MA MA - Caleigh Harrison, 2, Rockport, 19 April 2012

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The direction this is headed...
which was my worst fear from the start
will reveal Caleigh within the rocks and out of reach.

so many possibilities and we all hope for the best.

we'll see.
Anthony Harrison said Wednesday on the Nancy Grace show on HLN that Caleigh’s sister had told “a couple of different stories. She mentions a man. It’s a little bit scattered, of course. She is 4 years old. But she did, after a while, mention a man on the beach that took her sister.”

That is from the boston link above.

WTH? Really cant even vioce the thoughts I have with this statement.
I think the 4-yr old would be traumatized no matter what happened that day, her little sister is gone and in some way, she saw whatever it was that happened.
That's true. I would think Gloucester PD would help too though. I can't see someone risking keeping her in town, especially such a small town. Then again I can't see someone from out of town being there watching for the perfect opportunity to take a child either.

I just really wish she'd be found. It's breaking my heart.

And thank you for the welcome. I spend a lot of time reading, but until this case never felt the urge to post, but I grew up in Gloucester, so it hits real close to home. :(

I cant see a kidnapper just taking one of the children and leaving the one would could possibly give information.

Woudnt a kidnapper take the one who could talk and leave the one who could not or take both?
Search terms... gloucester district court apr 4 2012.

Life changing events
can often lead one to take stock
and reach out in other aspects of their lives.
Bitter-sweet karma.
I hope he's getting the support he needs...
there's another little girl who's future depends on it.

I've been doing the Next Right Thing One Day At A Time
for close to six years now
and the rewards have consistently outweighed the losses.
That is from the boston link above.

WTH? Really cant even vioce the thoughts I have with this statement.

This case underscores the necessity to be prepared for all, and anything, when it comes to one's child.

After notifying LE thing on list of preparedness should be:

CONTACT A MISSING PERSONS AGENCY. Get a structure in place that will strengthen a family's ability to organize thoughts and actions. This family did not connect with a missing persons agency until this past Monday. By Wednesday, the family was on Nancy Grace.

The 'mean man' was not a recent revelation. It was not considered a viable scenario by LE (whom were made aware of drawing), likely with good reason on their part.

What this family was not grasping was that LE is not the end all in searches. Awareness is but a small part of their responsibility. As we know here on WS.....getting the word out becomes the responsibility of family.
I think the family look into hiring a private investgator and a private water search team. There is no way if this was my child that I would not be out on a boat every day until she was found. I am not sure of the cost or the families means, but it would be difficult for me to sit around while LE did nothing on the beach or the water.
Life changing events
can often lead one to take stock
and reach out in other aspects of their lives.
Bitter-sweet karma.
I hope he's getting the support he needs...
there's another little girl who's future depends on it.

I've been doing the Next Right Thing One Day At A Time
for close to six years now
and the rewards have consistently outweighed the losses.

Bless you, you brought tears to my eyes with your understanding. Was hard to watch Anthony Harrison on Nancy Grace, especially last evenings show. Despite being warned of Nancy's abrasive manner....he was the one pushing for awareness via her show. He knew that his behaviors, while unrelated to Caleigh's disappearance, could come up in the interview thus open for negative comment.

That is love....
Bless you, you brought tears to my eyes with your understanding. Was hard to watch Anthony Harrison on Nancy Grace, especially last evenings show. Despite being warned of Nancy's abrasive manner....he was the one pushing for awareness via her show. He knew that his behaviors, while unrelated to Caleigh's disappearance, could come up in the interview thus open for negative comment.

That is love....

I think Nancy Grace is a Necessary Evil in most cases.
It quickly becomes a Public Relations nightmare
but from a networking perspective
and for the sake of the victim
you could not ask for a better venue
to take a local disappearance
and send it viral internationally.
I think the family look into hiring a private investgator and a private water search team. There is no way if this was my child that I would not be out on a boat every day until she was found. I am not sure of the cost or the families means, but it would be difficult for me to sit around while LE did nothing on the beach or the water.

They have done many things....just have not had a structure in place that allowed for public awareness of their efforts.

If you have a child, Patriots55, do suggest that no matter how fearful a preparation it is....that you establish a protocol for your family.

My youngest, were she to go missing, would be covered under Suzanne's Law. A year or so ago she went out for a day with friends. She was a relatively new driver, had never driven in the dark, so she planned on being home by 4PM.

She did not come home at that time nor did she call. Calls to her cell phone went directly to voice mail. This was completely out of character for her.

Now I am a 15-min late panic-er...but by 10PM the panic on my husband's face was crushing. I called a person affiliated with LTWH here on WS. She took right over....asking very specific questions, assigning us specific areas to research re cell phone, computer, list of friends to start calling etc. A time was set for notifying LE and all info for missing persons report was in place such as recent photos, car information, description of clothes etc.

My daughter called around midnight to say she was staying over a friends. Won't go into my reaction lol...she had never done such a thing before and she is an adult is all I tried to remember. But what I learned that evening is the true importance of having a calm, knowledgeable, mind right from the start to guide one through the fears.
This case-the mom was upset or the family was upset about the Facebook page set up for Caleigh right? I think the director of a New England based Water-SAR team volunteered to help but said he would need a call from the family. I am not sure if the family saw it though, because the page had to be taken down.

I felt very bad for the Dad last night. I hope he finds his little girl.
This case-the mom was upset or the family was upset about the Facebook page set up for Caleigh right? I think the director of a New England based Water-SAR team volunteered to help but said he would need a call from the family. I am not sure if the family saw it though, because the page had to be taken down.

I felt very bad for the Dad last night. I hope he finds his little girl.

It is my understanding that neither the father, nor members of his family, were aware of the Facebook page set up on Apr 19 for Caleigh. Do believe that my questioning re removal was the first they had heard of the page being set-up/taken down. Did not ask them to ask the mother about removal as, imo, at that point it became a personal issue for discussion between parents.
Wow. Ok am I thinking about the right case?
Quick off-hand scenario...
maybe nothing - food for thought.

The perfect crime transpires
from a successful abduction
as police scour the ocean.
The man described by the daughter
returns to the water
and puts the pieces of the puzzle
where MSM instructs him to.
Caleigh is found but
the 4 year old tells the truth
and the scruffy over-weight guy
remains a mystery.
That would be devastating.
ME better rule out foul play
even if she is recovered from the water.
I assume they would.
Quick off-hand scenario...
maybe nothing - food for thought.

The perfect crime transpires
from a successful abduction
as police scour the ocean.
The man described by the daughter
returns to the water
and puts the pieces of the puzzle
where MSM instructs him to.
Caleigh is found but
the 4 year old tells the truth
and the scruffy over-weight guy
remains a mystery.
That would be devastating.
ME better rule out foul play
even if she is recovered from the water.
I assume they would.

Good point..
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - MA MA - Caleigh Harrison, 2, Rockport, 19 April 2012

This post- if the family did not request that it be taken down I would be suspicious of whoever was involved in having it removed.

Hope not to offend you but will emphasis that the father/father's family stated they were unaware of page being either set-up or taken down.

Have had no contact with mother/mother's family. To me...the underdog was throwing himself under the bus in his desire to find his child, and to bring awareness to her case. I tend to go with the underdog....
Capoly, no offense taken at all!! Thanks for the post. I agree with your thoughts on the underdog...

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