MA MA - Giovanni Colon-Gonzalez, 5, Lynn, 15 Aug 2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Rights of the DEFENDANT!!!????!!!! I'm cussing here!!!! What about Giovanni's RIGHT TO BE FOUND AND RETURNED HOME TO HIS MOTHER???!!!????

Can't believe it!!!! Who cares about man and HIS rights? We need to find this little boy. What is wrong with that judge?
I haven't been clammering, but I'm glad to see that the rest of you have been!!! I posted just before I went in for knee surgery, and this is my first post since!

I may be wrong, but, if they are sealing the documents, to ensure a fair trial, maybe they found something in the search. Maybe a trace of blood in the drain, or something. If Ernesto's job was not butcher, but clean up. maybe that is why it was very hard to find evidence. The bleach and stuff that he used to clean the floor, makes it hard to get DNA data, IIRC.

That also may be why they are not asking for TexasEquisearch to help out. It sounds like his lawyer is not very informed, as he is still reviewing court documents.

BUT, if we can get a few people clammering here for Giovanni, and a few people clammering for some of the other non-publicised cases outlined here on WebSleuths, than maybe we could really do some good. Instead of having all the news sources on ONE case, like the Caylee case, we could get them clammering on a few other cases as well. It amazes me when I see that there are soo many FL children missing, but only a few take presidence.

Prayers are still going out to all who love Giovanni, and all those with a missing person in their family.
Doesn't it seem as if they had something, they would let the mom know, though? She still seems to think he is just missing and that he is still alive. Or perhaps in those circumstances, any mother would be clinging to hope? I just don't know; this is the most confusing case ever!

Hope all is well with that knee, Janiekay.:blowkiss:
Doesn't it seem as if they had something, they would let the mom know, though? She still seems to think he is just missing and that he is still alive. Or perhaps in those circumstances, any mother would be clinging to hope? I just don't know; this is the most confusing case ever!

Hope all is well with that knee, Janiekay.:blowkiss:

It seems to me they would charge him with murder if something was found. To date, as far as I know, they have not upgraded the child neglect charges........ so, it makes me think they don't have anything that indicates Giovanni is no longer with us.

Janiekay - I hope all is well with you and your knee also :)

Bumping for Giovanni. Thinking about him an extra amount today as we've had so many other little ones missing lately.

Love how you always take the time to make each little one special :blowkiss:

Prayers are always with you, Giovanni. :blowkiss:
Are they friggin serious in considering their coverage a high level of publicity? So darn disgusted.

Welcome to Massachusetts: Where we care more about criminal's rights than victim's rights! The governor is a former defense lawyer known for freeing/helping slime like this.

Personally, I think he's with a relative here or in PR/DR.
Goes along with my theory, and the hope that the little man is still alive!!

Link to story
LYNN — A Lynn man charged in connection with the disappearance of his 5-year-old son returns to court to ask that charges be dismissed.

Ernesto Gonzalez Jr. has pleaded not guilty to parental kidnapping and misleading police. He is scheduled to appear in court on Tuesday.

The boy, Giovanni Gonzalez, has been missing since August after he was dropped off at his father’s home. The father initially denied seeing his son the weekend he disappeared, but then claimed to have killed the boy and dismembered the body.

Police have said they have found no evidence to back that claim.

The boy’s mother, Daisy Colon, tells The Daily Item of Lynn that she still believes Gonzalez is working with an accomplice to keep her son hidden.
Thanks so much; I'm so glad to hear there is "no" evidence to back the murder claim. Still..............why would someone be willing to live in prison just to hide their child from his other parent? It doesn't make sense. Then again, nothing about this case does. I wish little Gio would have more media attention!!!!!
I've again been abscent from posting, but not entirely because of my knee. Just have had so much to catch up with after the surgery!

I continue to pray that Gio is alive and well, and with someone.

As far as why someone would stay in jail, some people are so used to being locked up, that they have a hard time readjusting to society. They will often commit petty crimes in which they are bound to get caught, just to go back to jail.

I'm not saying this is the case with EG, but, who knows what goes on in that sick mind of his.:loser:

And the LACK of media coverage on all missing kids makes me SICK:sick:

Glad everyone is keeping this thread open and public.
I just can't believe the twists and turns in this story. I think about little Gio every day. I am thankful that this thread is kept open for him.



I think of you daily. And your Mom & sister, too. Am praying that your Mom, if even for a second, can feel the warmth of your love on your special day. I know you will receive many good presents today....of hope & prayer & love.

Happy Birthday sweet baby. Many hugs, kisses and prayers for you, your mom and sister on your special day.
Thank you so much for posting a picture of Giovanni, capoly.

He is such a handsome young man. What a mischevious and sweet smile. He reminds me of my own Carlito. :blowkiss:

Happy Birthday "mi hijo", whereever you are today, I hope that you know that so many people are thinking of you today.

:balloons: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'll be saying a special prayer for you to come home to your Mommy soon, Love....Katherine
Hey 6 Year Old! Happy Birthday GIO! There is so much love and prayers for you here and everywhere. I pray your mom also gets a birthday wish and you to be home with her very soon! This is for a super great young man!

We're all thinking about you. Love prayers & blessings BIG boy. :balloons:

I brought piles of silly string for everyone but Gio will get 2 cans!

Giovanni - special birthday prayers for you tonight and tomorrow! I hope you are having a wonderful time and that you get to have a big, colorful pinata filled with lots of chocolate for your birthday.

I also hope you get the chance to send some loving thoughts to your mom and your sister. And I hope you can feel the loving thoughts I am sending to you!

Happy Birthday little man! May you be safe, warm, fed and loved where ever you are!

Wishing you a Happy Birthday Giovanni. Prayers for your mom and sister.

I agree with Salem's sentiments "May you be safe, warm, fed and loved wherever you are!"
Happy Birthday Giovanni, wherever you are.

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