MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #7

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As I said awhile back, they will have experts on it. We still have a ways to go. Honestly can’t see anyone, even Jen googling about basketball games and then thinking oh and let me check on how long it will take John out there to freeze to death.
I want to get a peek at Karen’s phone records after John was hit.

The defense showed the phone records in court.
REASONABLE DOUBT is all the jury needs and there is a TON of it in this case. John's family, first and foremost , has been thru hell. The state has not successfully proven their case beyond a reasonable doubt against Karen Reid. And that Google search by JMC is really damning. I look forward to Cellebrite-guy testimony, bc is he going to say their timestamps/ software aren't reliable?
Innocent of what and I'll try to imagine.
Not being snarky.
Genuine question.
Morticia -the-Innocent
Bring it. I want to test myself.
Innocent in the way, John wasn’t in the house and Jen didn’t know anything. Innocent in she’s telling her truth on the stand. Ok I know everyone is going to come at me….that why I said imagine. I would be extremely upset if people were harassing my family and children. It would be hard not to be angry and upset.
Not to mention he flat out lied claiming Read said that the Alberts smashed John's head into her taillight which is how it was damaged. She said nothing of the sort, verified by the recording itself.

He should lose his job as a prosecutor. At a minimum.

He also said she tried to delete Ring camera footage.
As I said awhile back, they will have experts on it. We still have a ways to go. Honestly can’t see anyone, even Jen googling about basketball games and then thinking oh and let me check on how long it will take John out there to freeze to death.
I want to get a peek at Karen’s phone records after John was hit.

OK? I honestly couldn't see anyone doing what the LISK did, but it happened none the less. Doesn't mean it can't happen. JMO
The defense has an expert from Google on their witness list. IMO that says a lot. Hopefully they will have volumes of test results to prove the accuracy of their search history timestamps.

On the other hand, the CWs incompetence in not vetting their own witnesses has put Cellebrite in a terrible position. Cellebrites main business is helping LE build cases using technology. It will be interesting to see if someone from that company will be willing to testify that their service isn’t valid or reliable as evidence. Wouldnt that call into question previous convictions that used their reports as evidence?

And think about how many people leave browser tabs open. Pretty sure every tab my elderly mother has ever opened in a browser window is still open! If that is all it takes to create invalid search history, I’m really not sure how search history could have ever been used as evidence in any case. So I am thinking that there really isn’t going to be much actual controversy here. Jmo

That's a really good point about testimony against Cellebrite calling into questions previous convictions based on testimony from them.

If leaving brower tabs open creates an invalid search history, then I've never had a valid search history in my life. JMO
Do you mean the 2 bits of plastic "found" on JOK's clothes AFTER they laid 'somewhere' in the station while drying out for 6 days before being bagged and labeled? The defense was quick to point out that this evidence was unsecured ( like the rest of the case) and suspect to tampering. The same clothing that was never photographed and documented upon receiving? Reasonable Doubt again. MOO

The testimony from the Forensic Scientist was limited, regarding these pieces found on the clothing. Truly, she knew that the evidence was more than likely compromised before she ever received it. IMO
those pieces were MICROSCOPIC
Innocent in the way, John wasn’t in the house and Jen didn’t know anything. Innocent in she’s telling her truth on the stand. Ok I know everyone is going to come at me….that why I said imagine. I would be extremely upset if people were harassing my family and children. It would be hard not to be angry and upset.
Not coming at you and not fully up to speed on the harassment, had a quick look on X last night and there is a very definite war going on and apparently for a long period but even though that's unfortunate it is a separate matter to the events that occurred that night.

What I noticed was her almost triumphant declaration that she heard 'I hit him' and she even mentioned she had brought that mega gift to the court and implied we should all be grateful though it didn't seem to stand up very well when she was cross questioned on it.

It was new information from her and I think she was mistaken, being fair like I promised you. The internet searches, if verified are pretty damning.

Okay, I'm her. Partying.

Had a few drinks, not sure how many?
Apropos nothing I dial in a search like that?
WHY would I do that?

Was it like the victim is lying outside in the snow crying out for help and I am wondering how long he'll be there before the cold kills him? Because his cries disturb me?

And I'm pretending to be Karen's friend but I secretly detest and am jealous of her because she is far more beautiful than me?

OR am I throwing her under the first bus because of unhealthy bonds within the clan/cult of which I'm a member?

What are the stakes for me if I tell the truth?
Neurolinguistic programming says that 'every behaviour has a positive intention'

What am I trying to preserve here and for whom?
what are the personal stakes for me?

And I , Morticia, am not stupid but I know deep down that this is really unhealthy and it's likely I've signed my whole life over and permanently and that it is unsustainable..

Maybe that is why I'm so angry with everybody?

There was zero harassment on the night he was killed.
Zero excuses either and subsequent events should not influence my testimony even if life is a tad stressful at mo.

How is that?
Not coming at you and not fully up to speed on the harassment, had a quick look on X last night and there is a very definite war going on and apparently for a long period but even though that's unfortunate it is a separate matter to the events that occurred that night.

What I noticed was her almost triumphant declaration that she heard 'I hit him' and she even mentioned she had brought that mega gift to the court and implied we should all be grateful though it didn't seem to stand up very well when she was cross questioned on it.

It was new information from her and I think she was mistaken, being fair like I promised you. The internet searches, if verified are pretty damning.

Okay, I'm her. Partying.

Had a few drinks, not sure how many?
Apropos nothing I dial in a search like that?
WHY would I do that?

Was it like the victim is lying outside in the snow crying out for help and I am wondering how long he'll be there before the cold kills him? Because his cries disturb me?

And I'm pretending to be Karen's friend but I secretly detest and am jealous of her because she is far more beautiful than me?

OR am I throwing her under the first bus because of unhealthy bonds within the clan/cult of which I'm a member?

What are the stakes for me if I tell the truth?
Neurolinguistic programming says that 'every behaviour has a positive intention'

What am I trying to preserve here and for whom?
what are the personal stakes for me?

And I , Morticia, am not stupid but I know deep down that this is really unhealthy and it's likely I've signed my whole life over and permanently and that it is unsustainable..

Maybe that is why I'm so angry with everybody?

There was zero harassment on the night he was killed.
Zero excuses either and subsequent events should not influence my testimony even if life is a tad stressful at mo.

How is that?
The harassment her family is getting is from this case, so it’s not a separate issue. I’m off to watch the trial…..
The harassment her family is getting is from this case, so it’s not a separate issue. I’m off to watch the trial…..
where are you watching it and what time does it start?

I'm going to try to stay awake though am running on empty.

The harassment , no matter how bad, should not affect her memory of the night he died.

Because if it was otherwise no victim would ever e capable of testifying in a court of law.
I feel pretty certain that if shards were found in the driveway then the defense would have jumped on that to boost their story.
Proctor was the one that got the warrant for J0's ring cam. Does anyone know the date of that warrant? Was it after JO's car moved away? Anyways imo Proctor would have reviewed the ring cam footage. If there was any damage done to KR's tail light at that point and some shards did fall off, imo it's hard to say what could have happenned to them. Maybe Proctor went and actually looked, maybe he didn't. Maybe if there were some he collected them 'off the record' (speculation) or left them be (speculation). Maybe he looked and found nothing. knowing timing of warrant would certainly be handy imo.

I believe that the footage showing JMc, KR and KerryR looking at tail light prior to travelling to 34 Fairview in KerryR's car that morn has not been found. Lally didn't show any to back up witness testimony as he did with other videos taken from JO's ring cam, so imo something happenned to that footage. But what? Proctor needs to take the stand. Bukhenic was not adequate. Moo
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#KarenRead Good morning. Day 22 of testimony. We're starting early today with a prosecution motion to exclude a defense witness. Then we will hear more cross-examination of Sgt. Yuriy Bukhenik. We may also hear more about the "mirrored" video of Read's SUV.

The prosecution wants to exclude, Dr. Marie Russell, an emergency medicine specialist in Los Angeles, because it did not learn about the plan to have her testify until week six of the trial.

Assistant District Attorney Laura McLaughlin says this is trial by ambush.

Defense attorney David Yannetti raises his voice as he says he needs to be heard on this, steps to the lectern. The judge seems to be annoyed by his demeanor, reminds him she is the person he is trying to convince on this issue.

"This is the hyperbole I don't need," Judge Beverly Cannone tells Yannetti, who replies his integrity has been attacked and he needs to defend himself.

Yannetti says this motion comes on top of the video the prosecution presented last week.

The prosecution is also seeking more info about the opinions to be expressed by defense witness Chris Van Ee, an expert in biomedical and mechanical engineering. Judge says defense needs to give prosecution more info by the end of Tues about how he came to his conclusions.

The defense says it wants to call three witnesses who took part in the federal investigation. Says it has never coordinated with them about their testimony. Judge says the three will need to be evaluated in a hearing this week. Same goes for Dr. Marie Russell, she says.

Judge says this looks like "at least a day of voir dire" to learn more about these defense witnesses. The judge reminds attorneys she told the jury they'd likely get case by last week of June. Yannetti says hearing will take "about two hours".


A full day of court is expected today.
No court tomorrow.

Full day of court on Wed, Thur, Fri.

8:35 AM · Jun 10, 2024

They were showing the meeting to discuss and get a ruling on the defense presenting the crash experts and the sound cut out on all platforms airing it. The judge at one point was talking about how long it would take to voir dire the experts like the defense has been the one dragging out this trial. Meeting ending and don't know the outcome yet.
But they're not lying, surely?
She either did or she did not?
Which is it?
I don't see why there's so much speculating on this, when surely it's an easy thing to test all by ourselves, no special tech etc. needed. I can't do it myself, because I don't have any Apple device, which is what Jen used, I believe. But plenty of people here do have iPhones and do use Safari. Would someone please just do a Google search in Safari, then hours later, search again with completely different terms, replicating Jen's searches from that night/morning? Make note of the times. Leave your browser window open from the first search to make the second one in the same window. I believe that's how she did hers.

Then simply look at your search history, and see what you see! What is the timestamp on the second search, the one you did in the still-open browser window from earlier? Does it show the time that you did your first search, or does it show the time you did your second search, hours later?

I think we all know what it will show. But we should still do the experiment. My hypothesis is that the times shown will match the times searched. With no confusion whatsoever. If someone will do the experiment, maybe you will prove me wrong. But that will still be valuable knowledge to have, and the time will have been well spent. And we go from there, accordingly.
Good morning from 22nd day of testimony in the Commonwealth vs. Read. We are underway.

-Court begins early (without jury present) so the Judge can hear a prosecution motion to block defense expert Dr. Marie Russell, who the defense wants to talk about injuries on JO's arm.
-Alan Jackson still has to finish his cross of Yuri Bukenhik. On Thursday, he said he was almost done

-Congratulations to all the graduates including mine!

Prosecutor Laura Mclaughlin tells Judge the defense is attempting to "ambush the Commonwealth" and proceed with a "trial by surprise"

Defense Attorney Yannetti fires back "have they no shame" and brings up the flipped sallyport video as an example of what he alleges is prosecution bad faith.

Judge says she wants individual voir dire's (questioning w/out jury) for the witnesses defense wants to call including a doctor (arm injuries) and 2 crash experts the feds used in their investigation. Judge not happy that this may extend the trial.

where are you watching it and what time does it start?

I'm going to try to stay awake though am running on empty.

The harassment , no matter how bad, should not affect her memory of the night he died.

Because if it was otherwise no victim would ever e capable of testifying in a court of law.
nbc10 Boston
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