Found Deceased MA - Jaimee Mendez, 25, Swampscott, 6 Nov 2014 - #1 *Arrest*

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Oh, and many pots have some kind of ownership ID on them. Seems like a lot of work to steal one, de-identify it, and all the rest. I really do think she just got tangled up in it, personally. I've only been discussing the lobster pot angle because people seemed to want to.

Leaving the lobster trap/pot angle out of it, then, we're still looking at what sort of boat access was possible.
This is the view from the pier in fall. See all the houses looking down on you? And the restaurants are just hiding behind those dories (as are the stored pots, so dories - pots - one row of parking - sidewalk-street-restaurants)

is this what you mean?

boston baby's photo cropped per post.png

Leaving the lobster trap/pot angle out of it, then, we're still looking at what sort of boat access was possible.

Yes, seems so to me too. Easiest and least risk, but what would that have meant for the perp, with a lifetime of knowledge and whatnot around there, considering his habits, professions, the people he trusts, ...? Seems like lots of canvasing, eyes and ears on ground would be required to get at answers.
is this what you mean?

View attachment 68938

Yes, seems so to me too. Easiest and least risk, but what would that have meant for the perp, with a lifetime of knowledge and whatnot around there, considering his habits, professions, the people he trusts, ...? Seems like lots of canvasing, eyes and ears on ground would be required to get at answers.

Yes, that's what I mean.

And boat access overall isn't even remotely an issue. Not to excessively focus on fisherman's beach, as I think that is a more doubtful location than other options in the general kings beach area, but those dories are always around--just as the most basic and simple route for getting on the water. Some people may lock theirs, but I'm sure not all. And that's just there at fisherman's... If one needs to drive a boat, one can get access to a boat without any problem.
Yes, that's what I mean.

And boat access overall isn't even remotely an issue. Not to excessively focus on fisherman's beach, as I think that is a more doubtful location than other options in the general kings beach area, but those dories are always around--just as the most basic and simple route for getting on the water. Some people may lock theirs, but I'm sure not all. And that's just there at fisherman's... If one needs to drive a boat, one can get access to a boat without any problem.

Thanks, again. What locations seem more feasible to you as options, more isolated or somehow better?
Maybe someone can point me in the right direction - all the articles I read say her remains were found near lobster traps on the shore. Not in, not tied to, not tangled up in. I'm wondering if I've missed something and there was evidence she was actually tied to or tangled in them?
Thanks, again. What locations seem more feasible to you as options, more isolated or somehow better?
With the miles of beach (not just kings or fisherman's, but also Lynn beach, nahant beach, and others), some parts of which are not truly secluded overall but are lower from street level than others and/or not in a residential area (et nahant beach, which is the sea side of the nahant causeway connecting nahant (and island) to Lynn, plenty of places. Not one. Not two. Just take nahant beach. Since it's alongside the causeway and since nahant is a sleepy town, traffic down the causeway at certain times of night would be nearly nil, and even when it's not nil, people are zipping by at 40-59 mph and not seeing out onto the beach in the darkness.
There are also a number of industrial/chemical/dump areas on the seaside along the lynnway. Although they are directly along the water, I don't know what direct water access is like, but I'd bet you could launch a rowboat. However, that's unlikely because it would involve rowing all the way around nahant in order to put her into the water anywhere near where she was found, and it don't know about how one would get a motorized boat in there at those places. I'd bet it was somewhere more usual, like one of the marinas. Also, there was/is a dock back there because there was/is a casino boat that leaves from a spot amidst all the industrial places. (Haven't been in there, so can't give details.)
Maybe someone can point me in the right direction - all the articles I read say her remains were found near lobster traps on the shore. Not in, not tied to, not tangled up in. I'm wondering if I've missed something and there was evidence she was actually tied to or tangled in them?

That's all I've seen in the media, too, but I probably haven't read every last article. However her mom did make assertions on Facebook that she was tied to it. Don't know how much stock we can put in that, but it's out there.
Maybe someone can point me in the right direction - all the articles I read say her remains were found near lobster traps on the shore. Not in, not tied to, not tangled up in. I'm wondering if I've missed something and there was evidence she was actually tied to or tangled in them?

It's been reported several different ways so we really don't know. This one says 'entwined' in...

"The skeletal human remains found entwined in lobster traps on King’s Beach in Swampscott Wednesday have been identified as belonging to local mother Jaimee Mendez,"
There are also a number of industrial/chemical/dump areas on the seaside along the lynnway. Although they are directly along the water, I don't know what direct water access is like, but I'd bet you could launch a rowboat. However, that's unlikely because it would involve rowing all the way around nahant in order to put her into the water anywhere near where she was found, and it don't know about how one would get a motorized boat in there at those places. I'd bet it was somewhere more usual, like one of the marinas. Also, there was/is a dock back there because there was/is a casino boat that leaves from a spot amidst all the industrial places. (Haven't been in there, so can't give details.)

Thanks again. The places you mention ring bells from places I recall looking at on maps early on and made sense and not for the same reasons that you mention. Now, that she has been found against that sea wall, it may narrow down possibilities. Would rowing out be much harder from the southern shore of the horseshoe than the northern possibilities? I suppose if motor boating out then it wouldn't make a difference? I really appreciate your time and all the thoughts and information you share.Screenshot 2015-02-08 at 11.32.29 AM.jpg
taken from images here
Other than fisherman's beach, there isn't (unless there is one at lynn marinas that I don't know of, not having been inside) a place to launch a trailer-towed motor boat from kings beach. That would also be extremely odd thing to see, and I've mentioned before that it's a very exposed place. Even nahant beach, although darker and more out of the way at night, wouldn't offer a place to launch from easily, and there are no boat mornings in the immediate area off nahant beach. I have no suspicion of the event happening from a kings beach launching point unless and except she were thrown off red rock, and I am extremely doubtful of that, as it would not have ended up with her caught in lobster pots, and she would likely have washed ashore within hours in that case.

Kings beach is from between 5-6 feet to 15-20 feet below street level, depending on the part of the beach, and you couldn't possibly drive a car down to the beach and then back it in (even with no official launch ramp) without people thinking something was seriously out of whack. Driving on the beach isn't even allowed.
The tide was near peak highs for the month in Lynn Harbor that night, and was at its second daily high at 10:42PM. Lynn Harbor&month=Nov

So looking at the weather that night and looking at the sidewalk in relation to the sea wall, If the tide comes in that far then one only need to pull up to the sidewalk and throw a body in. Maybe he didn't care if she washed out with the tide - he would have been thinking of his own DNA getting washed off.

I'm not sure if this makes sense because I have no idea how far in the tide comes.
Thanks again. The places you mention ring bells from places I recall looking at on maps early on and made sense and not for the same reasons that you mention. Now, that she has been found against that sea wall, it may narrow down possibilities. Would rowing out be much harder from the southern shore of the horseshoe than the northern possibilities? I suppose if motor boating out then it wouldn't make a difference? I really appreciate your time and all the thoughts and information you share.View attachment 68950
taken from images here
In your picture, nahant beach is the rightmost part of that horseshoe, and that's the place out al off the immediately local beaches that I said chances would be highest for going undetected
So looking at the weather that night and looking at the sidewalk in relation to the see wall, If the tide comes in that far then one only need to pull up to the sidewalk and throw a body in. Maybe he didn't care if she washed out with the tide - he would have been thinking of his own DNA getting washed off.

I'm not sure if this makes sense because I have no idea how far in the tide comes.
At high tide it comes very near the sea wall, but not with any depth. Kings beach is a very long, flat beach with a long way to walk out before you get any depth, high tide or low. You could never dispose of something into the water rowing it off the sea wall. You'd be rowing it into maybe a foot of water at best at most points. Red rock sticks out into the water and would have more depth at hi tide, but nothing too significant. Plus the outcropping of rocks directly below the point would make throwing something off in hope of disposing of it less reasonable
This picture shows the red rock point sea wall at a point of high-ish tide. That is not deep water below at all. It just reaches the sea wall without gaining any real height.

That marina is in Nahant. I will never say never, but knowing the nature of Nahant (tiny. Everyone knows everyone. Everyone knows everyone else's car, proximity and density of housing, etc.), it's highly unlikely someone would get away with such a thing from such a location. Like I said, never say never, though.

I still think the Lynn marinas, given their relative solitude, the nature of Lynn, with fewer people asking questions and more people seeing oddities and looking the other way, etc., is far more likely.
That marina is in Nahant. I will never say never, but knowing the nature of Nahant (tiny. Everyone knows everyone. Everyone knows everyone else's car, proximity and density of housing, etc.), it's highly unlikely someone would get away with such a thing from such a location. Like I said, never say never, though.

I still think the Lynn marinas, given their relative solitude, the nature of Lynn, with fewer people asking questions and more people seeing oddities and looking the other way, etc., is far more likely.

Sounds perfectly reasonable to me to assume as much, you're right, I think.
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