Found Deceased MA - Jaimee Mendez, 25, Swampscott, 6 Nov 2014 - #2 *Arrest*

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Did Jaimee or does her boyfriend Dan own a car?

That little man is the reason I get up and continue every day.
Did Jaimee or does her boyfriend Dan own a car?

No, their car crapped out on them in September. We wouldn't be having this conversation if she still had her car.
View attachment 70415

That little man is the reason I get up and continue every day.

That's a great picture of the two of them. Your grandson is adorable, findjaimee. Thank you very much for sharing it with us. They both have the most special smile, her's just open, and his is well, pure George Clooney.
View attachment 70415

That little man is the reason I get up and continue every day.

He's a great little guy! She had such a beautiful bright face and a happy smile!

So sorry, FJ, lately I just do not know what to say which is so strange because usually I say too much. :talker:

We all are so thankful for your input and knowledge. Finding people and bringing justice is what we all want here.

Just know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Alyssa too has done so much, you must be so proud.

Thank you.
when Alyssa refers to " some guy " in the media that is because we, the family were not wanting to say any names. so instead of saying JF we refer to him as that/some/a guy. I can say that L.E. has a few different names for him that would not be nice to say here. If I remember correctly it was msm that named Fluery. In fact if you go back in the Find Jaimee facebook page you will find somewhere were I state that this is the find Jaimee page and to leave names out of it

JF states that he dropped Jaimee at the rite aid. I can guarantee without a shadow of a doubt that she left the parking lot as a passenger in his van. The rug that was found in the dumpster was in fact taken out of the green van. The sneakers that were in the dumpster with the rug were in fact Jaimees. I remember the day she bought them, she bought a matching pair for her son Jayson

what most do not know is Jaimee made a call to a friend about 30 minutes before the S.O.S call. In this call Jaimee tells the friend who she was with. The friend swears before a grand jury that she heard JF speaking in the background while this call was being made. at this point Jaimee was not feeling " creeped out "

This really stands out to me. If JF was speaking in the background then the friend had to know him to recognize his voice, right? Not to mention, if he was speaking in the background, that means him and Jaimee were not alone. Unless he randomly talks to himself, which I doubt, he would have to have been talking to whoever else was there. Unless... he was on his phone talking to someone while she was on her phone talking to the friend? Ugh... so many questions!
FJ - I'm not sure if you have been considering motives for this crime or not. It does seem odd that JF would want to cause her harm if she was in fact a go between for getting drugs. However, since she told her friend in the first call that she was on her way home, it would seem that he had ill intentions even then, so this doesn't appear to be a "spur of the moment" attack, but instead one that was planned at least from that moment on. Then I got to thinking about the money you wired her. You don't have to say how much, but if it was a lot, that could entice someone with money trouble to do the unthinkable....

I'm also curious about the first call Jaimee made, and who JF was talking to in the background. Perhaps an accomplice? Perhaps his girlfriend? Perhaps his girlfriend who was also possibly an accomplice?
Can you expand on what you meant by "downright creepy"? I have no experience with heroin, and had to look up what a heroin rush is like. From what I've read briefly on, the feeling is euphoric and makes one extremely relaxed. From this site (NIH) the rush makes one very drowsy: "With heroin, the rush is usually accompanied by a warm flushing of the skin, dry mouth, and a heavy feeling in the extremities, which may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and severe itching. After the initial effects, users usually will be drowsy for several hours; mental function is clouded; heart function slows; and breathing is also severely slowed, sometimes enough to be life-threatening." That, plus remembering how the Beatles described it. ;)

I don't have first hand experience either but used to know someone who had a co-worker shoot up in his car on the ride to work :( Sometimes he said he thought the guy was going to die (making gurgling noises like a baby cooing and got real still) and other times (the last time he ever gave him a ride to work) his "euphoric rush" had... shall we say, a sexual element to it and he (the user) completely freaked my friend out by his physical actions sitting in the passenger seat. My friend later talked to others who knew this guy, and some of them had had the same experiences around him. I don't know how common this is, but for that guy, it clearly was. There were other things but I'll leave it at that.
FJ - Then I got to thinking about the money you wired her. You don't have to say how much, but if it was a lot, that could entice someone with money trouble to do the unthinkable....

I have thought along similar lines. To the best of my recollection, there have been no reports indicating her personal belongings in her jacket found at Technology Way included any amount of money. So whatever amount it was she picked up, it appears it was not with her a short time later.
I don't have first hand experience either but used to know someone who had a co-worker shoot up in his car on the ride to work :( Sometimes he said he thought the guy was going to die (making gurgling noises like a baby cooing and got real still) and other times (the last time he ever gave him a ride to work) his "euphoric rush" had... shall we say, a sexual element to it and he (the user) completely freaked my friend out by his physical actions sitting in the passenger seat. My friend later talked to others who knew this guy, and some of them had had the same experiences around him. I don't know how common this is, but for that guy, it clearly was. There were other things but I'll leave it at that.

Yeah, that is pretty creepy. And thank you for leaving it at that.

This is all my own opinion....

So now I'm thinking that if JF has a history of sexual violence as noted by the restraining orders, and by his own admission he has a history of heroin use, he may have acted in a similar "creepy" sexual manner when using heroin. And if this is the case, then I doubt Jaimee was ever in his presence previously while he used, because I would think that she would have been totally creeped out before, and never wanted anything to do with him again, same as your friend never gave that person a ride again. MOO.
Yeah, that is pretty creepy. And thank you for leaving it at that.

This is all my own opinion....

So now I'm thinking that if JF has a history of sexual violence as noted by the restraining orders, and by his own admission he has a history of heroin use, he may have acted in a similar "creepy" sexual manner when using heroin. And if this is the case, then I doubt Jaimee was ever in his presence previously while he used, because I would think that she would have been totally creeped out before, and never wanted anything to do with him again, same as your friend never gave that person a ride again. MOO.

Entirely possible, especially considering she'd only known him for a few weeks. Even IF what he claims is true, that she'd been his go-between a couple/few times before, there is no reason to think she'd been there while he used (previously).
IMO, based on the supposed time line, I don't think there was enough time for JF to drive Jaimee to his house, shoot up, and act weird around her before she made the second call. And if that did happen, he would have been too "smacked out" to dispose of her body and her belongings afterwards, unless he had help, or unless he didn't do it right away, which is all a possibility. How long does the initial rush last before the person falls into a coma-like state?

Personally, I'm leaning toward her becoming freaked out the second she realized he wasn't taking her home. That would have been enough to freak anyone out IMO. And as soon as he was out of earshot (got out of his van for something), she called the second friend.
IMO, based on the supposed time line, I don't think there was enough time for JF to drive Jaimee to his house, shoot up, and act weird around her before she made the second call. And if that did happen, he would have been too "smacked out" to dispose of her body and her belongings afterwards, unless he had help, or unless he didn't do it right away, which is all a possibility. How long does the initial rush last before the person falls into a coma-like state?

Personally, I'm leaning toward her becoming freaked out the second she realized he wasn't taking her home. That would have been enough to freak anyone out IMO. And as soon as he was out of earshot (got out of his van for something), she called the second friend.

But it's been said she told her friend "Mike" (not his real name) she was actually at his house on Spring Road, when she made that second call. So... how far is it (drive time) from the Rite Aid to his address? I know it's been mapped before but I can't look for it right now.
But it's been said she told her friend "Mike" (not his real name) she was actually at his house on Spring Road, when she made that second call. So... how far is it (drive time) from the Rite Aid to his address? I know it's been mapped before but I can't look for it right now.

I'm not sure either. I don't think she called "Mike" the second she started feeling scared. I think she called him the second JF was out of hearing distance, which would have most likely been after they arrived on Spring Road. The way I envision it is, she talks to the first friend shortly after leaving Rite Aid, letting this person know she's on her way home. When they approach the exit/road that leads to her house, he passes it. She starts to get worried. Maybe he tells her he wants to show her something at his uncle's house. Maybe he doesn't even give her an explanation. They arrive at the house. He gets out of the truck. She takes the opportunity to call her second friend....
Btw, I'm not disputing the claim that he took drugs in her presence. All I'm suggesting is that may not be what initially freaked her out. From what FJ has told us, based on the first phone call, she expected to go straight home after the Rite Aid trip. That didn't happen, so she was probably creeped out the second they arrived at Spring Road. I looked at a map. It looks like the Rite Aid is only about 7 minutes from Spring Road (if I'm looking at the right places, which very well could be incorrect lol). Maybe he told her he needed to pick something up from his place real quick, since it was so close? And maybe once they got there he started acting funny, like shooting up and making passes at her. That's all a possibility. However, I still think he intended to do her harm way before they got to Spribg Road. Otherwise he would have just taken her home like what was planned. And if he intended to do her harm for whatever reason, I am having trouble seeing him shoot up first, because that would hinder him I would think. Unless he's a functional user. Which is also a possibility. So many possibilities.
JF claims to have left Jaimee at the Rite Aid and gone home to do his drugs. Based on what we know from the security cameras, we know at least part of that is a lie since Jaimee was in the passenger side as they left the Rite Aid. For all we know, it was much later in the evening JF "fried his brain" on his heroin, as he so eloquently shared with msm. In fact, I'm thinking it would have to have been since, once a person shoots up, they're kind of down for the count, for quite a while. Unless like you said he's a functional user (and by the way I initially read that "functional loser" which I found rather ironic).

Ugh. So many what ifs, maybes, questions and no answers :(
This really stands out to me. If JF was speaking in the background then the friend had to know him to recognize his voice, right? Not to mention, if he was speaking in the background, that means him and Jaimee were not alone. Unless he randomly talks to himself, which I doubt, he would have to have been talking to whoever else was there. Unless... he was on his phone talking to someone while she was on her phone talking to the friend? Ugh... so many questions!

Now to entertain the possibility that there were others in the van. Security cameras only showed Jaimee and JF in the front seats, if I read that correctly. However, others could have been in the "bedroom" section of the van. FJ, I know you saw the inside of the van. Can you tell us if the front of the van was viewable/accessible to the mid/back portion? Or was it closed off, work van style? There very well could have still been people on the back regardless. But I doubt JF would have been talking to them if it was closed off.
JF claims to have left Jaimee at the Rite Aid and gone home to do his drugs. Based on what we know from the security cameras, we know at least part of that is a lie since Jaimee was in the passenger side as they left the Rite Aid. For all we know, it was much later in the evening JF "fried his brain" on his heroin, as he so eloquently shared with msm. In fact, I'm thinking it would have to have been since, once a person shoots up, they're kind of down for the count, for quite a while. Unless like you said he's a functional user (and by the way I initially read that "functional loser" which I found rather ironic).

Ugh. So many what ifs, maybes, questions and no answers :(

Lol at functional loser. To-may-to, to-mah-to. ;)

As to the rest of your post, I agree - I think it was probably later when he did the drugs, if he did any at all. Because, like you said, you're not much use when high on heroin from my understanding of it. It would have been incredibly tough for him to shoot up, kill someone, and then drive around town getting rid of the evidence (if he was alone). The girlfriend says he was with her just a few hours later. If he was sober, he would have had enough time IMO. If he wasn't, he didn't. But I don't think we can or should instantly take her word for it. She may be innocent. She may not be. Can/did anyone else confirm her story?

FJ, I'm sorry if it is difficult to read or discuss any of this. Everything I write worries me that it's causing you pain. I'm really sorry if it is. Please keep in mind that my only intentions are to go over every possible scenario in hopes that it might help bring her killer to justice. If there is anything that you do not feel comfortable discussing, just let us know.
Now to entertain the possibility that there were others in the van. Security cameras only showed Jaimee and JF in the front seats, if I read that correctly.

Did security cameras actually show the driver?
Did security cameras actually show the driver?

Good point. FJ did not say if it did or didn't. If it didn't, then I guess we must (for now) go by JF's statement that he was the one who drove her there, the fact that it was his van, and her call to her friend that she was with him and didn't mention anyone else. If her boyfriend saw her leave with him, I wonder if he noticed if he was alone or not. I'm sure he would have mentioned by now if he noticed more than one person in the van, right?

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