GUILTY MA - Conrad Roy, 18, urged by friend, commits suicide, Fairhaven, 13 July 2014 #2 *guilty*

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How long can they hold off on applying for the appeal? I don't think she will spend a day in jail, not for this.
Is the reason for the stay is because she is considered a youthful offender? I guess I don't understand the stay.

In most cases you don't stay the sentence when you are going to appeal. otherwise you would have all kind of criminals on the loose.
I feel like I just watched a very well rehearsed "play"...

What a blow for the Roy family. I feel particularly distraught for his Mom, since the judge cited her letter as a causal factor in his granting the stay. I bet that's not what she wanted. At all. In her shoes I would be horrified to think something I said, gave MC a stay!

I think the judge just wanted his dection backed up, and if it was reversed he wouldn't take the fall for sending MC to jail. I wish he had the backbone to risk it, but guess not.

She will never see a day in jail, and the Roy get to live with more uncertainty, and pain surrounding Conrad's death.

I agree. The stay is a punch in the gut to the Roy family. My heart is so, so, heavy for them right now.
Honestly my 22 year old son got in more trouble at 14 for having pot and alcohol on him while being drunk in public. (I hate that he did this and trust me we dealt with it hard) jmo.

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Well she got the slap on the wrist I thought she would get, but at least her 'cover' as a human being is blown.

The few people I see defending her online, seem either clueless, or (mostly), demented themselves.

Maybe those "Others" of her ilk will reach out to "support" her. ;)
How long can they hold off on applying for the appeal? I don't think she will spend a day in jail, not for this.

I feel like she should have had to go to jail until at least the appeal was filed. Then let her out if they must, but come the heck on!
I have just finished reading through all your post. I knew I was not going to hear what I wanted to but it still stings like a bee.
The happiness on her face just did me in as I am sure it did the Roy family. I hate trials since the big one I will call it and have not got involved in one on here since.
What has just transpired today is to many rights!!! I know some wont like this but she has had her quota. Sentencing should have been done today. At first I thought Judge Moniz was going to stick to it and then omg what the hell is going on??? Yup, she left there much happier than when she went in. Dont get it.
I just don't get it, it's not right, thoroughly disgusted.
Right Farm,
Not only did she look "much happier" but she had a twisted smug smirk on her face after the stay was granted and her mom was smiling behind her.
She was found guilty. She was free until sentencing. She should be locked up now. Noone should be out "awaiting an appeal"!!! Of course there will be an appeal - there almost always is.

What is going on here? No guts?? I am not sorry that I am disgusted by this!
I'm finally able to see what I missed. She looks completely strung out. I mean no offense to her but she looks horrible.
This is truly sickening. In order to be "the first" to get the story out about her sentencing, ALL news agencies, local and the BIG ones (who didn't stick to the end to see the STAY being granted) have reported she gets 2.5 years, 15 committed, etc.

THE NEWS agencies did not report it accurately. NOW the "story" is that she DID get a sentence and no one knows she walked out of court today for perhaps YEARS of freedom, if she serves any time at all.
Joey Jackson and Wendy Murphy (on HLN) are talking about the sentence, and Wendy said something I do not recall. She said MC even told Conrad where/how to get the generator!
So what if she gets in trouble before her appeals have been exhausted? I hope she somehow manages to land herself in the slammer. Like that one kid who was so unfortunate to be afflicted with Affluenza. 🙄
I don't think she's going to jail at all.

She certainly could -- A stay means a delay -- The defense lawyer asked for a stay until the appeals were finished; he & the judge agreed that a verdict overturn may indeed be given -- mainly because it's Juvenile Court. If the appeals are denied, then she would have to begin serving her sentence exactly as the judge pronounced it. So it's still possible, but it gives her a year or two -- at least -- of not going to jail. Disappointing, unfair, but legal and not surprising. If only she had been 18 years old...
Is the reason for the stay is because she is considered a youthful offender? I guess I don't understand the stay.

In most cases you don't stay the sentence when you are going to appeal. otherwise you would have all kind of criminals on the loose.

I agree it is unusual. But her lawyers are very good, and I think they just found a way to keep her out of jail. Now all they have to do is drag out the appeals for five years, and her sentence will expire. I'm sure they are going to go as slow as possible with their appeals.
I don't understand. Where is the justice for Conrad?

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