MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #5

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From the same article
“I think John O’Keefe entered that house, was sucker punched, a fight ensued, and he was overwhelmed,” he said.
William Read suggested O’Keefe was dragged out of the house through a basement bulkhead, taken around the side of the house, and placed near the road where he was found unresponsive in a snowstorm later in the morning.

William Read suggested that the alleged attack was kept secret from most of the people inside the Albert home, including teenagers celebrating a birthday, and only a limited number of adults were aware of it.

Ted Daniel asked Read’s parents: “if the events happen the way Karen’s attorneys say they did, how many people would have to be involved in the cover-up?”

Read’s father said: “My sense is that there are a handful of people, influential people, who know what happened.”
Agree totally.

I think Karen's father is 100% on target with his thoughts about how JOK was murdered. IIRC you don't have to pass thru the kitchen to get to the basement if you enter the front door. I think the birthday boy and the young girls as well as the Moms were in the kitchen.

Whoever hit him ( Colin/BH prime candidates but could have been BA also if JOK uncovered something he did not want told to LE) got to him before the rest saw him, sucker punched him - then took him down to the basement and the rest then occurred.

John OKeefe was a good guy from all acounts who did the right thing. Took his brothers kids in. They just intended to rough him up a bit to either keep him from talking or teach him a lesson. I don't think they intended to kill him there at the house. But too much booze and whatever other substances altered their behavior and bingo you have a recipe for the disaster.

There is no evidence that Karen Read was ever physically violent towards John or anyone else for that matter. The P is trying to prove that she was an unstable and hysterical woman ( you know cukoo) who wanted to physically harm JOK. Nothing that I know about KR's previous history points to her being violent - there is no pattern in their relationship of abuse on either end. ( Of course all the other evidence points to her never hitting JOK with her vehicle also)

But there is lots of violence associated with BH and BA and Colin. Punching bags, bruised knuckles, arresting perps, Mixed Martial Arts fighting. Very much macho "men". Who seemed to have a propensity to communicate with their fists.
Agree totally as it was SO fast and it would be the men in the basement, others up in the kitchen talking and so on. They found out something did happen though, if they heard it, running around, JMc getting in the mix along with Nicole as Nicole's husb/house and JMc is LIKE she is. Albert had to explain, can't imagine how but 'John fell, he started fighting, now he's 'knocked out'. what to do what to do. NOT call an ambulance for sure. No attention to be given to HIS house for a few reasons, or him or Colin. If HIggins was there he's all freaked out. Forget if it's known, probably, if he left before that time or came later. All fake times and movements though amongst them. Albert did not want JO in his house like this and surprised he didn't haul him off to the street or off his own property. They didn't know at the time I'd say that KR would let herself be the perfect foil, perrrrrrrfect foil unknowingly.
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"They just intended to rough him up a bit to either keep him from talking or teach him a lesson." Okay I can buy this however what would he talk about or need to be taught a lesson about? That is what makes no sense to me. What has he done to this there a back story here.
"...Is there a back story here"
Absent just a drunken foolish move by Colin stemming from all JOK's lawn angst - yes I believe there is a back story - just my opinion. There is an ON GOING investigation by the FBI. So we will have to wait and see but you have BA, a Boston Cop and BH, a FED ATF guy who are very COZY in recent times after knowing each other for years - tons of room to go sideways. These guys are at the right age to want to cash out.
John's house is at the beginning of a side street, but it's just off Pleasant Street, which is a main road. She probably listened to plows going back and forth in the early morning hours.

Anyone who has had a teen stay out too late with an alleged dead phone battery has probably experienced those moments of scary, almost irrational thoughts going through your mind.

Maybe she had some bad feeling about some of the people in the house and her thoughts started racing. If he decided to leave the Fairview house without a ride and was angry with her and didn't call, would he have just decided to walk the 2 miles home? Ubers would have been hard to get at that time of night in the snow, did he have a mishap walking home intoxicated?

It may be an irrational thought. John didn't even have a coat with him. But I believe it's likely Karen had more drinks at home that night and whipped herself into a nervous frenzy. First becauase she thought he ghosted her or was possibly cheating on her, and then later because she started to become very worried about him.
I realized dating a single parent would come with unique challenges.
I believe Karen knew OJO (OFFICER John O'keefe) would never spend a night away from his kids. I really think it's that simple.

I have insomnia and if I can't sleep I'll get out of bed and putter around downstairs.
My husband can tell I am not in bed, even if he is asleep when I leave. Often he will tell me the next morning that he didn't sleep well because he sensed I wasn't in bed at some point although he was unconscious.

IMO it is a feeling of incompleteness, a ritual never finished that leaves you uneasy. If our nightly safety and security rituals are interrupted (locking doors, making sure the kids are in bed... etc) it causes stress.

"They just intended to rough him up a bit to either keep him from talking or teach him a lesson." Okay I can buy this however what would he talk about or need to be taught a lesson about? That is what makes no sense to me. What has he done to this there a back story here.

Those suppositions have been discussed in a myriad of previous posts. If you read the earlier posts you will see them discussed ad nauseam.
Maybe Dean Wormer in “Animal House” got it wrong.

Maybe fat, drunk and stupid is a good way to go through life.

Just ask Brian “Butt Dial” Higgins, the ATF agent who was a very dear friend of dead BPD Officer John O’Keefe, even though he couldn’t be bothered to attend his funeral, despite the fact that he flies around the country for other funerals of people he never met.

Yesterday, after a very bad day under cross-examination Friday, Higgins waddled back onto the witness stand. He looked like he’d spent the weekend swilling his favorite – “Jameson and gin-jah” – and brushing up on his favorite self-help book.

“Testifying Under Cross Examination for Dummies.”
I can't love it enough :D
Many thanks for sharing it!!
Seriously expect to get jumped for saying this but I’m going to anyway.
If you really think about it, a house full of seasoned police officers and all they come up with is….lets put JO in the front yard! No one will suspect us! No way, I will never believe that. Whatever happened to JO happened outside. Just my thoughts and I know many disagree.
One of my FIRM thoughts previously here was that he lay where he was pretty much killed. Evidence, behaviors throughout that night and after had me change my thinking. I just wrote that I was surprised that they didn't put him in the street or closer to the road. I wonder if originally they quickly cooked up we'll let it be thought a plow hit him. Jen McC, said she was texting him and SAW KR's SUV STOP at that area. (whatever they planned to say about that) After that 'event' and in the morning with KR, KR as we know, was saying to HER, 'I hit him, (3 times JMc said KR said this). NOT determined for sure if KR said Did I or could I have. The perfect idea sprang to mind for her which she passed on to Albert and the others. Also, JMc SAW the SUV sitting at that spot as well. That could of been why also brought to that spot. Albert just wanted JO out from his house..
Seriously expect to get jumped for saying this but I’m going to anyway.
If you really think about it, a house full of seasoned police officers and all they come up with is….lets put JO in the front yard! No one will suspect us! No way, I will never believe that. Whatever happened to JO happened outside. Just my thoughts and I know many disagree.
These same geniuses came up with the "butt dial epidemic". And there you are.
"They just intended to rough him up a bit to either keep him from talking or teach him a lesson." Okay I can buy this however what would he talk about or need to be taught a lesson about? That is what makes no sense to me. What has he done to this there a back story here.
Oh yes, there is a back story for sure. Depends if COLIN, ALBERT'S neph got in JO'S face, (bad blood previously) punches started. Also, JO may of hinted at another time about what he knew or about things, BAD, that COLIN or Albert or Albert's Canton cop brother was involved in. HIGGINS, having the flirty etc texts with KR, that KR initiated. JO innocently assumed 'friends, comprades'..on the force.. and NOPE>
This opinion piece was posted up thread but has a paywall. Just fyi you can read it at ( boston public libraray -if you make a free account- you do not have to be local ) You can also read the Boston GLobe and NYTimes there

This is from Howie Carr's OPINION piece - Howie has been covering the greater Boston area for more years than I can remember. He writes often about this case and trial.
Howie Carr - Wikipedia

Yanetti asked Higgins if he’d ever discussed his text messages with Karen Read with anyone else.

GRAB *advertiser censored* (for indeed that is another of his monikers) BRIAN: “Not to my knowledge, no.”

Again, his memory is a bit cloudy. It must be the poteen talking.

YANETTI: “Why not?”

GRAB *advertiser censored* BRIAN: “To be honest with you, I mean I I I’m a personal on a personal level I I kinda keep things to myself um I was a little embarrassed um wasn’t really proud of ‘em uh kind of maybe didn’t show me in a good light with respects that I was John’s friend.”

He didn’t say “with respect,” he said, “with respects.” To repeat, he respected John O’Keefe so much he was a no-show at his funeral, like all the rest of these low-rent losers.

He shifted nervously on the witness stand. It was 9:50 a.m. When does the Waterfall open?"

Do you know if Alberts or McCabes attended? Did Higgins say he didn't go?
They were also very young that came to him and under such heartbreaking circumstances to their beings. Shock and loss and confusion. Not just a simple slide in of two children with the rest of their childhood onward in front of them. John was said to be very excited his niece was accepted at the Catholic High School, that is an example of how he was parenting regarding schooling. A person that close to the family has to be on board and supportive of all of them. TRICKY, unless solid and a happy and honest relationship forging ahead together. Yes, it takes a village for sure and it was said how other parents pitched in for rides/ childcare, as we do/did with our own, back and forth. It's just that JO needed to be very upfront in how he was parenting on every level and who he trusted on every level with the two kids. I'm sure he was and KR thought it would be fine and still be with JO but she said herself, did not want kids, so not an instant family, happy and wanted by her it seems. Her parents knew this and see how things are from their perspective of life and that relationship/kids.
New Year celebrations in Aruba made me think:
1) Karen knows OJO is not the best match for her
2) Karen may have stayed with OJO out of concern for the kids.

I had a partner once who did not have patience, or handle stress well, and this made parenting impossible. He didn't know how to soothe or diffuse situations, and his child beared the brunt of it. I felt awful for the kid.
The father wasn't physically abusive, but emotionally unequipped to be a parent. And he refused counseling, of course. Looking back, I stayed in that situation because I knew that kid had no one else looking out for them (emotionally). I felt like I had to be the buffer between them, so that the adult AND kid could see what a parent should be.

OJO getting too drunk to celebrate New Year's with his own kids at a resort is pitiful. I'm glad the kids had KR, although temporarily.

New Year celebrations in Aruba made me think:
1) Karen knows OJO is not the best match for her
2) Karen may have stayed with OJO out of concern for the kids.

I had a partner once who did not have patience, or handle stress well, and this made parenting impossible. He didn't know how to soothe or diffuse situations, and his child beared the brunt of it. I felt awful for the kid.
The father wasn't physically abusive, but emotionally unequipped to be a parent. And he refused counseling, of course. Looking back, I stayed in that situation because I knew that kid had no one else looking out for them (emotionally). I felt like I had to be the buffer between them, so that the adult AND kid could see what a parent should be.

OJO getting too drunk to celebrate New Year's with his own kids at a resort is pitiful. I'm glad the kids had KR, although temporarily.


I didn't know that many of these people were not at his funeral! WOW!
I didn't know that many of these people were not at his funeral! WO

I didn't know that many of these people were not at his funeral! WOW!
Great, now I made three of these. I myself have no idea who did not go to his wake/(huge of course, police officer/Boston, ) or who did. Sometimes people just go to the wake or just to the funeral mass/services. I was so interested too, to see if ANY of the players went to either. I know KR had a stay away order from his family. I assumeddddddddddd 'McAlberts all went in force for their 'beloved friend' and especially a 'show' of brothers in blue respect from the now retired Albert cop and his still on the Canton PD brother, Kevin.
If the evidence shows she did it, of course she can be sent to prison.
Would this be the “evidence” collected in red solo cups? Stored in a stop and shop bag all together? And we want to send someone to prison with that sort of “evidence collection”? Come on. Absolutely not.

Or maybe it’s the video evidence? Oh, wait. Mysteriously, several pertinent portions of that seem to be… “missing”.

We cannot allow law enforcement to “investigate” like this and shrug our shoulders and call it good.
Well, it's worked pretty well for them so far, has it not?

Read will be found not guilty. And thanks to the fact that this crime was not investigated (no one in the house interrogated separately or at the police station, the house was not searched, no crime scene photos to speak of, no measurements taken), no one else is likely to ever charged.

John was put in the darkest part of the front yard in hopes that a vehicle - any vehicle - would be blamed. It makes far more sense than trying to transport a 220 pound body somewhere else. And Brian Albert knew he could work with investigators to cast blame elsewhere.

And I'll point out that the only police officer - aside from the victim - was Brian Albert. Higgins who ran out quickly to establish an alibi, is/was a Federal ATF agent. So no house full of seasoned police officers. Just those two.
Respect your opinion, I don’t feel the same tho. They would not have known at the time they wouldn’t be investigated. Really until we see all evidence it’s hard to say what the jury will do. Personally I think KR isn’t helping herself coming off so smug.
Would this be the “evidence” collected in red solo cups? Stored in a stop and shop bag all together? And we want to send someone to prison with that sort of “evidence collection”? Come on. Absolutely not.

Or maybe it’s the video evidence? Oh, wait. Mysteriously, several pertinent portions of that seem to be… “missing”.

We cannot allow law enforcement to “investigate” like this and shrug our shoulders and call it good.
Frightening to think that we only know about this case because the defendant is white and has $$$.

Women, minorities, or anyone who can't afford $$$ defense lawyers would have been sentenced to jail without question.
Had this been an ethical and professional defense team they would’ve advised/urged/pushed KR to go with a manslaughter defense. I don’t know if they did or not obv. They could’ve credibly argued that the couple’s relationship was in trouble and nearing its end, and they were fighting a lot. They had been drinking and fought on the way to the house. KR accidentally hit John, panicked and went home. Then came back. Now…..there are hurdles with this defense to be sure because I think the evidence shows she *intentionally* ran him over. But this defense would’ve been her best shot at not doing 25 to life.

I suspect, however, that she has refused to acknowledge any culpability for John’s death to her lawyers and it was her decision to go on the offensive and blame his friends/victims. This is a win-win for the lawyers because these types of underhanded and disgraceful tactics are sensationalized by CourtTV and the like, who give these defense lawyers breathless coverage. Everyone gets paid by the sensationalism. KR will be in an orange jumpsuit soon enough and will spend the rest of her life in prison, where she belongs no doubt.

Are we looking at the same trial evidence? So far, nothing has show KR and JO were fighting “a lot” nothing shows they were fighting on the way to the house. All the video evidence and witnesses shows they were lovey doves before that short ride. No evidence so far even shows JO was hit by a vehicle, much less KR’s vehicle.

So what evidence shows “she intentionally ran him over”? The trial isn’t over and maybe eventually Lally will bring some evidence that shows some of what you state, but so far? No, IMO.

Edited to close quote and correct Lally’s name (autocorrect wants to make it Lilly)
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