MA - Bella Bond, 2, found dead, Deer Island, Boston Harbor, June 2015 - #3

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there was a pross bust in 2010

Thanks sillybilly!

I found comments RB made about getting out of jail and being 8 months pregnant with Bella and unable to get benefits because she had no id/birth certificate. Perhaps Bella was her meal ticket. :(

Another comment she made referenced having to wake up early now bc of Bella and wanting to go smoke. I may be reading into it to much, but, I wonder if it's just cigarettes was all she wanting to go smoke.

ETA: this also makes me realize there is probably another arrest than the ones we have seen so far in 2006/2007.
I am still there one guy involved or two?

"Bella's mother and a man voluntarily went with police Friday morning. Another man is in a Boston hospital and is believed to have been in the Bella's life at the time of her death."

I am assuming the guy in the hospital is Michael McCarthy. So who is the man that was with RB? Or is this just shoddy reporting?
Longtime lurker, first time poster. This story makes my heart hurt. So many people failed this beautiful child.
Bella's "dad" can get lost. He obviously wasn't involved in her life at all but wants attention and 15 minutes of fame now.

Not sure i believe him! Did he have a DNA test? Hes no father just a donor!!!
Exactly, a real dad would have been searching everywhere for his daughter and fighting for custody to keep her away from her druggie "mom". This just get more and more disgusting.
Heck even a crappy dad would of noticed his daughter was missing.
"Dad" probably wasn't in her life because he didn't want to be responsible for child support. To be honest I wondered if RB even knew who the dad was.

A MSM article with video for those wondering.

She sounds drugged out/drunk in it; also seems unaware of what to expect out of a 2 year old on their birthday? A four year old might know that it's their birthday but younger than that, and it's hit or miss. She sounded easily annoyed that Bella wasn't excited enough/appreciative.

Yup mom sounds high on drugs alright imo.

Poor little baby. Poor sweet Bella.
i venture to say, on drugs. him stepping in wouldnt have been any better.

also. i dont see anything nefarious about the video. i know we are projecting our disgust on her.. belive me she disgusts me too. i think she was trying there though. and i think aunt shannon was her gf.

OMG! Give me a break. Where he double-hockey sticks has he been for the last 3 years?
I do not know of any woman who ever woke up one day and went to career day asking how much can I make as a drug addicted prostitute and can I get any benefits that way.

There's a bigger social problem here. Oh and it's world wide.

Having said that Yes, L-WOP is the only answer. They have health care there.
there was a pross bust in 2010

I hadn't seen that, but if I "math" correctly Bella was born 8/6/2012, and so "mom" likely conceived December 2011 right? So she had to have been out to I wonder what she was back in jail for? Or perhaps she is just a stupid liar and says things just to say it.

ETA: someone please check my math! I have a sinus infection and stayed out last night at a concert and am in a fog right now! Thank god for my heaven sent MIL who can help me out with my baby girl in these times, although she would probably spank me if she knew I was on WS instead of napping!
Heck even a crappy dad would of noticed his daughter was missing.

Ya, where was he the last 3 months.

So obvious he has NOTHING to do with Bella.

I mean COME ON, her FACE was on BILLBOARDS all over BOSTON.

Geez, like "MommaNeedsACosmo" posted sooooooo many people FAILED Bella.
what time did that story break? within the past few hours they clarified there is one man in the hospital for drug issues. earlier than that, they were confused.

I am still there one guy involved or two?

"Bella's mother and a man voluntarily went with police Friday morning. Another man is in a Boston hospital and is believed to have been in the Bella's life at the time of her death."

I am assuming the guy in the hospital is Michael McCarthy. So who is the man that was with RB? Or is this just shoddy reporting?
Where are the comments about being 8 months pregnant? I haven't seen those.

She was tagged in a post by someone and replied. Lots of clicking to find it. First comment I described was on 10/12/2014, the other on 02/20/2014.
All I know is DCF didn't dump this baby like trash in the ocean. The person responsible for Bella Bond was Rachelle Bond and she should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I believe everyone was doing what they could to identify this child and truth has prevailed. I'm sure Rachelle Bond did nothing but take and take and want more but wanted no accountability. She's the only one I blame for Bella Bond being thrown away like trash. She should have been sterilized after losing her other children.

I totally agree with you. I blame Rachelle Bond 1000%!

My friend notified me that Bella had been identified and I had mixed emotions. I have long prayed she would be but then to see her little face when she was alive made my heart hurt even more.

The likeness of the photo we have seen for so long now was uncanny to me on how close it really was to what she looked like. Such a beautiful little girl.

I am glad that the world knows Bella's name now and she is no longer a baby doe.

I hate to even write the M word because honestly Bella had no mother. What Bella had was an enemy who lived in her own home, and instead of being a kind and loving mother... like Bella deserved she became the monster Bella must have feared the most.:(

RIP little Angel. May your beautiful sweet spirit soar higher than eagles dare to fly. Your mommy may not have cared about you Bella but you have touched the lives of millions who do care deeply. You will never be forgotten.
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