MA - Bella Bond, 2, found dead, Deer Island, Boston Harbor, June 2015 - #4

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"Joseph Amoroso told The Boston Globe that he knew more than a week ago that his young daughter Bella Bond had been killed, but he didn’t go to authorities. Someone else did."

He's taking credit saying by him looking for his daughter he opened up a can of worms. What a twisted story. Article is entitled why he won't faces charges.

“You’d have to show that he was trying to protect the mother by concealing the information she had given,” said Philip Tracy, a Boston defense attorney. “That would be hard to do.”

What else could he have been doing?

"ooh I meant to call the police but I forgot..."

n court on Monday, prosecutors said that the tip that broke the case came from an unnamed friend of Bond’s. Still, Amoroso claimed his search for Bella in August helped crack the case.

“It took me to open the door looking for my daughter that opened a can of worms,” Amoroso said.

He's trying to get the credit for breaking the case by doing nothing :rolleyes:
I know it's their jobs, and there are many times where defendants are innocent or not in control, but sometimes defense lawyers baffle me with the clients they represent.

Really? Defense lawyers make me thankful I live in a country where every person has the right to a defense lawyer in the first place. I'm happy to not live in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, or some other lawless dump.
Im dying to know which refrigerator Bella's body was in. If it was in the apartment's, then both of them knew she was dead obviously. I noticed some reports say "a" refrigerator.

Me too. "He is shocked and sad" yet he said that it was Bella's time to die because she was "possessed".. Yeeeeeeah. No.

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That was right as he approved the million dollars. Shes evil through and through.

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Wowwwwwwwwwwwww nightmares. She is evil to the core.. She has passed CA in my book..

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The emotional side of this story is horrifying. It's so difficult to understand how a toddler could be failed by so many and for so long, ultimately ending in a violent death.

New information was learned today at the arraignment. Some of this information conflicts with what has been reported in the press. It remains to be seen what will be learned between now and the grand jury hearing.

Some of the contradictions are from supposed leaks from persons familiar with the investigation. Other contradictions have to do with what bio-dad said the mother told him and what the DA said in court today.

DA pinpointed the date of death to late May, the 29th or 30th and this appears to be based on statements from Bond, the mother. However, earlier reports credited to both sources familiar with the investigation and the bio-dad said the body had been refrigerated for several months. IDK if WIC or similar assistance records can be tracked down to detailed records, but I do expect LE to narrow down the DOD as part of its investigation.

McCarthy's lawyer says his client had nothing to do with the death of the child and believed her to be in the custody of DCF. Bond claims that she was essentially held against her will and that McCarthy threatened to kill her if she said anything. There certainly will be an investigation to establish the comings and goings of each of the defendants over the last four to six months to prove or disprove claims.

Some news outlets are reporting that when Bond entered the bedroom and saw Bella's face swollen and grey, she immediately knew the child was dead. I listened to the hearing and the DA said the child's face was swollen and red, not grey. Based on that description only, IDK why a mother would think her child was dead.

I certainly hope that they increase the charges against the mother. I see no reason why she is not facing the same charges as the boyfriend when right now, it appears they are relying on her word. It is way to early to offer lesser charges when no plea agreement has been offered let alone accepted.

Original link:

she is pure scary.. But the cop behind MM looks like he's thinking "c'mon mf'er do something so I can do something to you"

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If he's the murderer why does she have 2 guards and he has one? Granted he is medicated and out of it, but she may be the volatile one who needs watching.

If he's the murderer why does she have 2 guards and he has one? Granted he is medicated and out of it, but she may be the volatile one who needs watching.


True but the two are fairly skinny and the one behind MM is huge.. I'd be scared of him.. Maybe ;)

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I think RB got the gut-punching story from SOMEWHERE. I don't know if little Bella died because MM punched her so hard in the stomach she couldn't breathe, but that does seem like a strange tale to tell if there isn't some truth in it.

Perhaps someone at some time punched RB in the stomach so hard the wind got knocked out of her. Perhaps RB or MM or someone else once hit Bella that hard, whether it was on the day in question or previously.

At this point, it seems like smothering killed the poor child.

As for the devil possession tale, I also think that comes from somewhere, not out of the clear blue sky. RB and the men she spent time with were interested in that darkness. Books were found in RB's home about the occult. I have a hunch she either tolerated that kind of thinking or was interested in it herself. I'm not sure I buy her story that MM said it was Bella's time to die as a possessed person, but I do think that kind of talk and thinking was part of the household. It was a not a good, healthy place.

At least Caylee Anthony was loved. I hope Bella felt love from someone in her life.
Just thinking of Mikaeel Kular, he was 3. His 'mother' beat him in the stomach because he was unwell. His COD was peritonitis. She dumped him in a suitcase in some woods. He died in agony :( Could you die from peritonitis without signs of bruising and internal bleeding?

If she died of suffocation, it is possible that the beating did not kill her, but the time spent stuffed in the refrigerator could have. In that case, the COD might be sort of difficult to tell. She had abdominal injuries, but maybe not serious enough to be fatal. If her mom thought she was dead and panicked, she would be equally guilty of murder if the child was still clinging to life when placed in the fridge.
I;m not following you. How would they know to connect the photo with Bella based on mom's FB page? I do think the artist did well but the eyebrows and eyes are totally different and totally change her face. Her eyes are closer set and squintier and her brows quite dark. I;m not sure how easily these people could've made the connection had they never met Bella.

I think, though, that people in the area who knew Bella, suddenly stopped seeing her at the same time the unidentified body and composite were released, should have had enough information to think to call and make sure it wasn't her.

Child was quite decomposed so sketch artist had to do a job from scratch. People should have realized sketch is not a photo.

I think part of the problem is that the sketch was so lifelike, especially when viewed on a phone as it just looks like a photo.

Perhaps there's a lesson here that "artists impression" or "reconstruction" should be printed on such images, so as not to confuse the public (!). Nevertheless, we have heard the aunt, the grandma and the godmother all say they thought it resembled Bella, I guess you can't allow for apathy / stupidity.
Long time lurker... This case has been on my heart... Fly High sweet Bella... Just wanted to make everyone aware, Bella does indeed mean beautiful, and Neveah is Heaven spelled backwards.... Thank you all for caring... Hug and kiss your babies just a little longer today, I know I will.

Close. Neveah backwards is Haeven. I have been seeing this name a lot, and always with the explanation that it is Heaven in reverse.
True but the two are fairly skinny and the one behind MM is huge.. I'd be scared of him.. Maybe ;)

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I am only scared of one person in that picture. :scared:
Close. Neveah backwards is Haeven. I have been seeing this name a lot, and always with the explanation that it is Heaven in reverse.

Thanks. I have too. but IMO the only reason to put Heaven in reverse is to oppose God.

My Opinion.
RB brought the into her home with her daughter in the first place. She witnessed him locking her baby girl in the closet 30 minutes and more abuse. What kind of monsters do that? Poor Bella never stood a chance. RB does nothing and allows him to stay. She could have gotten a restraining order. She did nothing. She is just as guilty as MM. IMO

They BOTH locked her in the closet, according to the friend. My gut feeling says she is just as culpable as he is, if not more.

That was right as he approved the million dollars. Shes evil through and through.

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To quote Donald Trump "THAT Face!"....seriously, how sad is it the world has to go on with this angry miserable face in it but not the beautiful little face of Bella?

I think she is putting off a lot of her involvement into MM, both are equally guilty. I honestly just have to have faith right now the cops know more than we do and are not just going off the words of a known criminal drug addict. And I'm not ready to buy MM's lawyers story, but, I could see how, if he really is a junkie with health problems that he could have been the one being played by RB. She could have easily gotten with him because he had drug hook ups, disability checks, etc.. I'm not buying it yet, but could see that happening.

I think RB is a criminal level manipulator and life long schemer, so anything she said shouldn't be trusted one bit.

I think baby daddy doesn't even know RB so anything he says about her is useless. I do wonder if legal trouble in FL kept him from traveling out of state?
I think RB got the gut-punching story from SOMEWHERE. I don't know if little Bella died because MM punched her so hard in the stomach she couldn't breathe, but that does seem like a strange tale to tell if there isn't some truth in it.

Perhaps someone at some time punched RB in the stomach so hard the wind got knocked out of her. Perhaps RB or MM or someone else once hit Bella that hard, whether it was on the day in question or previously.

At this point, it seems like smothering killed the poor child.

As for the devil possession tale, I also think that comes from somewhere, not out of the clear blue sky. RB and the men she spent time with were interested in that darkness. Books were found in RB's home about the occult. I have a hunch she either tolerated that kind of thinking or was interested in it herself. I'm not sure I buy her story that MM said it was Bella's time to die as a possessed person, but I do think that kind of talk and thinking was part of the household. It was a not a good, healthy place.


I think someone had posted a link of bio dad saying when Bella was conceived.. If I remember right, the word "occult" was in it

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Close. Neveah backwards is Haeven. I have been seeing this name a lot, and always with the explanation that it is Heaven in reverse.

Yes, and it is nauseatingly cutesy, IMO.
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