 2022, the Globe reported.
    The fire on Jerusalem Road started near damaged piping close to a natural gas fireplace insert, Jake Wark, a spokesman for the state Department of Fire Services, told the Globe. Officials say the fire is not suspicious, and Cohasset Police Chief William Quigley says it is “a very strange coincidence.”
    The search of Walshe’s Cohasset home and the surrounding areas launched Friday resumes again. Authorities search until around 4:30 p.m. Again, K-9 teams, the MSP Air Wing, and other specialized units assist in the search. Police divers search a small stream and a pool with “negative results.”
    Police say that “the ground search will not resume unless police develop new information that so warrants it.”
    Investigators return to Walshe’s Cohasset home. They begin working at about 9 a.m.
    State Police K-9 units are once again involved. Police take photographs of a car parked near the home, according to Boston 25. Uniformed officers are seen carrying what appeared to be hiking gear as they emerge from a wooded area near the house.
    A drone hovers over the property Sunday afternoon. An investigator is seen carrying a large plastic container out of the house Sunday evening, according to the Globe. Around 7 p.m., an investigator is seen shining their flashlight at the front of the building, scanning the siding and roofline for about a minute.
    Police arrest Brian Walshe for misleading a police investigation. Authorities said that, as they conducted their investigation, they had probable cause to believe that he misled investigators. He is expected to be arraigned Monday morning in Quincy District Court. WCVB cameras capture police leading Brian Walshe into the Cohasset Police Department in handcuffs.

When LE went back to the house today, the kids left in one car and BW was separate. Would LE legally be allowed to ask the oldest child questions about NYE? A child that age would be able to say if friends were present and/or if his mother was present. Maybe the child said the mother wasn't there and that's when they arrested BW.

From everything that I've read, it sounds like she was most likely there because she called so many family and friends...but I don't know until what time.

I don't feel like the "emergency work trip" is why BW is being charged with misleading the investigation. Almost everyone believes that there was no emergency work trip but even if that is a lie, the lie could have originated with Ana. I don't know how LE would be able to prove at this particular time whether she told her husband that or whether he made it up.

Mothers so rarely leave their children behind that it's not hard to guess how this is going to turn out. For those that have read through all of the documentation, BW has been a thief for a LONG time. This didn't start with the Andy Warhol's or his Dad's estate. His mother may have been primarily trying to make sure Ana and her grandchildren were financially cared for but it's quite apparent that she's been enabling BW for years. IMO, Ana was enabling him as well. I believe both women know/knew that the charges against him were true.

This guy must be a real piece of work. Stole from his Dad over a decade ago, stole from the rightful beneficiaries to the father's estate, his Mom has been shelling out money for his attorneys, his rent, his kids AND has his wife was working a demanding job because he's useless. BW has a lot of Karma coming his way.

All MOO.
I wonder if the police have already found significant evidence of foul play (e.g. blood) or strong evidence that points to her husband being responsible for her going missing. Oftentimes police will arrest suspects on lesser charges, even when they have enough information to charge the suspect with greater charges (e.g. murder). Withholding information from the public (and the suspect) is key to many interrogation tactics. In many murder cases, the investigators will extensively question the suspect without telling them they've already found the body of the victim and clear evidence that the suspect was involved. That said, considering how many cameras have been following the police around, it would probably be very difficult to keep it a secret if they found Ana (alive or otherwise). My guess is they found other very significant evidence but are keeping it close to their chest.
Exhibits Missing from Def't's Sentencing Memo?

Filed 06/07/22 for Def't Brian W., by Atty Tracy Miner, memo itself is 7 pages long, plus exhibits, for total 17 pages.

Where are:
--- Exhibit A, Letter of Diana Walshe, ref'ed on page 3 (in which Brian's mother purportedly explains her reasons for transferring $125,000 to Brian in May 2018, to let him pay bills, & to give balance to Ana for family/household exps.).

---- Exhibit F, Letter of Dr. Tittman, ref'ed on page 5 (in which he purportedly describes Brian's work on his mental health issues).

I don't see either of above in link. Help, anyone? TiA

Not that this bears on the MisPers case, but IF, big IF, the Ex's were not included, how does that happen in serious crim cases & doc's. Well, human error. Or were they deliberately omitted?
Did attys for the Gov't notice? IDK, I'm not there yet.
imo jmo moo
Dateline gets it right :)
JAN 8, 2023
Police told reporters Friday that Ana Walshe was allegedly last seen in her home early Sunday before she allegedly took a ride share from her Cohasset home to Boston’s Logan Airport, about 30 miles north, to board a plane to Washington, D.C., where she allegedly had to attend to a work emergency. It is unclear who reported those alleged details.
@PommyMommy Thanks for the link & summary.
I can confidently say that al66pine ALLEGEDLY likes your post. [wink]
May I please have a link that specifically states that Ana left a voicemail for her mother?
I've read everything and have not seen that.

It was a Google Translation of this article in Serbian. The link was upthread a ways - post #595 has the transalation.
Are we allowed to discuss a criminal lawsuit involving the Real Estate company that Ana is now working for? Two con artists were arrested in April of 2022, and someone from that realty company helped them with their scam. It is an interesting situation....Ana is the Regional Manager for Tishman Speyer, I believe.

The two men arrested in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday who attempted to cozy up to Secret Service agents could face conspiracy charges after spending their year-and-a-half living in a luxury apartment building allegedly posing as federal agents.

A regional manager for Tishman Speyer, the owners of the building where Taherzadeh and Ali's apartments were raided on Wednesday, had set up a meeting to speak with on Friday morning – but the individual pulled out at the last minute.

Just a mile from the Capitol and three miles from the White House, Taherzadeh and Ali were conducting an operation where they posed as agents with Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) – tricking a luxury DC apartment building and its high profile residents as well as appearing to convince Metro Police Department that they were working for the government.

According to sources, the Tishman Speyer-owned and operated building cooperated with Taherzadeh and Ali believing the guise that they were federal agents.

Building management, the sources allege, provided the duo with access to surveillance cameras, including codes to access all doors in the building and a list of personal information about a number of residents.
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