VERDICT WATCH MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #15

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I'll ride that train with you. I'm imagining scenes in the jury room of 10 or 11 NGs breaking through the barriers with use of a white board. Then meditation exercises designed to clear the mind of tail light shards and instead sadly focus on the bruiseless body of the victim. Pointless to repeat it but I will anyway; this case should never have made it to trial and the jurors placed in this position. moo
Hah still on this ng train after judge's last instruction but deep down I kknow I really should get off at next station. All that talk about deeply held convictions and deadlock seems to indicate they are not going to budge (I belie ve 1 or 2 gs) and jury will remain hung. I don't think instruction will penetrate where a juror's mind is already made up. Realism not cynisism.jmo
I just had a feeling this is how it would go....she will issue the Rogriguez...they will again go back...probably at this point very very unhappy and eat the lunch again and come back for final deadlock this afternoon. I think foreman may get to his day job still today. No one changed any minds over the weekend. Judge knows what will happy and is very very unhappy too. Absent some inspirational words from judge this is a done deal. And honestly what can she say?
The judge IMO after the charge instruction, and if the jury still returns as deadlocked with one final deliberation - could IIUC declare a mistrial and dismiss the charges with prejudice. MOO IANAL
Hah still on this ng train after judge's last instruction but deep down I kknow I really should get off at next station. All that talk about deeply held convictions and deadlock seems to indicate they are not going to budge (I belie ve 1 or 2 gs) and jury will remain hung. I don't think instruction will penetrate where a juror's mind is already made up. Realism not cynisism.jmo
Time for a mistrial. The cw did not prove it's case. Period.
I pretty much predicted that if this went to hour 16 of deliberations that this would be a hung jury. My prediction was 2 days forgetting that this jury would not be deliberating 8 hours a day as a normal jury would. lol They came back around hour 17 or 18 saying they were deadlocked.

I mostly felt this way because if by the end of 2 days (16 hours), they definitely would have taken a vote and if all of them didn't see this as an easy acquittal, and if Alan Jackson was unable to convince them with his closing, it was very unlikely that their fellow jurors would convince them.

What I find interesting is that the defense is obviously worried that they are leaning towards guilt. Yannetti tried to get Judge Cannone to read Tuay-Rodriguez last week. If she had, it would be over right now with a hung jury. I would have thought that they would want them to go back as much as possible. 1 or 2 people could never convince 10-11 people to vote guilty. But also, they know whether or not Karen is actually guilty.
RSBMFF - with all due respect, this excerpt from above:

“But also, they know whether or not Karen is actually guilty.”

Who is that referring to, defense counsel?

And if so how is that known and on what basis is that stated?

And guilty of what? (ETA to insert this question.)

IANAL…. but have worked with many over the years in many capacities. Including my divorce lawyer. MOO
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I'm going to guess they will go to the end of the day before coming back and saying they are hopelessly hung @ 3:30. Sounds to me like someone isn't budging, will not budge and will not ever budge.

I'm hearing one juror was in tears and two other refused to look up in the court. I think they've tried but like here, there is just no changing some people's minds. I know I can't. I'm firmly in the NG camp and I wouldn't change if my life depended on it. I could not and would not condemn a person to jail based on the evidence presented and how horribly the investigation was handled. I'd go to my grave with this.
I’m curious, as we wait and wonder what’s going on in the jury room, after everyone here (WS) watched the whole trial, at the point where the jury deliberations began, have any posters here been persuaded enough to change their mind (G or NG) based on what other posters have shared here? My bet is very few. Moo
What a great question! My opinion changed from guilty to not guilty watching the trial but I haven’t budged since testimony was over. Closing arguments didn’t sway me nor have any comments anyone’s made while we wait for a verdict.

I’ve said before if I were leaning toward guilty perhaps I could be persuaded to change my verdict if the vast majority of my jury peers disagreed. But were I in that room and just one other person agreed with me, maybe not.

Your question has made me more empathetic to the jury’s plight.
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The part about fundamental differences based upon deeply held convictions says something. I believe there are some on the jury that may not be able to believe there are bad cops. JMO
Yeah the whole emphasis on convictions without teaming it with a qualifier like based on an assessment of the facts and credibility of witnesses. But I understand jury can refer at any time to all prior instructions. Though at this point I believe there is emotional investment in positions held and instructions based on meta reasoning will not move anybody. On loop...should not have even been tried in the first place.
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Wasn’t that the house of the Assistant Chief of Canton PD? :rolleyes: Not saying there was anything nefarious here, but 100 coinky dinks in one case is a bit much for me. I usually don’t tolerate one.
Yes, that’s his house. So the fact that he says his ring footage didn’t have anything important, so he helpfully deleted it is a bit much for sure. Any one of the many coincidences is a bit much to me, but add them all up and there’s just no way…
RSBMFF - with all due respect, this excerpt from above:

“But also, they know whether or not Karen is actually guilty.”

Who is that referring to, defense counsel?

And if so how is that known and on what basis is that stated?

IANAL…. but have worked with many over the years in many capacities. Including my divorce lawyer. MOO
I believe they know. You are right, it's my opinion. But also, Yannetti was not making arguments for her innocence when she was first charged. He said it was an innocent accident and questioned how stiff the charges were. I'm reasonably certain that at least he knows.
It's over and it's not for the lack of the best defense I ever witnessed..
This has been such an excellent defense and I would not want to have the responsibility of convicting KR if she is not guilty, nor would I want to acquit her if she's indeed guilty.
It's a big decision for this jury to have to make for either side - because of the thorough defense she had. It's amazing what her defense dug up on these so-called law enforcement employees. With a hung jury, it won't be their responsibility for the decision any longer. With the FBI involvement (which the jury supposedly doesn't know about), I can't imagine any new trial being remotely similar to this one. MOO.
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