MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #6

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Me too. I would be hungover for two days. I wouldn't be able to walk nevermind drive.

Yet somehow other CW witnesses have testified that KR didn’t appear intoxicated. In a vacuum it seems like a lot of alcohol, but this also appears to be pretty normalized behavior amongst all parties. JMO
They do seem to have AA meetings available in canton. Too bad none of the many players in this sordid drama have not availed themselves.JMOO
Now THAT would be NO fun, it IS a lifestyle for lots, everything social revolves around going out and meeting up at the 'local' place as we saw. Where everybody knows your naaaammme. Not all people who fall into that category would be alcoholics, BUT we see that Higgins was the posterboy for functioning alcoholic like so many, till 'something happens' healthwise or legally, like now. It really IS part of a lifestyle. I know when I lived closer/next town etc long ago, going out to the nice and local intown 'bars' was a thing for sure and run into the people you know and all that, catch up, socialize and so on. AS you see there. Suburban life if you 'are kind of living the single life or kids all set/grown and a social person.
What really touched me about John was that as he left McCarthy's, his thoughtful goodbye to the guy they were hanging out with laughing etc, hand on him, and then the handshake to another. He def had care and love for people in his spirit.
Oh, and when he was seen walking into the Waterfall, his big happy greeting to the seated individual, as he was called by Yuri. I SAY IT WAS HIGGINS, looking up surprised.
So I guess if MP is not called and not able to be called by the Defense, then his comments about hoping she kills herself and trying to find nudes on her phone can't be admitted, right?
IANAL…. so hope one weighs in……

If defense believes P would be useful to their case, and it is his case as an investigator or lead…… then how come the defense still can’t call him in their case? To rebut any testimony? Or get evidence on his work with ‘the team’? Has the judge ruled it off limits? Is the defense worried about what might come up from his testimony? If need be, why not bring him as a hostile witness? Surely there must be some testimony to be drawn from him on all that has been given already?

Then again, perhaps I am clueless. Glad to admit that.
Wasn’t Kerry the one testifying to a small pin like hole in KR’s taillight? How does a juror rectify two CW witnesses giving conflicting testimonies? Or is the CW doing what I see people claim as the defense’s tactic of throwing a bunch of crap at the wall to see what sticks?
That’s the screen shot of her pulling out of her drive way to pick Kerry up….much more then a pin hole. Trying to attach a picture…..
I kid you not
I don’t agree, her own actions and words landed her here.
Dang why can’t I upload a photo?
IANAL…. so hope one weighs in……

If defense believes P would be useful to their case, and it is his case as an investigator or lead…… then how come the defense still can’t call him in their case? To rebut any testimony? Or get evidence on his work with ‘the team’? Has the judge ruled it off limits? Is the defense worried about what might come up from his testimony? If need be, why not bring him as a hostile witness? Surely there must be some testimony to be drawn from him on all that has been given already?

Then again, perhaps I am clueless. Glad to admit that.
My 'clueless' thought is that maybe he can't due to being investigated by a separate entity, the FBI..
Okay, I missed this... is there a link to the info? Not being snarky, I promise.
"You will learn on the very day that John O'Keefe was found dead on Brian Albert's lawn, Michael Proctor was texting with his high school buddies about this supposedly secret investigation, using his personal cell phone," Yannetti said. "He was revealing information about this investigation to his friends, assuming that nobody would ever find out what he was doing and what he was saying. He was revealing his true thoughts about Karen Read to his friends. Not what he put in his sanitized police reports -- his true feelings, to his friends who he trusted and in text messages he never thought would come into the hands of the defense in this case."

"Lead investigator Michael Proctor called Karen Read names you would reserve only for your worst enemies. He told his friends that he hoped she would kill herself. He told his friends he had seized her cellphone."

Yannetti said Proctor knew he shouldn't have been accessing content on Read's phone without a search warrant because there could be attorney-client communications on it.

"He told his buddies that he was searching her phone for nude photos, and he was disappointed he hadn't found any yet," the attorney said. "That is the professional and unbiased investigator who was chosen to lead the investigation into the death of John O'Keefe."

Yannetti said in one text, one of Proctor's friends commented to him that with a dead body found on his front lawn, Brian Albert was surely going to catch a lot of flak.

"Do you know what his response was?" Yannetti asked. "One word: 'Nope.' And he explained why. Michael Proctor assured his buddies the homeowner wouldn't catch a lot of grief because "The homeowner's a Boston cop, too."

She has a broken tail light and is being accused of hitting John…. I don’t think her tolerance is that high. Really I don’t imagine it is high, she isn’t that big and she has health issues. I love alcohol, wish mine was higher. I would have never been up at 5am after that many drinks, well maybe to grab the advil.
Everyone at the Waterfall that night said she did not seem impaired. They were all asked about that, review their testimony if you have doubts. They all thought it was FUNNY that she brought the glass over inside her coat from the other bar.

This is a brotherhood of big drinkers, funny to get away with stuff with like that.
In my post you are responding , I didn’t post the 4/25 as a date but a time , which is how I understood it, just for clarification . I’ve never seen that Dateline , shockingly , so very interesting .
OHH yes, I knew you meant a time. No, somehow that little bit dateline bit popped up somewhere, on a utube, I wasn't going to bother, but it did clarify the 'are we invited ' thing I've read.
Still holding on to waiting for the expert witnesses . The attempt to make Trooper B today somewhat of a medical expert while on the stand was hysterical. Defense was not buying it. Eventually, Judge Bev allowed Lally to "ask the right questions", allowing Bukhenic to expose his 'medical expertise'. ( Yeah...that wasn't arranged pre-trial ).

Cross will be very interesting, if we ever get there.
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