VERDICT WATCH MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #15

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The judge will bring the jury in and read them an instruction that in some states is referred to as an Allen or Dynamite charge. MA has a different version. The instruction encourages the jury to go back and continue deliberating.

12:14 PM · Jun 28, 2024

That was the strangest Allen type charge I've ever heard..."We all know how hard you've been working. Lunch will be arriving shortly. When it comes I'd ask you to clear heads, have lunch and being your deliberations again...."

Yes. I think the majority is NG. I also think the G jurors are dug in and indicating that nothing is going to change their minds.
That's the scenario I would prefer in terms of keeping faith with modern humanity. And for sure I can imagine a g minority refusing to budge, it seems to be the nature of irrational conviction just in my opinion.

ebm changed ng to g
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Imagine if it was one (or two or three) juror using their reason after considering the actual evidence holding out against the rest. I don't see them budging but probably same in opposite direction of one juror (or a few) holding out after reaching their decision through processes unrelated to rational reasoning, Jmo
I agree. If I was the holdout, I would not budge, but that is just me. People have accused me of being overly stubborn. LOL!!! There is always a silent minority that does not agree with the very loud majority. Not everyone in the community agrees with the people wearing pink outside of the courtroom and the jurors in the Karen Read case reflect that. The media have been very focused on the Karen Read supporters and at times have seemed almost a cheerleader for Karen Read, which they SHOULD NOT DO. Even CourtTV has showed some bias in favor of Karen. In the end, the only people who knows what really happened are two people, and one of them is dead.

Circumstances That Lead to a Hung Jury​

A hung jury typically results from several circumstances:

  • Disagreement on Interpretation of Evidence: Jurors may have different interpretations of the evidence presented during the trial. Some jurors might find certain pieces of evidence more compelling and convincing than others, leading to disagreement.
  • Conflicting Views on Witness Credibility: If jurors differ in their assessment of the credibility of witnesses, this could lead to a deadlock. One juror might find a witness to be credible, while another may not.
  • Differing Personal Beliefs and Values: Sometimes, personal beliefs or values can affect a juror’s decision-making process. For example, a juror’s stance on issues like law enforcement or crime can potentially influence their verdict.
  • Insufficient Evidence: A hung jury can occur when there is insufficient evidence for a unanimous decision. If some jurors believe that the prosecution has not met the burden of proof, they may vote not guilty, resulting in a deadlock.
  • Complexity of the Case: In complex cases involving multiple charges or intricate legal issues, jurors may struggle to reach a consensus. The complexity can lead to confusion or differing interpretations of the law.
  • Pressure to Agree: Sometimes, a juror may feel pressured to change their vote to reach a unanimous decision. If they resist this pressure, it can result in a hung jury.
These situations underscore the importance of having a skilled defense attorney who can effectively present your case and help ensure that the jury fully understands the evidence and issues at hand.

This unaminous ruling has to change. It should be a 75% majority, except in cases where the defendant is facing a possible charge of execution.

I disagree 10000000% There is no way you change this. If you did then we have to go back and look at every jury verdict ever made. There is a reason the law is written this way. It's worked for over 200 yrs.
I think the judge's expression was likely more of a "there goes my vacation plans."

Also, I believe that there should be exceptions for very slanted verdicts in favor of acquittal, i.e. 1-11 or 2-10. Especially after stating they are deadlocked. For obvious reasons, I would NOT support this if the roles were reversed

Does anyone know if a judge can dismiss a case with prejudice after a deadlocked jury? Or does all the power go back to the CW/state to determine whether or not there will be a retrial. I can't imagine much support from the community to retry a case that had a deadlock of 1-11 in favor of acquittal, for example.
I hope this doesn’t put undue pressure on the jury to settle on a verdict for the sake of pleasing the court.

I hope it does put pressure on them. It's easy to hold out if there are no consequences. Just refuse to budge until everyone else gives up arguing with you and then you're released from your duty.

The refusal of the judge to accept the jury's claim of a deadlock means that everyone has to go back and talk some more, not just stay stuck in whatever position they hold. Maybe be a little more open to listening other people's arguments. Their duty is to come to a consensus, and maybe for the first time, the jury is realizing this.
If the jury does not reach a verdict today, will they deliberate on Saturday?
This jury? Hell no. They only had a few hours to deliberate Tues and asked to leave early Wed and Thurs. Before lunch today they’re ready to give up. I have no idea what kind of misery is going on in the jury room but based on what little the public knows unfortunately this jury doesn’t seem committed to go the distance. Guessing the truth is the vast majority of jurors are very conscientious and want to do the hard work but one or two holdouts clearly refuse to consider anyone elses argument. And are being so rude and obnoxious about it the other jurors think they never will. I envision a holdout with no social skills/empathy who’s enjoying the opportunity to bully others with their words. Wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve caused some jurors to break down in tears and the rest, thinking it’s futile, just want the abuse to stop.
I hope it does put pressure on them. It's easy to hold out if there are no consequences. Just refuse to budge until everyone else gives up arguing with you and then you're released from your duty.

The refusal of the judge to accept the jury's claim of a deadlock means that everyone has to go back and talk some more, not just stay stuck in whatever position they hold. Maybe be a little more open to listening other people's arguments. Their duty is to come to a consensus, and maybe for the first time, the jury is realizing this.
They could double down too though..
Caught up. Wow ! I was afraid of this, nearly kind of expected this yesterday.
I was so sure before it would be a NG verdict before deliberations, in less than 2 days.

It's reminded me now of another trial a while back, but I cannot remember which one. The holdout for guilty spoke out after the trial. I think he was an engineer. The guy was intractable.

Will we at least know which charge, and the NG/G count.
Wonder if any jurors will speak afterwards.
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