MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #8

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To my eyes the shoes match.

Images taken from today's trial stream.


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They could have done a lot of things but they chose not to. Karen should have had a breath demand right there and then. Her vehicle should have been impounded immediately. The scene should have been guarded until crime techs were done with the collection of evidence. This police force needs a review of how they handle cases because their ineptitude will lose this case and a drunk driver will walk free. Speaking of drunk drivers they need to reel themselves in before one of their own kills somebody.
Seems that a bunch of drunk drivers have already walked free.
#KarenRead Good morning. Day 23 of testimony. We expect to hear more from Tpr Michael Proctor, the lead investigator on the case. On Monday, he admitted to sending disparaging messages about Read while investigating the case but said that did not affect his view of the facts.

The judge tells the jury that one of the jurors has been excused. Says the reason is personal to that juror.

The remaining jury is composed of 10 women and six men. Only 12 of them will deliberate. The others will be alternates but they don't know which ones.

Jackson resumes questioning about another set of group chats involving Proctor and eight former high school classmates. The chat took place on the evening after O'Keefe died. In the messages, Proctor identified O'Keefe as the victim.

Jackson says one of the friends messaged, "I'm sure the owners of the house will receive some s***." Proctor replied, "No" and then "Homeowner's a Boston cop, too.”

Proctor says his answer about being the homeowner being a cop was not the reason for him not receiving s***.

In another message a friend wrote, "He must have been a puddle (drunk) to accomplish that." Proctor replied: "She waffled him. I looked at him in the hospital.”

Proctor agrees with Jackson that based on the evidence recovered the first day, he believed that the case was "cut and dry." But he also says he believed that the death was caused by a physical altercation.

Proctor acknowledges that O'Keefe had no bruises below the neck. Jackson asks if Proctor has ever seen a vehicle collision that resulted in similar injuries. "I can't recall," Proctor answers.

In one of the messages, Proctor wrote, "That's another animal we won't be able to prove." Proctor says he was referring to the intentionality of the crime, whether Read purposefully intended to hit O’Keefe.

Jackson points out that Proctor identified O'Keefe and Read by name in the messages with high school friends but not the homeowner, Brian Albert.

In one message, a friend of Proctor wrote that the case would be "cut and dry since it involves cops." Proctor responded, "Yeah, but there will be some serious charges brought on the girl (Read).”

Proctor testifies he wasn't trying to "pin" guilty on Read, says all the evidence pointed to her.

A friend texted, "She hot at least?" Proctor replied, "From all accounts, he didn't do anything wrong. She's a whack job, c***." And later, "Yeah, she's a babe. Weird Fall River accent though. No *advertiser censored*.”

Proctor wrote in one message: "Zero chances she escapes. She's *advertiser censored*ked." Proctor says he was referring to "overwhelming amount of evidence" against Read, not trying to frame her.

A friend wrote, "Is that chick a smoke?" Proctor replied, "Eh, nut bag, as chief (a friend) would say. She's got a balloon knot." Proctor acknowledges he was referring to Read's medical condition. Jackson asks if he knew Read had 10 surgeries in 18 months.

The judge seems to be upset that something is being displayed on the courtroom monitor even after she told the defense to take it down.

Proctor says he "absolutely" showed integrity in regards to the investigation but not in regards to the text messages he sent about Read. Jackson asks if Proctor has ever apologized to Read? Prosecution objects. Judge sustains.

Jackson is asking about Proctor's previous testimony regarding his relationships with other witnesses. Proctor says he didn't know the McCabes, but did know Julie, Chris and Colin Albert. Acknowledges he didn't disclose that during previous testimony.

Jackson: "That was a lie, wasn't it?" Proctor says no.

Jackson asks about Proctor's sister, Courtney, who is close friends with Chris and Julie Albert. Says the Albert's have been to his parents' home. Says he had Julie's phone number in his contact but says he wouldn't classify her as "a close friend.”

Jackson says 10 days before O'Keefe's death, Proctor texted his sister to see if Julie Albert was available to babysit for his young child. Proctor acknowledges he never documented that connection in his reports about the case.

Proctor got a text from his sister Courtney asking about his interview with her friend Julie Albert. He replied, "Just a quick convo." Jackson asks in Proctor was "reporting back" about the progress of the investigation.

Jackson asks if he treated the Alberts not like witnesses, but rather like friends. Proctor: "Absolutely not.”

Jackson says Proctor's sister wrote in a message, "This is your livelihood. I would never mess with that." Proctor says his sister was responding to his request for her not to tell anyone that it was being treated as a homicide and "suspicious”.

Proctor says he was not disclosing to his sister "intimate" details about the investigation, only "newsworthy" info. But says he would not have told news media such info.

Jackson shows this text message in which Proctor's sister says Julie Albert was offering to get him "a thank you gift". Proctor replied that she should give his wife a gift.

Jackson asks about Proctor's handwritten notes listing Colin Albert as present at the home the night of O'Keefe's death. Jackson points out that Proctor did not include Colin's name in later reports. Proctor testifies that's because Colin arrived later than the others.

Proctor acknowledges his did not the check the Life360 data to verify Allie McCabe's story about when she took Colinn Albert home from 34 Fairview Rd.

---Back from morning break

Jackson shows this text message Proctor exchanged with a Canton police department officer about surveillance video cameras in the area. Canton PD had recused itself from the case.

Jackson is asking about why Proctor didn't originally report that a snowplow had passed on Fairview Road that night. Jackson: You didn't want to speak with anyone that didn't fit your narrative? Proctor: Not true.

Proctor acknowledges he concluded that Read was responsible for O'Keefe's death before determining her motive.

Proctor says ATF Agent Brian Higgins was "very forthcoming" by providing his flirtatious text messages with Read. Jackson points out Higgins had extracted and "curated" those messages himself. Jackson says those messages showed Higgins had a motive to harm John O’Keefe.

"Could he throw a punch?" Jackson asks. "He's a big guy," he adds. Suggesting that Higgins also had the means to harm O’Keefe.

Jackson asks about the medical examiner's determination that O'Keefe's manner of death was undetermined. Proctor says it didn't matter because they would still continue with the investigation.

After learning from another trooper about medical examiner's ruling, Proctor texted, "Of course it's undetermined. She was a whack job." Jackson says Proctor was referring to the female medical examiner as "a whack job." Proctor says he can't remember who is was talking about.

Jackson asks if Proctor put pressure on the medical examiner to change her opinion. Proctor says no. Jackson shows this text message where a co-worker wrote to Proctor: "Rookie move not going into a meeting with the ME and getting that homicide determination.”

Jackson asks if Proctor is aware that Jen McCabe deleted calls and message before turning it over to him. Proctor says no but agrees finding out that info would be important in an investigation.

Proctor says he never seized phones from the Alberts, says it "never crossed my mind" that those phones would reveal that he knew some of the Alberts.

Jackson shows this text message from Canton PD officer Kevin Albert, brother of the homeowner at 34 Fairview Rd. Proctor says he did not tell Albert that it was inappropriate for him to be involved in the investigation.

Proctor acknowledges he and Kevin Albert go to the same gym and sometimes go out drinking together. "I don't consider that a relationship.”

In July '22, after drinking together, Proctor texted Kevin Albert that he'd left his badge in Proctor's cruiser. Jackson: "You were drinking and driving in your cruiser?”

Jackson asks about collection of O'Keefe's clothing from the hospital. Jackson asks about the chain of custody, says there's no evidence log until March 14th for the clothing.

Proctor says he "incorrectly transcribed the time" when he seized Read's SUV, then used that time as a "template" in future reports.

Jackson says the state police have other nearby heated garages where the SUV could have been stored, instead of the Canton Police Department.

Jackson asks if Proctor "held back videos" from the Canton Police Dept surveillance. Proctor says he did not.

Proctor says he learned a few weeks from Lt Tully about another video from inside the Canton PD garage. Proctor says he reviewed this video. (This is the video that was originally shown to the jury as inverted.)

Proctor says he noticed gaps in the video and noticed that the timestamp was inverted. Says the video, as he originally saw it, was not inverted.

Testimony (after lunch recess) continued:

Proctor says he did not delete any videos from O'Keefe's Ring camera system, including a segment showing when Read returned home that night.

In a text message, Proctor wrote to his sister that he hoped Read would kill herself. He testifies that it's a figure of speech.

Jackson concludes his cross-examination with a list of the offensive language Proctor used for Read and says "Shame on you." The judge reprimands Jackson for the comment.

Prosecutor Adam Lally begins his redirect questioning by asking why Proctor hates defense attorney Yannetti. Proctor responds he's dragged his name through the dirt over an investigation that was done "with the utmost integrity.”

Proctor says there was no evidence that Brian Alert was involved in anyway. Says he determined Read was guilty based on her statements at the scene, the one shoe found, the taillight fragments and her part of travel after the incident.

Proctor says O'Keefe's cell phone data shows he was about 1/2 mile away when Colin Albert left 34 Fairview Road, says "they never crossed paths.”

Proctor: Colin Albert was the subject of a third-party culprit strategy with no evidence to back that up. Says his office later felt it was necessary to interview Albert to dispel that theory.

Proctor says he had to ask Kevin Albert for his address so he could return his badge after it was left in Proctor's cruiser. Prosecutor Lally is trying to show that Proctor didn't know Albert well enough to know his address.

Proctor is listing the reasons why he had already concluded on Jan 29th that Read was guilty: she was last person to see him alive; SUV was seen house; O'Keefe never went inside; his injuries in the hospital; taillight pieces found at the scene.

On redirect, Jackson points out Kevin Albert knew where Proctor lived because Proctor offered to leave his badge in his mailbox.

Jackson to Proctor: "You had an agenda from moment one." And later, "Sort of like the fox guarding the henhouse.”

Karen Read looks at her attorney Alan Jackson as he questions Trooper Michael Proctor.

Next prosecution witness: Lt. Brian Tully. He is in charge of the MSP detective unit within the Norfolk County District Attorney's Office.


From earlier, here's the moment Proctor was asked about a text message in which he wrote hopefully Karen Read would kill herself.

Tully says he had a long conversation, expressed his displeasure when he learned about Proctor's text messages. Says he admonished Proctor and reported the messages "up the chain of command.”

Tully is describing the search of the scene and how they found O'Keefe's sneaker and taillight fragments, then how that evidence was collected and stored.

Tully holds up some of the red taillight pieces found at the scene.


Is she on the defense list? I want her to be asked about deleting the texts from her daughters. Didn't she say Proctor told her she could do that or did she just say "they" said she could? Proctor, today, said he wasn't aware she deleted anything (which of course was most likely a lie). IMO
To my eyes the shoes match.

Images taken from today's trial stream.
Agreed. First saw it on X that the shoe was planted, one bottom of the shoe is white and the other bottom of the shoe is black. I thought the same, esp. after seeing the pic, but when I look close, the bottom of the (core of the shoe) shoe is white. The shoes match. moo

But, then... wow...

Was the evidence collected on 1/29/22 @ 6 pm ( from a previously unsecured crime scene) ever logged in to an evidence log? And when if ever did this ^^ evidence go to the lab for tech to play with?
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what are these cops, drinking, driving cop cars smashed, losing guns and badges. Poor people of canton, there is nobody watching out for them.JMOO
Yikes……!!! ^^^ …. and I am only on page 25 trying to catch up. Thanks to all that have included highlights of today.

And yes wishbone that is summarized nicely. I would possibly add one other of what some of these individuals are doing based on evidence and testimony thus far. Potentially compromising a police investigation or possibly even covering up some aspects of one IMO?

It seems that the FBI and internal affairs investigations might have a lot of additional evidence and testimony to work through based on proctor’s testimony alone IMO. Wonder if the release of that completed investigation might now be slightly delayed? MOO

PS….. could you imagine if A&E had done a version of Live PD with these officers? MOO
Was the evidence collected on 1/29/22 @ 6 pm ( from a previously unsecured crime scene) ever logged in to an evidence log? And when if ever did this ^^ evidence go to the lab for Ms Forensic Puzzles to play with?

I thought Proctor said there was no evidence log from January to March
And since there's no evidence log, we are left with testimony that pieces were being collected for what seemed to me like a week of drive-bys.

Confusing indeed but I really think this was intentionally meant to be confusing! MOO

Today Proctor testified that they never record their interviews. It sounded like some kind of policy. I don't understand that at all. I can't think of a single legitimate reason that a law enforcement agency wouldn't record their contacts with civilians. I can think of a bunch of non-legitimate reasons, though.

This case would have gone very differently if the officers were equipped with body cameras and the interviews were conducted in an appropriate manner (held at a police station, each witness spoken to separately and the conversations recorded). If that had been done, John O'Keefe's family would be getting justice instead of this farce.
Yikes……!!! ^^^ …. and I am only on page 25 trying to catch up. Thanks to all that have included highlights of today.

And yes wishbone that is summarized nicely. I would possibly add one other of what some of these individuals are doing based on evidence and testimony thus far. Potentially compromising a police investigation or possibly even covering up some aspects of one IMO?

It seems that the FBI and internal affairs investigations might have a lot of additional evidence and testimony to work through based on proctor’s testimony alone IMO. Wonder if the release of that completed investigation might now be slightly delayed? MOO

PS….. could you imagine if A&E had done a version of Live PD with these officers? MOO
Things are a mess up in canton, that's for sure. I have heard that FBI investigations take a long time, but we will see. They seem to have fallen into this case while looking at something else, maybe close by if you know what I mean. Anyway, guess we wait to see how things play out.JMOO
Today Proctor testified that they never record their interviews. It sounded like some kind of policy. I don't understand that at all. I can't think of a single legitimate reason that a law enforcement agency wouldn't record their contacts with civilians. I can think of a bunch of non-legitimate reasons, though.

This case would have gone very differently if the officers were equipped with body cameras and the interviews were conducted in an appropriate manner (held at a police station, each witness spoken to separately and the conversations recorded). If that had been done, John O'Keefe's family would be getting justice instead of this farce.

Hopefully the whole department is going to receive a complete overhaul after this case is over. I also thought it was nuts when he said that is policy. This is 2024!
Yikes……!!! ^^^ …. and I am only on page 25 trying to catch up. Thanks to all that have included highlights of today.

And yes wishbone that is summarized nicely. I would possibly add one other of what some of these individuals are doing based on evidence and testimony thus far. Potentially compromising a police investigation or possibly even covering up some aspects of one IMO?

It seems that the FBI and internal affairs investigations might have a lot of additional evidence and testimony to work through based on proctor’s testimony alone IMO. Wonder if the release of that completed investigation might now be slightly delayed? MOO

PS….. could you imagine if A&E had done a version of Live PD with these officers? MOO

Wasn’t BA featured on that show, Boston’s Finest? I watched it when it was airing back in the day so can’t remember him on there. Be interesting to go take a look again though.
Proctor admits that he watched the Sally Port Video that wasn't inverted and had the timestamp showing correctly, implying that someone took deliberate steps to show the inverted video in court. At least that was my interpretation.
Ok…. And please help me if someone might….. I thought the time stamp on the inverted video* showed timestamp numbers in blue across the bottom also in a correct readable format? (I.e. not reversed).

So are there therefore two versions available inverted & correct view? And both having a correct time format?

And what have we seen in court evidence? Yes…. I am confused…….

And then becomes a question IMO - who was asked to provide and deliver the garage video display format(s) for evidence? And by whom? (Almost seems that IIRC there is possibly two versions….. at least one of which might be called ‘doctored evidence’ IMO.)

*Inverted video…. Where we saw the driver get out of the driver’s door (which to the uninformed viewer appears to be the passenger side (falsely) or of a right hand drive vehicle (which is not the case here). MOO
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