MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #11

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Good morning and Happy Friday! What a day this will be!
Just a quick note. This trial, and every other trial, is NOT about whether or not you like KR or hate KR. On a grander scale, this trial isn't even really about KR, JOK or anyone else. This trial, and every trial, is a mechanism based on our Constitution that protects ALL of us. And the basic premise behind that is fairness to the individual's rights.

So...even if you hate KR...even if you think she "probably" did it, that isn't what any of this is about. We would all love to say that this is about justice for JOK. It isn't really. It is about seeking the truth. And the only fair way to seek the truth in a civilized society is to practice the rules of law as they are established in our laws, including statutory and case law, as applied to the Constitution.

So, if you feel that as a juror, you cold vote Guilty on any of the counts (keeping in mind that the trial is still going on and the defense hasn't even presented one witness as of yet) you must agree that it is OK and perfectly fine to have the following things happen to YOU, or your loved one if this were you or them on trial.

Failure to secure a crime scene (plus not even investigating the entire crime scene)
Evidence kept in plastic cups borrowed from a neighbor
Vehicle taken to the workplace of the homeowner who is a cop and happens to have been designated as excluded from case for conflict of interest
A lead investigator that is familiar with the witnesses in the case and zeroes in on you as a suspect within 12 hours based upon witness testimony by said witnesses
A lead investigator who is revealed to be completely biased against the accused due to physical body and your private personal medical issues
Several key witnesses deleting and disposing of cell phones with potential relevant and perhaps exonerating evidence
A judge who has a personal and professional connection to your accusers

These are just a few, but I bet there are many others I missed as I am only on coffee #2 so far today. But just imagine you or your loved one is found laying dead on the lawn of a home where people were in and out, all drunk, in the middle of the night during a snowstorm and investigators do not enter the home on the property.

So my point is that John deserved better than this. And whether you hate Karen or not, or think she might have done it or not, this is about YOU. And if the kind of investigation is allowed to put a person away for their entire lives in this manner, then I would say our legal system as a whole has failed.


Good morning from day 28 of testimony in the Commonwealth vs. Karen Read

-Dr. Scordi-Bello with the Chief Medical Examiner's Office is expected back on the stand.
-Defense could begin its presentation after her.
-Jackson told me yesterday defense could wrap as early the end of Wednesday.

9:00 AM · Jun 21, 2024
what about trooper proctor, brian albert, and brian higgins drinking and driving? or is it only bad when karen does it? seems that's the way things go with a certain group who seems to reply with lots of subjective 'facts', no link attached, late into the night.
Karen the one on trial.

Lally hands Scordi-Bello five photos. She says four show O'Keefe's body at the hospital and another shows him during the autopsy.

Prosecutor Lally displays a picture of O'Keefe at the hospital. His head, chest and one arm are visible. He's attached to medical equipment. His head injuries are visible. Jurors are looking at the screen and have no visible reaction.

Now Lally is showing a close-up of O'Keefe's right arm with what Scordi-Bello describes as superficial abrasions. "I do not know how they came to be," she says. Says they did not contribute to his death.

Scordi-Bello says the bruise and two small dots on the back of O'Keefe's right hand could be first attempts by first-responders to insert an IV.

Lally publishes a picture of John OKeefe’s body. I can see the photo on one of the prosecution team member’s computer screen.He is intubated.Now Lally shows a picture of his arm with abrasions.

All the jurors are paying attention.Some are taking notes.

Dr. Scordi-Bello says the abrasions are not the cause of death, She does not know how they came to be. They were not the cause of death.

The next picture is of OKeefe’s right hand.There are bruises on the top of his hand.Dr. Scordi-Bello says they could be caused by IV access, but she’s “not exactly sure”.

The next photo is of John OKeefe above the shoulders.Discoloration around the nose, an abrasion on the left side of the nose.The doctor asks Lally to speak up.

Mr & Mrs OKeefe are not in the courtroom.Next photo of the injury on the back of John OKeefe’s head.Jurors have serious looks on their faces.All appear to be paying attention.
We already know there is no chance a jury is going to convict Karen Read.

But now I am more interested in how the judge could possibly deny a directed verdict. What would it look like for her?

It will be interesting to see what she does!
Apologies as I am way behind…. trying to catch up. Some were busy while some slept.

On the directed verdict argument, wonder if the defense will both request an acquittal as well as directed verdict even before presenting their case? Don’t think they would ask for a mistrial, as poorly as prosecution case seems to be going. Or maybe they will keep going and present their case? Anyone hearing anything on that? IANAL. MOO

Jurors are now seeing a closer picture of O'Keefe's head. His eye lids are swollen and discolored. Scordi-Bellos says there are small abrasions on his nose.

Jurors are now seeing a close-up shot of O'Keefe's head. A patch of hair has been shave. Scordo-Bellom says there is a laceration typical of blunt force trauma. This is the most graphic photo. One juror is biting her finger.

Lally asking what the blunt object could have been that caused the injury to the back of his head.
She says a blunt object.
Lally lists all the ways and causes of a blunt injury to the back of the head: fall, She agrees they could be caused by the list.

Dr. Scordi-Bello testifies that the injuries are not classic pedestrian injuries.
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