MA - Bella Bond, 2, found dead, Deer Island, Boston Harbor, June 2015 - #4

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Officials from the state's child protection agency said they had contact with Bella twice, for four months in 2012 and three months in 2013. In both cases, officials described the involvement as "support for neglect," and the cases were later closed.

SMDH. A prostitute who does heroin. I wonder if she used while pregnant too.


Effing infuriating!
I don't think there's anything off about mom walking in on him killing her. He was probably high out of his mind and either really did think she was possessed or just couldn't handle a crying child.

If RB did walk in on it, i hope they up her charges. She failed to get medical treatment which may have saved her life

I think the pictures posted and called mugshots are really DMV photos. MM is in the hospital, i doubt his mugshot has been taken.

I think RB loved Bella. Just not as much as she loved her boyfriends and getting high. It makes it harder to understand how she let this happen but it's reassuring to know that beautiful Bella did know some love in her short life. I think that love is enough for her to come clean and it sounds like Bella was finally identified because RB spilled the beans.

RB was an awful mother. Bella should have been taken at birth. But i don't think she would have hurt Bella. If Bella died accidentally due to neglect or abandonment, i would be looking at RB. I believe she was a neglectful and selfish mother who never put her daughter first. But i believe MM was the one who actually killed her.

I just hope they find more charges for mom. Unless MM confesses, i sadly see a plea deal coming for RB

Random thoughts based on a few posts

You give her a lot more credit than I ever would. What I think she loved first and foremost were the drugs. Whether she loved that beautiful child or the boyfriend more, we'll never know.

A mother who loves her child does not keep her in a freezer for a month and then toss her out like so much garbage. A mother who loves her child protects her child from anyone and anything.

I have a friend who has lost custody of four of her children because of her drug and alcohol use while pregnant (two taken right at birth), or the fact that drugs and alcohol played a bigger part in her life than raising her children. Yet she still has the audacity to say she *loves* her children.

Personally I hope they up the charges against Bella's "mother." She's totally complicit in her daughter's death and coverup.
RB was no doubt a drug addict, maybe she wasn't involved in Bella's actual death but she knew it happened and she proved how much she cared about her by covering it up for months. I don't care how addicted she is there is no way she "loved" Bella. That's a lie. She loved drugs and herself.

I hope more charges are coming her way and I pray that she doesn't end up with a Casey Anthony jury.
You give her a lot more credit than I ever would. What I think she loved first and foremost were the drugs. Whether she loved that beautiful child or the boyfriend more, we'll never know.

A mother who loves her child does not keep her in a freezer for a month and then toss her out like so much garbage. A mother who loves her child protects her child from anyone and anything.

I have a friend who has lost custody of four of her children because of her drug and alcohol use while pregnant (two taken right at birth), or the fact that drugs and alcohol played a bigger part in her life than raising her children. Yet she still has the audacity to say she *loves* her children.

Personally I hope they up the charges against Bella's "mother." She's totally complicit in her daughter's death and coverup.

Oh...I think we all know who she loved more. It's sick.
May be of no significance but there was a report of shots fired on Maxwell St. on 6/21/15.
To clarify, i don't really sympathize with RB or excuse anything she did

I just have spent enough time around addicts to see the way that they love their children. It's not enough or in a way that these kids deserve. Biological is not always best, honestly. RB is a messed up woman who should have never been trusted with a human life to care for

I would love to see RB never be released from prison. I just do believe that she cared about Bella and fessed up because of that.
Kind of off topic, but my DD (who looks a good deal like the sketch of Bella) had a nightmare last night and came in to see me and I swear I don't know how anyone lays a malicious hand on their precious child. Little girls unconditionally love and need their mommas to protect them, even from little things like imaginary tigers in a bad dream. I can't imagine the things Bella needed protection from.
RB was no doubt a drug addict, maybe she wasn't involved in Bella's actual death but she knew it happened and she proved how much she cared about her by covering it up for months. I don't care how addicted she is there is no way she "loved" Bella. That's a lie. She loved drugs and herself.

I hope more charges are coming her way and I pray that she doesn't end up with a Casey Anthony jury.

She loved drugs and drugs. People who are addicts do not love themselves. They actually hate themselves, there really isn't much love involved. She chose to go back to drugs even after all it cost her before she lost Bella. Recovery takes work. Unfortunately not everyone is able recover. There is a saying, if one's not working on their recovery, they are working on their relapse.

It's just sad it was Bella who paid the price for the relapse and not her mother. At least she has her name back and will see justice.
For anyone reading this that offers the sentiment of being willing to take Bella in order to save her from this awful demise - please call your local child welfare office. Children all over need safe foster homes and willing and loving adoptive families.
Those might be old but CNN just announced they were going to have something on MOD

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I see a few possibilities here:

1. They may have withheld the COD, despite what they said publicly.
2. Decomp may have made bruising and bleeding harder to detect (maybe?)
3. RB is lying.

I hate to say it but if her COD was in fact due to stomach punches, I just hope she passed as quickly as possible. If not, she could have been alive for several days and died from a very painful infection known as peritonitis and/or sepsis. She may have been very sick for several days, exhibiting severe flu-like symptoms. I'm sorry for mentioning that but its a significant possibility with abdominal trauma.

bbm -- I'm behind so apologize if someone has already mentioned this. But if she was on her stomach for a while after death, the blood would have settled to the front of her body, which could really obscure any bruises incurred while she was alive.
RB was no doubt a drug addict, maybe she wasn't involved in Bella's actual death but she knew it happened and she proved how much she cared about her by covering it up for months. I don't care how addicted she is there is no way she "loved" Bella. That's a lie. She loved drugs and herself.

I hope more charges are coming her way and I pray that she doesn't end up with a Casey Anthony jury.
Not only did she cover it up, she stayed with this guy who killed her baby!

I can see her reasons for helping to cover it up, not that I empathize with them or find them valid, but then to continue on in your relationship with the monster who killed your baby?

These are the stories they need to show in high schools, there are no happy endings with heroin, meth, etc.
From the article (The little girl’s grief-stricken father, Joseph Amoroso, told the Herald Bella was conceived in a tent at Occupy Boston and he left Rachelle Bond, his former girlfriend, after finding out she had been arrested for prostitution.

“That’s the story behind how me and Rachelle made this beautiful child,” Amoroso said of their Occupy Boston tryst, adding that he believes Bond had nothing to do with their daughter’s death.)

JMO So, how is he sure that he is the father? JMO
Stuffed in a freezer? Jesus, if that's true, any inkling of sympathy for that woman is gone. And I really didn't have much to begin with. You can only blame the drugs so much. If you loved your child you would have gotten her out of that house and away from those toxic influences in your own life. Leaving her with a known domestic abuser on top of your own drug problems? I just. Wow there are no words.
I pray that on Monday that turns out it be false, same thing with the stomach punching. I don't care how high you were, anyone who can do that to an innocent 2 year old is possibly the lowest of the low. Same with helping to cover up that crime. I'll be pissed if a Homolka- style plea bargain is given to RB. MM will be locked up for life no doubt, at least.
I'm wondering if she was kept in refridgerator because neither RB or MM may not of had a vehicle? Maybe they had an opportunity to use someone's car unexpectedly and figured it would be the perfect time to dispose of the body? That would explain why she was kept in fridge. I feel like where they put her and how she was left was unplanned and rushed.
IMO I hold these so called "mothers" even more culpable than the <modsnip> boyfriends. They are MOTHERS. They are supposed to love and protect these little ones. That they can stand by and let their children be molested, tortured and/or killed, then cover up sickens me beyond anything else.
Can we search the dockets for more info on this MM? His full name is Michel P McCarthy. That name is too common and there seems to be several in Massachusetts. Wondering what the middle name is?
Typical Irish Boston name.

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Personally I hope they up the charges against Bella's "mother." She's totally complicit in her daughter's death and coverup.

Yes. This is my biggest frustration with these types of cases. Like I get it. I know addiction works. I do feel for people with problems. And I'm sure in this case the mothers drug addiction played a huge role.
But come on!!!! Her child sat in a freezer for a month befor dumping her like trash just to protect the guy who did it.
And I'd like to know what did she do while she watched her two year old get punched repeatedly. Did she even try to stop him? Couldn't call 911? Couldn't scream for help out the window? She had to of played a bigger role imo if she helped with the rest.

This is actually common right down to it being the mothers boyfriends who murdered the child. Always the same story. Just diffrent people with slightly different situations.

I think they need to up her charge.
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